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Contemporary College English-ListeningUnit 4 TransportationListening Aids1. agency (87) n. business or place of business providing a (usu. specified) service2. alcohol (9) n.drinks such as beer or wine that contains a substance which can make you drunk 3. alternative (7) adj. offering sth. else as a choice4. annoy (1) v. cause anger to (sb.)5. area code (4)(AmE) 电话分区代码6. articulated lorry (7) 铰链车7. at the wheel (9) driving a vehicle 8. bound for (5) going or ready to go in the direction of 9. break down (7) n. failure of machinery10. chaotic (9) adj. completely confused11. coach (2) n. bus for carrying passengers over long distances12. congested(7)adj. too full; overcrowded 13. convenient (2) adj. giving no trouble or difficulty14. convince (9) v. make sb. feel certain; cause sb. to realize15. court (10) n. place where trails or other law cases are held16. death toll (9)number of people killed17. decrease (6) v. (cause sth. to ) become smaller or fewer; diminish 18. deficiency (9) n. lack of a necessary quality; fault 19. immigrant (5) n. person of foreign birth who enters a country to become a permanent resident20. in a bad mood (7)irritable and angry21. indication (9) n. sign22. issue (10) v. send sth. out23. kettle (5) n. a container used for boiling water24. lane (7) n. a strip of roadway used for a single line of traffic25. lethal (9) adj. deadly; fatal26. license (10) n. official document showing that permission has been given to own, use or do something27. likewise (9) adv.in like manner; also28. lorry (7) n. (BrE) large truck for carrying heavy material29. mechanical (11)adj.operated by a machine or machines30. motorway (2) n.(BrE) (AmE expressway) wide road especially built for fast moving traffic; superhighway31. offense (10) n. breaking of a rule or law32. pavement (9) n. (BrE) (AmE sidewalk) path with a paved surface at the side of a road for people to walk on33. pedestrian (9)n. person walking in the street (contrasted with people in vehicles)34. pilot (11) n.person who operates the controls of an aircraft35. pip (5) n. (usu. Pl.) (电台报时信号的或电话中的)尖而短的声音36. story (11) n. (BrE) (AmE storey) section of a building with rooms all at the same level; floor37. summons (10)n.document containing the order to attend a lawcourt, esp. to answer a charge38. supply (3) n. (pl.) necessaries39. suspend (10) v. prevent sth. from being in effect for a time; stop sth. temporarily40. toll booth (10)收费亭41. traffic jam (7)situation in which cars cannot move freely and traffic comes to a standstill42. tube (2) n. (BrE, infml) the underground railway system in London43. weave (10)v.move along by twisting and turning44. wind (5) v. cause a watch to operate, e.g. by turning a key to tighten the spring45. zip code(4)(AmE) (also postcode; postal code)邮政编码12Task 1A. Answer the following questions.1) How did Henri let the driver know that he wanted to get off?2) Why did Henri ring the bell twice?3) What did the conductor do?4) What did Hernris landlady tell him?Task 2A. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the tape.1) Mr. Taylor wants to take the train because he doesnt want to drive that far. 2) Mrs. Taylor believes it is the cheapest way for a family to go by car. 3) Their son Peter wants to go by train because it is faster than the car. 4) Their daughter Alison likes the coach because it is more comfortable and spacious. 5) To go by train is not the most convenient way to get to Norwich. 6) They all agree to check all the facts before they make the final decision. Task 3A. Fill in the blanks with what you hear on the tape. The Unites States is full automobiles. These are still many families cars, but some families have two or even more. However, cars are used for more than pleasure. They are a necessary part life. Cars are used business. They are driven offices and factories workers who have no other way to get their jobs. When salesmen are sent different parts of the city, they have to drive in order to carry their products. Farmers have to drive the city in order to get supplies.Sometimes small children must be driven to school. In some cities school buses are used only when children live more than a mile the school. When the children are too young to walk that far, their mothers take turns driving them to school. One mother drives on Mondays, taking her own children and the neighbors children as well. Another mother drives on Tuesdays, another on Wednesday, and so on. This is called forming a car pool. Men also form car pools, three or four men taking turns driving to the place where they all work. More car pools should be formed in order to put fewer automobiles the road and to use less gasoline. Parking is a great problem, and so is the traffic and cities. Too many cars are being driven. Something will have to be done the use of cars.B. Answer the following questions.1) Mothers sometimes form car pools because 2) Men sometimes form car pools because 3) More car pools should be formed because Task 4A. