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邵阳学院毕业设计(论文) 1 隧道掘进机与中国 (美)李弼越 RichardJ.Robbins 随着隧道掘进机的成功应用,掘进机在中国已经成为不可忽视的地下隧道快速掘进手段。如何发展中国的隧道掘进机产业?这一问题的提出源自中国迅速增长的城市地下建筑和重大工程市场要求高效低耗的项目成本这一困扰多年的难题。 1 隧道掘进机的历史 1.1隧道掘进机及其类型 隧道掘进机全称全断面隧道掘进机,主要有两大类型:开式和闭式,本文重点讨论开式掘进机。 ( 1)开式隧道掘进机 所谓开式掘进机是指切削时不用控制工作面的地压,掘进机按出碴系统运碴能力掘进 。开式掘进机用于不需要特别考虑地表下沉的地况。开式掘进机设计刚度较大。适用于在硬地层中快速掘进。开式掘进机又可以分为两类,即开式主大梁和护盾式。 ( 2)闭式掘进机 闭式掘进机又称为地压平衡式掘进机( EPB),是通过控制螺旋运输机卸料门的开启,使刀盘前腔的压力与地压平衡。因为要平衡地压,掘进机根据碴石运出的速度来调节掘进速度以维持地压,不扰动或少扰动地层,避免或减小地表的沉降。地压平衡式掘进机通常用于软地层或是流动性地层。 1.2 国际隧道掘进机发展历史 1851 年美国工程师 Charles Wilson 发 明了隧道掘进机,通常被认为是第一台成功地在岩石中连续掘进的机器。 另一个著名的探索是 Colonel Beaumont 在 1881年发明的压缩空气驱动的隧道掘进机,曾用于英吉利海峡的一条探测隧道。 此后一直没有更多值得注意的尝试,直到 1952 年罗宾斯设计了用于 South Dakota 的 OaheDam 隧道的掘进机。该机直径为 7 . 85m,切削部分由内刀盘和外刀盘两个旋转的部件组成。刀盘上沿径向布置碳化钨的截齿,并平行布置可自由转动的盘形滚刀,滚刀略低于碳化钨截齿。机器由两台 150kW 的电动机驱动,设邵阳学院毕业设计(论文) 2 备 总重达 114t。尽管这台掘进机不是设计在硬岩中掘进的,它在软页岩中的日进尺还是达到了 49m。在四条隧道的掘进过程中共更换了 356 个截齿和 4 把盘形滚刀。 其实,第一台成功的硬岩掘进机是直径 3 . 28m的罗宾斯隧道掘进机,这台机器是 1956 年为加拿大的 Foundation 公司建造的,用于多伦多市的 Humber Sewer 项目,掘进一条长约 4 . 5km,主要由砂岩、页岩、含石英的石灰岩组成的隧道,岩石的抗压强度为 5 186MPa。 从 20 世纪 50 年代至今,罗宾斯制造了数百台隧道掘进机,大约 300 台套掘进机开掘了 3500km多的岩石隧道,其直径从 1 . 6m 到 11 . 87m。 1.3 中国隧道掘进机发展历史 随着国外广泛地应用隧道掘进机, 20 世纪 70年代初掘进机开始出现在中国。政府的各个部门如煤炭部、水电部和军工部门都设计、制造和使用过多台隧道掘进机。 从 20 世纪 70 年代到 80 年代,中国的各个部门至少建造了 20 台隧道掘进机,仅煤炭部就建造了 12 台隧道掘进机。值得注意的是在这些掘进机的最高月进尺只有 250m,而且其中多数机组未投入使用。 20 世纪 80 年代后期开始,随着中国的改 革开放,多数情况下由国外建筑承包商或是中国建筑公司购买国外掘进机承担中国工程建设项目。 应该指出,上述项目中由中国公司建设的多数项目之所以掘进速度较低,是受地质、管理和其它条件的综合影响。 2 隧道掘进机的应用和新技术 从 19 世纪 50 年代中期以来,隧道掘进机主要在三个方向上发展:适用于规模大、坚硬而且高磨蚀性岩石中掘进;既适用于稳定的、有自支护力的地层,又适用于不稳定岩石的地层;能经济地开掘隧道。 地质条件和隧道设计的因素及要求将直接影响掘进机的设计和隧道的经济性,掘进机的制造商应该在规划设计前期即得到 尽可能准确的有关条件和要求。良好的隧道设计再加上好的掘进机系统才能成功而且高效地完成隧道项目。 2.1 地质因素 影响掘进机设计的地质因素有:岩石的强度和弹性模量,岩石的类型和磨蚀邵阳学院毕业设计(论文) 3 性,岩石的完整性或裂隙情况,相关隧道的倾角和走向,覆盖岩层和原地岩石应力,断层区和支护时间,水、瓦斯气、周围岩层的温度。 为了克服隧道中不利的地质条件,掘进机设计装备了以下功能:后装式刀盘,刀盘能反转且转速可变,支撑力和推进力成比例,配有锚杆钻机以实现支护,配有超前探钻以探测和注浆。在混合地层的条件下,应特别注意刀盘特性的设计,诸 如:低廊线的铲斗、封闭的铲斗门、后装式滚刀、超挖能力、表面堆焊耐磨材料,设计中还应该特别注意减少刀盘的暴露部分。 ( 1)隧道掘进机的设计受其工作的隧道地质条件的影响极大,掘进机制造商必须考虑所有已得到的地质资料,并根据其中最主要的数据进行正确的设计。 ( 2)坚硬和规模大的岩石需要较大的推力以高效地切削岩石,这就要求设备各部件刚度大,而系统的功率也较大。 ( 3)不同类型的岩石及其中的磨粒性物质会影响滚刀的选择和刀盘的设计。 ( 4)较多的断层或是很短的支护时间需采用护盾式掘进机,还可能需要预制隧道支护系统。 2.2 隧道设计因素 影响掘进机设计的隧道设计因素有:隧道的走向和曲率、倾角、岩石支护要求、注浆、超前探钻、隧道的允许误差、地压极限、能用于组装和作业的区域、环境要求和隧道掘进作业计划。比如在倾斜的隧道中作业,就要特别考虑掘进机的主驱动系统、液压系统、润滑和皮带运输系统。 2.3 成本控制 在硬岩中建造隧道,最重要的是既顺利和安全,又要适当控制成本。相对于传统的硬岩隧道开挖方法,隧道掘进机提供了一种高效低耗的选择,尤其是对大直径和长距离的隧道。使用掘进机开掘硬岩隧道,其成本主要由劳动力、设备费用和消耗品组成。 劳动力费用的控制有二大影响因素,即掘进时间和作业人数。任何一方面的节省即意味着劳动力费用的降低,其中每一因素又会受到其它方面的影响。减少掘进时间会相应地减少掘进进尺、降低掘进速度和掘进机的利用率。作业人数包括掘进工作人员和后勤人员、管理人员和维修人员。 随着近几年来滚刀和刀座制造技术的发展,已经能生产出配有高质量刀圈的强力滚刀,使得更高的掘进速度成为可能。另一个减少掘进时间的考虑是加快掘进速度,即提高刀盘的旋转速度。但是提高转速受制于掘进机的振动、出碴系统邵阳学院毕业设计(论文) 4 的能力和滚刀的温度限制。近年来,出现了用于掘进机的可 靠的变频驱动装置( VFD),使我们可以选择适宜的刀盘转速。变频驱动装置的优点在于高的起动扭矩、基本频率下 100%的扭矩、无级变速、冲击载荷下电流较小和高效率。 提高掘进机的利用率能减少工作时间。一般掘进机的利用率在 40%到 50%之间。相关的工作如检查、更换刀具,掘进机的修理、维护,其中更换刀具耗时最多,约占 11%。大尺寸高质量刀圈使用时间长而较少更换,能提高掘进机的能力和利用率。改进刀具的安装型式也能减少更换刀具的时间。 通过改进掘进机系统的设计可以减少作业人员,如提高自动化程度、采用连续皮带机等。采用连续 皮带机的好处在于不用设置轨道道叉,只需要少量功率较小的机车,减小巷道中的交通量和拥堵程度,减少对新鲜空气的需求量,加大出碴能力、提高掘进机的利用率。 隧道建设成本中另一大部分是设备和消耗品的费用。通过标准化程序和灵活的制造策略就可能建造低成本高质量的掘进机,譬如在全球范围综合降低劳动成本和降低汇率的优势。 3 建立中国的隧道掘进机产业 随着中国经济的高速发展,国内对隧道掘进机的需求越来越强烈。为了降低成本,为了自身发展的需要和将来出口,发展中国自己的隧道掘进机产业已经迫在眉睫。 