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Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes复习目标1、 语言目标1) Talking about what you are allowed to do or not2) Agree and disagree (谈论被允许干什么或不被允许干什么,以及对某件事同意或不同意)2、 知识目标含有情态动词should的被动语态3、 能力目标通过本单元所学知识,学会使用被动语态一、 重点知识1、 重点单词license silly study present volunteer experience member sleepy reply achieve race taught importance succeed point基本要求:can read ,can write ,can use2、 重点短语Instead of , stay up ,concentrate on ,at present , old peoples home , in the way ,care about , drivers license , spend time with sb , go shopping , be strict with sb ,be strict in sth .基本要求:会读 会写 会用二、 复习导学案例析导学1、 Sixteenyearolds should be allowed to get their ears pierced .get , v. 意为 “使,让”。Get sth done 结构相当于have sth done ,意为“使.被做,让某人做某事”。【拓展】(1)get 作动词,意为“得到,获得”eg .She got good marks (2)get作动词,意为“收到”Eg.She got a letter from home .(3)get作动词,意为“买”Eg .I got the dictionary for five yuan .(4) get 作动词,意为“有”(用于现在完成时)Eg .Have you got a pen ?(5) get作动词,意为“到达”Eg .Write to me as soon as you get to the USA .(6) get 作动词,意为“变得”Eg .It is getting warmer and warmer .(7) get 作动词,物作主语意为“进展”;人作主语,意为“生活,过活”。Eg .The business is getting along very well .How is your brother getting along ?2、 They arent serious enough .enough adj. 意为“足够的”【拓展】 (1)enough 作形容词,意为“足够的”,修饰可数名词或不可数名词。Eg .He has enough money .(2) enough 作副词,意为“充分地”Eg . She singswell enough .(3) enough 作名词,意为“足够,充分”Eg . There is enough here to feed the whole family .3 、He needs to spend time with friends .spend v. 意为“消磨(时光)【拓展】 (1)spend .with sb 和某人消磨时光Eg . His father spent a happy time with him . (2) spend.on sth 意为“某物花多少钱(或时间)”Eg .I spent 200 yuan on the new bike .(3) spend (in ) doing sth 意为“做某事花多少钱或多少时间Eg .He spent one hour doing his homework .4、 He doesnt seem to have many friends seem v . 意为 “似乎,好像”【拓展】 (1)Seem to do sth 好像做某事Eg . He seems to eat something .(2)seem + ( to be ) adj 好像Eg . The little girl seems shy .( The little girl seems to be shy )(3) It seems that + 从句 好像Eg , It seems that you are right .5、 Anna is allowed to choose hr own clothes .allow v. 意为 “允许”【拓展】 (1) allow doing sth 允许干某事Eg . My father allowed watching Tv on weekends .(2) allow sb to do sth 允许某人干某事Eg . My father allowed me to watch Tv on weekends .1、 How do they like to study ?study . n . 意为“学习”【拓展】(1) study 作动词,意为“学习”Eg . He studies in a middle school .(2) study 作名词,意为“书房”Eg . My father is reading in his study .2、 Parents should not be too strict with teenagers .strict adj. 意为“严格的”【拓展】 (1)be strict with sb 对某人要求严格Eg . Mr. Smith is strict with his sun .(2) be strict in sth 对某事要求严格Eg . The teacher is strict in his work .3、 At present they are too short .present n. 意为“目前,现在”【拓展】 (1)present作名词,意为“礼物”Eg . My friend gave me a birthday present .(2) present作动词,意为“赠送,送给”Eg. I present her with an album .(3) present作形容词,意为“出席的”Eg . He wasnt present at the meeting .专项训练(一)1、He s up for his favorite TV programme last night .2、Parents should not be too s with teenagers.3、Your classroom is so dirty . Everyone should keep it A . dry B . open C . clean D . quiet4、Although he is only a boy . He knows a lot .A . five year old B ,five-year-oldC . five-years-old D . five-year-olds5、 ,the holidays are too short .A . To present B . At present C . In present D . About present6、First of all, the teachers must be strict their students .A . at B . in C . for D . with7、Walking is good our health .A .in B . for C . to D . at8、Tim likes Chinese, so does Rose .