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考研英语基础 写作 1 写作讲义 一、考试要求 1. 时间分配: 14:00-14:15 小作文 14:15-14:50 大作文 审题、写作、检查 2. 字数要求:小作文 100 字 /大作文 160-200 字 3. 分值比例: 满分 10 分 /20 分 平均分 5.5 分 /平均分 11 分 4. 写作话题:次热点永恒社会话题 5. 写作题型: 提纲式议论文( 1991-1996)、图表作文( 1997/1999)、图画作文( 1998/2000至今) 小作文【辞职信 2005、道歉信 2005/ 2008、询问信 2006、投诉信 2007、建议信2009、邀请信、申请信、推荐信、求职信、备忘录、摘要、报告、通知 (告示 )2010】 6. 评分重点: 结构三段式 内容不跑题 语言最重要 成功要诀: 写背过的词汇和句子 用有限的句子结构和需要的词汇表达无限的思想 二、高分词 more and more: a growing number of people/ an increasing number of people/ people in growing numbers/ people in increasing numbers/ It is growingly good/ It is increasingly good. many: a sea of, an ocean of, an army of, a great many all kinds of/ different: a variety of, a diversity of, various, diverse. big: major, tremendous, immense, enormous, considerable small: minor, mini, tiny good: beneficial, positive, rosy, excellent, fabulous, awesome, fascinating, amazing, terrific, fantastic, unbelievable, incredible bad: poor, terrible, horrible, negative, dreadful, adverse, unfavorable, severe, grave, serious important: significant, essential, basic, fundamental, indispensable, vital, crucial, critical 考研英语基础 写作 2 very: rather, remarkably, extremely, overwhelmingly, exceedingly, impressively say, believe, think: hold, argue, claim, maintain, suppose, presume, assume, agree, emphasize, I am fully convinced that, harbor the idea that, hold the opinion that take the attitude that people: individuals, characters, folks, human beings. 十大万能理由:科技、经济、教育、环境、健康、安全、交流、情感、时尚、生活(内容趋同最保险 ;相关即可、自圆其说) 科技: exert positive influence on/ promote/ enhance/ improve the advancement of science and technology exert negative influence on/ set barriers on/ hamper/ stop/ affect 经济: exert positive influence on/ promote/ enhance/ improve the development of economy and society create more job opportunities acquire great wealth make/ earn more money exert negative influence on/ set barriers on/ hamper/ stop/ affect/ spoil/ damage/ ruin suffer from the loss of wealth lose more money face a growing number of fierce competitions and enormous pressures both in career and in life. 教育: exert positive influence on childrens education and growth broaden peoples horizons enrich peoples life acquire a diversity of knowledge and skills develop the spirit of exert negative influence on childrens education and growth limit childrens horizons make children lack the knowledge/ skills/ spirit of be addicted to overindulge in waste ones time, energy and money affect their study and academic results 环境: conserve/protect the environment maintain ecological balance 考研英语基础 写作 3 preserve /protect the cultural heritage damage/ destroy 健康: exert positive/ negative influence on peoples physical and psychological health bring great benefit to/ be exceedingly beneficial to peoples physical and psychological health have great harm to 安全: ensure the communitys safety/ security enjoy the life without diverse crimes make people confront the danger of various potential crimes be cheated/ robbed/ murdered/ visited by thieves and burglars 交流: exert positive influence on/ promote/ enhance/ improve the material and cultural communications/ exchanges/ mix/ spread of different countries make people know more about other countries and the world outside. exert negative influence on/ set barriers on/ hamper/ stop/ affect make people lack of the knowledge of foreign cultures and the world outside 情感: exert positive influence on/ promote/ enhance/ improve the relationship and emotions of families build up/ foster/ develop the friendship/connections and harmonies among friends exert negative influence on/ set barriers on/ hamper/ stop/ affect drive people selfish, cold and lonely 时尚: become more fashionable and cool become out of date and old-fashioned 生活: enjoy a happy and convenient life enjoy a happy life and bright future enjoy a bright future and sustainable development 考研英语基础 写作 4 三、高分句 (一) 拉长句子的方法 1.形容词 +名词 (adj.+n.) / 副词 +动词 (adv.