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附录 1 粘接减振片式多头热压机是以系列化、标准化的通用部件为基础,配以少量的专用部件组成的专用机床,因此,机床的制造和调整都很方便。近期,东营信义集团又引进了几台先进的液压机,这些液压机都综合应用了信息技术、感应传感技术、计算机自动控制技术、机械技术等先进技术,其效率、功能、自动化程度都相对现有机床有很大的提高。这让我们看到了我国机床使用及制造的发展方向,也看到了机床未来的发展趋势。本文设计的粘接减振片多头式热压机的主结构是两压头式热压机,其设计的根据是信义集团盘片车间福特生产线的粘接减振片单头热压机。改进 的多头式热压机的加工特点是: 1)采用两个压头,在一次压制过程中可以一次加工两个刹车片,先在加工数量上提高一倍; 2)工作台上安装滑台循环加工,滑台上安装工装,可以根据刹车片的型号灵活更换,工作台上放有 11 个滑台,加工时滑台在 PLC 程序控制下依次有顺序的循环加工,所以在工作台上可以同时放 11 对刹车片然后连续加工,而且只要一个操作员在出料口等待将工件拿出同时将未加工工件放入工装上就可以完成此工序的加工,省去操作员的等待时间,此种工作台可以提高生产效率数倍甚至数十倍,也可以大幅度的减少劳动人员的劳动 强度。 多头式热压机的结构特点: 1)两个压头采用立式液压缸提供压力,而且两个液压缸的型号是相同的,因此缩短了设计周期和设计过程; 2)两个压头液压缸的进出液压油采用同一个供油系统,而且两液压缸的进出油口分别相连,即在进油口有相同压力,相同流量的压力油,在出油口也一样,实现了两个压头的压制压力相等,解决了由于工装形状公差造成的刹车片在粘接减振片时表面压力不等的问题,是减震片的拉拔力符合工艺要求; 3)滑台的动力源也采用液压缸,在工作台的四边分别安装有四个液压缸,它们的供油系统只要加几个控制阀也可以与压头液压 缸的供油系统相连,即整个粘接减振片热压机采用一个供油系统,节省了动力能源,也简化了机床的结构; 4)粘接减振片的工作过程,无论是主运动,进给运动还是辅助运动都采用一个 PLC 程序控制,使控制准确,有序; 5)根据两压头原理,可以重新设计液压缸支架,增加压头,由于大部分都是标准件,所以设计和制造比较简单; 6)由于主结构比较简单,所以可以在机床上增加两个机械手代替人工操作,一个负责将工件放入工装,一个负责将工件取出,实现机床的自动化和自动生产线。 因此,改进后的粘接减振片多头式热压机不仅提高工作效率,而且可 以大幅度的降低工人的劳动强度,可以实现产品的自动生产线和提高机床的自动化程度。这种机床适合大批量产品的生产,而且造价比较低,改造比较灵活,适合现代工业发展的要求。 液压系统的正确维护 1)选择适合的液压油 液压油在液压油系统中起着传递压力、润滑、冷却、密封的作用,液压油选择不恰当是液压系统早期故障和耐久性下降的主要原因。应按随机使用说明书中规定的牌号选择液压油,特殊情况需要使用代用油时,应力求其性能与原牌号性能相同。不同牌号的液压油不能混合使用,以防液压油产生化学反应 、性能发生变化。深褐色、乳白色、有 异味的液压油是变质油,不能使用。 2) 防止固体杂质混入液压系统 清洁的液压油是液压系统的生命。液压系统中有许多精密零件,有的设阻尼小孔或缝隙等。若固体杂质入侵将造成精密零件拉伤,发卡、油道堵塞等 ,危害液压系统的安全运行。一般固体物质入侵途径有 :液压油不清洁;加油工具不清洁;加油和维修、保养不慎;液压元件脱屑等。可以从以下几个方面防止固体杂质入侵系统:加油时液压油必须过滤,加油工具应可靠清洁。不能为了提高加油速度而去掉液压油箱加油口处的过滤器。加油人员应使用干净的手套和工作服。 保养时拆卸液压油箱加油 盖、滤清器盖、检测孔、液压油管等部位,液压系统油道暴露时要避开扬尘 ,拆卸部位要先彻底清洁后才能打开。如拆卸液压油箱加油盖时,先除去油箱盖四周的灰尘,拧松油箱盖后清除残留在接合部位的杂物 (不能用水冲洗以免水渗入油箱 ),确认清洁后才能打开油箱盖。如需使用擦试材料和铁锤时,应选择不掉纤维杂质的擦拭材料和击打面附着橡胶的专用铁锤。液压元件、液压胶管要认真清洗,用高压风吹干后组装。选用包装完好的正品滤芯 (若包装损坏,虽然滤芯完好,也可能不洁 )。换油同时清洗滤清器,安装滤芯前应用擦试材料认真清除滤清器壳内部污物。 液压系统的清洗油必须使用与系统所用牌号相同的液压油,油温在 4580之间,用大流量尽可能将系统中杂质带走。液压系统要反复清洗 3次以上,每次清冼完后趁油热时将其全部放出系统。清冼完毕再清洗滤清器,更换新滤芯后加注新油。 3)防止空气和水入侵液压系统 防止空气入侵液压系统在常压常温下液压油中含有容积比为 6 8的空气,压力降低时空气会从油中游离出来,气泡破裂使液压元件 “气蚀 ”,产生噪声。大量的空气进入油液中将使 “气蚀 ”现象加剧,液压油压缩性增大,工作不稳定,降低工作效率,执行元件出现 “爬行 ”等 不良后果。另外,空气还会使液压油氧化,加速其变质。防止空气入侵应注意以下几点:维修和换油后要按随机使用说明书规定排除系统中的空气;液压油泵的吸油管口不得露出油面,吸油管路必须密封良好;油泵驱动轴的密封应良好,更换该处油封时应使用 “双唇 ”正品油封,不能用 “单唇 ”油封代替,因为 “单唇 ”油封只能单向封油,不具备封气的功能。 4)定期保养注意事项 防止水入侵液压系统 ,液压油中含有过量水分会使液压元件锈蚀,油液乳化变质,润滑油膜强度降低,加速机械磨损。除了维修保养时要防止水分入侵外,还要注意储油桶不用时要拧紧盖子 ,最好倒置放置;含水量大的液压油要经多次过滤,每过滤一次要更换一次烘干的滤纸。在没有专用仪器检测时,可将液压油滴到烧热的铁板上,没有蒸汽冒出并立即燃烧方能加注。 目前有的机床液压系统设置了智能装置,该装置对液压系统某些隐患有警示功能,但其监测范围和准确程度有一定的局限性,所以液压系统的检查保养应将智能装置监测结果与定期检查保养相结合。 液压系统的保养 1) 250h 检查保养 检查滤清器滤网上的附着物,如金属粉末过多,往往标志着油泵磨损或油缸拉缸。对此,必须确诊并采取相应措施后才能开机。如发现滤网损坏、污 垢积聚,要及时更换,必要时同时更换液压油。 2) 500h 检查保养 机床机械运行 500h 后,不管滤芯状况如何均应更换 ,因为凭肉眼难以察觉滤芯的细小损坏情况,如果长时间高温作业还应适当提前更换滤芯。 3) 1000h 检查保养 此时应清洗滤清器、清洗液压系统要换滤芯和液压油 ,长期高温作业换油时间要适当提前。如能通过油质检测分析来指导换油是最经济的,但要注意延长使用的液压油,每隔 100h 应检测一次,以便及时发现并更换变质的液压油。 4) 7000h 和 10000h 检查维护 根据实践,进口液压泵、 液压马达工作 10000h 必须大修,否则液压泵、液压马达 因失修可能损坏,对液压系统是致命性的破坏。随着液压系统在工业生产中的广泛使用,液压系统的正确使用、维护和保养成为机床使用、维护和保养不可缺少的一部分。在机床的使用过程中,只有正确使用与维护每一个系统,才能降低机床故障率,延长使用寿命,提高工作效率。 