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九江一中2015-2016学年上学期期末考试高二英语试卷 满分:150分 考试时间:1月21 日 14:00-16:00 第i卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第1节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5 分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后面有一小题,从题中所给的a,b,c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。1. when is simon supposed to arrive?a. at 7:30 b. at 8:00 c. at 8:10 2. what day will the speakers go to the book fair?a. on sunday b. on monday c. on saturday 3. how many students are there in the speakers class?a.18 b.20 c.214. what time is it in new york? a. its 5:00 pm b. its 7:00 pm c. its 10:00 pm 5. how old might the man be?a. in his teens b. in his early twenties c. in his thirties 第2节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5 分)听下面五段对话或对白,每段对话或对白后面有几个小题,从题中所给的a,b,c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或对白前 ,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. where does the conversation take place?a. at the customs b. at a bar c. at a shop 7. how much should the man pay in total?a. 14.7 euros b. 18.5 euros c. 35 euros 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. what time do you think the plane takes off?a. at 9:55 b. at 10:05 c. at 10:55 9. what is probably tom?a. a captain b. a student c. a headmaster 10. what month do you think it is now?a. march b. july c. november 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。10. how does the man feel about his camera?a. he is very disappointed with it. b. he is satisfied with it. c. he just found something much better.11. how much did the man originally spend on the camera?a. $150 b. $160 c. $18012. what can we learn about the man?a .he is very kind to others. b. he is a good photographer.c. he doesnt manage his money wisely.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. why does the man need new furniture?a. his roommate wont share stuff with him.b. he has just moved into a new place.c. he has sold his old furniture.15. why does the woman recommend going near the university?a. there are a lot of garage sales there.b. students are selling their stuff cheaply.c. there are cheap furniture shops in the area.16. how much does the woman think the man needs?a. $250 b.$500 c.$1,000 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. what did the speaker show the listeners before the speech?a. videos and pictures. b. some pieces of music.c. some advertisements. 18. what was the ice bucket challenge for?a. selling justin biebers video.b. making the famous people more popular.c. raising money and bringing awareness to the als.19. how much money did the als raise in august this year?a. over $ 2.7 m b. over $9.8 m c. over $98 m20. what has made shannon murray feel uncomfortable?a. some peoples aim is to raise their own profile b. less people attended the challenge last year c. the uks water aid wastes a lot of water 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第1节 (共15个小题; 每题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的四个选项( a , b,c,d)中,选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 。 athailands phuket island is an internationally famous beach destination .beautiful sandy shores, separated by rocky headlands, give beauty to the entire west coast of the island, the largest in thailand .the surrounding andaman sea is warm, clear and inviting, one of phukets main attractions. onshore phuket is a welcoming place that can quickly begin to feel like home. more than 100,000 foreign residents have chosen to make a life here .foreigners from across the globe have joined into the local community, transforming phuket into a multicultural, international retirement destination. one of the biggest appeals is the cost of living. rent, especially, is a global bargain. you can find a comfortable rental for as little as $350 to $400 per month, and most rentals come fully furnished. all things considered, including groceries, entertainment and your own motorbike for transportation. a retired couple could live here on a monthly budget of as little as $1,000. phuket islands large foreign population is scattered throughout several towns and villages. patong is the largest town on the west coast; its the one famous for its nightlife. to the north and south of patong are the peaceful coastal towns of surin, kamala, kata, karon and many smaller villages. another reason phuket is so appealing as a retirement destination is that everything you need is available on the island, including top medical care and thailands second busiest international airport. locals like to point out that they never have to go to bangkok ever. phuket has something for nearly every budget .again , if your retirement budget is limited , you could live inland , in phuket town or in one of the smaller villages on the north or south ends of the island , and enjoy a very comfortable and full life on as little as $1,000 per month . if your nest egg is more generous, you could live an elegant and affordable lifestyle in patong or another upscale coastal village such as surin and karon. 21. many foreign residents mainly choose phuket _.a. because it is a famous beach destination b. because it is surrounded by the andaman seac. because the cost of living is quite acceptabled. because the multicultural society attracts them22. if a couple wants to stay in phuket for two months, the room charge at least costs _.a. $2,000 b.