



英语复习资料Before his death,Alfred Nobel decided to set up a prize with his money to honor the people who did great things in science,writing,and world peace.Earnest Hemingway believed that he should kill himself when he was not able to create any more.Many people with AIDS have to spend months in hospital up to a time when they have someone at home to help and look after them.If you destroy his idea,you would surely be killing him.The teacher suggest that we do all the exercises by ourselves.You should understand that they are only suggesting it and not giving the actual advice.Let them take care of their children instead of the children taking care of them.People in our village respected him because he was a doctor with a respectable position in society.These pictures describe exactly what happened in that country.Deaths were relatively less in Los Angeles because the accident happened at 4:31 a.m on a holiday, when traffic was not busy.Every firm has a(an) annual report on its business in the year past and the year coming.Business has firmly achieved a market for children, because every child has learned from TV what a child should have and be like.I was shocked to read a piece of writing with so many spelling mistakes.It was almost impossible for an Indian to get a fair education in this country and even more difficult for him to become somebody in society.Over the past ten, health, education, and welfare services have started to improve to meet the needs of the people.If you want to be a great player, it takes extra effort.Exercise is most important to health, the report says, though it doesnt reduce body weight for sure.We will enforce all kinds of pollution control methods to protect our living conditions.Besides reading and writing, speaking is also considered important as a basic skill.If the parents can afford it, each child should have his or her own bedroom. Im not hungry, but I dont mind having some cakes. Stephen took the view that his headache was caused by stress. The major part of the plan is to prevent the farmers from cutting down the trees. The development of agriculture in this area has reached a new level in the last few years. We can imagine your surprise when they told you that you had won the prize. It is a custom for people to apologize to others for stepping on their toes. It is well worth the time and effort to learn how to speak English now. It is not kind to refuse others who ask for help. Who can know the suffering of the people walking in the streets without a job? The firm is unable to satisfy all the demands of customers for its new car this year. Hes always deeply regretted selling the old radio which seems worth a lot now. It is human nature not to feel comfortable with negative advice, and it especially true with young people. We cheered in a loud voice when our team defeated the other at last. It is necessary to include the study of cultures of English-speaking countries in our learning program. Never trust in appearance because it more often than not hides the truth behind. Freedom of speech is important; but meanwhile, we also have to pay attention to the speech that may hurt the public. Soon after it was translated into Chinese, Harry Potter became a(an) popular book among Chinese children. She opened the next room which had stood empty for months. She thought that this room should be fine for her guests. When she was at home, she was eagering to go to the United States, but when she was there, she just wanted to go back. Bad weather delayed our arrival and we felt sorry for our friends waiting at the station.21 The couple are very fond of their adopted daughter and take good care of her.22 Because he was tall and strong we found it quite easy to recognize him.23 The average height of boys aged from10to16has risen in


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