+n.) /主句 +从句 ( 2007,四级) University offer electives. A group numbers of universities widely offer a variety of electives which students take interest in. As is often referred to, a growing number of universities widely offer a variety of electives which students take interest in, which arouses widespread care/ attention of people who are concerned about it. ( 2009.12 六级) Parents send their kids to art classes. As is often referred to, a growing number of parents widely send their kids to a variety of art classes that they take interest in, which brings about widespread discussion among people who are concerned about it. ( 2010, 考研) People pursue culture. As is often referred to, a growing number of people happily pursue a diversity of culture that they take interest in, which brings about widespread discussion among people who are concerned about it. 2.主句 +分词引导句子(定语从句 /状语从句 /并列主句) 1) 主句 +分词引导的定语从句 I am a man who teaches English =I am a man teaching English I am a man who is called Zheng =I am a man called Zheng 2) 主句 +分词引导的状语从句 Because I am Chinese, I love China. =Being a Chinese, I love China. =I, being a Chinese, love china. ( 2009.12, 六级) Because many parents love their kids so much, they send their kids to art classes. =Loving their kids so much, many parents send their kids to art classes. =Many parents, loving their kids so much, send their kids to art classes. ( 2010,考研) Because many Chinese love foreign cultures so much, they only eat in KFC and wear LV clothing. =Loving foreign cultures so much, many Chinese only eat in KFC and wear LV clothing. 考研英语基础 写作 5 =many Chinese, loving foreign cultures so much, only eat in KFC and wear LV clothing. 3) 主句 +分词引导的并列主句 ( 2009,六级) Some parents love(谓 ) music, and they force( 谓 ) their kids to study singing like Zee Yeekole. Others even go(谓 ) too far, they drive( 谓 ) their kids to practice photo-taking like Guanxi. = Some parents love music, forcing their kids to study singing like Zee Yeekole. Others even go too far, driving their kids to practice photo-taking like Guanxi. (2010, 考研 ) Some people love(谓 ) foreign culture, and they only eat( 谓 ) in KFC. Others even go(谓 ) too far, they only wear( 谓 ) LV clothing. =Some people love foreign culture, only eating in KFC. Others even go too far, only wearing LV clothing. 3.主句 +with 引导句子 (1998, 考研 ) A hen stands proudly in front of two eggs, with a notion in her claw, saying that she promises to lay round eggs with egg white and yolk, without angles and corners. 4.部分倒装主句(状语 +主语 +同位语 /插入语 +谓语 +宾语) +分 词引导并列主句 1) 部分倒装 I give a lecture in the classroom. =In the classroom, I give a lecture. 2) 插入语 :在句中插入一个句子 /短语,不做成分不起联结作用,完全可以忽视。 3) 同位语:名词修饰名词(可忽略) ( 2002,考研) In the above cartoon(状语 ), an American girl(主语) in Chinese costume, slim and cute/pretty and bright(插入语) give(谓 ) us a sweet smiled happily and charmingly, impressing(谓 ) her on our memories forever. 5.状语从句 +完全倒装主句(状语 +谓语 +主语) +同位语 /插入语 +分词引导并列主句 完全倒装: I live in Chengdu =In Chengdu live I. As is vividly depicted in the above cartoon(状语 从句 ), in the classroom stands(谓 ) Meng Zheng(完全倒装主句) , a very slim man(同位语 /插入语) , giving(谓) an important lecture passionately and humorously(分词引导并列主语 ) . ( 2002,考研) 考研英语基础 写作 6 As is vividly depicted/describe/illustrated in the above cartoon(状语从句) , in the sunshine, stands(谓) an American girl(完全倒装主句) , a very pretty one(同位语 /插入语) , giving(谓) us a sweet smile happily and charmingly(分词引导并列主语) . ( 2002,考研) As is vividly depicted/describe/illustrated in the above cartoon, in the sunshine, stands an American girl, a very pretty one, smiling with joy. In correspondence to the interesting scene that (=while) on her body appears(谓 ) a Chinese costume(完全倒装主句) , a rather traditional one(同位语 /插入语) , showing(谓) her love of Chinese culture(分词引导并列主语) . 6.五个编造 : 编造背景 、 编造共识 、 编造权威 、 编造例子 、 编造报告 。 ( 1)编造背景 (写现象) With the tremendous development of modern society and economy/ science and technology changing peoples life almost overnight, perhaps no other things have arrested more attentions and concerns/nothing can be more influential on us than 主 题 during the past decade. With the advent of new century/global financial crisis and the increase of fierce competitions change our world/society almost overnight, perhaps no other tings have brought about more concerns and discussion than 主题 during the past decades. With the advent of new century/harmonious society(和谐社会) and improvement of living standards changing peoples life almost overnight perhaps no other tings have brought about more