$700 c. $900 d. $1,00023. it can be concluded from the passage that _.a. the medical care in phuket is free of chargeb. patong is between some towns and villagesc. you cant go to phuket without taking a ship d. all the tourists like to live in the smaller villages24. the underlined part “nest egg” in the passage means_.a. birds home b. living expensec. current company d. retirement fundb my story is about a beggar and me and it took place in the busy streets of freetown, a modern city surrounded by beautiful mountains and golden beaches. the beggar, whose name i never knew, had a serious illness .his clothes were ragged, and he wore no shoes, and every day i would see him walking through the busy streets begging for money. after weeks of trying to beg money from me without success, he blocked my way one morning and demanding that i give him money .i threw a few pennies onto the ground and rushed away, but i knew at once that i could not continue to give him money. i hadnt come to freetown to give money to beggars .i had joined the peace corps to help another country and learn another culture. that day i asked a local woman what i should do about the beggar. “he doesnt really want your money .this man wants something more for you,” she said with a shy smile. “this man wants your respect.” i thought about what she said that night and the next day when the beggar came up to me, i shook my head no when he demanded his pennies. suddenly, the freetown skies seemed to open and it began to pour. i raised my umbrella and said to, “stand under my umbrella until the rain passes.” he gave me a surprised look but remained under the umbrella. we never spoke a word for the few minutes it continued to rain and when the sun reappeared, i closed my umbrella, smiled, and waved goodbye. the following day i saw him again. this time, instead of demanding money from me, he smiled and waved and continued walking down the street. we had both gained something that day: respect for each other. so you see, everyone needs respect, whatever his age, or whatever his career.25. what can we learn about freetown from the passage?a. it is far away from the sea. b. it is famous for its beggars.c. it is a modern city with natural beauty.d. there are serious traffic jams in its streets.26. when it began to rain heavily, the author _.a. lent his umbrella to the beggar .b. invited the beggar to his house .c. provided shelter from the rain for the beggard. left the beggar behind and walked down the street27. the beggar didnt ask for money from the author any more because_.a. he already had much moneyb. he was ashamed of doing that c. the author always refusedd. he had got the authors respect28. what does the passage mainly tell us?a. everyone needs respect. b. ones help always counts c. we should respect the poor. d. we shouldnt laugh at beggars.c while we sleep, our brains are doing much more than getting ready for the next day .researchers at the university of rochester found that the brain may be busy cleaning house -cleaning out harmful waste material. as with many studies, the researchers turned to mice for help. they studies mice that had colored dye injected into their brains .they observed the mice brains as they slept and when they were awake .the researchers say they saw that the brains of sleeping mice were hard at work . dr. maiken nedergaard led the study .the brain expert says our brains perform two very different jobs. it seems they have daytime jobs. later they “moonlight “at a nighttime job. “moonlighting “is working a nighttime job in addition to a day job .and this study says that is what our brains seem to be doing -working an extra job at night without additional pay for overtime . when we are awake ,the brain cells are working very hard at processing all the information about our surroundings .but when we are asleep ,they work very ,very hard at removing all the waste that builds up when we are awake .the researchers say that the waste material includes poisons ,or toxins ,responsible for brain disorders such as alzheimers disease. they also found that during sleep, the brains cells shrink, or become smaller. this shrinking permits waste to be removed more effectively. dr. nedergaard says these toxins end up in the liver. there they are broken down and then removed from the body. the brains cleaning system could only be studied with new imaging technologies .the test animal must be alive in order to see for this brain process as it happens. dr. nedergaard says the next step is to look for the process in human brains .she said the results proved just how important sleep is to health and fighting disease. the research may also one day lead to treatments to prevent or help fight neurological(神经学上的)disorders .29. in order to understand more about the brain the researchers _.a. have taken the brains out from mice .b. have called on people of different ages .c. have observed the activities of mice .d. have performed different duties .30. what does the brain do when we sleep?a. it makes the brain cells active and grow.b. it tries to keep the surroundings clean and safe.c. it actually gives off kinds of poisons or toxins.d. it works to help our body in good condition.31. the brain cells become smaller while we sleep, which means _.a. it is possible to stop any brain disordersb. it is quite necessary to protect the liver c. it is effective to get rid of the waste d. it is helpful to make scientific research 32. it can be inferred from the passage that _.a. the brains cleaning system is very magical b. human beings will benefit from the results c. a lot of mice will be faced with death d. neurological disorder is easy to cured balancing work and school is not an easy task for me. my first semester in college has come and gone and ive had to balance a job too. many