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阅读下面的短文。短文中有 15 个空白,在文章的后面,每一个空白都列出了四个备选答案。请根据文章的内容选择合适的词或短语填在空白处。 第一篇 Better Control of TB seen if a faster cure is found The World Health Organization1 estimates that about one third of all people are infected with bacteria that cause tuberculosis . Most times, the infection remains inactive. But each year about eight million people develop active cases of TB, usually in their _1_. Two million people die _2_ it. The disease has _3_ with the spread of AIDS and drug resistant forms of tuberculosis. Current treatments take at least six months. Patients have to _4_ a combination of several antibiotic drugs daily. But many people stop _5_ they feel better. Doing that can _6_ to an infection that resists treatment. Public health experts agree that a faster acting cure for tuberculosis would be more effective. Now a study estimates just how _7_ it might be. A professor of international health at Harvard University2 led the study. Joshua Salomon says a shorter treatment program would likely mean not just more patients _8_. It would also mean _9_ infectious patients who can pass on their infection to others. The researchers developed a mathematical model to examine the effects of a two month treatment plan. They _10_ the model with current TB conditions in Southeast Asia. The scientists found that a two month treatment could prevent about twenty percent of new cases. And it might _11_ about twenty five percent of TB deaths. The model shows that these _12_ would take place between two thousand twelve and two thousand thirty. That is, if a faster cure is developed and in wide use by two thousand twelve. The World Health Organization _13_ the DOTS3 program in nineteen ninety. DOTS is Directly Observed Treatment , Short course. Health workers watch tuberculosis patients take their daily pills to make _14_ they continue treatment. Earlier this year, an international partnership of organizations announced a plan to expand the DOTS program. The ten year plan also aims to finance research _15_ new TB drugs. The four most common drugs used now are more than forty years old. The Global Alliance for TB Drug Development4 says its long term goal is a treatment that could work in as few as ten doses. 词汇: bacterium n. 细菌 tuberculosis n. 结核(病) inactive adj. 不活跃的,非活动性的 antibiotic adj. 抗生的 n. 抗生素 alliance n. 同盟,联盟 注释: 1. World Health Organization :世界卫生组织 2. Harvard University :(美国)哈佛大学 3. DOTS :短期直接观察治疗 4. Global Alliance for TB Drug Development:全球结核病药物开发联盟 练习: 1. A) kidneys B) lungs C) bones D) livers 2. A) with B) without C) of D) out of 3. A) increased B) decreased C) changed D) disappeared 4. A) make B) take C) try D) test 5. A) as if B) as though C) as far as D) as soon as 6. A) refer B) apply C) lead D) amount 7. A) effective B) ineffective C) expensive D) inexpensive 8. A) cured B) to cure C) being cured D) having been cured 9. A) many B) more C) few D) fewer 10. A) provided B) introduced C) tested D) tempted 11. A) bring about B) contributed to C) promote D) prevent 12. A) increases B) reductions C) creations D) collections 13. A) developed B) invented C) delayed D) refused 14. A) easy B) uneasy C) sure D) unsure 15. A) with B) to C) onto D) into 参考答案: 1.B 结核病多发于肺部,这是一般的 常识。 