附录 2 The long hot press bonding damping type is generic components to serialization, standardization as the foundation, special machine tools, components with a small number of dedicated components. Therefore, manufacture and adjustment of machine tool is very convenient. Recently, Dongying Xinyi Group and the introduction of several sets of advanced hydraulic machine, the hydraulic machine is the comprehensive application of the information technology, the induction sensor technology, computer automatic control technology, mechanical technology and other advanced technology, its efficiency, function, the degree of automation compared with the existing machine tools have greatly improved. This allows us to see the development direction of Chinas machine tool use and manufacturing, also see the future development trend of machine tool. The main structural bonding damping piece the long hot press is two head hot press, its design is based on the Ford disc workshop production line Xinyi Group bonding damping sheet single head hot press. The processing characteristics of improved bull type hot press is: 1) The two head, can be a processing two brake pads in a pressing process, first in the processing quantity is doubled; 2) Table recycling processing is arranged on the working table, the slipway mounting fixture, can replace flexibly according to the brake model, bench with 11 slide, processing slide under the control of a PLC program are circulating processing sequence, so also placed 11 on the brakes and continuous processing can be on the bench., and as long as an operator in the outlet for the workpiece processing at the same time will not take the workpiece into the fixture can complete this process, waiting time save operator, the work table can improve production efficiency several times even dozens of times, but also can greatly reduce the labor intensity of workers. Structural characteristics of multi type hot press: 1) Two head adopts a vertical hydraulic cylinder with pressure, and the two cylinder model is the same, thus shorten the design cycle and design process; 2) Two head hydraulic cylinder and hydraulic oil with a fuel supply system, and the two hydraulic cylinders are respectively connected with the oil inlet and outlet, which has the same pressure at the inlet, the oil pressure of the same flow, as well as in the oil outlet, the two pressure head pressure is equal, solution will the tooling shape tolerance caused by brake pads in the bonding damping sheet surface pressure range problem, is the damping sheet drawing force comply with process requirements; 3) Table power source is also adopts hydraulic cylinder, in the work of the four sides are provided with four hydraulic cylinders, fuel supply system they just add a few control valve can also be connected with the oil supply system head of hydraulic cylinder, the adhesive damping plate hot press with a fuel supply system, saving energy, but also simplify the structure of machine tool; 4) The working process of bonding damping sheet, regardless of is the main movement, movement or auxiliary motion using a PLC program control, the control is accurate, orderly; 5) According to the principle of two head, can be re design of hydraulic cylinder