(合并为一句) Tim Rose Chinese .专项练习(二)1、Dont worry .He is to take care of little Betty .A . carefully enough B . careful enough C . enough enough D . enough carefully2、Are these pants for me to wear ?A . enough long B . enough longer C . long enough D . longer enough3、Why , Tom , didnt you get your bike ?A . mend B . to mend C . mending D . mended4、My mother have me the flowers .A . watering B . watered C . to water D . water5、The teacher allowed games after class .A . play B . to play C . playing D . played6、The students are allowed games after class .A . play B . to play C . playing D . played7、The book is too hard to read .( 同义句转换 .)The book is not to read .8、The food seems bad .(同义句转换) that the food bad . 9、He spent half an hour (finish) doing his homework .句析导学1、I dont think sixteen-year olds should be allowed to drive .我认为十六岁青少年不应该被允许驾驶。本句是think后省略了that的宾语从句。本句中think前的dont为否定前移,形式上否定主句,而意义上却否定从句,类似用法的动词有 believe , expect , suppose .Eg .-Do you think he is right ? -No . I dont think he is right .2、 So do we .我们也是。这是倒装句。So +助动词/情态动词/ 系动词be + 主语 表示前面所述情况也适用于后者,在时态上应和前句保持一致,此句主语与前句主语应不同。注意被动语态的结构。Eg . Tom can play the violin , so can his sister .、I think Peter should be allowd to take the test later .I think.后接宾语从句,表达自己观点的句子Eg -.I think this story is moved . -I agree .3、 What kind of ?这是一个用来询问事物种类的句子。Eg . -What kind of books do you like best ? -I like story books best .4、 The problem is that all my classmats think the uniforms are ugly .本句是一个双重复合句。首先是由that引导的表语从句,在表语从句中包含一个省略that的宾语从句。表语从句要放在联系动词的后面,所用的关联词除if外都可以。Eg . 1)My question is whether you understand this sentence .1) That is why we should learn English we专项训练(三)1、-She can speak English .-(她的哥哥也如此)2、-He is a good teacher . - -(我也是)3、I think sixteen-year-oldsshould be allowed to drive .(改为否定句)I think sixteen-year-olds should to drive .4、We have worked for three hours .Now lets stop a rest .A had B have C to have D having 5、 We had a party having classes last Friday .A . instead B instead of C but D still6、They didnt let the students take books out of the readingroom .(同义句转换)The students to take books out of the readingroom .7、Mr, Wang wont go to Beijing .Mr.Zhang will go instead .(合并为一句)Mr, Zhang will go to Beijing Mr. Wang .8、Students slippers when they are at school.A . dont allow to wear B . are not allowed to wear C . are not allowed D . are not allowed wearing2、去年我有一次去北京学习的机会。I an study in Beijing .3、I think exercise is a good way to keep healthy .A . take B .taking C make D . of taking4、Its very cold outside. You had better your coat .A . put on B . wear C . dress D to put on 4、词语辨析1、 instead和instead of 1)instead adv . 表示“代替,而不是,却”,作状语,常放在句首或句末。Eg . Let him go instead .2) instead of 表示“代替,而不是”,后可跟名词、代词、动名词、和介词短语。Eg . I will go to Hainan instead of you .2、 allow 和 let两者都表示“让”2) allow 多用于非正式的英语中,程度比let弱。Eg . Peter was allowed to go to the park .2) let 不带to的不定式作宾补,一般不用于被动式,被动式一般用allow代替。Eg . Let Peter go to the park .3、 stop doing sth 和stop to do sth1) stop doing sth 表示停止正在做的事情eg . The students stopped reading .2) stop to do sth 表示停下来去做某事eg . The students stopped to read . 专项练习Unit 4 What would you do ?一、 教学目标1、 语言目标Talking about imaginary situations .(谈论虚构情景)2、知识目标 表示现在及将来情况的虚拟条件句所引起的虚拟语气的用法与结构。3、能力目标根据本单元所学知识,让学生能对与现在事实,过去事实及将来事实相反的事用虚拟条件句表达。