高考英语二轮专题总复习 语法精选代词it用法讲义.doc_第1页
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2012届高考英语二轮专题总复习语法精选代词it用法讲义it 的用法在高考经常被考查,仔细分析一下近几年的高考试题,我们不难发现,it用法主要是围绕其作代词时的用法、其作引导词的用法和其表示强调的用法的考查,本文就此作一归类透视,并提出一些提示,希望能对同学们很好地复习备考it这一用法有所帮助。考点一、it作代词时的用法 1用作人称代词,代替前文提到的事,例如: the snake is not a warmblooded animal. its a cold blooded one. 蛇不是温血动物,它是冷血动物。2用以代替指示代词,例如: -whats this ? - its a book. -这是什么? - 这是一本书。3起指示代词的作用,指一个人或事物,例如: -whos knocking at the door ? - its me .-谁在敲门? - 是我。 4指时间、季节、天气、距离、环境等,例如: its very cold outside. put on more clothes. 外面非常冷,多穿点衣服。5.替代词“it, one与that”区别和联系it用来指代前面提到的同一个事物或人;one用来指代前面同名异物的名词, 指的是同类中的一个,所以属于泛指,相当于“a/an+名词”。one只能代替可数名词,其复数形式是ones;that用来指代前面同名异物的名词,指的是同类中的一个,属于特指,相当于“the+名词”。that既能代替不可数名词,也能代替可数名词,其复数形式是those。do you need my pen? no, thanks, i have got one. (= a pen)你要用我的钢笔吗?不,我自己有一支。the weather in beijing is colder than that in shanghai. (= the weather 不可数名词)北京的气候要比上海(的气候)冷得多。 【高考链接】1.一have you heard the latest news? 一no,what _?ais itbis there care they dare those2.in my opinion, life is the twenty-first century is much easier than _ athat used to bebit is used to cit was used todit used to be3.there is still a copy of the book in the library. wall you go and borrow _?no, id rather buy _in the bookstore.a. it; oneb. one; onec. one ; itd. it; it考点二、引导词it 的用法 1作形式主语,当动词不定式、动名词或从句作主语时,通常把它们放在谓语之后,而用it 作句子的形式主语。例如: it took me 3 hours to get home last night. 昨晚我花了三个小时才到家。(不定式作主语) its no use trying to explainim not interested. 解释没有用我不感兴趣。(动名词作主语) it appears that geoffery might change his mind. 杰斐里可能改变主意。(that 从句作主语) it wasnt very clear what she meant. 她是什么意思不是很清楚。(what引导的从句作主语) 【高考链接】1. _ felt funny watching myself on tv. a. one b. this c. it d. that2._ is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy. a. as b. thatc. thisd. it 2. it 用作形式宾语。不定式、动名词短语或名词性从句作宾语时,如果后面带有宾语补足语,常用it作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语放在宾语补足语后面。例如:he found it very difficult to stop smoking.the professor thinks it no good reading without understanding.【高考链接】1.he didnt make _clear when and where the meeting would be held. a .this b. that c it d. these2.as the busiest woman in norton, she made _ her duty to look after all the other peoples affairs in that town. a. thisb. that c. one d. it考点三、it 用作强调时的用法用于强调结构,要强调句子的某一部分(通常是主语、状语、宾语)可以把it 当作先行词,这种句子的结构是: “it is (was) + 被强调的部分+ that(who )+ 句子其余部分”。如果强调的主语部分是人,可用who代替that。在这种结构中,it 不可用this或that替代。例如: it was i who / that meet an old friend of my fathers in the street yesterday. (强调主语) it was an old friend of my fathers that i met in the street yesterday. (强调宾语) it was yesterday that i met an old friend of my fathers in the street. (强调时间状语,注意不可用when 代替that) it was in the street that i met an old friend of my fathers yesterday. (强调地点状语,注意不可用where 代替) 注意:下面两个句子第一个句子是时间状语从句,要用when;第二个句子是强调句式,要用that。 it was dec. 18th when she was born. 她出生那天是12月18日。 it was on dec.18th that she was born. 她是12月18日出生的。【高考链接】1.it is not who is right but what is right _is of importance. a. which b. it c. that d. this 2.it was after he got what he had desired _ he realized it was not so important. a. thatb. whenc. sinced. as【高考练兵】i. 