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轻松突破高考完形填空三、选择型完形填空自由完形填空、首字母提示完形填空属于主观性命题形式,而选择型完形填空则属于客观性命题形式。由于选择型完形填空答案唯一,评分客观、方便,多数考试愿意采用这一命题形式。做这类完形填空题时,仍要先通读全文,在把握全文大意的前提下,再结合所给选项逐一推敲答案。选做完形填空题的文章的体裁主要为记叙文、说明文、议论文、夹叙夹议这四种,同学们如能明确英语记叙文、说明文、议论文、夹叙夹议文的结构特点、语言特色、与汉语相关文体的异同及各种体裁的答题要领,就能大大提高解题的效率。(一)记叙文突破记叙文体裁主要是记人、叙事、写景、状物一类的文章,具体地说,它是借助叙述、描写、抒情等手段记叙社会生活中的人、事、景、物的情态及其发展过程,用以表现作者的思想,抒发作者某种情感的文章形式。近几年的高考完形填空题中的记叙文主要以叙事、记人为主,如幽默故事、童话故事、历史故事、人物传记和新闻报道等。记叙文是中学英语阅读材料中最常见的文体,其语言特点有:1、以一般过去时为主,其他时态为辅。合理使用丰富多彩的谓语动词时态,而这种复杂的时态特征在汉语记叙文中是根本没有的。正是有了动词时态的变化,才使英语文章中所叙述的动作有了层次感和立体感。2、广泛使用动词,特别是动态动词。由于这些动词的存在,文章就会充满“动感”,而这种让往事历历在目的“动感”正是优秀的记叙文所要追求的。3、适当运用直接引语。直接引语的使用可以代替间接的主观叙述,简洁、生动地表达出事件发展的过程和各种人物的心理活动,充分展示人物的独特个性和人物之间的相互关系。解答记叙文体的完形填空时,应着重把握以下几点:1、了解文章的结构形式。通常为了叙述方便,作者会按时间先后顺序或空间顺序等方式来安排情节和内容。其优点是条理清楚,层次分明。读者也较容易理解和接受。但是有时为了突出某个情节或为了增加阅读趣味,或为了其他目的,作者可能会采用插叙,甚至倒叙的写作手法。弄清了文章篇章信息的分布情况,有助于抓住文章的主线,理清文章的脉络。2、明确作者的写作目的。就事论事肯定不是记叙的目的,而通过叙述阐明一个道理,同是作者必须考虑的。只有心中有了目的,在情节选择和细节描写上才会作出合理的安排。明晰了写作目的,就能抓住文章的主题。3、知晓文章所记叙的几大要素。为了使读者清楚地了解一件事的起因、经过和结局,作者就有必要在记叙文中将事件、人物、时间、地点、原因(why)和结果等要素讲清楚。这六个要素是记叙文的基本组成部分,一般不能缺少。弄清了这六个要素,基本上就理解了整篇文章。4、弄清文章是以第几人称的视角展开记叙的。通常英语记叙文展开记叙的视角有两个:第一人称和第三人称。用第一人称就是从“参与者”的角度进行记叙,读者可从字里行间感受到作者亲切的态度和深厚的感情。用第三人称就是以“观察者”的身份展开叙述,作者的语气客观,与读者保持着一定的距离,读者的注意力更多集中在故事本身。了解了作者的写作角度有助于我们走进作者的思维,深入理解文章的意义。 请看下面的例题:(一) as she waited at the edge of the ice for her music to start,. peggy took a quick look at her father standing nearby with a group of parents and teachers. he smiled at her. then she 1._ out at the audience, 2._ to see her mother. these two, alvert and doris flemint, had 3._ all the way from california more than 2,000 miles away, to see their 4._ compete in this sports meet in cleveland, ohio. the music 5._ and peggy moved onto the ice, letting the music 6._ her along into her turns, and she began skating with much 7._ in herself. the cold fear she always had in the 8._ seconds before skating onto the ice was 9._. she was feeling the movement of the 10._ and letting it carry her. she skated easily, 11._ did some jumps, a final turn and her performance was 12._. the crowd loved it and cheered 13._ she skated off the ice. “nice job,” said one of the other 14._. it was the remark that 15._ came after a free-skating performance. but what should the 16._ say? standing beside her father, peggy 17._ for the scoring to be finished. on all sides were other young skaters, some waiting 18._ alone, others with a parent. shortly before 10 oclock the results were 19._. the new united states womens figure skating champion was peggy fleming of passdena, 20._.1.a.looked b. watched