二、 重点知识1、重点单词Medical research tie worry energetic confident permission herself bother annoy fairly plenty listener knowledgable rest shelf cover deep correct burn knee hurt offer refuse helpful 基本要求 会读 会写 会用2、 重点短语What if ., notin the slightest ,plenty of , get along with ., letdown, come up with , com out , rather than , hidefrom , take a long walk , ask ones permission , right away .基本要求 会读 会写 会用3、 重点语法虚拟语气基本要求 理解其含义,会用虚拟条件句表达不能实现的愿望、假设、怀疑、建议、猜测、可能或纯粹的空想。三、 导学案Section A例析导学1、 What would you do if you had a million ?million num . 意为“百万”【拓展】 (1)millions n . 意为“无数”Eg . She has millions of money .(2) million n . 意为“百万元”Eg . He is worth three millions.2、 Student A talk about you worries .worry n . 意为“ 烦恼”【拓展】 (1) worry v 。 意为“使发烦,打扰”Eg . Dont worry me ,I am busy .(2) worry v . 意为“发愁,着急”Eg . There is no need to wory .(3) worry about sb /sth 短语,意为“担心某人/某物”Eg . You mustnt worry about your cat .I can look after it .3、 Id give it to medical research .research n . 意为“研究”【拓展】 research v . 意为“调查,研究”Eg . He is researching into a certain subject .4、 The foods you eat could help with this problem .help v . 意为“帮助”【拓展】 (1) help sb with sth 意为“帮助某人某事”Eg .Xiao Wang helps me with my work .(2) help sb (to) do sth 意为“帮助某人做某事”Eg . The boys help Mr Wang carry the heavy box .专项训练1、 children in America have little to eat ,and you can really help them if you want .A . Million of B . Two millions C . Millions of D . Two million of 2、There were about two people watching the football match yesterday .A . Million of B . million C . Millions of D . Two million of 3、There are (thousand) of students in the university .4、Taking a long way before goimg to bed can help you before exams .A . relaxed B . relaxing C .relax D . relaxes5、The little boy helped his mother cook breakfast .(同义句)The little boy his mother breakfast .6、The mother worries about her son very much . (同义句)The mother her son very much .句析导学1、 He is late for the party . 他晚会迟到了。当表达某人做某事迟到时,我们常用短语 be late for 表示。Eg . -I am sorry I am late for school . -It doesnt matter ,but you should be on time next time.2、 If I were you , I d wear a shirt and tie .如果我是你,我会穿衬衣打领带。我永远成不了你,所以在表达“如果我是你,我就。”时,用If I were you .表示是不能实现的。Eg . - What would you do if you have a million dollars ? -If I were you , I would give it to charity .3、 What if I don,t know anyone ?要是我谁也不认识怎么办?What if .意为“倘使。将会怎样?”相当于从句为一般现在时态的条件状语从句,if 后需用陈述语气。Eg . -What if I dont know the way to the bus stop ? -You can ask the police .专项训练1、A : I will have a birtherday party .Can you come ? B :Yes .Id like to .But what if I dont find your house ? A : You can ask the police .教学设计一、课前读词听写朗读本单元重点单词短语二、出示本单元教学目标虚拟语气三、教学过程出示if引导的条件状语从句。在条件状语从句中,如果假设的不符合现在的实际情况,则主从句必须用虚拟语气,如:如果我是你,我就呆在家里。很明显,我不会成为你,必须用虚拟语气。让学生看例句,自己归纳虚拟语气结构If sb did / were +其他,sb. would / should / could /might + 动词原形。反复就其结构小组进行练习。可采用如下对话:What would you do if you were / did ?I would if I 同学间反复练习利用本部分听力内容进行练习词语辨析1、 medical /medicine(1) medical adj . 意为“医学的”eg . This is a medical book .2、 medicine n .意为“药”,不可数名词,take medicine 意为“吃药”eg . The doctor asks the boy to take medicine three times a day .3、 little /a little / few / a fewlittle 和 a little都可修饰不可数名词,few 和 a few 都可修饰可数名词复数(1) little和few表示否定,意为“少数”eg . Mum, I have little money .Can you give me some ?The boy is always thinking himself . He has few friends .(2) a little和a few表示肯定,意为“一点,一些”eg . They have a little water . There are a few books on the shelf .4、 bring / take两者都有“带,拿”的意思(1) bring v . 意为“拿来”,指从远处带到近处,或带到说话人都去的地方。