concerns and discussion than 主题 during the past decades. Of all the changes that have taken places in English language newspapers during the quarters-century, perhaps the most far-reaching has been the inexorable decline in the scope and seriousness of their arts coverage. ( 2)编造共识 (写现象) It is universally acknowledge that in our current society really exist a variety of cheats and false promises ( 主 题 ) which exert tremendously negative/positive influence on us. There is no denying the fact that It is a prevalent notion that People are fully convinced that People share a common view that People hold the same opinion that People harbor(持有) the similar idea that People take the common attitude that 考研英语基础 写作 7 ( 3)编造权威(写原因) “Zheng is handsome,” as Meng, a famous expert in education/sociology says/concludes. “Individuals of current age, facing a growing number of fierce competition and enormous pressure both in career and in life, always want to make more money by lying and making false promises than/compare with those who do,” as Meng, an outstanding expert in sociology, says. “Such is human nature that a great many people, facing a growing number of fierce competitions and enormous pressures both in career and in life, are always willing to do anything they can to make as much money as possible, even by making false promises,” as Meng, an outstanding expert in sociology, says. “There are many factors that may lead to this phenomenon, but the following two are the most important,” as Meng, an outstanding expert in sociology, says, “First, a growing number of fierce competitions and enormous pressures both in career and in life; second the strong desire of make money by all kinds of means.” ( 4)编造例子(写原因) Among all the shocking/touching fact relating to false promises that I have heard, noticed and experienced, the most impressive one SanLu, a milk powder factory, making money by lying and selling poisonous milk powder with hundreds of babies killed. The past decades have witnessed many cease about cheating for money in some part of our country either in cities or in the countryside, with SanLu milk Powder Factory being the most persuasive. I can think of no better of 主题 can be thought than the example of SanLu, a milk powder factory making money by cheating. ( 5)编造报告( 写后果) According to the latest survey conducted by science Academy of China/Sichuan university, one of the most famous stadium/university in China, nearly 70% of the businessmen have lied and made false promises( , which bring negative influence on our society) . 7. 虚拟、比较、强调、被动 (写后果) If this situation was to continue, our nation/society would be destroyed by Were this situation to continue, our society would be destroyed and we would pay a high price Were this situation to continue, our society would become growingly beautiful/ harmonious and people would get increasingly happy. Were this situation to continue, our environment would be destroyed and our natural resources would be run out. 考研英语基础 写作 8 四、模板 (一) 大作文: 1、 第一段:图画描述 ( 1) 万能写法一: 2 句 第 1 句 : 人物 /动物 /事物环境 /服装 /表情 /动作 /文字说明 :如同这幅图鲜活的描画到 (状语从句) ,在 地方 +谓语 +漫画主语 (完全倒装主句) ,一个非常 +形容词 +one(同位语 /插入语) ,谓语 +状态 (分词引导并列主句) ,同时 /与之相对应的是 ,在 地方 +谓语 +漫画主语 (完全倒装主句) ,一个非常 +形容词 +one(同位语 /插入语) ,谓语 +状态 (分词引导并列主句) 。 第 2 句 : 象征寓意(提出问题) : 这个场景引发了人们关于寓意的广泛讨论。 ( 1998,考研) :只有一幅图时,在图中找到两个主体,分别描写。 1) As is vividly depicted in the cartoon, in the middle of the picture/in front of two eggs stands a hen, a remarkably proud one, advocating singing/saying/shouting in confidence, in accordance with/in correspondence with/in contrast to an interesting scene that( =while ) in the hens claw appears a notice, a rather funny/ ridiculous one saying that she promises to lay round eggs with shells, egg whites and yolks without any angles and corners.2)The phenomenon/fact/sight/scene/ cartoon has brought about/aroused widespread discussions about issue of honesty/ false promises among people.(who are concerned about it, especially the concerned of experts.) ( 2000,考研): 有两幅图时,对两幅图分别作描写。 