c. found d. stepped2.a.failing b. looking forward c. wanting d. hoping3.a.bicycled b. driven c. run d. walked4.a.friend b. children c. son d. daughter5.a.started b. played c. developed d. sang6.a.allow b. set out c. carry d. support7.a.thought b. belief c. success d. design8.a.following b. last c. recent d. past9.a.lost b. present c. strong d. gone10.a.music b. fear c. ice d. audiences11.a.so b. or c. before d. then12.a.satisfied b. unsatisfactory c. finished d. welcome13.a.because b. until c. before d. as14.a.skaters b. parents c. judges d. parents15.a.always b. seldom c. again d. hardly16.a players b. audience c. judges d. parents17.a.waited b. looked c. wished d. asked18.a.comfortably b. hurriedly c. happily d. anxiously19.a.cried out b. let out c. announced d. declared20.a.england b. cleveland c. ohio d. california内容概要:本文叙述了一个加利弗利亚的小女孩参加滑冰的比赛的经过,从紧张到放松,最后取得了胜利。答案简析:1、选a。从后面的状语to see her mother中可以得到启发。2、选d。四处张望的目的就是“希望”见到她母亲。want一般没有现在分词形式,look forward to 中的to是介词,后面应接名词或动名词,故b、c不能选用。3、选b。根据常识可以排除另三个选项。 4、选d。peggy是女孩,故为女儿。 5、选a。音乐响起。首句已呈现过该说法,另play在此系及物动词,形式不对。 6、选c。下文中有and letting it carry her 这样类似用法。7、选b。从其后面的状态来看,peggy心中充满了自信。 8、选b。表示进入溜冰场之前的最后几秒钟。该空可以根据常识和行文逻辑选定。 9、选d。表示自然消失而不是人为丢失,应该用gone,而不用lost。10、选a。见第二节第一句。11、选d。then表示时间上的顺承。 12、选c。凭语感选定。 13、选d。as表示“当的同时”。因为表演完美,所以谢幕时人们欢呼。 14、选a。the other 后总是接同类名词,故此处选skaters。15、选a。根据常识,自由滑冰运动员退场时,观众总是会欢呼的。 16、选c。选手关注的,除了观众,就是“裁判”了。 17、选a。第18空前再现了这一说法。 18、选d。等分数时的心情应是焦急的,故用anxiously。19、选c。结果的宣布一般用announce。而战争、罪行等重大事件的宣布则多用declare。20、选d。上文中提到了父母亲从加利弗利亚开车过来,所以peggy可能来自california。 (二) two men on a touring holiday were injured by an explosion in their motor van(面包车) yesterday. shoppers, traders and businessmen in red lion street were 1._ by a loud bang, and seconds later the two men jumped over from the van, which had stopped outside barclays bank. several people rushed to give 2._ and helped to put out the fire 3._ the van. a light american truck changed the 4._ to provide living accommodation room(躺的地方), 5._ firemen arrived. the men, mr.cary house, who was driving, and his 6._ mr. charlie lynnwere taken to hospital with slight 7._. they were allowed to leave after 8._. “i heard this explosion. it was 9._ loud. i thought it could have been a(n) 10._.” said mr. leslie webster, manager of the market, who was working in his office in red lion street. “i looked out of the window and saw this lad jump from the van and 11._ on the ground. then another lad came out of the van. he seemed to be in a 12._ state-parts of his trousers were hanging below his knees.” “i came downstairs to get a fire extinguisher (灭火器), but 13._ the time i got outside someone from the bank was in the 14._ with an extinguisher.” mr. webster said both men were shocked. one was taken into the markets office to wait for a(n) 15._. “the second man 16._ going back into the van to see if everything was 17._, and five minutes later he came out with a drawer that was blazing (burning).” he added. 