3.1 罗宾斯隧道掘进机在中 国 1992 年以来,罗宾斯公司先后与中国二十余家公司合作生产隧道掘进机的部件、完成掘进机的总装、制造整套掘进机后配套系统。这些公司中有:国营淮南煤矿机器厂、上海冶金机械厂、广州重型机器厂、太原重型机器厂、上海隧道机械厂、二重集团公司等。罗宾斯还将与掘进机相关的产品发包给中国的一些私营和民营企业。罗宾斯公司还是上海博泰克机械有限公司的控股股东,上海博泰克拥有经过罗宾斯培训的工程师,为罗宾斯公司在中国的订货提供杰出的技术支 持和质量控制。罗宾斯不仅向中国出口极具竞争力的掘进机,而且还用中国生产的部分结构件和部 件在中国总装掘进机。在罗宾斯的直接指导和质量控制下,大多数合作项目都十分成功。罗宾斯还委托中国制造商如四川德阳的二重集团公制造用于海外的罗宾斯掘进机的零部件。 2000 年罗宾斯公司受 CMC 公司的委托,在山西太原检查和改建了一台双护盾罗宾斯硬岩掘进机,该掘进机用于引黄工程邵阳学院毕业设计(论文) 5 五号标。改建工作提前完成,由 CMC 公司承担的隧道工程进展也十分顺利,最高日成洞 113 . 21m,创造了新的世界纪录。 3.2 建立中国隧道掘进机产业的几点建议 ( 1)建立中国隧道掘进机产业的有利因素和不 利因素: 有利因素:快速增长的经 济和巨大的市场潜力;劳动力成本和管理费用较低;良好的劳动力素质和制造能力资源;节约运输费用;交货期短;良好的备配件供应;提供现场服务。 不利因素:项目资金不足;缺乏国际市场信息;缺乏技术信息;缺乏现代项目管理的知识;暂不具备生产可靠的掘进机零件的能力。 ( 2)建立中国隧道掘进机产业的几点建议学习和改善如何管理使用隧道掘进机;将掘进机用户或买主的经济效益与项目的效益联系起来;改进对项目预算和成本控制的认识;重新评价和比较人工开挖与使用隧道掘进机的成本,特别是对那些要求尽快完成的战略性项目;分析隧道掘进机的应用 次序;对隧道掘进机及其部件给予政策上的优惠,如免除关税和增值税;对为整机出口而临时进口的掘进机零件提供方便;增加国际信息交流;生产用于出口的掘进机零部件;为国际项目培训技术人员和操作工人;与国外的掘进机制造商合作,共同在中国开发项目;确定近期和长期的发展目标。 如果说 20 世纪 70 年代以前隧道掘进机尚未进入中国, 80 年代是初步尝试,90 年代是掘进机在中国崭露头角的年代,那么今后一到三年内将接近隧道掘进机在中国的黄金时代。不远的将来,就可以看到越来越多的由中国参与制造的隧道掘进机,在许多国际项目现场将会 出现中国造的掘进机和中国的掘进机专家。 Tunnel tunneling machine and China Richard J. Robbins Along with the tunnel tunneling machine success application, the tunneling machine already became the noticeable underground tunnel high-speed driving method in China. How develops Chinas tunnel tunneling machine industry? This question proposes the source is puzzled by many years difficult problem from the Chinese rapid growth city underground construction and important project market request highly effective low consumption project cost this. 1 Tunnel tunneling machine history 1.1 Tunnels tunneling machine and its the type tunnel tunneling machine full title all 邵阳学院毕业设计(论文) 6 sections tunnel tunneling machine, mainly have two big types: Opens the type and seal, this article discusses the type tunneling machine with emphasis. (1) So-called opens the type tunnel tunneling machine to open the type tunneling machine is refers to when the cutting does not need to control the working surface the geostatic pressure, the tunneling machine according to leaves is cut by broken glass the system to transport is cut by broken glass the ability tunneling. Opens the type tunneling machine to use in not to need specially to consider the surface sinks place situation. Opens the type tunneling machine design rigidity to be bigger. Is suitable to in hard stratum center the high-speed driving. Opens the type tunneling machine to be allowed to divide into two kinds, namely opens the type host summer beam and protects the shield type. (2) Seal the tunneling machine seal tunneling machine is called the geostatic pressure balance -like tunneling machine (EPB), is through control screw conveyer dismounts the material gate opening, causes tool rest front the cavity pressure and the geostatic pressure is balanced. Because must balance the geostatic pressure, the tunneling machine basis is cut by broken glass the speed which the stone ships out to adjust the tunneling speed to maintain the geostatic pressure, does not disturb or the few perturbation stratum, avoids or reduces the surface the subsidence. The geostatic pressure balance -like tunneling machine usually uses in the soft stratum perhaps the fluid stratum. 