support, increasing the pressure head, because most of them are standard parts, so the design and manufacture of relatively simple; 6) The main structure is relatively simple, so can increase instead of manual operation two manipulators in machine tools, a charge will be put into the fixture workpiece, a workpiece will be responsible for take out, realize automation of machine tools and automatic production line. Therefore, the bonding damping sheet is improved after the long hot press not only improve work efficiency, and can greatly reduce the labor intensity of the workers, the automatic production line can realize products and improve the degree of automation of machine tool. This machine is suitable for mass production, and relatively low cost, improvement is more flexible, suitable for the requirements of the development of modern industry. Proper maintenance of the hydraulic system 1) select a suitable hydraulic oil Hydraulic oil pressure plays a pass, lubrication, cooling, sealing the role of hydraulic system in oil, hydraulic oil is not appropriate to select the hydraulic system failure and the durability of the early decline. According to the provisions of the random instructions of the brand choice of hydraulic oil, special circumstances to use for fuel, should strive for the same performance with the original brand performance. Different grade mix of hydraulic oil, hydraulic oil to prevent chemical reaction, change in performance. Dark brown, white, and the hydraulic oil is the smell of oil deterioration, can not be used. 2) to prevent the solid impurities mixed with the hydraulic system Cleanliness of hydraulic oil in hydraulic system of life. There are a lot of precision parts in the hydraulic system, some with damping holes or gaps. If the solid impurity invasion will cause a hairpin, precision parts, oil passage blockage, threat to the safe operation of hydraulic system. General solid substance invasion pathways: hydraulic oil is not clean; gas tool is not clean; refueling and repair, maintenance accidentally; scaling and other hydraulic components. Can from the following several aspects to prevent the solid impurity invasion system: on the hydraulic oil must be filtered, gas tools should be reliable clean. Cannot remove the hydraulic gas tank outlet filter in order to improve the gas speed and. Service personnel should use clean gloves and work clothes. Maintenance to remove the hydraulic tank filler cap, filter cover, a detection hole, hydraulic parts, hydraulic system to avoid oil exposure dust, removing parts must first thoroughly cleaned before opening. Such as removing hydraulic gas tank cover, remove the dust around fuel tank cover, unscrew the oil tank cover to remove residual in the engagement portion of the debris (not wash with water to prevent water infiltration tank), confirmed after cleaning to open the fuel tank cap. If you want to use as material and the hammer, hammer should choose not to drop for wiping material and the impact surface fiber impurity attached rubber. Hydraulic components, hydraulic hose to wash, with high pressure air drying after assembly. Selection