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ASME J Dyn Syst Meas Control l26:397-405 L29 Koren Y, Katz R ( 2003) Reconfigurable apparatus and method for Inspection during a Manufacturing Process. US Patent # 6,567,l62 L30 Katz R, Zuteck MG, Koren Y ( 2002) Rapid inspection and error-tracing methodology for machining production lines. CIRP ICME 02, Ischia ( Naples) , Italy L3l Katz R, Zuteck MG, Koren Y ( 2002) Reconfigurable inspection machine for machining production lines. Proc Global Power Train Conference 2002, Ann Arbor, MI L32 Barhak J, Katz R ( 2003) Interpretation of laser measurements produced by the reconfigurable inspection machine using the “ virtual ball” method. Proc CIRP- 2nd Intl. Conference on RMS 03, Ann Arbor, MI L33 Barhak J, Katz R ( 2004) Rapid non-contact measurements of engine cylinder heads with the reconfigurable inspection machine. 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University of Michigan, ERC RMS-TR-056-05 附录 2:Development of a Reconfigurable Micro Machine Tool for Microfactory Sung-Hyun Jang, Yong-Min Jung, Hyun-Young Hwang, Young-Hyu Choi2 and Jong-Kwon Park3 Graduate School, Dept. of Mechanical Design & Manufacturing, Changwon National University, Changwon, Korea ( Tel: +82-55-267-ll07; E-mail: nakanygchangwon.ac.kr) 2 Department of Mechatronics, Changwon National University, Changwon, Korea ( Tel: +82-55-2l3-3623; E-mail: yhchoigchangwon.ac.kr) 3Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials, Daejeon, Korea ( Tel: +82-42-868-7ll6; E-mail: jkparkgkimm.re.kr) Abstract: Recently, there have been several interesting researches on the microfactory especially in Japan, U.S., and Korea. Since the microfactory possess the advantage of flexible manufacturing system and or reconfigurable manufacturing system, we introduced the concept of modular reconfigurable machine structure in our micro machine tool design for microfactory. Modular reconfigurable machine tools can easily perform machining processes of different kinds such as milling, turning, drilling and or grinding by simply adding or exchanging machine tool units or modules. In this study, we have developed a reconfigurable micro machine tool for microfactory, which can be reconfigured from a milling machine to a tuning lathe or vice versa. In structural design of the machine tools, we already studied a new theoretical method of creating machine configurations of modular-reconfigurable machine tools ( MRMT) in the preliminary design stage. According to our design methodology, we designed the structural modules and RMTs after reviewing all feasible configurations in the preliminary design stage. By using some modules, we have built RMT based the micro milling machine with enough stiffness. The 3-axis micro milling machine ofRMT has a mini-desktop size of 300 mm X200 mm X320 mm and its travel volume is l0 l0X l0 mm3. Dynamic characteristics including natural frequencies and dynamic stiffness of the developed MRMT were analyzed and examined by using F.E.M. and impact hammer test. And we carried out positioning control test and cutting test using a motion controller. Consequently, we successfully developed reconfigurable micro machine tool with reconfigurable structures of milling machine and turning machine for microfactory by means of configuration simulation, structure and module design, FE analysis, and dynamic characteristic tests such as a modal test and dynamic compliance test. Keywords: Microfactory, Reconfigurable micro machine tool ( RmMT) , Structural module, Machine configuration, Cryptographic mapping, Machining function proving 2. INTRODUCTION During the last few decades, there were a great many efforts to improve a technology for the manufacturing systems, machining process and the development of an advanced machine. The nowadays production system is enlarged various requests such as small quantity batch production, flexible production, cost reduction, and composition of function. The accuracy of machining is not only going to micro and nano scale but the machine tools are miniaturized gradually. Accordingly several researches about CIM, FMS, RMS ( reconfigurable manufacturing system) , and multi-tasking machine has proceeded. Moreover, under the growing interests for On Demand Product, the concept for Microfactory has appeared. Recently, the interests and researches on the microfactory or the micro-fabrication system are remarkably increased. After the initiative research on microfactory by Japan in the l990s, a great variety of studies and developments on micro-fabrication systems have been made in Europe, U.S., and Korea.Ll-3 The advantage of a microfactory is obtaining benefits in view of its potential of miniaturizing or downsizing, resource and energy saving, flexible system. One of the key elements of microfactory is the micro meso scale mechanical machining machine tools. During the last 3 years, several micro meso scale mechanical machining machine tools, such as 3-axis vertical micro milling machine, a miniature micro turning machine, micro EDM, micro punching machine and assembly machine, are developed to construct microfactory system in Korea.L4 Since microfactory possess the advantage of flexible manufacturing system and or reconfigurable manufacturing system, as mentioned above, we introduced the concept of modular reconfigurable machine structure in our micro machine tool design for microfactory. L5-6 Modular reconfigurable machine tools can easily perform machining processes of different kinds such as milling, turning, drilling and or grinding by simply adding or exchanging machine tool units or modules. Although the concept of a modular reconfigurable machine tool is already well known, there is rarely seen the theoretical approach to create structural