



词汇1. He doesnt know this _(生物) teacher from New York.2.We should eat (健康) food.3. Please give my best _(祝愿) to your grandparents. 4Sandy and Amy are my_(最好的)friends.5.My cousin Tony is a (聪明的) boy.6You must do your_(家庭作业)in the evening.7My_ (年龄)is twelve. How old are you?8. Who_ (其他)will go to the zoo with you?9.Who is the (年轻的) man over there?10. My mother tells me a _ (真实的) story. It is very moving.11._(散步) is good for your health.12. Jack is not strong. He _ (需要) to do morning exercises.13. Lucy likes the number _ (九十九).14. Morning exercises help us get _ (准备好) for a day.15.Shirley likes going fishing on _(周末).16. He _ (很少) goes to buy books because he has many at home.17. Simon likes _ (聊天) with his friends after lunch.18. How many _ (次数) do you play tennis every week?19. Can you tell me these _ (英雄) names? 20Do you_(练习)basketball after school?21. Students do different _ (课后的) activities in our school.22.Do you like _(西红柿)? - Yes,they are my favourite.23. -Do you play basketball at weekends? - Of _(当然)24. Which _(队) is Jim in?25. -What time is it now? - Its a _(一刻钟) past ten.26. Are Sandy and Jim _ (成员) of the Music Club?27. Tom, are these clothes those _(球员).28. The girl _ (戴着)glasses is my classmate.29.They (通常)go shopping at the weekend.30. I dont like basketball. One of the _ (原因)is that I am not tall.31.Let him (庆祝)Thanksgiving Day in his way.32I like climbing _(小山).What about you?33.Im good at (跳舞) ,I practise it every Sunday.34.Jack works hard, I think his dream will come (实现)soon.35.My favourite subject is (地理)because I like travelling.36. We can learn a lot about Chinese_ (历史)from this book.37. Many students in Class One can write _(日记) in English. 38.We often fly kites in (春季).39. Fishing and swimming are my favourite _ (业余爱好).40. Lin Dan and Jay Chow are my _ (偶像). 41.There are many tall _(楼房) in Nanjing.42.Do he want to have a (野餐) with us ?43. The song makes the boy (感觉).great 44.We often do after-school _.(活动) in the playground45. Thank you for _ (庆祝)my birthday, Im so happy.46.Bob is in Class1 (年级)Seven.47.We want to go to the (博物馆)to see the old things . 48. Our school looks so (现代化). We like it very much.49. I often go to the library to (借)some books.50. My little sister is only five months old and she is very _ (可爱的). 参考答案:1.biology 2.healthy 3.wishes 4.best 5.clever6.homework 7.age 8. else 9.young 10.true11.Walking 12. needs 13. ninety-nine 14. ready 15. weekends 16. seldom 17. chatting 18. times 19. heroes 20. practise21. after-school 22.tomatoes 23. course 24. team 25. quarter 26. members 27. players 28.with 29.usually 30.reasons 31.celebrate 32. hills 33.dancing 34.true 35.geography 36. history 37. diaries 38.spr


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