1.2 international tunnels tunneling machine development history in 1851 American Engineer Charles Wilson has invented the tunnel tunneling machine, usually was considered is first successfully in the rock the continual tunneling machine. Another famous exploration is Colonel Beaumont the compressed-air drive tunnel tunneling machine which invented in 1881, once used in a English Channel survey tunnel. Hereafter always does not have a more multiple-valued attention the attempt, Robins designed until 1952 has used in South Dakota Oahe the Dam tunnel tunneling machine. This machine diameter is 7. 85m, the cutting partially the part which tool rest and outside tool rest two revolves by in composes. Tool rest on along the radial direction arrangement tungsten carbide truncation tooth, and the parallel arrangement may the free rotation circular the hob, the hob slightly be lower than the tungsten carbide truncation tooth. The machine by two 150kW direct motor drive, the equipment gross weight reaches 114t. Although this tunneling machine is not the design in the hard crag the tunneling, it ruler or has achieved 49m in the soft shale. Has replaced 356 truncations teeth and 4 circular hobs in four tunnels tunneling process Chinese Communist Party. Actually, the first successful hard crag tunneling machine is the diameter 3. 28m Robins tunnel tunneling machine, this machine was in 1956 constructs for Canadas Foundation Corporation, used in Toronto Humber the Sewer project, tunneling long approximately 4. 5km, mainly by the sandstone, the shale, contained the tunnel which the quartz the limestone was composed, the rock compressive strength is 5 186MPa. From the 20th century 50s, Robins has until now made several hundred tunnels tunneling machine, the about 300 wraps tunneling 邵阳学院毕业设计(论文) 7 machine have dug the 3500km many rocks tunnel, its diameter from 1. 6m to 11. 87m. 1.3 Chinese tunnel tunneling machine development history along with overseas widely applies the tunnel tunneling machine, the 20th century at the beginning of 70s the tunneling machine starts to appear in China. Governments each department like coal department, Ministry of Water Resources and Electric Power and the war industry department all designs, makes and has used many tunnels tunneling machine. From the 20th century 70s to the 80s, Chinas each department has at least constructed 20 tunnels tunneling machine, coal department has only constructed 12 tunnels tunneling machine. The worth noting is the ruler only has 250m in these tunneling machine most Gao Yuejin, moreover most units have not put into the use. The 1980s later period start, along with Chinas reform and open policy, in the most situations purchase the overseas tunneling machine by the overseas construction contractor perhaps the China general contractor to undertake the China engineering construction project. Table 1 is these projects surveys. Should point out that, in the above project the most projects which constructs by the Chinese company therefore the tunneling speed is lower, is geological, the management and other conditions synthesis influences. 