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第5单元Can you come to my party?Section AI. 对于别人的邀请,你可能有不同的原因和理由表示谢绝,记住下面的原因和理由,并且翻译成汉语。Can you come to my party? Im sorry I cant. I _.1. have to visit my aunt _2. have to go to my guitar lesson _3. have to help my mom _4. have to go to play soccer _5. have too much homework _6. have to go to the doctor _7. have to study for a test _8. have a piano lesson _9. have to babysit my sister _10. have to go fishing with grandpa _11. have to go to my cousins birthday party _12. am not feeling wellII. 按照括号里面的中文完成这封信。 Hi Wang Ying, Thank you for your 1._ (邀请)to visit next week. Im 2._ (抱歉), but I cant come. You see, I have a really 3._(忙碌)week. This evening Im going to the 4. _(电影)with some friends. And tomorrow, I have to go to the 5._(牙医). (Yuck!) On 6._(星期三), Im playing 7._(足球) with the school team. And I have to study for my 8._(理科考试)on Thursday. On Friday evening, Im going to my cousins 9._(生日聚会). Can you come to the movies or have video games with us 10._(在家里) on Friday?Write soon.Xiao MingSection BI. 选择划线部分发音与其他三个不同的词。 1. A. quick B. ill C. bike D. minute 2. A. match B. radio C. baseball D. paper 3. A. sport B. worry C. short D. morning4. A. may B. play C. today D. Monday 5. A. around B. would C. house D. sproutII. 看图完成下列答句。 1. Can you come to my party? 2. Can you come to my party? Im sorry I cant. I _. Im sorry I cant. I _. 3. Can you come to my party? 4. Can you come to my party? Im sorry I cant. I _. Im sorry I cant. I _. 5. Can you come to my party? 6. Can you come to my party? Im sorry I cant. I _. Im sorry I cant. I _. 7. Can you come to my party? 8. Can you come to my party? Im sorry I cant. I _. Im sorry I cant. I _. 9. Can you come to my party? 10. Can you come to my party? Im sorry I cant. I _. Im sorry I cant. I _.III. 补全对话,每空一词 Lucy: Hello!Kate: Hello, is 1._ Lucy?Lucy: Yes.Kate: This is Kate 2._.Lucy: Oh, hi Kate! How are you?Kate: Fine. 3._ you free the day after tomorrow?Lucy: Yes, I am.Kate: Would you like to 4._ swimming with me?Lucy: Sure! 5._ are we going?Kate: In the afternoon. I think we can leave 6._ lunch.Lucy: Id love 7._. I have a few things to pick up.Kate: Well, Lucy, Ill 8._ you outside the school gate 9._1:20 then.Lucy: OK. 10._ you later. Bye.IV. 短文填空,每空一词,单词的第一个字母已经给出。It was Mr Hills birthday. He was one h_ years old and many people came to his birthday party. A reporter (记者) came to the party and a_ him a few questions.“Many people want to know h_ you live long,” the reporter said, “Could you tell us a_ it?” “That is I a_ get up at six in the morning,” said Hill. “And have three m_ a day. Never drink.”“B_,” said the reporter, “my uncle also did so, and he o_ lived to be eighty. W_ do you think of that?”“He didnt keep i_ long enough,” was the old mans a_ .V. 完形填空。Christmas was coming. A lot of 1 were going to town. They hoped to 2 some vegetables, fruit and meat in the market. And then they were going to buy some 3 for their families. A bus came. They tried to 4 . Robert, a strong young man, rushed in first. He occupied(占)two 5 :one for his girl friend Mable and the other for himself.The bus started. Robert had a look 6 the bus. He saw a lot of people 7 there. There were some old men among them. He hurried to 8 his eyes. Mable found it and thought he felt 9 and asked, “Whats wrong with you, dear?”