1) As is vividly depicted in the upper/ left/ first picture, in the sea of 1900 sails a boat, a remarkably/ an exceedingly/ an impressively leisured one, hunting an ocean of fish, in contrast to the shocking/interesting scene of the lower/ right/ second cartoon that in the sea of 1995 crowds an army of boats, a rather horrible one, hunting only a single fish. 2) This phenomenon has brought about widespread discussions about the issue of excessive commercial fishing among people. ( 2001,考研) 1)As is vividly depicted in the picture, in the darkness stands a lamp, a remarkably bright one, glowing in peace, while/in accordance with the touching scene that above the lamp lies a slogan, a rather touching one, saying that love is a lamp that becomes brighter especially in darker places. 2) This phenomenon has brought about widespread discussions about the issue of love among people. ( 2002,考研) 1) As is vividly depicted in the picture, in the photo stands an American girl, a remarkably charming one, smiling with joy, in correspondence to the interesting scene that with her appears a Chinese costume, a rather traditional one, showing her love of Chinese cultures. 2) This phenomenon has brought about widespread discussions about the issue of cultural communications among people. 考研英语基础 写作 9 ( 2) 万能写法二: 4 句 第 1 句,引出话题: 现在关于 一幅图画产生了激烈的讨论。 第 2 句,描述图画(同上) 第 3 句,过渡句: 尽管这幅图很 它的象征意义却深入大海。 /作者的真正意图不是讲个现象本身,而是引导我们找出冰山后面的真相。 第 4 句,象征寓意: 正如一句老话说道:哪里有 哪里就有 (1998, 考研 ) 1) There has been a heated discussion about a picture these days.2) As is vividly shown in the picture, in front of two eggs stands a hen, advocating that she promises to lay round eggs with shells, egg whites and yolk, and without any angles and corners.3) Simple/ Interesting/Funny/Amusing/Delighting/Touching/Moving/Sad/Shocking/Ridiculous/Odd/ Strange as picture is, the symbolic meaning behind the picture is as deep as the ocean is deep and profound. The drawers real purpose is not to tell the fact itself, but to lead us to find what hides behind the iceberg.4) Just as an old proverb says, where there are human beings, there are false promises. /Just as an old proverb says, false promises never fail to shock/outrage/delight/ please people and exert a negative/positive/tremendous influence on our society. (2000, 考研 ) 1) There has been a heated discussion about a picture these days. 2) As is vividly shown in the picture, in the sea of 1900 sails a boat, hunting an ocean of fishes, while in the sea of 1995 crowds an army of boats, hunting only a single fish.3) Sad and shocking as the picture is the symbolic meaning behind the picture is as deep as the ocean.4) Just as an old proverb says, where there are human beings, there is excessive commercial fishing. =excessive commercial fishing never fails to shock people and exert a negative/ positive/ tremendous influence on animals. =human beings are the most dangerous enemies of animals. ( 2001, 考研) 1) There has been a heated discussion about a picture these days. 2) As is vividly shown in the picture, in the darkness stands a lamp spreading light and warmth around itself.3) Touching and shocking as the picture is the symbolic meaning behind the picture is as deep as the ocean.4) Just as an old proverb says, where there are darkness and trouble, there are light and love. ( 3) 万能写法三 : 4 句 第 1 句 提出漫画寓意: 过去几年见证了一个现象,越来越多的 漫画主体 在生活中的各个方面出现。 第 2 句 描述图画: 如图中的主语 +谓语 +宾语 +从句 /分词引导句子 第 3 句 总结: 这个场景是如此的 以至于我们忍不住 ,并且它的寓意是如此明显以至于我们忍不住深入思考。 ( 1998,考研) 考研英语基础 写作 10 1) The past decades/several years have witnessed a phenomenon that growing number of/a variety of false promises have been arising from all aspects of life.( =Perhaps no other things have arrested more attentions and concerns than a variety of false promises arising from all aspects of life.) 2) Just like, a hen, in the given cartoon, promises to lay round eggs with shells, eggs whites and yolks and without angles and corners.3) This sight is so interesting/ funny/ amusing/ delighting/exciting/touching/moving/warn/ sad/odd/ shocking/horrible/ridiculous/strange that we couldnt help focusing on it/laughing/smiling/ praising/worrying/crying/criticizing and its symbolic is so distinct that we couldnt stop our desire to give it a deep consideration. ( 2000,考研) 1) The past century has witnessed a phenomenon that growing number of excessive fishing has been arising from all over the world. 