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新概念英语青少版B册1-8单元期中测试卷Name_ Score_一.给下列名词变复数:(10)1photo-_ 2.sock- _ 3.cherry- _ 4. child- _ 5. brush- _ 6.scarf- _ 7. tomato- _ 7. glass - _ 8. watch- _ 9. shoe- _ 10. sheep- _ 二. 用is, am , are 填空:(10) 1. This _ a book . 2. I_ agirl.3. You_a teacher . 4. _she your mother?5It_acar. 6. They_ good friends. 7. Whose bags _these? 8. Those_ my socks.9. Where_hermother? 10. She _ a nurse.三.单项选择(10)1. Is_ your aunt? A. he B. she C. his 2._book is that? A.Who B. Whose C. What3.Are these your brother? -_ A. Yes, it is . B. No, they are C. Yes, they are 4. Are _ your shoes? A. that B. this C. these 5. This is _ apple. That is _bag. A. a; an B. an ; a C. a; a 6. - _is your school bag? -Its pink.A. WhereB. What C. What color 7. - _that boy? -Hes my brother.A. Whose B. Whos C. Who8. Look _this bedroom. A. in B. at C. on 9. These are _ skipping ropes. A. Teds B. Ted C.Teds10.Whose _are these? A. tomato B. tomatos C. tomatoes四.读句子,根据汉语意思填单词:(10)1.Thats my aunts child. He is my _.2. My fathers mother is my _.3. There are books , pens , pencils and rulers in my_.4.I go to bed in my _.5.Its morning . Its time for _.6.Dad has a big toy . It is a _.7.It is a sheeps child. It is a _.8. It can fly in the sky(天空) . It is a _.9. Its _Ocolck. 10. It is not a doll . Its a _.五. 给下列句子排出正确的顺序。(10) 1 is skateboard. Roberts That _. 2. my is a in bedroom There desk _. 3. is favourite My a spaceship toy _. 4. cake his birthday Its _.5. table that the Whos behind _? 六给下列问题找到回答.并把序号填在括号内:(10)( )1.Are those bulls? A. Its nine oclock.( )2.Whos that man? B. Yes , there is .( )3.Where is Max? C. No , they arent.( )4.Is there a window in the house? D. He is in the kitchen.( )5.What time is it? E . He is my father.七句型转换:(10) 1. That is a puzzle? (划线提问) _ _ _? 2. This is a shelf . (变复数句) _ _ _. 3. Those are his trousers.(变一般疑问句) _ _ his trousers?4.Is this a school bag? (否定回答) No, _ _ .5. These are chairs . (变单数句) _ _ _ _.6. There is a book on the table. _ _ _ _ on the table ? (变一般疑问句) 7. Those are Teds shoes . (划线部分提问) _ _ _ _?8. Its five Oclock.(划线部分提问) _ _ is it?9. Tom is a good boy. (划线部分提问) _ _ _ good boy? 10. These are your dresses. ( 划线提问) _ _ _?八英汉互译:(10)1. There is a big bed in my bedroom. _2.Whats her favourite toy? _3.Those are cows next to the sheep. _4.这些是我的袜子。 _5. 这是谁的足球? _九阅读理解:(10) (A)My name is Mark . My favourite toy is a spaceship . My sisterss name is Joan. Whats her favourite toy ? No, it isnt a doll. Its a puppet. The puppets name is Pip . Its a clown. My brothers name is Tommy . His favourite toy is a boat.Therss a big toy in our sitting room. Whose toy is it ? It isnt my mums . Its my dads Its a computer.( )1.Whats Marks favourite toy?A. a puppet B. a spaceship C. a doll ( )2.What is the puppets name? A. Tommy B. Pip C.Joan ( )3.Who is Tommy? A. My father B.My sister C. My brother ( )4.Whose puppet is it? A.Tommys B.Joans C. Marks( )5. Where is the computer?A. In the sitting room B. In the bedroom C.In the kitchen (B) What a lot of shoes and socks !Whose are they? The blue shoes are my mums and the green shoes are my dads .The red and yellow shoes are my sisterss . My shoes are blue and green . The socks are my sisterss . Whose jueans are they ? Theyre my jeans and my sisterss .The trousers are my dads and these are my mums skirts. 