of times i wanted to cut one loose. honestly i think i would have dropped out of school for my job because i need the money .for a while i made myself believe that school was disturbing my job and my money. though i was trying to do work and school, i realized i wasnt managing my time right. hanging out with friends may have been wonderful but it wasnt putting money in my pocket or knowledge in my brain. friends would have to wait. i was back on the see-saw(摇摆不定)of balancing work and school . scheduling and planning became the key to my success. making and meeting schedule were essential to my college experience. planning was going well .i felt ready to try and throw a social life. i tried to make plans with friends and not conflict with my schedule .that was actually harder than i thought. so once again my social life had to be put on hold .my friends were very understanding and encouraged me to do my work. the extra motivation really proved helpful in the end. some friends would joke that i was all work and no play but sometimes thats what has to happen to get work done. speaking of college life, as the semester came to an end i can say i learned a lot behind the scenes .planning is mandatory for organization. writing a to-do list at the beginning of the week and actually completing it makes you feel good, and its an accomplishment to be proud of. not only did i learn something new on organization, ive learned a new tool that i can take everything with me and use effectively. 33. why did the author stop hanging out with friends?a. he thought it was a waste of time b. his friends had to wait for him c. he learned no knowledge d. he ignored the importance of study 34. what does the author mainly tell us in the last paragraph?a. he has been proud of his college life b. he has made preparation for his daily life c. planning has become a useful tool for his life d. completing his task in time makes him feel good35. the underlined word “mandatory” in the last paragraph can be replaced by “_”.a. optional b. essential c. dependent d. available第2节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项 。surprising benefits of having a dog dogs offer more than just companionship. if youre considering getting a pooch, check out these surprising benefits of having a dog.1. youll exercise more.owning a dog can motivate you to exercise every day. on those days when it might be easy to skip a workout, looking at your dog standing by the door waiting to go for a walk can give you the push you need to get out there. 36 6 2. your social life may improve. not only does walking your dog help you to get exercise, it might also help you get a date. 37 going to the dog park or taking your dogs to run errands can also lead to strangers striking up conversations with you about your dog.3. your heart will be healthier. studies have shown that petting a dog lowers a persons heart rate. 38 in fact, some research has shown that dog owners are much more likely to survive a heart attack compared to non-dog owners. male pet owners in particular tend to experience a reduced rate of heart disease.4. youre less likely to feel depressed. 39 dog owners are less likely to be depressed. dog owners who have been diagnosed with clinical depression arent likely to be as depressed as other people. caring for a dog helps relieve symptoms of depression and encourages people to be more positive.5. 40 40 dogs can be an effective home security system. just knowing that youve got a dog who can use its keen sense of hearing to detect anyone prowling around can help increase your sense of security, which is good for both your mental and physical health.a. youll feel safer.b. dogs can replace security system.c. you can never imagine your dog can be of so much benefit.d. therefore, dog owners are more likely to have a healthy heart. e. the benefits of dog ownership extend to your mental health as well. f. people are more likely to stop and talk with you when youre walking a dog. g. taking your dog for a 30 minute walk every day can greatly improve your health.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第1节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中 ,选出可以填入空白出的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 my daughter ,amy ,is all of these things and more .and at just eight years old ,shes truly _41_!she show us every day the way to persevere (坚持), to overcome difficulties ,and to live in the 42 with joy and optimism . to me, she is amazing 43 she can get up in stage, perform her dance and 44 in her gymnastics competitions, and even ran the 300-meter race last summer -running -not 45 -the entire race! after a recent dance 46 in front of hundreds of people, she got off the 47 and said to me with a huge smile,” i did it!” amys 48 ,strength ,and goal have enables her to develop ,not letting her disease 49 her dream .we were told that amy got blood cancer when she was three .from then on she began what would be a five years cancer 50 during the following years ,she 51 for her life -medicine , operation and chemotherapy(化疗).throughout her treatment, amy 52 a lot. throughout it all, she kept her great sense of 53 , laughing and fighting .and her journey brought our family so many prizes, and the support and 54 _given to us by others. amy was an 55 hero for all the patients, 56 inspiration and encouragement with her joyful spirit.today, amy is 8 and is cancer 57 just like other healthy children. she has many friends and an amazing team who 58 her. and as a new 59 , she will be competing in her first special oly


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