单项填空:1. i like _ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright. a. this b. that c. it d. one2. it was with great joy _ he received the news that his lost daughter had been found. a. becauseb. whichc. since d. that 3. it was _ back home after the experiment.a. not until midnight did he go b. until midnight that he didnt goc. not until midnight that he went d. until midnight when he didnt go 4. why! i have nothing to confess. _ you want me to say? a. what is it that b. what it is thatc. how is it that d. how it is that 5. it was only with the help of the local guide _. a. was the mountain climber rescued b. that the mountain climber was rescued c. when the mountain climber was rescued d. then the mountain climber was rescued 6. it is these poisonous products _ can cause the symptoms of the flu, such as headache and aching muscles. a. who b. that c. how d. what7. it was because of bad weather _ the football match had to be put off.a. so b. so that c. why d. that8. - he was nearly drowned once.- when was _?- _ was in 1998 when he was in middle school. a. that; it b. this; this c. this; it d. that; this9. the parkers bought a new house but _ will need a lot of work before they can move in. a. they b. it c. one d. which10. it was for this reason _ her uncle moved out of new york and settled down in a small village.a. which b. why c. that d. how11. it is the ability to do the job _ matters not where you come from or what you are. a. one b. that c. what d. it12. someone is ringing the doorbell. go and see _. a. who is he b. who he is c. who is it d. who it is 13. it was how the young man had learned five foreign languages _ attracted the audiences interest.a. so that b. that c. what d. in which 14. was _ that i saw last night at the concert? a. it you b. not you c. you d. that yourself ii. 单句改错:1.it is no good to keep this secret.2.it was a new pen which mother gave me .3.it was in the classroom when i left my umbrella.4.there is twenty miles from here to our school.5.there are a lot of apples in the basket, please pick out the rotten those. 6.nothing could make her change her views, could they? 7.its reporting that the president will come to visit our school. 8.i have made that clear that nobody is allowed to smoke here.iii. 翻译下列句子1.是我该受责怪。2.昨天来的是你叔叔。3.火车是在十一点钟离开。4.我正是照他吩咐的那样做的。5.正是因为他处境困难我才尽力帮助他。6.和她争论是浪费精力。iv. 完成下列句子,并体会该句的用法:1.the bridge built of steel is stronger than _ built of stone. 那座钢筋桥笔那座石桥坚固的多。2.my book is missing. i cant find it anywhere. 我的书不见了,我到处都找不到它。 3.jack is ill. have you heard about it? 杰克生病了。你听说了吗? 4.who is _? 那是谁? _ my friend. 是我的朋友。 5._ a long way to the post office. 这儿离邮局很远。 6.everything is prepared well, isnt _? 一切都准备好了,不是吗?7._ is very difficult to finish the task in such a short time. 在如此短的时间内完成任务很困难。 8.i found _impossible to get there on time. 我发现按时到那儿是不可能的。 9._ is no use learning these figures by heart. 记住这些数字没有用。 10._ is five months since i smoked. 我已有5个月不吸烟了。 答案与简析:i. 1. c。句中like为及物动词,后面需要跟宾语。like之后不可直接接从句作宾语。it可用于某些动词(如hate, appreciate等)之后构成惯用法。2. d。考查强调句型。被强调部分是句子的状语with great joy。3. c。考查强调句型。强调句型中,强调until引导的时间状语(从句)时,通常要把not置于 until之前。4. a。考查强调句型的特殊疑问句。其结构是“特殊疑问词+ is / was + it + that .?”。what在句中作say的宾语。5. b。考查强调句型。被强调部分是句子的状语only with the help of the local guide。6. b。考查强调句型。被强调部分是句子的主语these poisonous products。7. d。考查强调句型。被强调部分是句子的状语because of bad weather。8. a。第一空用that指代he was nearly drowned once. 这一过去发生的事情;第二空的it指代第一空的that。9. b。此处it指代前面的a new house。it指代上文提到的同一事物,为特指,而one通常指代同类事物中的某一个。10. c。考查强调句型。被强调部分是句子的状语for this reason。11. b。考查强调句型。题干部分的句子结构较复杂,被强调部分是not where you come from or what you are (but) the ability to do the job。为了平衡句子结构,把not where you come from or what you are 移至句尾。12. d。此处it用作人称代词,指不明身份、性别的人。宾语从句应用陈述语序。


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