2.C die of 意思是死于某种疾病,其它三个介词都不与 die 搭配。 3.A 本句后半部说到,由于艾滋病的传播和抗药型结核病的出现,那么根据推理,结核病自然应该增加,而不可能减少或消失。至于变化,不应该是结核病本身发生变化,而应该是发病率发生变化。 4.B 从本句的前后句可以推测到本句想说的是病人每天必须服用几种抗生素药物,而服药只能选择 take,其它几个动词都不合适。 5.D 答题时请注意句首的 But 这个词,显然与上句意思发生转折,而四个选项中 as if、 as though 都是仿佛,宛 如的意思, as far as 则是至于的意思,填在这里均不合适,只有as soon as (一)才恰当。 6.C 本空白处后面有介词 to,虽然这几个选项均可与 to 连用,但意思各不相同: refer to:谈及,参考; apply to:接洽,适用于; lead to:导致; amount to:合计,总共达现在有一项新的研究想评估这种速效治疗剂究竟效力有多大。 8.A 本句考查的是语法。根据所给的动词,我们可以猜到本句想说的是 Joshua Salomon说,疗程较短的治疗计划可能意味着不仅仅是更多病人被治好。这里从 语法分析,应该是缺一个定语,修饰 patients, cure 是一个及物动词,病人应是被治疗者: B 项 to cure 不能表示被动; C 和 D 虽然有表示被动的意思,但是 C 是正在被治疗, D 是已经被治疗,两者隐含的时态在这里均不合适,只有 A 才是恰当的。 9.D 前句说到更多病人可以治愈,根据推理,后句应该是将感染传递给别人的传染病人就会更少,因为前后两句实际上具有因果关系。这里必须用比较级 fewer,因为 few 是表示不多的,几乎没有的( not many),而 fewer 则只是与以前比较更少,并没有明确多少。 10.C 只有填 C 项 tested(检验)才能符合上下文意思,其它三项不仅词义不合适,词的用法也不对。 11.D 空白处的上一句实际上起到提示作用:两个月的治疗方案可以防止大约 20%的新病例,后句自然应是也可能防止大约 20%的结核病死亡。其它三个选项词义均相反。 12.B 上面两句说到可以防止大约 20%的新病例和可能防止大约 20%的死亡,这自然是降低,绝不可能是增加,更不是创作品、收藏品。 13.A 空白处的上一句实际上也起到提示作用,可以推测,本句应该是制订 DOTS 计划,而四个选项中只有 A 项有制订的意思,计 划也不可能是发明,从上下文分析,更不可能是推迟或拒绝。 14.C DOTS 计划其中就包含直接观察的意思,本句中也说到医务人员看着结核病人每天服药,目的自然是要确信他们继续治疗, C 项 make sure 正是确信的意思。 15.D research 后面常用 on 或 into,偶尔也用 for 或 after,例如: a research for/after facts(对事实的调查),但不与其它三个选项连用。 阅读下面的短文。短文中有 15 个空白,在文章的后面,每一个空白都列出了四个备选答案。请根据文章的内容选择合 适的词或短语填在空白处。( 2010 年新增) 第二篇 8 New York Students Have Swine Flu The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed 1 of swine flu in eight students at a New York preparatory school, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Sunday. The students have had only 2 symptoms and none have been hospitalized, he said. Some of the students have already recovered. More than 100 students were absent from 3 due to flu-like symptoms last week. New York health officials tested samples for eight students Saturday and determined the students were probably 4 from swine flu, and the CDC confirmed the 5 on Sunday, Bloomberg said. The announcement brings the 6 of confirmed swine flu cases in the United States to 20. Bloomberg and New York Health Commissioner Tom Frieden said there is no 7 of a citywide outbreak of the flu, and no sign of a potential 8 of swine flu at other schools. Some students at the school 9 spring break1 in Mexico, Bloomberg said,but authorities have not determined 10 any of the students with a confirmed case of swine flu was in Mexico. Someone who traveled to Mexico may not have had any flu symptoms but 11 on the flu to someone else, he noted. Frieden called 12 students who are home sick to stay home for 48 hours after their symptoms subside. If symptoms are normal for a regular kind of flu, there is 13 need to go to a hospital, said Bloomberg. If symptoms become severe, as with any 14 , people should go to the hospital, he said. St. Francis, which has 2,700 students, announced it will remain closed for two days. 15 whether the students illnesses have been minor because theyre young and healthy or because it is a minor strain of the virus, Frieden responded, We dont know. 词汇 swine n.猪 preparatory adj. 预备教育的,预科的 outbreak n. 爆发 subside v. 