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text1 Completion Complete each sentence or statement. INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the sentences with one word for each blank. 1. Over a period of a hundred years, millions of people took part in a mass _, leaving their home countries for places like the USA. 2. A _ is a person who studies and records events from past history. 3. Using the Internet could cause a computer to be infected by a _, which will cause serious problems. 4. _ are very poor farmers who work at subsistence level and can barely feed their own families with the produce of their farms. 5. Countries indulge in _ _ when they allow international trading of goods without the imposition of tariffs, taxes or duties on competitors products. 6. During the great _ _ of the nineteenth century in Europe, people changed from using manual and craft skills to the use of machines for the production and manufacture of goods. 7. The _ system existed in the Middle Ages, where poor people were given land and protection by a lord when they worked and fought battles for him. 8. In periods of famine, people die of _ because they have nothing to eat. 9. When people have no money, no job or prospect of a job in their own country, and they see the possibility of a better life in another country, they will emigrate for _ reasons. 10. _ are people who leave their own country to live in another one. 11. Wars often drive technological development and many exciting _-_, such as the development of Radar from the second world war, often result. 12. A group of people who leave their own country to live together somewhere else, but remain citizens of their homeland, usually establish a _ in the new territory. 13. Micro-organisms that can cause serious infections and diseases are called _. 14. The traveller found the country very unfriendly, unwelcoming and _ because nobody would offer him food or shelter when he was destitute. 15. The presidential _ were invited to take part in a TV debate before their election took place, but both refused the invitation. 16. If chefs do not wash their hands before preparing food, they could _ it with bacteria or viruses from their own skins which could poison a lot of their customers. 17. We usually become _ to a disease after we have had it, or had a vaccination against it, so that we avoid catching it in the future. 18. The food supply was _ because it became contaminated when harmful bacteria was spread around the kitchen by an electric fan. 19. Prolonged heating and disinfectant have a _ effect because both will kill germs and bugs when applied to decontaminate an object. 20. A _ is a small part or example of something collected by a scientist for further study under laboratory conditions. 21. Works of literature classified into different _, such as poetry, adventure stories or science fiction novels. 22. A writer uses a _ style to tell a story stage-by-stage to the reader throughout the course of a book. 23. The _ is the part of a joke or funny story which makes us laugh and is usually delivered at the end for maximum effect. 24. The circumstances of the disappearance of the famous painting from the art gallery remained an _ because they were mysterious and nobody ever understood what happened. 25. Some manual jobs, such as toilet cleaning, are regarded as _-_ because the work is dirty and very poorly paid and other people look down on the workers. 26. Jane had a real _ because she couldnt decide between taking the new job for less money, or staying in her present position where she was unhappy, but well paid. 27. An _ group of people often has a great deal of power and influence in relation to its size, for example a small number of army officers or directors within a company. 28. The divorce was very bitter and the legal settlement led to the complete _ of both partners as they became increasingly unfriendly, unsympathetic and unsupportive towards each other. 29. My friend has an extremely _ view of human nature because he never believes people have good, honest or sincere reasons for doing anything. 30. Marxist _ was based partly on the ideas that people should work for the common good of the state according to their ability and receive payment only according to their needs. Multiple Choice Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. INSTRUCTIONS: Read the sentence and decide which answer: a, b, or c, best matches the meaning of the underlined words. Write your answer: a, b, or c, in the space provided. _ 31. It is reckoned that the largest human migration in recorded history took place in the hundred years following the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. a. it is certain b. it is uncertain c. it is estimated _ 32. In the developing economies of the nineteenth century payments for goods in kind were replaced by payments of money. a. payment in cash b. the exchange of goods for other goods c. extended credit _ 33. Many emigrants travelled to America from their native lands in the steerage compartments on steam ships which crossed the Atlantic ocean. a. first class apartments b. cheap accommodation at the back of the ship c. cheap accommodation on the deck of the ship _ 34. Scientists have been surprised on more than one occasion to find thriving colonies of bacteria and organisms on material which has returned to earth on space craft. a. dead b. living c. alien _ 35. The science of the Beagle space craft could have been jeopardised by spores picked up during manufacture. a. enhanced b. improved c. adversely affected _ 36. To prevent contamination of space vehicles, only a handful of highly trained researchers were allowed into the sanitised