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情景交际1. -I think teenagers should be strict with themselves at any time. - .(浦东2015年一模)A. I agree B. Not at all C. Thats all right D. Thats a good idea2. Excuse me, I want to complain about this soya milk. (浦东2015年一模)A. How do you like it? B. Do you agree?C. Whats the problem? D. What do you think?3.Are you going to buy a car this year? _. The price for a car plate is so high. Ill wait and see.(杨浦2015年一模) A) Why not? B) Not really. C) Well, Ill certainly buy one. D) 1 couldnt agree with you more.4. A: Sorry Im late, but the bus broke down. B: _ (徐汇2015年一模) A) Dont say that. B) Of course. C) Thats all right D) Congratulations.5. A: Would you like to join us in the picnic? B: _(徐汇2015年一模) A) Not at all. B) I dont think so. C) Id like to, but I cant. D) Its very kind of you. 6. Let me take your bags. _(金山2015年一模) A) Im sorry B) It doesnt matter C) Good idea D) Thats very kind of you7. Sorry, Im late, but the bus broke down, and there were no taxis. _(金山2015年一模) A) Thats all right. B) Youre welcome. C) Thats very king of you. D) Youd better leave early.8. Jill, you look busy. _ -Thank you, Peter, but I can manage it myself.(虹口2015年一模)A) Im sorry to hear that. B) Anything I can do to help?C) Thats all right. D) How can you do that?9. Would you like me to bring you a cup of coffee? - _ .(虹口2015年一模)A) Yes, Id like to. B) Its a pleasure.C) Yes, please D) It doesnt matter.10. A: Mum, I won the first prize in the school drawing competition. B:_. Im proud of you.(嘉定2015年一模) A. Have a good time. B. Good luck. C. Best wishes. D. Congratulations.11. A: How about holding a meeting to discuss how to spend pocket money? B:_.(嘉定2015年一模) A. Yes, wed love to. B. Good idea. C. Never mind. D. Youre welcome.12.- Dont step on the grass next time, Mike.- _(黄浦2015年一模)A) Is that so?B) Dont worryC) I dont knowD) Sorry, I wont.13.- Did you have a good New Years Day holiday?- _ I enjoyed myself with my family by the sea.(黄浦2015年一模)A) I hope so.B) Of course.C) Im afraid not.D) Im not sure.14. - You dont have to sing so loudly in the middle of the night, do you?- _.(普陀2015年一模)A Im sorryB My pleasureC Not at allD Thats right15. - Alice is not in. May I take a message for you? -_.(普陀2015年一模)A Never mindB No, thanks. Ill ring back. C Youre welcomeD No, you may not16. -William fell down from his motorcycle and hurt his leg this morning. -_.(闸北2015年一模)A) Thats all right. B) Im sorry to hear that.C) Never mind. D). Really? Hes too careless.17. -In my opinion, pictures can help us improve our memory, especially silly ones. -_ .(闵行2015年一模)A) Congratulations.B) Youre welcome.C) All right.D) I agree with you.18. -Would you like me to borrow the comic strips from the library for you? -_.(闵行2015年一模)A) Not at all.B) Thats very kind of you.C) Im afraid notD) Thats all right.19. -Sorry Im late, but my car broke down, and there were no taxis. - .(奉贤2015年一模)A. All right B. Thats all right C. Youd better not D. Dont say that.20-Im afraid the work is too difficult for me. - .(奉贤2015年一模)A. Try it again. B. Im sorry to hear that. C. Thats all right D. Dont give it up. You can do it.21. -Im sorry Ive broken your glasses. -_. Ive got another pair. Which of the following responses is wrong?(松江2015年一模)A) Youre welcome.B) Never mind.C) It doesnt matter.D) Thats all right.22. -My family has booked a package tour to Paris for the summer holidays. -_.(松江2015年一模)A) Sorry to hear that.B) Have a great time!C) Oh, never mind.D) With pleasure.23. Would you mind if I open the door a little wider? _.(长宁2015年一模)A) You are welcome. B) Not at all. C) Thats all right. D) Yes, you are right.24. The case is very heavy, Miss Wu. Would you like me to carry it for you?