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。江门市新会高级技工学校理 论 课 教 案编号:QD1906 流水号:04 共 4 页科目新模式英语 1Unit 2章 第 1节 课题: lets go shopping!(1)授课日期课时2班级16W7/1610授课方式讲授与讨论作业题数2拟用时间0.5教学目的Identify stores to purchase items.Identify places to shop.Listen for place names.Use the simple present.Make a bar graph.选用教具挂图无重点Objective: make purchasesGrammar: how much is.? how much are?难点Academic Strategies: stress and rhythmAcademic Strategies: focused listening. Categorizing, bar graphs教学回顾说明本节课主要学习Unit2授课教师: 审阅签名:教 学 过 程第一节(45分) Warm-up and Review(10分)Write $ 1,000,000 on the board. Ask students what they would buy with that much money. Tell them what you would buy. Write shopping on the board. Ask students what their favorite store is and write the stores on the board.Write the names of several local stores o the board. Use high-end and lower-end department stores. Ask students which are more expensive. Use a money gesture or take out some bills to make the point. Then, ask students which store is their favorite. Introduction(10分)Ask students to open their books and look over the goals for the unit. Tell them that by the end of the unit, they will be able to do each of the skills listed. Statedthe objective: today we will identify places to make purchased. Lesson One(25分)Presentation 1With books closed, ask students what items they need at school. Strat them off by saying they need a pencil or a pen. Show them your pencil or pen. Ask what else they need.Now ask students to open their books and look at Exercise A. tell them that Van is preparing to start school.A.Read about Van.Read the paragraph as a class. Make sure students understand all of the vocabulary. Ask students to help you list other things Van might need. Write to what you have already asked them to say about themselves.B.Write what Van needs under the correct stores below.Do this activity as a class. Ask students if they can think of similar stores in their community. Ask them to give the names of the stores.C. What other things can you buy at each store? Make a list with a group.Ask students to form groups or assign groups. Then, ask them to discuss the 江门市新会高级技工学校 第 2 页教 学 过 程question before they begin a list. To expand its list, a group might visit the other groups in the class and add one item from each groups list to their own.Presentation 2Remind students that different stores sometimes sell the same items, make a cluster on the board of the items they came up with in Exercise C. the principle circle should be labeled Stores. The secondary circles are types of stores. You may also make copies of the cluster template from the Activity Bank CD-Rom for students to create their won cluster diagram.D.listen to Van and her husband. Circle the best places to get each item.This is still part of the presentation, so stop and start the recording often. Help students hear what they are expected to hear.E.practice pronouncing the sentences with a partnerF. use the information in exercise D to practice the conversation. Use shoes, shirts, a dictionary, and bread, cheese, and fruit in new conversation.Presentation 3G.study the chart with your classmates and teacher.Remember that at this stage some students will have trouble understanding a chart like this one. Go over it together carefully.H. complete the sentences with the correct form of shop.Ask students to complete the sentences and then to copy them into a notebook. Show students how look for might work in place of shop for in these sentences.第二节(45分钟) Lesson 2(30分钟)Presentation 1Write item, price, tax and total on the board. Ask students what each word means. They might not be able to explain the words well , but allow them to try. Draw a receipt on the board. Ask the students to help you fill it out. Then , ask students to open their books and read the receipts.A.Look at the receipts. What are the totals? what is the tax?Go over the receipts. Ask questions such as: how much are the oranges? How much is 江门市新会高级技工学校 第 3 页教 学 过 程the dictionary?B.How much is the total for the shirts, sneakers, bilingual dictionary , and food?Work with the class to figure out the total. If you like, make it a competition, where the first student to get the correct total is the winner. Do the mathe on the board to ensure that all students know how to do it. You might also ask for th total before taxes and the total of different quantities of the items.Have students complete this activity individually.Practice 1C. listen and circle the amounts you hear.D. listen and write the prices.Go over the grammar box with students ,reminding them of the singular and plural forms of the BE verb. Say one of the objects from page 24, Exercise D. ask students to form a question with how much and is or are. Help them with the pronunciation of dollars and make sure they pronounce the finals Show students how to substitute information in the conversation for Exercise E. this activity can also be expanded to include the items on the receipts in Exercise A.Presentation 3E. Practice asking about prices. Look at Exercise D on page 24 for information.F.write the words from the box under the pictures.Do this activity with the class. Review all the bills. If possible, display real bills and the coins in the classroom. Be prepared to discuss who and what is p


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