2) Just like, a boat, in the first cartoon, enjoys hunting an ocean of fish with leisure in 1990. while a great many boats, in the second cartoon, crowd to hunt only a single fish in 1995.3) This sight is so sad that we couldnt help worrying, and its symbolic meaning is so distinct that we couldnt stop our desire to give it a deep consideration. ( 2001,考研 ) 1) The past several years have witnessed a phenomenon that growing number of care and love has been arising from all aspects of life.2) Just like ,a lamp, in the picture, becomes brighter especially in darker places, spreading light and warmth around itself. 3) This sight is so moving and touching, and its symbolic meaning is so distinct that we couldnt stop our desire to give it a deep consideration. 2 第二段:意义阐释(提出和分析问题 ) ( 1) 万能写法一: 五大角度 6 句 背景 1 句 (提出问题) 现状 1 句 (提出问题) 原因 2 句 (分析问题) 后果 2 句 (分析问题) 反方观点(可选) 九种手段 :编造背景、编造共识、编造权威、编造例子、编造报告、虚拟结果、正反论证、分类比较、解释说明 . ( 1998,考研) 1) With the tremendous development of modern society and economy changing peoples lives almost overnight, perhaps no other things have arrested more attentions and concerns than lack of honesty during the past decades. 2) It is universally acknowledged that that in our current society there really exist a variety of false promises which exerts tremendously negative influence on us. 3)“Individuals of current age, facing a growing number of fierce competitions and 考研英语基础 写作 11 enormous pressures both in career and in life, want to make more money by lying and making false promises those who do not,” as Meng, an outstanding expert in sociology, says.4) I can think no better examples than other one SanLu, a milk powder factory, making money by cheating. .5) According to the latest survey conducted by Sichuan University, one of the most famous universities in China, nearly 70% of businessman have lied and make false promises. 6) Were this situation to continue, our environment would be destroyed and our natural resources would be run out. ( 2000,考研) 1) With the tremendous development of modern society and economy changing peoples lives almost overnight, perhaps no other things have arrested more attentions and concerns than excessive commercial fishing during the past a century.2) It is universally acknowledged that that in our current society there really exist a variety of excessive commercial fishing which exerts tremendously negative influence on us. 3) “Individuals of current age, facing a growing number of fierce competitions and enormous pressures both in career and in life, never fail to earn more money by go fishing a lot than/ compared with those who do not,” as Meng, an outstanding expert in sociology, says.4) Among all the shocking/touching facts relating to excessive commercial fishing that I have heard, noticed and experienced, the most impressive one is Funan people, fishermen in Chengdu, making money by fishing excessively, with no fish to hunt now.5) According to the latest survey conducted by Sichuan University, one of the most famous universities in China, nearly 70% of the rivers of oceans are overfished.6) Were this situation to continue, our environment would be destroyed and our natural resources would be run out. ( 2) 万能写法二: 1) It is self-evident the above-mentioned phenomenon has brought about tremendous positive/negative influences both on modern people and our current society.2) For one thing 主题 not only does benefit/harm to individuals success in career and life, but results in a hopeful and wonderful/terrible and desperate future, which is a fabulous/adverse situation we are willing/unwilling to see.3) For another, nothing is more beneficial/ harmful than 主题 to contribute to / break up to harmonious society and enhance/hamper its development and advancement.4)According to a survey made by Sichuan University 70% of young people who have ever experienced/undergo 主题 live a happy/sad/miserable life feeling hope/ despair of the future.5) If we keep going like this, some desirable/undesirable result may come out expectedly. 