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山东省菏泽市2013-2014学年高二英语上学期期中试题(扫描版,无答案)新人教版20132014学年度高二上学期学分认定测试 英语 参 考 答 案1-15 cadaa bdbcd cadcb16-35 acbcd dbadb acdbc cadbb36-60 cdbdc dacbc dcdba dcbaa dcdba61. examined 62. puzzled 63. constantly 64. approved 65. ambulances 66. cautious 67. consistent 68. impression 69. thorough 70. bravery (以上10题,形式不正确的不给分。)71. you are not reading them. (要求给出的答案能保持与上下文的连贯性,而且与参考的意思相近。)72.食物和饮料对你的书籍来说可能是危险的,因此,最好的办法就是读书的时候不要吃喝。(要求在准确、全面的基础上,翻译成较为通顺的汉语,并表达作者的思路。)73. how to take care of your books. (依据与文章整体内容的相关程度酌情给分。)74. because the ink may damage your book forever.(要求给出的答案语法正确,内容齐全。)75. youd better use a book cover to keep your books in the best condition.(要求准确找出以上的句子。)写作参考范文:dear linda,first, i want to tell you that you are not alonemillions of other students have felt this way and many thousands feel this way right now. since you already know your grades are important, you should understand what you are doing right now will have a large influence on how well you will do next year. so think about what you want to do with your future and try to make your dream come true. thats the long-term reward which may help to give you the push to study hard now.that doesnt mean, however, that you can t have fun now. you still have your weekends and some time after school. then the answer is to plan your days. make a timetable for each day that shows you what time you must use for school and what time you can have for relaxation. things like playing outdoor games, watching videos or chatting with your friends can surely make you feel refreshed.the school year wont last forever, my friend, and you will be out there in the suns


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