“ 10 ,”answered the kind-hearted (好心肠) young man. “I cant bear (忍心) to see the poor old men!”1. A. workers B. soldiersC. farmersD. drivers2. A. lend B. sellC. borrowD. show3. A. books B. pensC. newspapersD. presents4. A. get on B. get off C. lifeD. sit down5. A. tables B. seats C. boxesD. steps6. A. after B. forC. up D. around7. A. standing B. sitting C. lying D. sleeping8. A. touch B. look over C. openD. close9. A. terrible B. sadC. happyD. dangerous10. A. SomethingB. AnythingC. NothingD. EverythingSelf CheckI. 单项填空。1. They _ in the beautiful music. A. enjoyed oneselfB. forgot themselves C. lost themselves D. lost themself2. “Help yourself _ chicken, Kate?” Mum said. A. to eating someB. to eat someC. to someD. to eat any3. You must _ of your little sister, and dont let her run on the road. A. careB. carefulC. be careD. take care4. He is a man of few words. He likes to keep _. A. silentB. be silentC. silentlyD. be silently5. The teachers words _ his face _ red. A. make, to turnB. made, turnC. made, turned D. made, turns6. The thin man doesnt have _ money, but he is very happy. A. manyB. someC. a lotD. much7. Dont play near the river, _ you will fall into it. A. andB. soC. orD. but8. I have two tickets _ the concert. A. forB. ofC. toD. from9. Dont wake the _ child up. A. sleepB. asleepC. sleepingD. sleepy10. The fish smell _. A. badB. worseC. worstD. badlyII. 对话填空。每空一词,单词的第一个字母已经给出。A: Hey, Xiao Wang, can you go to the m_ on Saturday?B: Im s_, I cant. I have too much h_ this weekend. And Im not f_ well today.A: Thats too bad. Whats the m_?B: Im not sure. Maybe I have a c_, as Im feeling a little cold.A: I think youd b_ go to the d_.B: I also t_ so. A: Maybe Im asking you to come another time.B: Sure. T_ for asking.III. 完成对话,每空一词。 A: Did you get your things together yesterday? B: Yes, I moved _ a new flat. A: Where is it? B: Its _the fifth floor of a modern_. A: Is it far _our school? B: No, its _the city park. A: Oh, I _. Its about one hundred meters _the left of the vegetable market. B: Thats right. Will you go and have a _? A: Yes, Id _ to, _we go now? B: _.IV. 用所给词的适当形态填空。 1. Can you _ (come) over to my birthday party? Sure, Id love to.2. We talk to each other in _ (Japan).3. Cathy is _ (real) an excellent language student.4. Can you tell the _ (different) between the two students?5. You look so _ (happy)6. She _ (work) in the TV factory.7. This bike is _ (cheap) than that one. 8. He is _ (old) student in his class. 9. He studies _ (hard) in his class.10. He is as _ (athletic ) as Li Ming.V. 完形填空。 Tom had retired (退休)and lived by himself a long way 1 town. He hardly(几乎不)ever left his home, 2 one day he went to town to buy some things in the shops, and 3 he had bought them, he went into a restaurant (饭馆)and sat down at a table by himself. 4 he looked around, he saw a few old people 5 glasses(眼镜)on before reading their newspapers(报纸), 6 after lunch he decide (决定)to go to a shop to buy himself some glasses, too. He walked along the road, and soon found 7 . The man in the shop let him try on (试戴)lots of glasses, but Tom always said , “No, I cant 8 with these.” The man became more and more surprised (惊奇的),until at last he said, “Excuse me ,but 9 you read at all ?”“No, of course I cant!” Tom said angrily.” If I could read, do you 10 I would come here to buy glasses?”1. A. fromB. to C. in D. with2. A. or B. but C. because D. so 3. A. why B. where C. after D. because4. A. Because B. When C. If D. Before 5. A. bring B. put C. carry D. show6. A. because B. but C. so D. at 7. A. them B. shop C. one D. it 8. A. read B. look C. watch D. see9. A. can B. do C. will D. must10. A. want B. know C. think D. tellVI. 