考研英语基础 写作 12 ( 3) 万能写法三: 1) As is symbolic revealed in the above cartoon, 主题 is significant and indispensable to any one who wants to enjoy a happy life and harmonious society.2) On the one hand, it is 主题 that make individuals continually overcome a variety of challenge and acquire a growing number of success both in career and life.3) On the other hand, it is 主题 that makes our society insistently conquer a diversity of barriers and achieve an increasing number of developments both in the current age and the future.4) if we do not 主题 , we live a terrible and desperate life, feeling the loss of hope about the future.5) The past decades have witness many case about 主题 in some part of our country with 例子 being the most persuasive. 6) Only by 主题 can we become the winner in society/world. ( 4) 万能写法四: Of all the changes that have taken place in China during the past decades, perhaps the most influential phenomenon is culture integration. Considering the current situation, it is necessary to point out the consequence of this common trend. Firstly, with the spread of Chinese culture, more and more foreigners like eating Chinese food and wearing Chinese traditional consume. Whats more culture exchanging, more and more alien culture such as American pop music is also accepted by our nations, especially youngsters. To sum up, culture mixing effectively improves mutual understanding and friendship among different countries. ( 2001,考研) Apparently, what the drawer intends to convey is that our Chinese culture is gradually accepted by western culture. The American girl stands for western culture; the traditional Chinese costume symbolizes Chinese culture. Obviously, our human society has witnessed many examples. One case in point is that an increasing number of foreign people study traditional Chinese medicine. Based on a recent survey, over 234,521,870 foreigners have come to China to learn Chinese. Were there no cultural exchange, there were no advances of society. ( 2003,考研) With the remarkable social reform bringing new ideas into peoples life, perhaps no change has characterized the past decades more significantly than that of childrens education. It is generally agreed upon that todays children are so much protected by their parents. Their parents, as is suggested by sociologists who are concerned with this issue, want to give their children all their love. With more and more children stepping into the complex reality, the children who are over-protected by their parents need more help than those who have grown up on their own. There are many cases that children failed to adapt themselves to the society. Once leaving home, they leave the protection that offers comfortable 考研英语基础 写作 13 conditions, which makes it difficult for them to earn their living. As is common in todays society, a great many children get lost in reality and become confused about life. 第三段:建议措施(解决问题) 1.万能写法一: 4 句 结论句: 1 句 针对双方提建议: 2 句 包装结尾、展望未来: 1 句 第 句 From what have been discussed above, it is imperative/necessary that effective and efficient measures should be taken/adopted to promote prevent 主题 . This situation of 正面主题 being so favorable, it is reasonable that we should take effective and efficient measure to enhance 正面主题 ./This situation of 负面主题 being serious, it is high time that we took effective and efficient measures to solve the problem. 第 句 On the one hand/For one thing, laws and regulation should be worked out/established by the government to encourage the public to 正面主题 /to prohibit ban people from making such misdeeds. For one thing, the authorities concerned should play a dominant role in taking nation wide actions to promote/curb such practices. For one thing, we should appeal our relevant authorities to carry out constructive laws and regulation to promote/control 主题 . 第 句 On the other hand/For another the public should be educated and encouraged to support/reject 主题 . For another it is necessary for us to keep the public aware of importance of developing 正面主题 ./saving 正面主题 out of the evil hands. For another, people shout get ready to open their arms and embrace 正面主题 anytime and anywhere./For another, people should get ready to pass criticism upon with misdeeds anytime and anywhere. For another we should enhance peoples awareness that 主题 are vital to us and the ecological balance/the individuals success/the harmonious society will be guaranteed with the strategy of sustainable development/persistent string culture mix. 