_.(长宁2015年一模)A) With pleasure. B) No, you neednt.C) Yes, Id love to. D) Its very kind of you.25. A: What a nice meal! Its really kind of you to invite us. B:_. Im glad you liked it.(宝山2015年一模)A) Not at all B) Sounds good C) Well done D) Never mind26.一Could you please help me with the box?一 _ (崇明2015年一模) A) Thats right. B) Thank you. C) No problem. D) Youre welcome. 27.一Tomorrow is Mums birthday. Shall we buy her a present? 一 _ (崇明2015年一模)A) Good idea. B) Youre welcome. C) Not at all. D) Never mind.28. - I dropped my new iPhone on the ground last night. And it doesnt work now. - _.(静安2015年一模)A. Thats all right B. Im afraid not C. Sorry to hear that D. No problem29. - Im going to take my driving test next Sunday, I expect that everything goes well. - _.(静安2015年一模)A. Good luck B. Thats a good idea C. The same to youD. Youre welcome.上海中考情景交际真题1. A: Would you mind repairing the MP3 player for me? (14) B: _.A. Never mind B. Dont worry C. Not at all D. Im glad you like it2. -Would you mind if I smoke here? (14) -_, but I think youd better do it over there. A. Yes, please B. Im sorry C. Certainly notD. No, go ahead3. I am sorry, Tony. I couldn t find your MP3. (13) _Arthur. I ve got another one.A. Thank you very much? B. That s all right. C. I agree with you. D. All right.4. Shall we go to see the film “2012” at Xinghuo Cinema tomorrow evening? _ (13) A) Never mind. B) Of course. C) Yes, you will.D) Thats a good idea.5. A: Mr. Li, may I ask you some questions? (12)B:_A) What was it? B) Never mind. C) Go ahead. D) Yes. What is it?6. A: There will be no lessons this afternoon. Shall we go to the reading room together? (11) B: _A) Not at all. B) Thats right. C) Thats a good idea!D) So do I. 7. A: Im sorry Im late, because the traffic is bad. (10)B: _ But tomorrow, please be on time.A) Its a pleasure. B) Youre welcome.C) It doesnt matter.D) Thats right.8.-Do you think you can do it without help? (09) -_. This is not the first time for me to do it. A) Dont worry. B) Hurry up. C) Not exactly D) Take care.9. -Its been raining since last weekend. What awful weather were having! (08) -_.A) Whats the problem? B) Thats all right.C) It doesnt matter. D) Yes, its the worst week Ive had.10. A: Would you like to have a look at my new painting? (07) B: _ A) You are welcome! B) Ill be glad to. C) Not at all! D) Congratulations! .Keys: 1-5 CBBDC 6-10 CCADB 批注:教师在考纲梳理的过程中要注意强调各情景交际的用法。在历年语法考试题中主要是以1-2分在选择题中考查,学生要注意把平时一模、二模试题中的错题总结分析。【经典】 近四年一、二模 2014 一模二模1. A: Mr. Li, may I ask you some questions? (宝山区) B: _ A) What was it?B) Never mind. C) Go ahead. D) Yes. What is it?2.This box is too heavy. Can you help me carry it upstairs? (崇明县)_ A) No problem.B) Yes, please.C) Thats right.D) No, thanks.3.Ive got the first prize in the English contest.(崇明县) A) My pleasure.B) Good idea.C) Its hard to say.D) You deserve to win.4. - Im sorry, Ive forgotten to bring your notebook with me.(奉贤区) - _. A) All right B) Never mind. C) Thank you. D) I dont agree with you.5. -Why dont we go to Shanghai Grand Theatre tomorrow? (奉贤区)- _. A) You are welcome. B) Of course not. C) Thats a good idea. D) Yes, please.6. Why did you leave the fan on in your room? Its a waste of electricity. _ A) I dont think so, either. B) Not at all. C) Sorry, I will turn it off D) Thats all right.7. I am terribly sorry. I have dropped the vase. (虹口区) _ A) Thats a good idea. B) You are welcome.C) What a shame! D) It doesnt matter.8. -Thank you very much for what you have done for me.(黄浦区) -_ A. Wait a moment. B. Good idea. C. My pleasure. D. Yes, please.9. -Jack, I apologize for not being nice to you.