阅读理解。 When David was playing in front of a big house, a man arrived. The man asked David, “Are your parents at home? I have a letter for them.” David answered, “Yes. My father is watching TV and my mother is taking care of my little sister.” The man rang the doorbell but no one answered the door. “Are they sleeping?” the man said to himself. The man tried again, but still no one answered. Then the man turned around and said to David, “You bad boy. You lied (说谎) to me! Your parents arent at home.” “I never lie,” said David. “This is not my house!”判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。符合的写“T”, 不符合的写“F”.1. David was playing behind a big house.2. Davids father was sleeping and his mother was watching TV.3. The man rang the doorbell but nobody opened the door for him.4. David lied to the man.5. David didnt live in that big house.VII. 书面表达。填空并完成李梅写给张老师的假条。 (李梅病了,得了感冒,医生告诉她休息两天,因此今明两天不能上学了,她希望自己能快些康复。)Dear Miss Zhang:Im sorry to tell you that _1_. The doctor told me _2_ for two days. So I cant _3_. I hope I can _4_ soon. Thank you._5_单元要点与中考题1. -Would you like to play football with us? -_, but Im busy. A. No, I cant B. No, I wouldnt C. Yes, Im glad D. Yes, Id love to (安徽省中考试题)答案 D。本题考查邀请和应答的表达方式。英语中对Would you like to? 这样的邀请句的肯定回答应是Id love to。2. -_I take the newspaper away? -No, you mustnt. You _ read it only here. A. Must; can B. May; can C. Need; must D. Must; must (河北省中考试题) 答案 B。该题考查的是请求许可的表达方式。英语中礼貌地请求别人许可时,用may; can或could,因此只有B是正确的。3. -Who has a dictionary, children? -I have _. A. it B. this C. one D. so (河北省中考题)答案 C。解本题关键要看所给的答案哪一个能相当于名词,并能够替换上述提及到的内容。既要避免重复,又要具有数的概念。从整个选项分析,只有one最合适,故选择C。知识拓展幽默与笑话Water and WineCustomer: Hello there, so you put water in the wine, dont you?Wine seller: How could I do that? I just poured ( 倾注 ) wine into water.答案与解析Section AI. 1. 需要看望我的婶婶 2. 需要去上吉他课 3. 需要帮助我妈妈 4. 去踢足球 5. 作业太多6. 去看医生 7. 准备考试8. 上钢琴课 9. 照看我的妹妹 10. 和我爷爷去钓鱼11. 去参加我表兄的生日聚会 12. 感到不舒服II. 1. invitation 2. sorry 3. busy 4. movies 5. dentist 6. Wednesday 7. football 8. science test 9. birthday party 10. at home讲析:5. “have to” 意思是“必须”,“不得不”,表示客观条件使得必须如此做,后面跟动词原形,有人称,数,和时态的变化。 例如:He has to spell his name many times.他不得不把他的名字拼写很多次。We have to be there early.我们必须早早到那里去。Do you have to go now?你现在就得走吗?8. study for a test 的意思是“准备考试”。类似的词组有:study for a maths test“准备数学考试”。Section BI. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. BII. 1. have a lesson 2. have to go to the concert3. have to eat out with my family 4. have to go out to draw some pictures5. have to watch TV with my family 6. am going out for a trip7. have to go swimming 8. have to play volleyball9. have to visit the Great Wall 10. have to do some exerciseIII. 1. that 2. speaking 3. Are 4. go 5. When 6. after 7. to 8.meet 9. at 10. See.讲析:3. the day after tomorrow 意思是“后天”;the day before yesterday 意思是“前天”。IV. 1. hundred 2. asked 3. how 4. about 5. always 6. meals7. But 8. only 9. What 10. it 11.answer V. 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. C讲析:1. 到镇上出售农副产品的当然是农民。2. 农民到镇上自然是卖蔬菜等,联系下文也可确定。3. 上文有提示:圣诞节即将来临,因此他们想给家人买礼物。4. 人们急于去镇上就要千方百计上车。get off 的意思是“下车”。5. Robert先挤上车后肯定是占了两个座位。6. Robert先上车并占了座位,很得意,便环视了整个车厢。7. 前文提到很多人要去镇上,车上挤满了人,有些人只好站着。8. 后文有暗示:从Robert最后一句话可以知道他是假装没有看见,因此闭上眼睛。9. 从 Mable 后面的问话可以得知。terrible在这里是“难受、不舒服”之意。10. Robert本来什么事都没有,他自然要回答Nothing。Self CheckI. 1. C 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. A讲析:1. lose oneself in 沉浸在之中。2. hel


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