



Unit8 Our dreams.(Story time)第一课时丹徒区黄墟中心小学 殷涛一、教学内容Unit8 Our dreams.(Story time)二、教材分析:本单元的话题是“我的梦想”,旨在通过此话题的讨论,引导学生树立正确的价值观,心怀梦想并未实现自己的梦想而努力奋斗。Story time讲述了Miss Li和学生们一起畅谈他们的梦想,表达了对美好未来的向往。本单元的目标词汇都和职业相关,可充分利用五年级上册Unit5 What do they do?的相关词汇设计教学活动,拓展一些常见的职业词汇,丰富教学内容。本单元的重点句型是want to be结构,应在教学时结合五年级上册Unit5 What do they do?中的句型What do you/they do?和What does he/she do?导入这一用法。三、教学目标:1.整体感知并能准确理解和掌握Story time的内容,了解文中人物的梦想。2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词dream, future, tooth。3.能听懂、会说、会读词汇care about, dentist,astronaut, spaceship, football player, World Cup, dancer, pianist, come true。4.能听懂、会说、会读句型What do you want to be in the future? I want to (be)四、教学重点:正确掌握dentist,astronaut,football player,dancer, pianist等职业类单词,并学会正确运用句型What do you want to be in the future? I want to (be)表达文中人物的梦想。五、教学难点:能听懂、会说、会读词汇astronaut, pianist,并能理解,正确朗读,表演Story time,并能自编类似话题。六、教学准备:1教具准备:PPT课件2教学准备:学生预习故事(1)听录音,并自读课文3遍。(2)试着完成预习单(P80 Match and say,think and write).(3)回忆并试着写一写表示职业类的词汇,并读一读。3板书准备:写好课题。七、课时:第1课时八、教学过程:(模式)Before lesson: Enjoy a song“Be what you want to be.”Step 1.Revision(复习引入)1.Free talkT: What do you think of this song “Be what you want to be.”?S: Its about jobs.2.Talk bout jobsT: What jobs do you know?S:(让学生进行发散性思维,相机复习职业类词汇。)Step2.Show time(预习展示)1.Teach the words about jobs.T: Do you know these jobs? (呈现a dentist, an astronaut, a dancer, a football player, a pianist职业图片,并教学词汇。)S:(学生反馈预习情况,重点指导a dentist, an astronaut,a pianist的发音,注意dentist与doctor区别。)2.Teach the sentences: What do you want to be in the future? I want to (be)T: Do you want to be a/an?S: T: What do you want to be in the future?(注意指导in the future)S:I want to be(相机呈现此两句型,并让学生进行句型操练)4. 揭示课题:Unit8 Our dreams.(Story time)T: You all have a dream. So Lets learn Unit8 Our dreams.Step 3 Presentation(任务导学)Task1:Look and answerQ: Miss Li is asking the students about their dreams.Guess! What do they want to be?(运用句型,预测课文内容)Task2:Watch the cartoon, then Match and say.1.Q: What do they want to be in the future?(观看卡通,搜集信息)2.Match and say(书上P80)3. Ask and answer: T: What does Mike/ want to be in the future?(结合重点句型,反馈信息,并相机板书。) S:4.Try to say.Liu Tao wants to be(进一步强化对重点句型的训练)Task3:Read and underlineQ: Why do they have these dreams?(学生自读课文,四人小组讨论,合作学习,整理信息)(相机教学care about,a spaceship,a football player, in the World Cup)Task4:Read and think.Q: Whats Miss Lis dream?(细读课文,完善信息) (相机指导词汇:come true)Step4.Practise(新知训练)1.Read the story.(1)Read after the tape.(2) Choose your favourite way to read.(选择喜欢的方式朗读)2.Group work (六人小组,根据板书,分别介绍课文中人物的梦想。)Step5.Consolidation(巩固拓展)1.Think and write.(P80)T: After class Miss Li wants to write about her students dreams. Can you help her complete the notes? (学生学习后,自查预习情况,并反馈,注意指导take care of, be good at+动词ing)2. Serial story(续编故事:Willy the dreamer)3.情感升华:Try your best, you can be you want to be! Or youll be a daydreamer.(与开课的歌曲相呼应。)4.完成课时练习。Step6.Homework1. 熟读课文3遍,并背诵。2. 续编Willy的梦想,丰富绘本。3. 继续完成课时练习。板书设计: Unit8 Our dreams(story time)Mikewant(s) to be dentistwant tocare about their teeth, help childrenWang Bingastronautfly a spaceship to the MoonLiu Taofootball playerplay in the World CupSu Haidancermake people healthy and beautiful.Nancywriterwrite stories for childrenYang Lingpianistmake people happy.本节课为第一课时教学,是结合我校英语课堂教学模式设计的一节课,在复习引入环节,通过让学生感知歌曲Be what you want to be.并通过和学生谈论职业,让学生进行发散性思维,相机复习职业类词汇,为本节课的学习做好铺垫;在预习展示环节反馈学生预习情况,重点指导a dentist, an astronaut,a pianist的发音,并将dentist与doctor区别,同时引出本节课新授句型What do you want to be in the future?并揭示课题,引出Our dreams并进入文本部分的学习;在任务导学环节,我主要设计了三个任务:Task1:Look and answer结合句型,引导学生预测插图中人物的梦想,及巩固运通句型,又预测了文本,Task2.Watch and match,通过观看卡通,结合句型What doeswant to be in the future?让学生搜集信息,并相机反馈,板书;Task3:Read and underline,通过问题Why do they have these dreams?让学生自读课文,四人小组讨论,合作学习,整理信息;Task4:Read and think.以问题 Whats Miss Lis dream?指导学生,细读课文,完善信息;在新知训练环节安排了朗读课文和复述课文的练习,既加强对学生读和说的练习,强化知识的语用;


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