configurations of a modular reconfigurable machine tool.L7-8 We had studied our theoretical method of creating the machine configurations of modular-reconfigurable machine tools ( MRMT) in the preliminary design stage. L5-6 Our design method consists of dual steps; one is the machine configuration generation step using the cryptographic mapping, the other is the machining ability test step.L5-6 We obtained the final feasible configurations for MRMT in this preliminary design stage. And we concretely designed the structural modules and RMTs after reviewing all feasible configurations. Our RMT model has more than l0 structural modules and 4 functional modules for 3-axis vertical micro milling machine and micro turning machine. And then the dynamic characteristics including natural frequencies and dynamic stiffness of the developed MRMT were analyzed and examined by using F.E.M. and impact hammer test. Finally, we evaluate performance of our prototype RMT. 3. MRMT DESIGN METHODOLOGY Mathematic al representation of connectivity This methodology provides a theoretical method of creating structural configurations of modular reconfigurable micro machine tools in the preliminary design stage. The two key features of our design methodology are the use of cryptographic mapping and machining function proving. Fig. l shows the overview of the methodology. First over all, the information of the modules does store in module library. To generate the machine configurations by using a cryptographic mapping process, the posture vector of each unit module was encoded into binary code and then stored all 68 the structure modules ( graphic files) and associated digital codes in the module library. The posture vector is a vector whose elements represent combining directions at each combining planes of a unit module. Next, the machine configurations were created by using bilinear form expansion of any two adjacent posture vectors and their consecutive multiplication. And the structural configurations in graphic form were obtained by decoding all the binary coded configurations, which are obtained from the above bilinear form expansion of the posture vectors. Finally, the machining ability test step, which is accomplished by using the rule of principal machining motion and scalar product of the direction vectors of the tool and the work-piece for any created machine tool, was carried out. 69 Fig. l Overview of structural configuration design methodology for micro-milling machine Cryptographic mapping is a cryptography based operation including encoding 69 graphic modules into binary digit and decoding to create possible structural configurations from s given module library. Usually the RMT consists of several modular units such as bed, table, column, headstock, spindle, and so on. Therefore we assumed that the shape of module is a hexahedron type module simply. As shown in Fig. 2, this hexahedron type module has six combinable planes which can be connected with other modules and 4 combinable directions for any plane of the module. Fig. 2 Illustration of a hexahedron type module anddefinition of module posture vector entries We have also used module posture vector of the i-th module Pi to define possible combination lanes and directions. 70 Where, Pnn is the n-th connectivity direction on the m-th combinable plane. The combined configurations of any two modules can be represented by using vector 70 bilinear form of associate module posture vectors Pi and P. as follows. Where, Ai is the mutual connectivity coefficient matrix between the two modules. The entry af is the mutual connectivity coefficient that represents combinability between the n-th connectivity direction of the m-th combinable plane for the i-th module and the q-th combinable direction of the p-th combinable plane for the j-th module. The total number of configurations generated from N modules connection can be determined by multiplying the vector bilinear forms of Eq. ( 2) consecutively as in the following equation. Cryptographic mapping method The entry of a module posture vector is encoded into a binary digit string as shown in Fig. 3, likewise the term of bilinear form expansion of posture vectors also can be represented by the combinations of associated binary digit strings. Reversely the encoded binary string can be decoded by utilizing cryptographically mapped module library, which is library of similar modules. Machining function proving 71 It is possible to generate various machine tool configurations by cryptographic mapping, but not all of them are necessarily feasible for machining tasks. Therefore we need criteria to predict whether the generated machine configuration is feasible for 7l a desired machining task. Machine tools, in general, have three kind of motions; machining motion, feeding motion, and positioning motion. Among these, feeding and positioning motions can be fulfilled by adopting a sufficient number of feed-slides, for example at least three feed-slides are required for a 3-axes machine. However for the machining motion, the tool must be normal and directed to the working surface ( or machining surface) . Therefore we verified a machining function proving criteria for each configuration in this paper. 4. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF MICRO MACHINE TOOL Generation of configuration According to our design methodology, some feasible configurations of RMT are generated by using several structural modules and 4 functional modules for 3-axis micro milling machine and micro turning machine. After proving machining function and checking up geometric symmetry, the configurations in Fig. 4 was selected as the 7l final ones among all the feasible configurations. Development of micro machine tool 72 Fig. 5 shows the developed modules for RMT. The number of modules is l5 modules including l spindle module and 3 slide modules. These are used to compose all the RMT structures. According to the result of our design methodology, as mentioned above, the 3-axis vertical micro milling machine and the micro turning machine were built as shown in Fig. 6. Table l shows specification of the developed micro machine tools. 