考研英语基础 写作 14 第 句 only in this way can we effectively promote/protect our 主题 , and only by doing so can we enjoy a bright future and happy life/harmonious society/sustainable development. In conclusion, all the society should persistent make more efforts. Although we still have a long way to go, a promising result has begun. With a proper law and an active public it will only a matter of time that the society becomes happier and more advanced/that the problem become thing of the past. Only in a reasonable, prosperous and healthy atmosphere can we have the hope to witness the ideal scene in with people can enjoy their life to the uttermost. 2.万能写法二: It is obvious that love may bring about a great number of benefits for the development of our society. We should bear in mind that it is necessary to advocate /reject the spirit of love. Only in this way can we make our life more beautiful and our society more harmonious. ( 2001,考研) Then how to show love to others? It goes without saying that we are living in a world of love and help. Whenever we lend others a helping hand, we will receive help somewhere else. All the members in the society should join their hands in creating a favorable environment for others. Only in a society full of love can we hope to witness the ideal scene in which people can enjoy their lives to the uttermost. ( 2002,考研) Hence, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures. For one thing, we should appeal to our authorities to encourage teenagers to improve themselves. For another, we should enhance the awareness of people that traditional Chinese culture is very vital to us. Only in this way can we protect our youngsters. Also I believe that we human beings can improve the present situation, and we will have a brighter future. ( 2005,考研) The problem being so serious, it is high time that we took effective and efficient measures to counter the maltreatment towards old people. For one thing, laws and regulations should be worked out to punish those who would not support their parents living; for another, we young people should be educated to respect and esteem the old. Only in a reasonable, prosperous and healthy society can we hope to witness the ideal scene in which old people can enjoy their twilight to the uttermost. 考研英语基础 写作 15 五、写作八宗罪 1. 句子结构错误 主从句叠置 1) There are more and more students like to use the computer. 2) There are still many problems should be noted and resolved. 简单句叠置 I like chatting online very much, I go to the net bar almost very weekend. 句子成分缺失 If work hard, we will surely be successful. 2.动词错误 时态错误 Many people thought that the Internet will be more useful in the future. 语态错误 I have excited several days at the news that you will come here. 单复数错误 Someone are afraid that computer may control men in the future. 非谓语动词错误 Do exercise in the morning is good for ones health. 3.代词错误 We can use computer in doing everything you like. 4.冠词错误 Horse is an useful animal. 5.词性错误 I wish you can consider my suggests. 6.用词错误 Students must know how to apply a computer. 7.表达习惯错误 1) Now 6000 Yuan can buy a computer 2) I think great change has three reasons. 3) The reason for this is because some people want to earn plenty of money. 8.标点符号以及大小写错误 考研英语基础 写作 16 六、高分作文 2002 年 20 分作文: Currently, no other things have arrested more attention and concern than cultural exchange. In the middle of the picture stands an American girl, smiling sweetly with her traditional Chinese costumes on. It is distinct that the significant meaning of the picture can not be overemphasized. Apparently, what the drawer intends to convey is that our Chinese culture is gradually accepted by western culture. The American girl stands for western culture; the traditional Chinese costume symbolizes Chinese culture. Obviously, our human society has witnessed many examples. One case in point is that an increasing number of foreign people study traditional Chinese medicine. Based on a recent survey, over 234,521,870 foreigners have come to China to learn Chinese and TCM. Were there no cultural exchange, there were no advance of society. For my part, I am greatly convinced that cultural exchange plays an extremely vital role in the age of information and communication. Every nation relies on one another excessively closely. Accordingly, only in this way can our county catch up with others. 