消失,消退 strain (菌)株,(菌)系 注释 1. spring break: (美 )春假(在校生复活节期间一周的假期) 练习 1. A cases B bases C does D noses 2. A common B physical C mild D wild 3. A work B home C school D hospital 4. A escaping B surviving C dying D suffering 5. A treatment B diagnosis C doubt D choice 6. A point B number C spread D value 7. A chance B need C hope D sign 8. A welcome B outbreak C success D injury 9. A spent B made C took D traveled 10. A why B how C when D whether 11. A passed B kept C rolled D swept 12. A at B up C on D of 13. A no B much C any D a 14. A person B matter C thing D illness 15. A Asked B Tested C Troubled D Doubted 答案与题解 1. A 从短文的题目可以看出,纽约有 8 名学生患了猪流感,所以此处应为流感病例。 2. C 从上下文得知,患病的学生中没有人住院,有一些已经康复,因此他们的症状应该是比较轻的。 3. C 学校里的学生有了流感样的症状,肯定是没能上学。 4. D 从上下文可以看出,纽约卫生官员检验了 8 名学生的血样后断定他们很可能是患上了猪流感。 5. B 疾病防控中心对纽约卫生官员的诊断予以证实。 6. B 显然此处应为确诊的猪流感患者数量。 7. D 从上下文和接下来的 no sign就可以推断出此处应为 同样的表达方式。 8. B 从上下文和前面的 outbreak就可以推断出此处应为同样的表达方式。 9. A 学校的一些学生是在墨西哥度的春假。 10. D 从上下文可知,当局尚未确定确诊为猪流感的学生中是否有谁去过墨西哥。 11. A 从上下文可以得知,某位去墨西哥旅游的学生自己可能没有表现出任何流感症状,但却把流感传给了其他某个人。 12. C 呼吁某人做某事用英语表达应为: call on somebody to do something: 13. A 接下来一句说,如果症状严重,人们应该去医院。这是 一个转折句,因此前面的句子应该相反,即没有必要上医院。 14. D 不仅是流感,而是任何疾病,只要症状加重,都应该去医院。 15. A 从后面的 responded一词可以断定前面应该是 被问到 ,即 Asked。 阅读下面的短文。短文中有 15 个空白,在文章的后面,每一个空白都列出了四个备选答案。请根据文章的内容选择合适的词或短语填在空白处。 第三篇 One Good Reason to Let Smallpox Live Its now a fair bet that we will never s ee the total extinction of the smallpox virus. The idea was to cap the glorious achievement of 1980, when smallpox was eradicated in the wild, by destroying the killer virus in the last two labs that are supposed to have it one in the US 和 one in Russia. If smallpox had truly gone from the planet, what point was there in keeping these reserves? _1_reality, of course, it was naive to_2_that everyone would let_3_of such a potential weapon. Undoubtedly several nations still have_4_vials._5_the last “official” stocks of lice virus bred mistrust of the US 和 Russia, _6_no obvious gain. Now American researchers have _7_ an animal model of the human disease, opening the _8_ for tests on new treatments 和 vaccines. So one again theres a good reason to_9_the virus just in_10_the disease puts in a reappearance. How do we_11_with the mistrust of the US 和 Russia? _12_. Keep the virus_13_international auspices in a well-guarded UN laboratory thats open to all countries. The US will object, of course, just as it rejects a multilateral approach to just about everything. But it doesnt_14_the idea is wrong. If the virus_15_useful, then lets make it the servant of all humanity not just a part of it. 1. A) In B) On C) At D) For 2. A) knowB) imagine C) realizeD) be aware 3. A) to goB) going C) go D) went 4. A) muchB) more C) most D) a few 5. A) 和 B) While C) Whereas D) Although 6. A) sinceB) for C) because D) of 7. A) looked for B) sought C) foundD) talked about 8. A) method B) roadC) street D) way 9. A) keep B) put C) destroy D) eradicate 10. A) needB) caseC) necessity D) time 11. A) h 和 le B) tackle C) deal D) treat 12. A) Difficult B) Hard C) Safe D) Simple 13. A) under B) in C) on D) for 14. A) say B) mean C) state D) declare 15. A) will be B) would be C) is D) are A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C 阅读下面的短文。