of good authentic filter packing (if damaged packaging, although the filter intact, may also not clean). Change oil and filter cleaning, filter application installed before wiping material carefully remove the dirt inside the filter shell. Clean the oil hydraulic system must use the same brand of hydraulic oil and the system, the oil temperature is between 45 - 80 , with large flow as far as possible away impurities in. Hydraulic system to be cleaned repeatedly 3 times, each time the Qing Xian wanhou while the oil heat when it all off system. Qing Xian after filter cleaning, replacement after adding new oil filter. 3) to prevent the air and water intrusion in hydraulic system To prevent the air intrusion hydraulic system contains a volume ratio of 6% to 8% of the air in the hydraulic oil pressure at room temperature, pressure drop of air will free from oil, bubble rupture of the hydraulic components cavitation, produce noise. Large quantities of air into the oil will make cavitation phenomenon aggravate, compressibility of hydraulic oil increases, unstable work, reduce the efficiency of work, executing element crawl and other adverse consequences. In addition, the air will make the hydraulic oil oxidation, accelerate the deterioration. To prevent the air intrusion should note the following points: repair and change according to the provisions of the use of random instructions to exclude air in the system; the suction nozzle hydraulic pump shall not be exposed out of the oil, oil pipeline must be sealed well; pump drive shaft seal should be good, the replacement of the seal should be the use of lips authentic seal, do not use the single lip seal instead of single lip seal, because only one-way sealing oil, does not have the function of sealing gas. 4) regular maintenance attention To prevent water intrusion in hydraulic system, the hydraulic oil which contains excess water will cause corrosion of hydraulic element, oil emulsion modification, reduces the lubricating oil film strength, accelerate the mechanical wear. In addition to repair and maintenance to prevent moisture intrusion, but also pay attention to the oil tank is not to tighten the lid, the best place to inverted; after filtration with hydraulic oil content of each filter, a minor change a drying filter paper. In the absence of special equipment inspection, the hydraulic oil to the hot iron, no steam and immediately combustion can filler. At present, some machine tool hydraulic system set up a smart device, the device has functions of some hidden trouble of hydraulic system, but its monitoring range and accuracy have certain limitations, so hydraulic system inspection and maintenance should be monitoring results and regular maintenance of intelligent device combination. Hydraulic system maintenance 1) 250h inspection and maintenance Check the filter screen on the attachments, such as metal powder too much, often marks the pump wear or cylinder scoring. In this regard, must be diagnosed and take corresponding measures in order to boot. Such as the discovery of screen damage, dir


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