18._ inside the van was mainly superficial(表面的), 19._ a plastic window was blown out. the two men have spent the last six months 20._. at the time of the incident their wives were shopping in the city.1.a.disappointed b. excited c. frightened d. shocked 2.a.call b. warning c. report d. assistance3.a.inside b. outside c. around d. towards4.a.plan b mind c. direction d. nature5.a.after b. before c. when d. until6.a.wife b. passenger c. visitor d. guest7.a.wounds b. sickness c. burns d. hurts8.a.operation b. treatment c. recovery(复原) d. examination9.a.much b. pretty c. usually d. actually10.a.bomb b. fire c. truck d. accident11.a.lie b. die c. roll d. fall12.a.good b. poor c. easier d. worse13.a.at b. for c. after d. by14.a.van b. office c. market d. room15.a.rescue b. doctor c. firefighter d. ambulance (救护车)16.a.kept on b. insisted on c. cared for d. gave up17.a.in order b. in all c. all right d. all over18.a.equipment b. suffering c. damage d. condition19.a.although b. since c. because d. so that20.a.touring b. repairing c. moving d. cleaning 内容概要:文章讲述了两个人在旅行中,车子发生了事故,引起了火灾。具体描述了救人救火的场面。答案简析:1、选d。因为巨大的爆炸声是突如其来的,所以街上的人感到“震惊”。 2、选d。give assistance意思是offer help,根据空格后的help 不难选定。 3、选a。火应该是车内的爆炸产生的,所以用inside。 4、选c。上面提到了众人的帮助,所以此刻一辆卡车也改变了“方向”,以便为他们提供一些方便。卡车是无生命的事物,故不能选用另三个选项。 5、选b。卡车加入救助时,消防队员显然还没有到。 6、选b。passenger是“乘客”,而guest是“客人”在车上的人应是乘客。 7、选c。因为火引起的,所以是灼伤“burn”。 8、选b。因为伤比较轻微,所以经简单“治疗”后可以离开医院。9、选b。pretty在此处为副词,相当于very。从前面的a loud bang和人们纷纷循声涌向面包车来看,爆炸声“很”大。10、选a。事故是肯定的,不必猜测,根据巨大的响声,猜测发生了爆炸应是合理的。11、选c。在地上“滚”是为了扑灭身上的火。12、选d。下面提到裤子烧掉了一截,所以情况好像比前一位更糟糕一些。13、选d。by the time意为“到时候为止”。从后面已有人携带灭火器到了车上,可以得出该答案。 14、选a。火主要在车内燃烧,故救火人到了“车”内。15、选d。受伤的人等“救护车”救护,合乎常情。 16、选b。a、d不符合事实,c不合乎词的用法。 17、选c。all right相当与ok。进入车内的目的应该是为了看看物品是否损坏。 18、选c。由superficial 和 plastic window 可以想到此处指车子部件的“损坏”情况。 19、选a。前后意义相反。 20、选a。与文章首句相呼应。(二)议论文突破议论文是一种剖析事物、论述事理、发表见解或提出主张的说理性文章。议论文的目的不仅是客观的解释事物,还力图说服读者相信并接受某一观点。英语议论文不完全等同于汉语的议论文,它涉及的范围要小得多。有人把英语中的议论文旧理解为论证文、推理文或辩论文,还有人直接将议论文归入到了说明文当中。但笔者认为就写作目的与写作手法而言,英语议论文与英语说明文还是有一定的区别的。首先,英语说明文主要是对提出的主题进行“说明”和“阐述”,并不进行正反评判和推理,也不强迫读者接受作者的观点;而英语议论文主要是就某一主题,在摆出正反两方面观点的基础上,通过论证、推理辩论等手段,试图让读者最终接受作者对这一主题的某种观点。尽管有时也不一定非常明确的交待正反观点,但力图通过推理让读者赞同自己的观点始终是英语议论文的主要目的。议论文的应用范围很广,除了学术论文外,社论、评论、杂文,随感等都属议论文的范畴。