Eg .Can you bring your book to school tomorrow ?(3) take v . 意为“拿走,指从近处拿到远处,或指随身携带。Eg . He takes away some books .5、 maybe / may两者都表示猜测,意为“可能“(1) maybe adv . 意为“可能,或许“,通常放在句子开头。Eg .Maybe he put his books in the bag .(2) may aux .v 意为“可能”,放在主语后面,并且其后的动词用原形。Eg . My mother may be at home now .专项练习1、Please rememer to after meals .A . take some medicines B .have medicine C .eat medicine D .take medicine2、Maybe she to the park .A . go B .goes C . to go D . going3、She may to the park .A . go B .goes C . to go D . going4、Dont worry .There is time left .A . a little B . little C . a few D . few5、She has few friends here . ? A . has she B . hasnt she C . does she D .doesnt she Section B 例析导学1、 Social situations dont bother you in the slightest .bother v . 意为“打扰”【拓展】 (1) bother n. 意为“麻烦”Eg . Did you have much bother (in) finding the house ?(2) bother n . 意为“讨厌的人或物”Eg . His lazy son is quite a bother to him .2、 and you enjoy the company of other people .company n . 意为“陪伴”【拓展】 (1) company n . 意为“伙伴”Eg . Company is coming for dinner .(2) company n . 意为“公司”Eg . He is working in a big company .3、 You like talking to one or two people rather than to a group .rather adj . “宁可,宁愿”【拓展】 (1)rather than 短语,意为“而不是”Eg . I like English rather than Chinese .(2)rather.than. 短语 ,意为“是。而不是。”Eg . This is rather for father to decide them for you .(4) would rather.than. 短语,意为“宁愿而不愿”,相当于短语prefer to do .rather than do.eg.He would rather deal with a man than with a woman .4、 People arent afriaid to speak in public .afriaid adj .意为“害怕的”【拓展】(1)be afriaid to do sth 短语,意为“害怕做某事”Eg.The little girl is afriaid to touch the litle dog .(2) be afriaid of sth 短语,“害怕某事”Eg. The children are usually afriaid of snakes .(3) be afriaid that 从句 意为“恐怕。”Eg.I am afriaid that you are wrong .(5) Your friends would probably say that you are easy to get along with .【拓展】 (1) get along with sb 意为“和某人相处。”eg.Tom gets along with his classmates .(2) get along with sth 意为“某事进展。”Tom gets along well with his work . 专项训练1、What would you do if someone asked you (be) in a movie ?2、No one helped Li Lei .He did it by .A . myself B . herself C . himself D . yourself3、He should answer the question you .A . instead B . than C . rather than D . more than 4、Jenny gave us on how to learn English well .A .some advices B . many advices C . some advice D . an advice5、我今晚宁愿呆在家里也不愿听音乐会。1)I stay at home go to the concert .2)I stay at home go to the concert .6、He has lived here for 20 years,so he has friends here .A . a lot B . lot of C . a plenty of D . plenty of7、The little girl isnt afriaid (go) out at night .8、I prefer to do sports rather than watch TV at home .(同义句)I do sports watch TV at home .句析导学1、 What would you do if someone asked you to be in a movie ?如果有人请你演电影你会怎么做?这是if引导的虚拟句。Eg. A :What would you do if you had a mollion ? B :I d give it to charity .2、What are you like ?你的性格如何?Like 是介词,意为“像”,这是询问某人性格的句子。Eg. A :Do you like Tom ? B :Yes. A :What is he like ? B :He is outgoing .专项训练1、A : Do you have enough money ? B : No , I havent . A :What would you do if you had enough money in the future ? B :Id give it to charity .2、A : Hello! Kate . B :Hello!Jim. A:Do you know Tim? B :Yeah . We are good friends . A :What is he like ? B :He is creative and outgoing .教学设计一、课前读词听写朗读本单元重点单词短语二、出示教学目标虚拟语气三、教学过程阅读文章,找出疑难问题,小组进行解决,教师予以点拨。 特别提醒:在虚拟语气中,I后用were ,而不用


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