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the tape.1. Both zip codes and area codes are numbers. ( )2. An area code is for making all kinds of phone calls. ( )3. In a big city there are different zip codes for different parts of the city. ( )4. A city has the same area code while a state always has different codes. ( )Task 5A. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1) James wrote .a) a novel b) a play for theatre c) a play for television2) James play was about an immigrant family .a) who came to the United States from Pakistanb) who came to England from Pakistanc) who came to England from Russia3) James play was .a) such a hit that an American TV company bought itb) a total failure and he couldnt sell itc) very successful and an English TV company bought it4) James flight was due to leave .a) at 8:30 pm b) at 7: 30 am c) at 8:30 am5) He set his alarm .a) at 5: 45 am b) at 5:30 am c) at 6:30 am6) James missed the plane because a) he did not wake up when the alarm rangb) the driver of the mini-cab came latec) the alarm clock did not ring and he overslept7) James turned pale when he heard the news on the radio because .a) he did not want to miss the planeb) if he hadnt overslept,hed have been on the plane that crashedc) he could not arrive in New York as he had planned8) James flight number was .a) 2244b) 2324c) 2234Task 6A. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.1) Since all cars sold in have been equipped with seat belts.2) Seat belts are also called .3) One study showed that percent of those killed in auto accidents could have been saved if they had been wearing seat belts.4) Unfortunately belts are worn only by percent of drivers and passengers in cities.5) In Australia, where there is such a law, death in auto accidents have decreased percent.B. Write out the three answers you hear from the tape.A study was made in several cities of the United States in order to find out what kinds of people wearing seat belts. The following facts were learned:1) 2) 3) C. Write down the main idea of this passage.The main idea of this passage is Task 7A. Answer the following questions about the first part of the recording.1) Who was answering the phone?2) What was Mr. Phillips? 3) How did Mr. Phillips sound on the phone?4) Why was Mr. Phillips so angry?B. Complete the following sentences according to the second part of the recording.1) Most major roads leading in and out of London are .2) Motorists should use wherever possible.3) Heavy rain during the night has flooded parts of .4) An articulated lorry has on the M1.5) Strong winds during the night have a number of trees on the M6 and many sections are not .C. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the tape.1. Miss Brown was worried about Mr. Phillips because he came so late to the office. 2. Mr. Phillips hurried into his own office and declined Miss Browns offer of coffee. 3. Mr. Phillips had coffee in his own office. 4. Mr. Phillips was in a bad mood because he was in traffic jams for four hours. 5. Mr. Phillips tried a new route in the morning on his way to work and was caught in a traffic jam. D. Listen and take notes on Mr. Phillipss journey in the sequence of events. 1) 2) 3) 4)5) Task 8A. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1. Calgary is an .a) industrial town b) oil town c) port2. Its population is .a. more than half a million b) about 750,000 c) about a million3. Calgary is famous for .a. its tall office buildings in the centre of the cityb. its modern transport systemc. its tall office buildings in the center of the city as well as its modern transport systemB. Give three reasons for the following questions.Why was the rail system chosen? C. Complete the descriptions about the LRT. 1) The LRT is a kilometre route, ground.2) The light train cars are made in and .3) The final assembly of the light train cars is done in .4) Each car is just over metres long.5) Each train is operated by 6) The driver is in a cabin.7) The trains stop for about at each station.8) Passengers who want to get in or out must .9) Passengers can buy tickets from .10) If a passenger is caught without a ticket he/she may .Task 9A. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.1. When the author talks about road accidents, he refers to 2. The author listed three factors that have caused road accidents, including 3. In crowded cities like London, Birmingham or Manchester, the chaotic road conditions 4. When the author talks about bad road conditions, he refers to 5. Many experts


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