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.广州华美英语实验学校小学部2013-2014学年第一学期 朗文5A教材英语3-4单元检测试卷 Listening Part (30%)Part1. Listen and choose what you hear. 选择你听到的单词或词组。(110=10)姓名 ( ) 1. A. hows B. whats C. whens ( ) 2. A. hobby B. lobby C. noisy ( ) 3. A. nice B. kite C. kind ( ) 4. A. Thursday B. Saturday C. Tuesday ( ) 5. A. finish B. finished C. finishing ( ) 6. A. clinic B. climb C. picnic ( ) 7. A. laugh B. laughing C. laughter ( ) 8. A. repair B. prepare C. spare ( ) 9. A. catch B. catches C. catching ( )10. A. find B. found C. foundedPart2. Listen and answer. Choose the correct answers for the questions. 听录音,选择正确的答案回答问题。(15=5) ( ) 1. A. Jenny B. Marys C. Jennys ( ) 2. A. He has a fever. B. He has a stomachache. C. He has a toothache. ( ) 3. A. once a week B. often C. never ( ) 4. A. improve his math B. prepare lessons C. make nots ( ) 5. A. Its Candys. B. Its Peters. C. Its theirs.Part 3. Listen to the sentences and write “”for “True”, “”for “False”.听句子,与图片符合的在括号内打“”,错的打“”。(15=5)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )Part 4. Listen and write, fill in the blanks. 听句子填补所缺的单词或词组。(0.510=5)1. Whats the matter with him? He has a cold.2. The doctor told me to drink more water.3. I like talking to Dr Fung. I feel much better now4. Whose umbrellas are these? They are theirs.5. Mr Wong asked us to buy some tissues. Theyre his.Part5. Listen to a story and give “”for “True”, “”for “False”. 听短文,判断句子的正误,对的打“”,错的打“”(15=5) ( ) 1. I saw some medicine on the teachers desk last Sunday.( ) 2. It was Julies medicine.( ) 3. Julie had a headache last Monday. ( ) 4. The doctor told her to eat more fruit. ( ) 5. All of the students hope she will get well soon. Reading and writing Part(70%)Part 1. 找出划线部分发音不同的单词,并将编号写在题前的括号内。(5分) ( ) 1. A. here B. earache C. near D. bear ( ) 2. A. headache B. bread C. break D. head ( ) 3. A. whose B. nose C. comb D. envelope ( ) 4. A. bus B. ruler C. umbrella D. cup ( ) 5. A. four B. your C. ours D. yoursA. me B. hers C. they D. my E. I F. she G. them H. your I. yours J. mine K. we L. usM. theirs N. him O. their P. he N. pepper O. milk P. touchPart 2. Catalogue the words.单词分类。(0.512=6)1. A, me(宾格) _ _ _ 2. B, hers(名词性) _ _ _ 3. C, they(主格) _ _ _ 4. D, my(形容词性) _ _ _ Part3.Write the phrases according to the pictures.(根据图片写出下列词组。)(5分)f the b a b_ a_ a s_p_ painting y_ b s d_ more w_Part 4.Fill in the blanks with the right verb form. 用动词的适当形式填空。(0.5*10=5分) 1. What_ he usually_(do) after school?2. Look! Jim and Tom _ (run) there.3. He _(get) up at six oclock every day. .4. Tom and Mary _ (come) to China last month.5. Mary _ (visit) her grandparents tomorrow.6. Mike _ (not go) to bed last night.Part 5. Choose the best answers to fill in the blanks and put the number in the blankets.选择正确的答案。 (110=10)( )1. I drink lots of water _ I catch a cold.A: what B: where C: when( )2. _ do you play badminton? - Four times a week.A: How B: How often C; Why( )3. A: Mum wants the children to_ quiet. A: is B: be C; are( )4. Susan has a sore throat. I told her_ drink more water.A: not to B: to C: too( )5. I feel _ better now.A: more B: than C:much( ) 6. A: _ CD is this? B: Its _. I lost it on Monday.A: What mine B: Whose my C: Whose mine( )7. Whose books _ these?A: are B: am C; is( )8. A: _ drew it? B: Tim. A: Whose B: Who C; What( ) 9. Look out! A car _ toward us.A: is coming B: are coming to C: was coming to( ) 10. A: Whose eggs are these?B: My parents asked me to buy some eggs. _.A: It is mine. B: They are his. C: They are theirs.Part 6. Look at the pictures and choose the best sentences they are talking about and write the numbers in the blankets.看图片,把句子的序号写到正确的图片下面。 (15=5)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. I sometimes help my Mum read stories to the baby.B. I didnt go to school because I have a headache.C. I went to see the doctor because I have a sore throat.D. Whose umbrella is this? Its yours.E. I want to get high marks so Im working hard.Part 7.Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.选择正确的词语填空或用正确的单词填空,完成句子 (1 10=10)matter, to, hear, May, This, take, A: Hello. _ I speak to Gary, please?B: Speaking.A: Hi, Gary. _ is Jim. You didnt come to school today. Whats the _ with you?B: I have a broken arm. The doctor told me _ get an X-ray of my arm.A: Oh, dear. Im sorry to _ that. Get well soon.B: Thank you.A: _care. Goodbye.B: Bye.Whose tissues ?Mrs Pang asked us to buy some tissues. .Part 8.Answer the questions according to the actual situation.根据实际情况回答问题。(1 4=4 )1. Whose table tennis bat is this?( Tom的)_2. What did the doctor tell you to do?_3. Whats the matter with her?_ 4. Whose chocolates are these?