



初一招生测评试卷(石门2)一、单项选择( )1、Please write eleven numbers_ 15_ 25. A. to; to B. between; to C. from; to( ) 2. -_ are you going to stay in Foshan? - About a month. A. How much B. How long C. When( ) 3. They saw many _ in the picture. A. zebras and sheep B. zebra and sheeps C. zebras and sheeps( ) 4. _ come to Yang Lings birthday party? A. Would you like to B. Do you like C. Will you to( ) 5. _ name is Tom. _ is a boy in Class One. A. My; I B. His; He C. Her; She( ) 6. - Where is my pcncil? - I cant _ it. A. look at B. find C. look for( ) 7. Helen is behind me. I am _ Helen. A. next to B. in front of C. beside( ) 8. - Whose desk is this? - Its _ A. Itms and Jims B. Tim and Jim C. Tim and Jims( ) 9. There _ some bread and some apples on the tables. A. is B. are C. have( )10. _ he often _ to bed early in the evening? A. Is; go B. Does; go C. Does; goes( )11. When you have a question for your teacher, you say “_.” Then ask your question. A. Thank you B. I am sorry, I dont understand. C. Can I help you?( )12. We _ to FoguangSteet yesterday. A. walked B. walk C. walking( )13. - Are there _ books in the bags? - No, there arent _ books in it, but there are_ pens in it. A. some; any; some B. any ; any; some C. any; any; any( )14. Im hungry. Please bring me some _. A. kites B. boxes C. cakes( )15. My father _ English now. A. is seeing B. is reading C. is looking二、从II栏中找出I栏中相对应的答语 I II( ) 1. Whats thirty-three and sixty? A. Thanks, its a birthday present from my mother.( ) 2. Can you show me the way to B. No, Pingping si ill at home. Zhongshan Panrk?( ) 3. What is it like? C. He is fine, thanks.( ) 4. How about this one? D. Its ninety-three.( ) 5. Is it my turn to dance? E. Its long adn black.( ) 6. What a beautiful doll it is! F. Yes, please.( ) 7. How much are they? G. Sure. Its over there.( ) 8. Are we all here? H. Its nice. But I dont like the clour.( ) 9. May I come in? I. Come in, please.( )10. How is your grandpa? J. Two hundred yuan.三、根据中文意思完成下列各句。1、现在教室里一个学生都没有。_ in the classroom now.2、你的朋友打算制作风筝吗?_ your friend _ kites?3、昨天我们没有买那件外套。We _the coat yesterda.4、迈克每天早上6:30起床。Mike _ at six thirty.5、玛丽和汤姆正在家里看电视。Mary and Tom _ at home now.四、根据表格内容,回答问题。以下是一张菜单,根据所给信息回答问题Menu(菜单)SandwichesDrinksFish $4.80Pork $5.10Chicken $4.60Coke $2.20Apple juice $2.10Coffee $2.60Tea $1.40NoodlesDesserts(甜食)Noodles $2.00With eggs $3.80With meat $4.50With vegetables $4.30Apple pei $3.40Ice-cream $3.60Chocolate $5.60Fresh fruit $3.20回答问题1. How many drinks are there in the menu?_2. Can you eat sandwiches with eggs here?_3. Which dessert is cheaper(更便宜),ice-cream or fresh fruit?_4. You have got $5. What sandwiches cant you eat?_5. You have got $7. Can you eat noodles with vegetables and drink apple juice?_五、根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。How do kids(孩子)spend weekends? We ask some students in our school what they do at the weekend. For most kids, weekends are fun. On Saturday morning, they stay at school to do a lot of interesting things, such as learning how to play basketball or football or listening to music. On Saturday afternoon, some of them stay at home to watch TV till(直到) ten oclock at night. They can choose (选择)their favourite programs(节目). Some of tem play computer games. On Sunday morning, most of them do their homework, a few go out for short trips with their parents, of visit their grandparents. On Saturday afternoon, some kids visit their friends, and osme kids clean their rooms.( ) 1. What is the passage about? A. About kids weekends. B. About kids school lives C. About kids favourite things.( ) 2. What do kids think of weekends? A. They are fun. B. They are boring.(无聊的) C. They dont like it.( ) 3. Where are they on Saturday morning? A. At home B. In the cinema. C. At school.( ) 4. Do they do their homework on Saturday afternoon? A. No, they dont. B. Yes, they do. C. They do homework.( ) 5. What do most of the diks do on Sunday morning?A. Go out for a short trip. B. Visit their grandparents. C. Do their homework六、小作文以My


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