1 Tunnels tunneling machine application and the new technology Since 19th century 50s intermediate stages, the tunnel tunneling machine mainly have developed in three directions: Is suitable in a big way to the scale, is hard moreover in the high abradability rock the tunneling; Both is suitable to being stable, has from support protection the strength stratum, and is suitable for the unstable rock stratum; Can economically dig the tunnel. The geological condition and the tunnel design the factor and the request directly will affect the tunneling machine design and the tunnel efficiency, the tunneling machine manufacturer should namely obtain as far as possible the accurate related condition and the request in the plan design earlier period. The good tunnel design adds the very good tunneling machine system to be able again to be successful moreover highly effective completes the tunnel project. 2.1 geologic agents influence tunneling machine design geologic agent includes: The rock intensity and the elasticity coefficient, the rock type and the abradability, the rock integrity or the crevasse situation, the related tunnel inclination angle and the trend, the cover rock layer and the in-situ rock stress, the fault area and support protection the time, the water, the gas are mad, periphery the rock layer temperature. In order to overcome in the tunnel the disadvantageous geological condition, the tunneling machine design has equipped below the function: The breech loading type tool rest, tool rest can reverse also the rotational speed variables, the strut strength and the propelling power become the proportion, has the anchor rod drilling machine to realize support protection, has drilling surveys and the note thick liquid in advance. In under the mix stratum condition, should specially pay attention to tool rest the characteristic design, such as: The low porch line scoop, the seal shovel flood gate, the breech loading type hob, ultra digs the ability, the superficial welding anti-friction material, in the design also should specially pay attention to reduces tool rest the exposed part. 邵阳学院毕业设计(论文) 8 (1) the tunnel tunneling machine design is been enormous its work tunnel geology condition influence, the tunneling machine manufacturer must consider all obtained the geological data, and carries on the correct design according to most main data. (2) hard and a scale big rock need bigger thrust force by highly effective cuts the rock, this requests the equipment various parts rigidity in a big way, but the system power is also bigger. (3) the different type rock and its the center pellet the matter can affect the hob the choice and tool rest design. (4) more faults perhaps the very short support protection time must use protects the shield type tunneling machine, but also possibly needs to prefabricate the tunnel support protection system. 