江苏省句容市行香中学八年级英语上册 Unit 8 Natural disasters Task教案2 (新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
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江苏省句容市行香中学八年级英语上册 Unit 8 Natural disasters Task教案2 (新版)牛津版.doc_第4页




natural disasters一、 教学目标1 掌握并运用和描述自然灾害的词组和句型2 能看懂并写出流程图3 能根据流程图写出自然灾害的文章4 激发学生保护自然的意识以及引导他们如何在自然灾害中学会自我保护教学重点、难点1. 收集关于自然灾害的信息2. 看懂流程图,写出自然灾害的文章二、词汇、短语 (包括词的各类变形,构词,归类等)1.cover(n.)盖子,a cover;庇护所/v be covered with ,cover with 2. continue to do sth. = continue doing sth.=go on doing sth. = go on with sth.look out of. / look intocatch fire = be on fire3.be (badly/seriously) hurt三、句型(语法) 1. nearly adv. 几乎,将近my grandpa is nearly 70 years old.2. sharewith 和分享e.g. i shared an umbrella with him.3. keep falling 不停地下the snow kept falling at that time.4. hear the wind blowing 听见风刮的声音e.g. can you hear the wind blowing?【课前导学】一、预习课文并翻译下列重点词组1与某人分享一把伞. 2.车辆的噪音3.慢慢地走 4.继续下(雪) 5.铲除雪 6.跃倒 7.暴风雪袭击北京 8 从背后吹过来二、阅读书上p102的内容,完成书上p103的填空。 三、搜索相关素材回忆曾经经历的或通过电视,报纸等所知道的自然灾害,把信息记录在笔记本上,并画一张类似a部分的流程图.然后再一篇文章。【课堂学习】一、在组内和班内展示课前自学的重要知识点.二、revise what we have learnt the words of natural disasters.三、read sandys notes and complete the table:topic _introductionwhere did it happen?when did it happen?duringwhat was sandy doing?what did she do?what did she hear?what did she see?after where was she ?what did she hear?what did she see?how did she feel?四、help sandy complete her article using the notes in partap102.五、group work :structure of this article:para. _ after the snowstorm para. _ introduce para. _ during the snowstorm六、introduction:how to write about a natural disaster?(加一个写作评价标准)【课后拓展】一、根据句意及首字母提示,写出适当的单词形式。1. last time, after the big earthquake, sandy _(困住).2.because of the terrible d_,the boy lost his life.3. it was very foggy yesterday, there were a number of a_ in the street.4.when you are in danger, it is important to make you not _(紧张) and clam down.5. he had a bad cold, and the _ (牙痛) made him uncomfortable.二、根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。1. the man rushed into the house and saved those womens _ ( life ) .2. would you please _ (not prevent) me from becoming a member of the birdwatching club?3. ive got no idea about how _ (stay) alive in the wild.4. luke spent as little time as he could _ (play) computer games.5. the _ ( excite ) people all stood up and cheered for liu xiang. 6. jack said he _ (mop) the water up at that time.7. did you have a nice time _ (ski) last week ?8. i hope you (not make) the same mistake again.9. the earthquake happened and many people were _ ( terrible ) hurt.10. laura _ (learn) another language next year, isnt she?11. listen! i can hear an old woman _ ( scream ) for help in the next door.12. i was playing computer games while my father_ (read) newspapers.13. keep _ (work) on the problem, you will work it out soon.14. the heavy rain prevented us _ (go) out last weekend.15. he failed the exam, because he did most of his answers (correct).三、单项选择题( )1. there will be a heavy storm _ this evening. a. with thunder and lighting b. had thunder and lighting c. had thunder and lightning d. with thunder and lightning( )2. tom was cleaning the room while jack _tv. a. was watching b.is watching c. watches d. watched( )3. -what do you call these animals ?-we call them kangaroos . the structure of sentence is .a. s + v b. s + v + do c. s + v + io + do d. s + v + do + oc( )4,.when the flood was washing the village, people screamed - and ran all directions. a. in fear, with b. with fear, in c. in fear, in d. with fear , with ( )5. my mother often tells me to _when i am in trouble. a. come down b. slow down c. calm down d. get down( )6. we should do everything we can the birds in danger . a. protect b. protecting c. to protect d. protected( )7. the floor is very dirty. will you please _? a. to mop up it b. mop up it c. to mop it up d. mop it up ( )8. it was too cold , so they made a fire warm .a. keep b. to keep c. keeping d. kept ( )9. im sorry i _ my exercise book at home. dont forget _ it to school tomorrow, please. a. forgot, to take b. left, to bring c. forgot, to bring d. left, to take( )10. the earthquake _ when i _some cleaning.a. starts, was doing b. started, was doing c. was starting, was doing d. st


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