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1,=.ggY.o, 2006, 49( 1) : 69 77Ji C P, Liu W D, Xuan C Y. Impact of urban growth on the heat island in Beijing. Chinese J. Geophys. ( in Chinese) , 2006, 49( 1) :69 77ggY季崇萍1, 2,刘伟东2,轩春怡21SSvvHvSELi, 1000292Sg, 100089K 1 1971 2000M204_4HQ( 02: 00a08: 00a14: 00a20: 00),|Vuu_(ggrYagMM.sT: ( 1)g9gLM11,MM10176; ( 2)gyuSgYSMt; ( 3)HQgM,g(10M0122 eqF,1999Mr11 13e (W, 02: 00) ; ( 4)WAvW.10M(7, 20W80M90M(V015 e ; ( 5)B?4HQ1MtB,(VC1a11.iO,W02: 00HK,14: 00HK.1oM g,g,M,McI| 0001- 5733( 2006) 01- 0069- 09ms| P463l 2004- 07- 27, 2005- 06- 13l S/ m/gaS#/0,g1S( 8051002)SSvvHvSELi7b5( LAPC-KF-2004-02).Te 1,o, 1975M3,V,1VYvHT. E-mail: jcpbj yahoo. com. cnImpact of urban growth on the heat island in BeijingJI Chong-Ping1, 2 , LIU We-i Dong1, XUAN Chun-Yi11 State Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Boundary Physics and Atmospheric Chemistry,Institute of Atmospheric Physics , ChineseAcademy of Sciences, Beij ing 100029, China2 Institute of Urban Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100089, ChinaAbstract The urban heat island ( UHI) intensity in Beijing, China, has been investigated using temperaturedata measured at 20 observation stations from 1971 to 2000. The impact of urban growth on the heat island alsohas been studied by statistic analyzing economic and social development of Beijing. Three urban stations andseven suburb stations were chosen to investigate diurnal and long-term variation of the urban heat island. Theconclusion can be drawn as following: ( 1) The UHI intensity and the total population logarithm of Beijing arecreditable correlated, and the long-term correlative coefficient reaches to 0176. ( 2) The urban expansion( construction cover) is very obvious in Beijing, and the scope of theUHI is spreading simultaneously. ( 3) Theincreasing trend of UHI intensity is also found in Beijing. It shows that the UHI has been intensified at a ratioof 0122 e per 10 years. In 1999, the nightly UHI intensity reached the maximum, 1113 e . ( 4) Similar toprevious studies for other cities, the maximum UHI intensity is more frequently observed in the nighttime than inthe daytime, and it is generally more than 015 e . ( 5)The seasonal trend of UHI intensity is similar for differenttimes ( 02: 00, 08: 00, 14: 00 and 20: 00) of a day. The maximum intensity appears at the nighttime at 02: 00and the minimum at noon at 14: 00.Keywords Beijing urbanization, Urban heat island ( UHI) , Long-term trend, Diurnal variation4912006M1 o CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICSVol. 49, No. 1Jan. , 2006V1 4_M1Table1 Informationof 10 selectedstations1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10ggguuuuuuu_ZF!lvh(bE) 116153 116130 116189 117110 116170 116139 116105 116125 116120 116107(bN) 39198 39185 40142 40115 39190 40109 39192 40124 39192 39155Z(m) 4611 5512 7010 7611 2811 3815 4011 4718 7419 92171 V50MWgv?Z,g?a8La#g?3vM.g6?Zg9FPuf, 2000Mg500 km2,200 km2,40 km2,9750 km2.g?Zg/?3vM,iOtZYg.BZgYMYgH,6BZgVM/VoM.Ngga?rab9Pgu,7uRu.,TgHv4.V 1;4EZEu,ig1983 1985M1z(1u214 e , 8zK014 e 116 eW. Mitchell 2 , Oke 3Hiroyuki4T,BgKvgZzL1.7Fukuoka 55gg?,gWiL1.B7,vgu(u015 110 e . 6Z91r,gguyarYaggyYgS,i4_YZrSM1y0.S=vg 7, 89,(il,ZaaIasagir,(1 e 4 eW.guagay1,yNg1MVC+. 1aZ 6g1K,7g 8g11K.TS=gsY(aKaK(-sVUg,iOY_-9.,gM+,iO|_V9iB4.u204_19712000M30M4HQ( 02: 00, 08: 00, 14: 0020: 00,HW,/),ug?Zd9ggrY,gMMs.2 ) M,XTgrs),gM+1a11.T)gH(_(u:4;u:)1.Vu4A,430MQv%M,aRTuV_s).8Nuus,HInu_s,u3_(Vu,Mu7_(Vu.Ey_Z,(hq.1_V1U.