2.2 Tunnels design factor influence tunneling machine design tunnel design factor includes: The tunnel trend with the curvature, the inclination angle, the rock support protection request, the note thick liquid, drilling, the tunnel allowance error, the geostatic pressure limit, can use in advance to assemble and the work region, the environment request and the tunnel tunneling work plan. For instance in the tunnel which inclines the work, must specially consider the tunneling machine host actuation system, the hydraulic system, the lubrication and the leather belt transportation system. 2.3 Cost controls make the tunnel in the hard crag, most importantly both smooth and is safe, and must suitably control the cost. Was opposite to the traditional hard crag tunnel excavation method, the tunnel tunneling machine has provided one kind of highly effective low consumption choice, in particular to large diameter and long distance tunnel. The use tunneling machine digging hard crag tunnel, its cost mainly by the labor force, the equipment expense and consumption goods is composed. The labor charge control has two tremendous influences factors, namely tunneling time and work population. Any on the one hand saves namely meant the labor charge reducing, each factor can receive other aspects the influence. The reduced tunneling time can correspondingly reduce the tunneling to enter the ruler, to reduce the tunneling speed and the tunneling machine use factor. Work population including tunneling staff and rear service personnel, administrative personnel and serviceman. Along with in the last few years the hob and places the knife the place the manufacture technology development, already could produce has the high grade knife circle the force hob, enabled the higher tunneling speed possibly to become. Another reduced tunneling time consideration speeds up the tunneling speed, namely enhancement tool rest velocity of whirl. But enhances the rotational speed to be restrained the tunneling machine vibration, is cut by broken glass the system the ability and the hob temperature limit. In recent years, appeared has used in the tunneling machine reliable frequency conversion drive (VFD), enabled us to be allowed to choose is suitable tool rest the rotational speed. The frequency conversion drive merit lies in under the high starting torque, the basic frequency next 100% torque, the stepless speed change, the impact load the electric current is smaller and the high efficiency. Raises the tunneling machine use factor to be able to reduce the 邵阳学院毕业设计(论文) 9 operating time. General tunneling machine use factor in 40% to 50% between. The correlation work like inspection, replaces the cutting tool, the tunneling machine repair, the maintenance, replacement cutting tool consumes when are most, approximately composes 11%. The great size high grade knife circle period of revolution is long but less replacements, can sharpen the tunneling machine ability and the use factor. Improves the cutting tool to install the pattern also to be able to reduce replaces the cutting tool the time. May reduce the operating personnel through the improvement tunneling machine system design, like the enhancement automaticity, uses the continual belt fastener and so on. Uses the continual belt fastener the advantage to lie in does not use the establishment track intersection, only needs a few powers smaller locomotive, reduces in the tunnel the volume of traffic and supports