不管是在汉语中,还是在英语中,议论文都是由论点(作者的观点,也就是被证明的对象、论据(用来证明论点的依据,是说明论点的理由和材料)和论证(运用论据证明论点的过程与方法),这三个要素构成的,这也是一个提出问题分析问题解决问题的过程。因此,典型的议论文一般就由序论(提出问题,即what)、本论(分析问题,即why)和结论(解决问题,即how)三个部分构成,其具体的结构模式又有以下三种:模式一:引言段(提出观点)正方论点心(支持作者的观点的较弱论点)、正方论点2(支持作者的观点的较强论点)、正方论点3(支持作者观点的最强论点)结论段(总结+解决方法,论断或建议)在这种模式中,文章主体段(中间部分)的每一个部分论述一个论点,这些论点以其重要性按序排列,最有力、最重要的论点在最后面,以示强调。模式二:引言段(提出观点)反面意见(反方观点+作者的反驳)、正方论点1(支持作者观点的较弱论点)、正方论点2(支持作者观点的较强论点)、正方论点3(支持作者观点的最强论点)结论段(总结+解决方法,论断或建议)在这种模式中,文章立体段的一开始就提出对立方的反面意见及作者对这种意见的反驳,以后各部分仍分别陈述作者的不同论点。模式三:引言段(提出观点)反方观点1+进行反驳的正方论点、反方观点2+进行反驳的正方论点、反方观点3+进行反驳的正方论点结论段(总结+解决方法,论断或建议)在这种模式中,作者在文章主体段的每一部分都先提出一个反面观点,然后再进行反驳。议论文有自己的语言个性,它不同于记叙文的生动形象,也不同于说明文的简明易懂。议论是对具体事物、事理作出的理论上分析与阐述,因此,它的语言自然客观的、抽象的、概括的。同时,它的语言也很准确,合乎逻辑。文中会较多地使用,诸如since(既然),now that(既然),therefore(因而),in that case(在那种情况下),so(所以),it follows that(因而),if,we may conclude that (如果,我们可以这样下结论),should it be the case (如果是这样的话),idont want to,but(我并不想),it is true that,but(诚然但是),even if (即使)等有辩论和推理含义的连接和过渡词语与结构,以增强语言的准确性和逻辑性。此外,作者的写作态度一般也较诚恳,在文章中通常使用的是与读者平等交流的语气,不会给人以居高临下、以势居人、逼人接受的感觉,在遣词造句方面多使用虚拟语气、让步状语从句和can, may, might, could, would, should等情态动词。同学们在解答议论文体的完形填空时,首先要读懂第一节,尤其是文章的第一句话,这样就可以迅速找到文章所要论证的观点,进而理解全文的主旨大意。其次要恶心体会,作者谋篇布局的方法,了解各个段落的功能,感受作者论证的过程。最后再循着作者的思路重读全文,推敲各空答案。 请看下面的例题:(一) recently, a professor of philosophy(哲学) in the united states has written a book called money and the meaning of life. he has 1._ that how we deal with money in our day to day life has more meaning than we usually 2._. one of the exercises he has asked his students to do is to keep a 3_ of every penny they spend for a week. from the 4._ they spend their money, they can see what they really 5._ in life. the professor says our 6._ with others often becomes clearly defined(明确) when money enters the picture. you 7._ have wonderful friendship with somebody and you think that you are very good friends. but you will know him only when you ask him to lend you some 8._. if he does, it brings something to the relationship that seems 9._ than ever before. 10._it can suddenly weaken the relationship if he doesnt. since money is so important to us, we consider those who are 11._ to be very important. the professor 12._some rich people in researching his book. question: what is the most 13._ thing you have discovered about being rich? answer: the most surprising thing is why people give me so much 14._. i am nothing. i dont know much. all i am is rich.people just have an idea of making more and more money, but what is it 15._? how much money do i need for any given 16._ in my life? in his book, the professor uncovered an important 17._ in modern society: to bring back the