(黄浦区) -_ A. Youre welcome. B. Dont forget it. C. Thats all right. D. All right.10.A: There will be no lessons this afternoon. Shall we go to the reading room together? B: _ A) Not at all.B) Thats right. C) Thats a good idea!D) So do I. 11.A: Im sorry Im late, because the traffic is bad.(嘉定区)B: _ But tomorrow, please be on time. A) Its a pleasure. B) Youre welcome.C) It doesnt matter. D) Thats right.12.- The soup tastes very delicious, Mrs. Harry.(金山区)- A) You are right.B) I agree with you.C) No, dont say so. D) I am glad you like it. 13.- You dont have to make so much noise in class, do you?(金山区)- A) Im sorry. B) My pleasure.C) Not at all. D) Never mind. 14. Have a nice winter holiday, Ellen!(静安区) _A) Good idea.B) The same to you C) My pleasure.D) Thats all right.15. You are so busy today. Anything I can do for you? (静安区) _A) Yes, you can. B) Of course. C) Youre welcome D) Thanks, but I can manage.16.-Do you think you can do it without help? -_. This is not the first time for me to do it. A) Dont worry. B) Hurry up. C) Not exactly D) Take care.17.-Its been raining since last weekend. What awful weather were having! -_.A) Whats the problem? B) Thats all right.C) It doesnt matter. D) Yes, its the worst week Ive had.18. If you are in trouble, make sure to call the police.(浦东新区)_.A) Im happy to hear that. B) I dont know.C) I will. Thanks a lot. D) I have to think about it.19. Mum, Im going to take part in an English reading contest tomorrow. A) Congratulations B) Thats right C) Good luck D) Work hard20. Sorry Im late, but the bus broke down.(普陀区) Ive just got here myself. A) Thats all right. B) Thank you very much.C) Youre welcome. D) I think youre right.21. My son had an accident this morning. He fell down some stairs.(普陀区) _ How did it happen?A) Dont mention it. B) It sounds so strange.C) It doesnt matter. D) Im sorry to hear that.22. You look very nice in dark blue.(松江区) _A) I dont mind. B) Thats all right. C) No, not at all. D) Thank you.23. Youve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs Huang.(松江区) _A) Oh, Im afraid I didnt cook well. B) Im glad you enjoyed it.C) You dont say so. D) It doesnt matter.24. A: I am afraid I cant finish my report on time. Its so difficult.(徐汇区) B: _ A) Sorry! I dont know. B) That really sounds good! C) Take it easy. Maybe I can help. D) Thank you for telling me!25. A: Would you like to have a look at my new painting?(徐汇区) B: _ A) You are welcome! B) Ill be glad to. C) Not at all! D) Congratulations!26.A: Sorry, Jack isnt here right now. Can I take a message?(杨浦区)B: _ Ill call back later.A) Thats kind of you.B) No, thanks.C) Yes, please.D) Im afraid you cant.27.A: Someone stole my new iPhone5 last week.(杨浦区) B: _ Did you tell the teacher about it?A) Thats OK.B) How awful!C) Take care.D) You should be more careful.28. Chinese writer Mo Yan has won the 2012 Nobel Prize in literature.(闸北区) _A) I think so. B) Thats all right. C) Thats a good idea. D) Im glad to hear that.29.Would you like some more coffee? Its still early.(闸北区) _A) Help yourself. B) Thats very kind of you.C) Its not so early. D) It doesnt matter.30. Im terribly sorry. I have broken your mobile phone. (长宁区) _.A) Thats all right B) All right C) Not at allD) Of course not31. I think traveling by train is more comfortable than traveling by plane.(长宁区) _. In my opinion, traveling by plane is more comfortable. A) I agree with you B) I couldnt agree more C) Youre right D) Im afraid it isnt.keys 15 CADBC 610CDCCC 1115CDABD 1620ADCCA 2125DDBCB 2630BBDBA 31D 2013 一模二模1. -How about raising some money for the homeless children? - _ . A. Youre welcome. B. What a pity!C. Good idea. D. Never mind. 2. -Im leaving for Europe on a winter trip next month. - _A. Enjoy your time. B. Thats all right. C. Congratulations!D. Its a pleasure. 