rooms. a. a large number b. a select few c. any employee who was trained _ 37. The space craft Beagle also used its heat shield as a biological shield which allowed access to the real world once construction of the instruments was completed. a. protection against space dust b. a barrier to prevent contamination from other worlds c. a barrier to prevent contamination from bacteria _ 38. TV news lacks a narrative element when compared to other genres and therefore loses viewer interest. a. includes b. does not include c. uses _ 39. Soap operas, in contrast to TV news programmes, offer the viewer highly developed narrative codes. a. familiar story lines b. secret messages c. subtitles _ 40. There is a contrast between what people are encouraged to believe in the media and what they believe according to their own common sense. a. uniformity b. difference of opinion c. agreement Matching Match the beginnings of sentences with the appropriate endings. a. The period between the Battle of Waterloo and the outbreak of the First World War b. The rise in population meant more people were trying to earn a living from the same amount of land c. Scientists were surprised when they examined a camera from a lunar expedition and d. Critics say that TV news is unreal and e. Interest in alien life has increased, so have concerns _ 41. found bacteria which seemed to have survived the hazardous journey across space. _ 42. that mankind could spread contamination to other worlds through bacteria. _ 43. is populated by another race of beings which portray a socially distant world. _ 44. could be regarded as representing the largest peaceful human migration of any kind. _ 45. and, inevitably, some were squeezed off it. Essay 46. Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic. Libraries in many countries are not receiving enough funds from government or local authorities to keep their stocks of books up to date. In fact, a visit to a library is often disappointing because many of the books do not contain relevant information for the modern world. Pages are often missing and reference books sometimes have notes written on them by other borrowers. We can now find any information we require on the Internet - we can just Google it. So much information is available electronically that dusty libraries are now an anachronism which should be consigned to the past. Do you think libraries are now irrelevant in modern society? You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence. Write at least 250 words. 47. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The graphs below contain information about Scottish whisky and Irish whiskey export sales to three countries over a period of ten years. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information below. Write at least 150 words. Scottish whisky and Irish whisky sales by country. Figures are in millions of bottles. Other 48. Read the topic card below carefully. You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make notes to help you if you wish. Describe a good experience which you would like to have. You should say: what the experience would be why you want to have this particular experience if you would like to share the experience with anybody and explain how you would feel, or what you would do, after you have had your special experience. text1 Answer Section COMPLETION 1. ANS: migration REF: Test 2: Reading passage 1 TOP: Sentence completion 2. ANS: historian REF: Test 2: Reading passage 1 TOP: Sentence completion 3. ANS: virus REF: Test 2: Reading passage 1 TOP: Sentence completion 4. ANS: Peasants REF: Test 2: Reading passage 1 TOP: Sentence completion 5. ANS: free trade REF: Test 2: Reading passage 1 TOP: Sentence completion 6. ANS: industrial revolution REF: Test 2: Reading passage 1 TOP: Sentence completion 7. ANS: feudal REF: Test 2: Reading passage 1 TOP: Sentence completion 8. ANS: starvation REF: Test 2: Reading passage 1 TOP: Sentence completion 9. ANS: economic REF: Test 2: Reading passage 1 TOP: Sentence completion 10. ANS: Emigrants REF: Test 2: Reading passage 1 TOP: Sentence completion 11. ANS: spin-offs REF: Test 2: Reading passage 2 TOP: Sentence completion 12. ANS: colony REF: Test 2: Reading passage 2 TOP: Sentence completion 13. ANS: bacteria REF: Test 2: Reading passage 2 TOP: Sentence completion 14. ANS: inhospitable REF: Test 2: Reading passage 2 TOP: Sentence completion 15. ANS: candidates REF: Test 2: Reading passage 2 TOP: Sentence completion 16. ANS: contaminate REF: Test 2: Reading passage 2 TOP: Sentence completion 17. ANS: immune REF: Test 2: Reading passage 2 TOP: Sentence completion 18. ANS: poisoned REF: Test 2: Reading passage 2 TOP: Sentence completion 19. ANS: sterilising REF: Test 2: Reading passage 2 TOP: Sentence completion 20. ANS: sample REF: Test 2: Reading passage 2 TOP: Sentence completion 21. ANS: genres REF: Test 2: Reading passage 3 TOP: Sentence completion 22. ANS: narrative REF: Test 2: Reading passage 3 TOP: Sentence completion 23. ANS: punchline REF: Test 2: Reading passage 3 TOP: Sentence completion 24. ANS: enigma REF: Test 2: Reading passage 3 TOP: Sentence completion 25. ANS: low-status REF: Test 2: Reading passage 3 TOP: Sentence completion 26. ANS: dilemma REF: Test 2: Reading passage 3 TOP: Sentence completion 27. ANS: elite REF: Test 2: Reading passage 3 TOP: Sentence completion 28. ANS: alienation REF: Test 2: Reading passage 3 TOP: Sentence completion 29. ANS: cynical REF: Test 2: Reading passage 3 TOP: Sentence completion 30. ANS: ideology REF: Test 2: Reading passage 3 TOP: Sentence completion MULTIPLE CHOICE 31. ANS: C REF: Test 2: Reading passage 1 TOP: Par


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