idea that the money is an instrument 18._than the end. money plays an important 19._ in the material world, but 20._ money to give happiness may be missing the meaning of life.1.a.pointed b. studied c. discovered d. noticed2.a.imagine b. think c. recognize d. plan3.a.secrect b. diary c. promise d. record4.a.way b. method c. opinion d. attitude5.a.mean b. value c. get d. make6.a.work b. friendship c. relation d. union7.a.should b. must c. had to d. might8.a.cars b. books c. rooms d. money9.a.stronger b. weaker c. worse d. looser10.a.but b. otherwise c. and d. then11.a.rich b. poor c. helpful d. ordinary12.a.saw b. interviewed c. questioned d. knew13.a.puzzling b. disappointing c. surprising d. interesting14.a.worry b. doubt c. hate d. respect15.a.about b. against c. for d. at16.a.achievemant b. result c. purpose d. success17.a.need b. discovery c. lack d. event18.a.better b. rather c. more d. less19.a.action b. performance c. role d. trick20.a.demanding b. hoping c. getting d. expecting内容概要:本文阐述了金钱在生活中的意义和作用,文章认为钱只是一种工具而不应该是追求的目标。答案简析: 1、选c。discover表示发现某一现象,在此较为合乎逻辑。第17空前的uncover一词对此也有启示作用。2、选b。这里强调的是人们的普遍观点,故用think。3、选d。keep a record 意为“记录”,符合教授的意图。4、选a。记下花钱的“方式”,有助于人们反思自己在生活中,实际上总是注重一些什么东西。5、选b。value 意为“珍惜”、“重视”。6、选c。relation(关系)是中性词,合乎这里的情境。7、选d。might表示“也许”,在几个词中语气最弱,符合下一句所揭示的语境。 8、选d。由下文可知,这里指“借钱”。9、选a。愿意借钱了,关系自然比以前更牢固。从下一句的weaken一词中也能得到启示。10、选b。otherwise 意为“否则”或“反过来”,它表示对立关系,而but 表示“转折”关系,即不一定是相反的关系。该句表示借钱怎么样,不借钱怎么样,故用otherwise 更为合适。11、选a。由“钱很重要”推断出“有钱人也很重要”,合乎逻辑。另下一句中也提到了rich people。12、选b。interview 表示“拜访、采访”;question 表示提问,用在警察对普通人,老师对学生等场合较多。为了写书而对他人进行访谈,似乎用interview更好些。13、选c。下一句重现了该词。14、选d。由后面三句话不难推知,此处应为一个表示积极意义的态度。15、选c。what for 表示原因,下文解释了这方面的原因。16、选c。given purpose意思为设定好的目标,此句意为“要多少钱来实现一生中的那些目标呢”。17、选a。冒号后就是“需求”的具体内容。18、选b。rather than 意为“而不是”,the end 表示“目的”。19、选c。根据意义和搭配选定。20、选d。根据意义和搭配可以排除另三项。(二) i consider myself something of an expert on apologies. a quick temper(脾气) has 1._ me with plenty of opportunities(机会) to make them. in one of my earliest 2._, my mother is telling me, “dont watch the 3._ when you say, im sorry. hold your head up and look the person in the 4._, so hell know you 5._ it. my mother thus made the key point of a(n) 6._ apology: it must be direct. you must never 7._ to be doing something else. you do not 8._ a pile of letters while apologizing to a person 9._ in position after blaming him or her for a mistake that turned out to be your 10._. you do not apologize to a hostess(女主人), whose guest of honor you treat 11._, by sending flowers the next day without mentioning your bad 12._. one of the important things you should do for an 