73 ap-m i lli ng mach ine (b) a -turn i ng mach i n e Fig. 6 Develop 创 RMT Table I The specification of DeveloQed R岛 1 Ts Specification Description Size milling 300x200 320 mm3 turnmg 300 200 133 mm Stage motor type 5P step motor Travel range IO 10 10 mm3 Resol ution 2 pm/pulse 74 Max. spe 时 20 mm/sec Spindle motor speed 5,000 60,000 rpm 75 5. FEA OF MICRO MACHINE TOOL We need to built RMT based the micro machine tool to have enough stiffness. To verify the static and dynamic characteristics of developed micro machine tool, we used FE method using ANSYS, commercial software. However, we considered just a 3-axis vertical micro milling machine in Fig. 6( a) among RTMs. The FE model of a 3-axis vertical micro milling machine is shown in Fig. 7. The material of structure is used aluminum alloy 7079. Although all the interfaces of the ad acent modules are actually fastened by bolts, we assumed that those are to be rigid for FEA. The 4 edge areas of the beds bottom are fixed as the boundary conditions. And the equivalent cutting force is 5 N to the iso-direction. Fig. 8 is shown the stress distribution and static displacement that consider the deflection by the structural weight. Each results are 0.45 pm and 0.26 MPa, respectively. The mode shapes and the natural frequencies are shown in Fig. 9. Because the maximum spindle motor speed is 60,000 rpm, we carried out the modal analysis within two times extents of motor speed that can cause resonance. The lt, 2nd 3rd, and 4th natural frequencies are 4l8, 528, l584, and l966 Hz respectively. The lst and 2nd 76 mode are the Ist bending modes in the X and Y directions. The 3rd mode is the Ist torsional mode. The 4th mode is the I st bending mode in the Z direction. And the static and dynamic compliances are calculated by FEM through the harmonic analysis. Those are 0.068 pim N and l.48 pim N respectively. 77 2. DYNAMIC TEST OF RMT Modal test We performed modal test on a 3-axis vertical micro milling machine to confirm the dynamic characteristic of structure. Fig. 4 represented modal test setup using impulse hammer. According to SISO ( Single Input & Single Output) method, an accelerometer 78 is attached to the fixed measuring point of spindle holder near the tool and we applied 79 impact force to exciting points around the micro milling machine with impulse hammer in measuring its acceleration. The output signal of the measured acceleration is conveyed to FFT analyzer. After obtaining frequency response function about each exciting point, the natural frequencies of the object is measured. Measured and theoretically analyzed natural frequencies are listed in Table 2 and corresponding measured mode shapes are presented through Fig. Ill. 80 It can be noted that the natural frequencies between experiment and FEA are similar, with having error less than l0%. 81 Dynamic compliance test 82 To measure the structural dynamic compliance, exciting force was applied to the spindle holder end through a impulse hammer and the resulting acceleration level was 78 measured on spindle holder. The dynamic compliance or the dynamic stiffness can be obtained from the measured force and acceleration signals. Table 3 represents the comparison of the calculated and measured structural compliance in the iso-direction. In Fig. l2, structural compliance response functions also obtained from impulse hammer test and FEM analysis are compared in graphic. 6. CONCLUSIONS 79 In this study, we applied cryptographic mapping based MRMT design methodology to design and develop RMT for microfactory. According to our design methodology, several machine configurations are generated for RMT. The feasible configurations 80 are obtained by proving machining function and checking geometry symmetry. We design and make several modules in accordance with the selected final configuration. Furthermore, we evaluate the performance of the micro milling machine. Measured and calculated natural frequencies showed good agreement with each other and the maximum error between them was less that l0 %0. Moreover, the dynamic compliance in the same direction was measured as l.2l LLtm N , and computed as l.48 Lrtm N . Consequently, we have successfully designed and developed a reconfigurable micro machine tool with reconfigurable structures by our design methodology using cryptographic mapping method. And we have well carried out the performance evaluation of the 3-axis vertical micro milling machine by FE analysis and dynamic test. 80 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This study is one of results obtained from the research project, ”Structural Design Optimization of Reconfigurable Micro Machine Tool for Micro Meso Scale Component Machining” supported financially by the Ministry Of Commerce, Industry and Energy through KIMM. The authors would like to thank for their support. 8l REFERENCES Ll Y. Koren, F. Jovane, T. Moriwaki, G. Pitschow, G. Ulsoy, H. Van Brussel, ”Reconfigurable manufacturing systems,” Annals of the CIRP, Vol.48, No.2, pp.527-540, l999. L2 R. G. Landers, B. K. Min, Y. Koren, ”Reconfigurable machine tool,” Annals of the CIRP, Vol.50, No.l, pp.269-274, 200l. L3 Y. Moon, S. Kota, ”Design of reconfigurable machine tool,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol.l24, pp.480-483, 2002. L4 J. K. Park, N. K. Lee, S. J. Lee, D. W. Lee, J. Y. 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