江苏省常州市西夏墅中学高中英语 Unit1 Laughter is good for you Welcome to the unit教学设计 牛津译林版选修6.doc_第1页
江苏省常州市西夏墅中学高中英语 Unit1 Laughter is good for you Welcome to the unit教学设计 牛津译林版选修6.doc_第2页
江苏省常州市西夏墅中学高中英语 Unit1 Laughter is good for you Welcome to the unit教学设计 牛津译林版选修6.doc_第3页




unit1 laughter is good for you welcome to the unit教材:牛津高中英语(模块六)高二上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:unit 1 laughing is good for you板块:welcome to the unit & readingthoughts on the design: 本节课是一节围绕单元主题内容的阅读课。阅读可应让学生有效的获取有关主题的信息,处理相关的问题,并能针对相关信息发表自己的见解,形成一定的阅读策略。在处理时以“welcome to the unit”部分为导入,引出各种可以给人们带来笑声的形式,最终导入文章的阅读。处理文章时应注意文章小标题的利用,引导学生从标题把握大意。根据小标题,将文章分解成三个相对独立又相互联系的部分,设置好问题指导学生理清文章的脉络,把握的文章的内容。teaching aims: after reading the passage, the students will be able to 1. have a good understanding of the text and get some information about “stand-up”;2. tell different types of stand-up;3. learn something about billy crystal and make comments on him;4. express their own opinions about the topic “stand-up for your health”.teaching procedures: step 1 lead in (ppt4-9)1. a joke for the ss to enjoy.2. a joke usually makes you laugh, and there are other things that will make you laugh. look at the posters on page 1 and find out what funny things are talked about in the posters.- a funny performance; a funny book; crosstalk; circus3. besides the forms we mentioned above, what else can make us laugh?-comedies; funny movies(ask the ss to five as many forms as possible and introduce “stand-up” to the ss) explanation从一个图文并茂的笑话入手,引起学生的兴趣,然后再问起还有哪些形式会引人发笑也就顺理成章。在这个过程中引入“stand-up”这个概念很容易引起学生的好奇,为下一步的阅读做好铺垫。step 2 first reading (ppt 11-12)1. ask the ss to read the first paragragh and try to give a definition to “stand-up”.(ppt11)2. ask the ss to read the subtitles and give the main idea of the text.(ppt12)explanation让学生通过阅读第一段和小标题获取文章主体意思,既可以避免学生长时间阅读的沉闷,又可以引导学生对文章首段和小标题的关注,有利于其阅读策略的养成。step 3 detailed reading 1. read the part of “types of stand-up”(ppt 13-17)(1) ask the ss to find out the different types of stand-up and explain them.(ppt13)(if the ss dont know the meaning the new words of the four types, guide them to guess from the context.)(2) ask the ss to finish p4 part c2.(ppt14-17)2. read the part of “a famous comedian”(ppt18-22)(1) ask the ss to read the first few lines and answer the question “who is mentioned here as a famous comedian?”billy crystal(ppt18)(2) ask the ss to read this part carefully and try to complete the file for billy crystal. (on the ppt, the teacher will give some extra information about him.)(ppt19)(3) when talking about billys idols in step(2), give the ss some information about bob hope and george burns.(ppt20-21)(4) ask the ss to discuss in groups of 4: “what special qualities should a comedian have?”(the teacher can give some answers after the discussion, but dont limit the students answers.)(ppt22)3. read the part of “laughter is good for your health”(ppt23)ask the ss two questions: (1) why is laughter good for your health? -when you laugh, your brain sends chemicals around your body that are good for you. (2) which english saying proves true? -“laughter is the best medicine”4. conclusion back to ppt12 and review what is talked about in this text.explanation因为课文本身的三个部分相对独立,让学生分部分阅读有利于学生注意力的集中和教师的有效引导。“types of stand-up”部分让学生根据原文找到四种不同类型之后,再即时应用,让学生再运用中真正理解文本内容。“a famous comedian”部分让学生填写billy crystal的档案,有利于学生有条理的寻找所需要的信息,并且教师在这一部分补充一定的其他信息,让学生所了解到的人物更完整和丰满。“laughter is good for your health”部分比较简单,主 要让学生了解“笑有利于健康”并知道为什么就可以了,因此可以简单处理。另外,ppt的设计分别在1,2,3之后,也就是在ppt17,ppt22,ppt23上设有超链接,链接到ppt12。这样的话,虽然学生分部分阅读,但仍然不断的在关注整个文章的框架和整体结构,有利于学生更思路清晰的完成学习任务。step 4 discussion(conclusion) 1. ask the students to discuss in groups of 4: “besides laughter, what else can we do to make ourselves happy and keep ourselves healthy?” (the teacher should allow the ss freedom to give whatever answers they come up with. they can give some ideas, though.) keep a positive attitude to life. do what you are interested in (music, sports, reading, ) make friends accomplish what we are doing 2. conclusion review what is talked about in t


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