13._ apology is readiness to 14._ the responsibility(责任) for our careless mistakes. we are used to making excuses, which leaves no 15._ for the other person to 16._ us. since most people are open-hearted, the no-excuse apology leaves both parties feeling 17._ about themselves. that, after all, is the 18._ of every apology. it 19._ little whether the apologizer is wholly or only partly at fault: answering for ones 20._ encourages others to take their share of the blame.1.a.provided b. mixed c. compared d. treated 2.a.dreams b. courses c. memories d. ideas3.a.side b. ground c. wall d. bottom4.a.mind b. soul c. face d. eye5.a.imagine b. enjoy c. mean d. regret6.a.useful b. successful c. equal d. basic7.a.pretend b. forget c. refuse d. expect8.a.hold on b. put away c. look through d. pick up9.a.poorer b. weaker c. worse d. lower 10.a.fault b. reason c. result d. duty11.a.cruelly b. freely c. roughly d. foolishly12.a.manners b. excuses c. efforts d. roles13.a.active b. effective c. extra d. easy14.a.raise b. perform c. admit d. bear15.a.situation b. need c. sign d. room16.a.advise b. forgive c. warn d. blame17.a.wiser b. warmer c. better d. cleverer18.a.purpose b. method c. end d. advantage19.a.cares b. matters c. depends d. remains20.a.facts b. states c. rights d. actions 内容概要:本文阐述了一个观点,道歉要真诚,要敢于承担责任,同时也批评了一些“假”道歉的行为。答案简析:1、选a。provide with意为“向提供”,这一说法颇具幽默色彩。2、选c。紧接着的就是作者回忆出来的内容。 3、选b。与后面提到的“要抬起头”正好相反。4、选d。道歉时看着对方的眼睛,以示真诚,在这一点上中西方是一样的。5、选c。mean it意为“这样对方就会明白你有道歉的意思”。it在这里指道歉的行为。6、选b。冒号后的内容即为“成功的”道歉的一些基本特征。 7、选a。根据常识选定。 8、选c。其他三个选项不合语境。 9、选d。职位一般论的是高、低。 10、选a。与前面的mistake同义。turn out意为“后来证明是”。 11、选c。roughly此处表示对待客人不礼貌,服务不到位。从前面的要不要道歉的讨论可以猜出这一答案。 12、选a。bad manners 意为不礼貌的行为,从treat roughly这一信息不难推测出这一答案。13、选b。effective与successful有异曲同工之妙。 14、选d。bear the responsibility(承担责任),系习惯搭配。 15、选d。leave no room不留余地。 16、选b。经常找借口,那么也就会不留余地地给别人来“原谅”自己。 17、选c。better表示“心情更舒畅”。未找借口的道歉,即真诚的道歉,对方的感觉一定很好。 18、选a。道歉的最终“目的”是化干戈为玉帛,大家和好如初,所以用purpose。 end表示“目的”时用复数较多,而且不及purpose直接。 19、选b。道歉者是全部还是部分承担责任这些都不太重要:关键是为所作所为主动负责,这也能促使别人共同承担责任。 根据语境不难排除另三个选项。20、选d。根据行文逻辑应该是对自己的“行动”负责。answer for在此意为“对负责”。(三)说明文突破说明文是对事物的特征、本质、性能、状态,或事物的发生、发展、结果、用途、原理等进行介绍、解释、说明的一种文体。它所说明的对象可以是实体的事物,如仪器仪表、自然环境等,也可以是抽象的事理、如概念、原理、定律、规章等。它包括说明书、解说词、文献资料、图表等形式。尽管说明文中可能会掺有一些记述、描写或议论的成分,但说明文的最主要表达方式还是说明。必须说明的是与汉语说明文相比,英语说明文所涉及的范围似乎更大,在英语中,天文地理、人情世故、客观事物、主观意识等宇宙间的一切都可以通过说明文加以阐述说明,象the importance of being on tie(准时的重要性)和the happiness of reading books(读书之乐)之类的话题,在汉语中似乎应该属于议论文的范围,但在英语中却一般列在说明文中。与英语记叙文相比,英语说明文的语言特征并不那么明显。但尽管如此,也还是有一些语言现象在英语说明文中经常出现。1、多用现在时态。因为说明文通常是对客观事物或事理的一种介绍与


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