|u(u(lg. Tu= ( TZ+ T+ TF)P3,Tru= ( T+ T!+ Tl+ Tv+ T+ T+ Th)P7,70o( Chinese J. Geophys. ) 49 yN,VgUHI = Tu- Tru. g?Zg!94,1d91996 2000Mgd9Mk 9 .3 g BV)y?Zg.S50M,gg2099F1364,g*u1255 km2v16800 km2 ,guyu490Z,y9r216aZ.g?ZP1$r$yaaC9.N,3a39vMg,gbvaaRggaAa?na/jY.m1g30Mg/M.m1A,V20W80M2000MguSAv,aZluy9FKA.V50M,gu(frM811 km2,19801985M10km2, 1985 1989M1211km2, 19891994M815 km2, 1994 1997M7 km2.Vn1985 1989MgfKH 10 .1!tree; 2plow land; 3grass;4water; 5rsoil; 6road; 7Cconcrete.m1 urUim(a) 80M( 1970 1980) ; ( b) 90M( 1981 1990) ; ( c)1991 2000.Fig. 1 Beijing landuse for three periods71 11:ggY gy?ZPg3a341p.d9 9AU,yS50Mgg9F6,g?h(S)9v9, 1980MgS|?h1684199,2000M9F4210170, 20MW9F215.tg?ZSAUggrarMadb9F/gM1yB.m2 1971 2000MHQg 12T,gu1960 2000M(12132 e ,u(11138 e ,g(0194 e .Sg,Bgvgu(u015 110 e .T(sgHbs+.Morris et al. 13,(L=dg.d?Hq/,gWWs.Vr3 e .gyaC1ura$lylq,PgvW%i.gCO28BEod,Hgdb1u,yN/BHWuRu.W9PuF,1W,yNWgau9v.|1H02: 00-)gr.V2 1971 2000MHQaMg(: e )Table 2 Urban heat island intensity of different timesfor three decades (units: e )MHQ02:00 08: 00 14: 00 20: 001971 1980 0142 0142 0120 01341981 1990 0155 0145 0127 01581991 2000 0184 0160 0111 0175 V210MHQgM.VA,gHQHWVCA9Ft. 20W80MgCiA,(0135 e . 90MgAF,iOW( 20: 00H02: 00H)(CAgC,v015 e . 1971 2000MgM,g0122 eP10MqF., 1999MW( 02: 00H)rKv,1113 e (m2) .HVAWAvW.i,V1993M7S,14: 00Hhl,1994MrKl0103 e ,My72o( Chinese J. Geophys. ) 49 .m3g1971 2000Ma1-sbWs(sgbWs+,|_hu7_(,mU) .m3Vn: ( 1)102: 00,u0197 e ,Z_Kv,r1132 e ,F1 e ,41118 e ,_0158 e ; ( 2)1102: 00,u0125 e ,Z_r0142 e ,Fr0121 e ,4r0141 e ; ( 3)1,gv015 eS,2v,h;11,gAh,v012 eSg4u(ZaFavaYE. ( 4)u=,4_vSjB,4Mu_A.B_?zVUg+,yNN_Tu_(.m3 g1971 2000Ma11-bWs( a)1Winter 02: 00; ( b)11Summer 02:00.Fig. 3 Distribution of the temperature difference in winter and summerover the Beijing area from 1971 to 200073 11:ggYm4 ( a) 1971 1980M, ( b) 1981 1990M( c) 1991 2000MgYSM=MFig. 4 Interdecadal changes of the area of the urban heat island in Beijingfor ( a) 1971 1980, ( b) 1981 1990 and ( c) 1991 200074o( Chinese J. Geophys. ) 49 5 grY511 guyrm5 1971 2000Mu_u(sM( 02: 00H,HW)Fig. 5 Variations of the mean temperature differences between urban stationsand suburb stations, from 1971 to 2000 ( 02: 00, Beijing local time)ggSv,V+(raya)sA.VM(A,gSvH99F.m4gYS(gv015 eulgYS)M=M. 20W70Mgu(013 e ,F_Kv,r015 e (u_015 e ) .uAYS. 80M,gYSuE,Z_Kv,0167 e .V20W80M7SCAC.V1989M2000M,gy!?Z,gSa10MW?3vM.M,gY9aYFva?Zg9AgM,7Yg.Vm4cA, 1991 2000Mu4_(ZaaFa4)v016 e ,Z_r1114 e ,gYS9F. 6,g?ZgyuSrYS9v1.1m4m1,V3M( 20W70, 80,90M)gYSyusVA,gyuvYS%z1.gy?ZBZPgyuv,6BZ9Yg,Pg_u%. 20W80M-u=S=.1987 1988M=W)y!H,g?ZPu=?3vM,vjB$vya|.N,11987M(m2)g)B9t. 1987M,u?Z,Pyu91997M9124611 km2,9714%.BHy?ZM,gYS99A(m2m4) .m51971 2000Mu5_u(sM.VA,4u(MAsu_. 19711980MW,4u(; 1981M6+ 0181 e ,NB)M9Ft. 1992MrKv,+ 1139 e ./,1997M+0151 e ,N3M(+ 016 e .sBM+,1y_%M. 1981M4V2uvE_g%M(_,22 km) ,%M)W.W4Vu+,yN11981M_u(sA9v.1997M44Vu%Mu,2u,4Vu+,yN11997M_us75 11:ggYAhl.V4_NM%Mt1A,aYdA.yN)gCHIn|_V,9T4Tu_1y.512 g1Mitchell2T,SgKvggZzM11.Oke 35ggiL1,Fukuoka 5gg?,gg1.|g9gM1s,V9g( lgP )L1(m6,UHI= 14134lgP ,TM(SS) .g9gMBsV,zM11,M1r0176.Vgg9F,grF.g|3,Yg,7|gHg 5 ,/Fg5.m6 g9g1Fig. 6 Relationship between the urban heat island intensityand the logarithmic population6 8,sVB,/+:( 1)g9gL1,M10. 76.g?Zag9F#?ZgrarM/gYS9FyB.( 2)yuSgYSMt. 20W70M013 e ,F_Kv,r015 e ; 80M,v015 eSuE,Z_Kv,0167 e ; 1989 2000M,gy!?Z,gSa?3vM,uv016 e ,Z_r1114 e .( 3)4u(sMAsu_. 1981 1996
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