



2014-2015学年度下学期期中诊断检测题六年级 英语(考试时间:60分钟 总分:100分)班级: 姓名: 考号:密封线线 一、 听力部分 (20分) 一、听句子,选择你听到的单词。(10分)( )1. A. artB. ankle C. angry( )2. A. crash B. competitor C. cycling( )3. A. end B. entry C. elbow( )4. A. mineB. mail C. maybe( )5. A. padB. post C. puddle( )6. A. bike B. brake C. bone( )7. A. crash B. chin C. cycling( )8. A. fell B. form C. flat( )9. A. read B. right C. relax( )10. A. chin B. crutch C. competitor二、Listen and choose(听一听,选一选)(10分) ( )1.A.This is a photo of Bobs sister. B.This is a photo of Bobs aunt. ( ) 2.A.I cant go to the party. B.I can go to the party. ( )3.A.We can buy gifts in the store. B.We can spend all the money. ( )4.A.We cant use the flash. B.We cant take pictures inside. ( )5.A.We can eat our sandwiches on the bus. B.We are going to eat lunch in the park. 二、笔试部分(80分)一、Find the neighbor找邻居(找出与下列字母相邻字母并写在相应横线上)10分Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee _ Gg Hh _ Jj _ LlMm Nn Oo _Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx _ Zz 二、 找出不同类的单词。10分( )1.A.touch B.read C.pain ( ) 2.A.help B. wrist C.hand ( ) 3.A.adults B.X-ray C.children ( )4.A.short B.chin C.leg ( )5.A.slow B.good C.touch三、Read and choose(读一读,选一选)10分( )1.We must_the sign before the race. A.reads B.read C.reading( )2.Daniel _a good friend next week.A. visits B.visited C.will visit( )3.He is a_runner.He runs_.A. fast;fastly B.fastly;fast C.fast;fast( )4.It is a_bus. It moves_.A. slow;slowly B.slowly;slow C.slow;slow( )5.English is very_for us.A. used B.useful C.use( )6.Janes wrist is_. A.break B.broken C.breaks( )7.Bill doesnt need_X-ray. A.the B.a C.an( )8.Ken and Ann live _York Avenue now. A.for B.on C.with( )9.Lisa did a _job.She did it_. A.well;good B.good;well C.good;good( )10.Jack works in the Emergency Room at the _. A.hospital B.supermarket C.office四、Write the Chinese meaning(英译汉)10分more than_ sports meeting rules_the finish line_ take this medicine_have to_ 五、Read and choose(读一读,选一选)10分 A( ) 1.At school ,you mustnt . ( ) 2.Before swimming ,you must. ( )3.On a train ,you mustnt. ( )4.On a bus ,you mustnt. ( )5.How do you feel? B A. talk to the driver.B. run.C. I feel good.D. eat in the class.E. take a shower.六、Read and answer(阅读短文回答问题。)20分 (一) It is Saturday.Wilson wants to go to the park with his friends.But he gets up late.He puts on his clothes quickly and doesnt have breakfast.He rides his bike very quickly .At the crossing, the red light is on .But he doesnt stop.A policemanstops him, “Please get off your bike.Dont you see the red light?” “Yes,I do.But I dont see you .”says Wilson.( )1,Wilson wants to go to the park with_. A.his family B.his friends C. his brother( )2.At the crossing ,_is on. A.the green light B.the yellow light C.the red light( )3._stops Wilson. A.His friends B. An old man C.A policeman( )4.Does Wilson see the policeman at the crossing? A.Yes,he does B.No,he does C.No,he doesnt( )5.Is Wilson right or not? A.He is right B.Yes,he is C.He is wrong.He should stop at the crossing. (二)根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写(T),错误的写(F) Ann:There is a new movie at the movie theater. Ken:Whats the name?Ann:Its the Monkey King.Ken:Do we have enough money?Ann:Its free.Ken:Great.Lets go together.( )1.There is an old movie.( )2.The name is The Dog King.( )3.The movie ticket is free.( )4.At last ,they go to see the movie.( )5.The movie is new.七、根剧情景选择合适的句子。10分( )1.当你想了解对方的身高时,你要问;A.How tall are you?B.How tall do you? ( )2.当你想知道新朋友是从哪里来的,你要问;A.Where are you from?B.Where are you come from? ( )3. 当你想知道对方更喜欢哪一个时,应说; A.Why do you


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