2003 年 20 分作文: The set of drawings above vividly depicts the destiny of a flower in different circumstances. As is shown in the first cartoon, the flower is placed in a comfortable greenhouse which shelters it from the threatening lightening and storm. With proper temperature, moisture and fertilizer, the flower is growing in full bloom. On the contrary, when removed from the greenhouse and exposed to the driving rain, the flower soon fades and withers, with the petals cast about on the grounds. To begin with, the purpose of the drawings is to show us that the flower growing in the green house cannot withstand the test of the storm, yet the symbolic meanings subtly conveyed should be taken more seriously. The delicate flower is naturally associated with young people, to be specific, the only children in our current society; the greenhouse epitomizes parents doting care and abundant material supplies that can shield the children from the storms, or the harsh reality. Once the young people begin to seek independence and accept challenges from the real world, they are found too spoiled to be strong enough in the face of difficulties. Accordingly, it is vital for us to derive positive implications from these thought-provoking drawings. On the one hand, we can frequently use them to enlighten the youth to be more independent in life. On the other hand, parents should be sensible enough to give their children more freedom to deal with troubles and problems. Only by undergoing more challenges and toils in adversity 考研英语基础 写作 17 can young people cultivate strong personality and ability, and only in this way can they become winners in this competitive world. 2004 年 18 分作文: As is shown in the picture, on arriving at the finishing line of a race on the playground, the lovely young man has to continue his new journey in no time instead of stopping to take a rest. He has successfully settled the puzzle of “stopping or going on” which might have confused many others. With the increasing pace of modern life, perhaps no change has characterized the past decase more dramatically than that of peoples view on their own life. It is generally agreed upon that people have to adjust themselves to this new change. On the one hand, no doubt, people will gain a lot by setting new goals in their daily life. take the famous scientist Thomas Edison for example. He had done very well in his early life, but continued to pursue something more difficult all through his life. On the other hand, if one is obsessed with the success he has achieved, he would lose the chance to pursue new success. What is more, he may become the slave of his success. There are many cases showing that people lose their courage to better themselves after becoming successful. To sum up, ones view on his success determines his future. In my opinion, it is necessary to carry out a nation-wide campaign publicizing people who have a burning desire for more and ever greater achievement when they are already well-known. So that people in the society will develop a forward-looking attitude and make their life worth living and the world more beautiful as well. 2006 年 18 分作文 More and more young people are increasingly influenced by foreign culture. As can be clearly seen from the above picture, a young gentleman puts “Beckham” on his face. Another decently dressed young gentleman is willing to pay 300 yuan to have his hair made in his favorite style. It is clear that the picture implies a common phenomenon in our society today: more and more people, especially the young, are endlessly chasing popular things, disregarding the cost that they must pay. There are at least three good reasons for this phenomenon. In the first place, the spreading of foreign culture in our country in recent years may be the main reason. Secondly, many young people in our modern society have an open mind. Consequently, they are willing to accept new things. Last but not least, a lot of people have become richer and richer. As a result, they can pay for the expense to do that kind of things. There may be other reasons, but it is generally believed that the above


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