(他们的)_Part 9. Read the questions and match with the answers. 找出下列问题的回答并连线。 (15=5)1. How often do you play football? A. Its Johns.2. Who do these pencils belong to? B. She has a cough.3. Whose toothpaste is this? C. Mary.4. whats the wrong with your sister? D. Seldom.5. How do you keep fit? E. I walk up the stairs every day.Part 10. Read the passage and write “T” for “true”, “F” for “false”. 读短文,判断句子的正误。(25=10)Surfing Do you like going to the sea? There are many things to do at the sea. You can catch fish. You can sail a boat(划船). You can search for seashells(找贝壳). Or you can go surfing in the water! Surfing is a very fun sport that takes place in the water. People ride large boards and surf on the surface(表面) of the water. The people who surf are called surfers. A very good surfer can perform many different kinds of tricks. Some surfers like to ride the waves. Some surfers like to jump high up in the air from the top of a wave. Some surfers can surf inside a very big wave! In this trick a surfer will actually ride into the side of a big wave. The surfer will ride inside and exit(出去) out of the wave without being touched by the water of the wave! Please choose the best answer. 1. You can NOT _ at the sea. A. look for fish B. go surfing C. buy seashells D. sail a boat 2. What can good surfers do? _ 3. When a surfer rides inside a wave _. A. he can ride the waves B. he can do many tricks C. he wont touch the wave D. he will touch the water The Easter Bunny During March or April, there is a very special holiday called Easter. It is celebrated in Hong Kong. But do you know what an Easter egg, or who the Easter Bunny is? Some people believe(相信) that during Easter there is a bunny rabbit, called the Easter Bunny, who mysteriously(神密地) appears to bring happiness to people. It is said that the Easter Bunny can go as it pleases, just like Santa Claus, and leave strange eggs as presents for people to find. These eggs are called Easter eggs, and are very special because they are very colourful and have many beautiful patterns on its shell. Please choose the best answer. 4. Why does the Easter Bunny leave presents for the people? A. Because he wants to make people happy. B. Because the people are too poor to buy eggs. C. Because the strange eggs have magical power. D. Because he wants to sell his eggs to others. 5. Patterns are painted _. A. on the Easter Bunnys body B. on the Easter Bunnys basket C. inside a colourful Easter egg D. on the shell of an Easter egg Part 12. Writing. 请读告示牌,然后仿照例子写作文 ( 5)I lost an Octopus card.Tim C3, G 5For example:1. Whose Octopus is this? Tim lost her Octopus card. Perhaps its his.We lost pencils.Tim and KenC2, G 12. I lost an umbrella.Sally C3, G 63. Mr and Mrs Wong some bananas4. Whose bananas are these? Mr and Mrs Wong asked us to buy some bananas. .广州华美英语实验学校小学部2013-2014学年第一学期 朗文5A教材期中英语检测试卷 Listening Part (30%) 听力原文:Part 1. Listen and choose what you hear. 1 Whats the matter with you?2 Larry went back to the lobby.3 Thats very kind of you.4 I lost my towels on Tuesday.5 My mum asked me to finish my homework first.6 They went to the clinic at least twice a week.7 Laughter is really the best medicine.8 Prepare your lessons every day.9 I sometimes catch a cold.10 I found a plastic bag on the ground floor.Part 2. Listen and answer. Choose the correct answers for the questions. 1. A: Whose handkerchief is this? B: Marys sister Jenny lost her handkerchief yesterday. Maybe its hers. Question: Whose handkerchief is this?2. A: Tommy, do you want eat chocolate?B: No, thanks. I dont feel very well.A: Whats the matter with you? B: I had a fever yesterday. But now I have a toothache. Question: Whats the matter with Tommy today? 3. A: How often do you do exercise, Candy?B: I never did exercise last year.A: How about this year?B:This year I often have a cold. So I exercise once a week. I want to be healthy.Question: How often did Candy do exercise last year?4. A: Billy, what do you want to do this semester. B: I want to improve my math. My math is very bad. What about you, Tom? A: I want to prepare my lessons every day. B: That is a good idea.Question: What does Billy want to do?5. A: There is a blue sharpener on the teachers desk I dont know who it belongs to? B: Candy lost a sharpener yesterday. Maybe its hers. Oh, no, Peter lost a sharpener too. His is blue. Candys is pink.A: oh, I know.Question: Whose sharpener is this?Part 3. listen to the sentences, draw a tick for true and cross for false.1. whose dogs are these? Theyre mine.2. my father and his friend are drinki


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