3. - The manager is out. Would you mind taking a message to him? - _.A. Never mind. B. Youre welcome. C. Certainly not. D. Dont worry.4. - How do you like our school, Tom? - _.A. Yes, I like it. B. No, I dont like it.C. I dont like it. D. Its very beautiful.5. Im so excited! I didnt expect my first interview could be so successful! _A) Thank you. B) Congratulations! C) What a pity! D) Good idea!6. Do you mind if I open the window a bit wider?_A) Yes, please. B) Sorry to hear that.C) Of course not. D) Yes, youre right.7. - Would you like me to bring you a cup of tea? - _A) Yes, Id like to. B) My pleasure.C) Yes, please.D) It doesnt matter.8. - Im terribly sorry. I left your notebook at home. - _. A) Certainly not B) You are welcome C) Sorry to hear that.D) Thats all right.9. A: Why not take an umbrella with you? It might rain in a while. B: _ A) Oh, my god!B) You are welcome!C) All right! Thanks!D) See you later. 10. A: Excuse me, you just happened to take away my mobile phone by mistake. B: _ A) I am fine. B) I am really sorry. C) Never mind. D) Thats all right.11. - Sorry, I didnt return your book on time.- _A) I agree with you.B) It doesnt matter. C) Youre welcome.D) Thats a good idea.12. - It is a bit cold today. Would you mind closing the window? - _A) Of course not.B) You are welcome. C) Yes, I would. D) No, thanks.13. Miss Liu, I am terribly sorry. I left my physics exercise books at home. _A) Im sorry to hear that.B) Thats all right.C) Not at all.D) Youre welcome.14.May I open the window? Its a bit hot inside. _A) Im glad to hear that.B) It doesnt matter.C) Yes, I will. Thank you.D) Go ahead, please.15. -The sweater is too large. Would you mind showing me a smaller one? (长宁)- _. Here you are. A. All right. B. Thats a good idea. C. Yes, please. D. Of course not. 16. - Mr. Wang, your daughter is excellent. She is beautiful both inside and outside. (奉贤)- _A) Not at all. B) All right. C) Thank you. D) Youre welcome.17. - I think students need strict rules. (奉贤)- _ Teenagers cant control themselves.A) I agree.B) Not at all.C) Please help them.D) I dont like it.18. I will have a writing contest this weekend. I hope I will win. (虹口)_A) All right.B) Im glad to hear that.C) Good luck. D) What a shame!19. Would you please help me with my singing skills? (虹口)_. You can come to my home on weekends.A) I hope so.B) Good idea.C) Im afraid I cant. D) No problem.20. - Could you lend me a hand to carry this heavy box, Tom? (黄浦) - _A. Never mind.B. Not at all. C. Sure. D. Yes, please.21. - Its getting clear. What about going for sightseeing in Hangzhou tomorrow? (黄浦) - _A. All right. B. Oh, yes. C. Yes, I will. D. Thats right.22.A: What a heavy rain! Will it last long, Susan? (宝山、嘉定)B: _ Were getting into the rainy season now.A) Im afraid so.B) Im afraid not.C) Thats impossible.D) Of course not.23. - I got up very early this morning, but I still missed the early bus. (金山)- _A) Well done!B) What a shame!C) Congratulations!D) Be careful!24. - Sally, your handwriting looks so beautiful. I really love it. (金山)- _A) I practice every day. B) No, I dont think so.C) Thank you very much. D) Well, its not good enough.25.Linda, the music is too loud. Could you turn it down, please? (静安、青浦)_A) Sure, what time?B) Sorry, I didnt notice it.C) Well, me too.D) OK, go ahead.26. Im leaving for Canada on a study trip next month. (静安、青浦) _A) Enjoy your time.B) Youre welcome. C) Its a pleasure. D) Thats all right. 2013年 二模 15 CACDB 610CCDCB 1115BABDD 1620CACDC 2125AABCB 26A2012年 一模二模44.May I have a look


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