stops up the degree, reduces to the fresh air demand quantity, enlarges is cut by broken glass the ability, raises the tunneling machine use factor. In the tunnel construction cost another one major part is the equipment and consumption goodsexpense. Construct the low cost high grade tunneling machine through the standardized procedure and the nimble manufacture strategy on the possibility, for example reduces the cost of labor in the global scope synthesis and reduces the exchange rate the superiority. 2 Founds Chinese the tunnel tunneling machine industry Along with the Chinese economy high speed development, domestic is more and more intense to the tunnel tunneling machine demand. In order to reduce the cost, in order to own need to develop and the future will export, developed the Chinese tunnel tunneling machine industry already to be imminent. 3.1 Robins tunnel tunneling machine in China 1992, after the Robins company successively and the Chinese 20 companies cooperative production tunnel tunneling machine part, has completed the tunneling machine general equipment department, makes the entire wrap tunneling machine necessary system. In these companies has: State-operated Huai Nan coal mine machine factory, Shanghai metallurgy machine shop, Guangzhou heavy machinery and equipment plant, Taiyuan heavy machinery and equipment plant, Shanghai tunnel machine shop, double group company and so on. Robins also will send the package with the tunneling machine correlation product to operate privately for Chinas some with the privately operated enterprise. The Robins company or the Shanghai abundant peaceful gram machinery limited companys control stock shareholders, the Shanghai abundant peaceful gram has engineer which trains after Robins, provides the outstanding technical support and the quality control for the Robins company in Chinas ordering. Robins not only exports to China extremely has the competitive ability the tunneling machine, moreover also uses the partial structural elements and the part which China produces in the Chinese general equipment department tunneling machine. In under Robinss direct instruction and the quality control, the majority cooperation project extremely is all successful. Robins also entrusts the Chinese manufacturer like Sichuan Deyang the double group company to make uses in the overseas Robins tunneling machine spare part. In 2000 the Robins company the CMC Corporations request, is inspected in the Shanxi Taiyuan and rebuilds double to protect the shield Robins hard crag tunneling machine, 邵阳学院毕业设计(论文) 10 this tunneling machine uses in to direct the yellow project five symbol. Rebuilds the work to fulfill or finish ahead of schedule, undertakes the tunneling by CMC Corporation to progress extremely is also smooth, most Gao Richeng hole 113. 21m, has created the new world record. 3.2 Establishes the Chinese tunnel tunneling machine industry several suggestions (1) To establish the Chinese tunnel tunneling machine industry the favourable factor and the disadvantage factor favourable factor: Fast growth economy and giant market potential; The labor force cos


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