对的在括号内填写 “T”, 错的在括号内填写“F”( ) 1.The yellow shoes are my mums. ( )2. The red and green shoes are my sisterss ( )3. My shoes are blue and green . ( ) 4. The jeans are my dads .( ) 5. The skirts are my sisterss十根据图片写一篇小短文,题目已给(要求不少于6句) My farm_I.英汉翻译(按要求作答)。(120=20分) 1. Lucky dog! 11. skipping rope 2. Thanks! 12. tall 3. Here you are! 13. in front of 4. Be quiet! 14. afternoon 5. Welcome! 15. farm 6.傍晚 16.小羊羔 7.房子 17.驴 8.食物 18.山羊 9杯子 19.樱桃 10叉子 20.电脑 II. 完整形式变缩略形式 (5分) 1.Who is that girl? That is Anna.2.That is my sister.She is tall and thin.3.Who is that man?That is her uncle.4.That is the king.He is good.5.There is a dog in the room.III. 根据图片写出确答案(15=5分)Its seven oclock.Its morning. Its time for_Itsoclock. Its afternoon. Its time for _Its ten oclock. Its . Its time for _ IV. 选择题(115=15分) ( )1.Your fathers brother is _. A.father B. uncle C. cousin ( )2. My mothers sister is my _. A.aunt B.grandmother C. daughter ( )3.Lucy is my aunts child(孩子),shes is my _ A.brother B. sister C. Cousin ( )4. Whos that man? _ a teacher. A. Its B. Hes C. Shes ( )5. _ is Robert? Hes in the house. A. What B. How C. Where ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( )6. Theres _ apple on the table. A. a B. an C. / )7. These _ chickens. A. is B.are C. be )8. Is that your bag? No, it _ . A. arent B. dont C. isnt )9. There _ 4 sheep on the farm. A. Is B. are C. Be )10. Its 7 oclock in the morning. Its time for _. A. lunch B. breakfast C. supper )11.你不知远处的某物是什么? 应该问: A.What is this? B.What is that? )12.不确定那个男的是不是警察,应该问, A.Is he a policeman? B.He is a policeman. )13.告诉妈妈苹果是红的,应该说, A.Its an apple B.Its red()14.你不知道这个足球是谁的,应该问, A.Whos this football? B.Whose football is it ? ( )15.那儿有一张桌子,应该说, A. There is a desk. B.They are desks. V. 按要求做题(120=20分) 1、There is a ball on the bed. (变为否定句) There a ball on the bed. 2、There is a poster on the wall. (变为一般疑问句) a poster on the wall? 3、That is a sheep. (改为复数句子) Those are . 4、Is there a bed in the bedroom?(肯定回答) Yes, . 5、Are these cows?(否定回答) No, . 6.Are you seven?(肯定回答) Yes, . 在横线上填whos和whose。 7、 in the kitchen?Its my uncle. 8、 book is it?. Its Marys. 9、 boat is it? Its Daves 10、 that girl ? Thats Meg. 11、 that man? Hes my teacher. 12、 foodball is it ? thatspetes. 连词成句,完成13-15小题。 13、your Is grandfather that ? 14、in 15、a dining in He is room computer the . room isnt .our ThereVI、用所给介词填空。(15=5分) in between in front of under on B. My dad is _ our house. C. My sister is _ my mum and dad. D. A dog is _ my grandmother. E. Theres a picture _ the wall. F. The basketball is _ the chair. VII. 选择合适的答案(110=10分) ( )1.Whos that girl? A、Flora ( )2.Is this your house? B. Hes in the bathroom.( )3.Where is Max? C. Tommys. ( )4.What time is it? D. Shes a teacher. ( )5.Are these birds? E. They are glasses. ( )6.What are these? F.Good night. ( )7.Whose computer is it? G. No, it isnt. ( )8.Its time for bed. H. Its eight oclock. ( )9.Whats your name? I.Yes, they are. ( )10.What is your mother? J.She is my cousin VIII. 阅读理解 (110=10分) (A) My name is Mark.My favourite toy is a spaceship.My sisters name is Joan. Whats her favourite toy?No,it isnt a doll.Its a puppet.The puppets name is Pip.Its a clown.My brothers name is tommy.His favourite toy is a boat.Theres a big toy in our sitting room.Whose toy is it?Its my dads.Its a computer! 圈出正确的选项 1、 What


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