短文中有 15 个空白,在文章的后面,每一个空白都列出了四个备选答案。请根据文章的内容选择合适的词或短语填在空白处。 第四篇 Diet, Alcohol Linked to Nearly One Third of Cancers Diet is second only to tobacco as a leading _1_ of cancer and, along with alcohol, is responsible for nearly one third of cases of the disease _2_developed countries, a leading researcher said on Tuesday. Dr.Tim Kev, of the University of Oxford, told a cancer conference that scientists are still discovering how certain foods contribute to _3_, but they know that diet,alcohol and obesity _4_ a major role. “Five percent of cancers could be avoided _5_ nobody was obese, ”he said. While tobacco is linked to about 30 _6_ of cancer cases, diet is involved in all estimated 25 percent and alcohol _7_ about six percent. Obesity raises the _8_of breast, womb, bowel and kidney cancer, while alcohol is known to cause cancers of the mouth, throat and liver.Its dangerous impact is _9_ when combined with smoking. Key told the meeting of the charity Cancer Research UK _10_other elements of diet linked to cancer are _11_ unknown but scientists are hoping that the EPIC study, which is comparing the diets of 500, 000 people in 1 0 countries and their risk of cancer, will provide some _12_. Early results of the study have revealed that Norway, Sweden and Denmark have the consumption of fruit and vegetables among European countries while Italy and Spain have the highest.Eating at _14_five portions of fruit and vegetables a day is recommended to reduce the risk of cancer. Key, principal scientist on the EPIC study, said it is looking at dietary links to some of the most common cancers _ 1 5 _colorectal, breast and prostate. 词汇: obesity n.肥胖 bowel n.肠 dietary adi.饮食的 prostate/ adi.前列腺的 obese adj.肥胖的 womb n.子宫 Colorectal adj.结肠直肠的 1. A. course B. cause C. court D. reason 2. A. on B. up C. in D. down 3. A. cancer B. health C. disease D. man 4. A. dance B. turn C. take D. play 5. A. while B. if C. unless D. since 6. A. percent B. countries C. people D. number 7. A. at B. in C. of D. for 8. A. risk B. degree C. presence D. place 9. A. reduced B. increased C. mysterious D. seen 10.A. whether B. why C. that D. if 11.A. still B. also C. although D. however 12.A. decisions B. questions C. answers D. needs 13.A. lowest B. enough C. daily D. perfect 14.A. home B. most C. least D. best 15.A. causing B. including C. illustration D. defining 参考答案: 1.B 从文章的题目可以得知,文章的主要内容涉及饮食、酒精与癌症的关系。不难看出,文章一开头讲的就是饮食是导致癌症的主要原因之一,吸烟排名第一,饮食紧跟其后。 2.C 此处要表达的意思是 “ 在发达国家里 ” 。 3.A 既然文章主要涉及饮食、酒精与癌症的关系,因此,此处应选 “ 癌症 ” 一词。 4.D 从接下来的 “ 角色 ” 一词,便可得知此处应选能与之搭配的 “ 扮演 ” 一词。 5.B 前一句讲道,饮食、喝酒与肥胖在癌症发生的过程中扮演重要角色,此句应为虚拟句,表示假设。 6.A 从句子的主旬不难看出,此处表示的是百分之多少的意思。 7 B 此处应该填一个与前面介词 “in” 一样的介词。 8.A 显然,此处要表示的意思是肥胖增加某些类癌症的危险。 9. B 一个人既喝酒,又吸烟,那酒精的害处应该是增加的。 10 C 此处应选能引导宾语从旬的连接词。 。 . 11 A 此处要表示的意思是 “ 仍旧不得而知 ” 。 12 C 从前面提到的 “ 仍旧不得而知,但是科学家们希望 ” 等词 语可以推断,此处应选“ 答案 ” 。 13 A 从句子的最后一词 “highest” 便可得知,此处应选该词的反义词。 14 C 众所周知,专家们多建议多吃水果、蔬菜以减少癌症的危险,可见此处应选表示“ 至少 ” 意思的词语。 15 B 空格之前提到了一些最常见的癌症,接下来举的是例子,因此此处应选表示 “ 像 .包括 ” 等意的词语。 阅读下面的短文,文中有 15 处空白,每处空白给出 4 个选项,请根据短文的内容从 4个选项中选择 1 个最佳答案,涂在答题卡相应的位置上。 第五篇 Men Too May Suffer from Domestic Violence Nearly three in 10 men have experienced violence at the hands of an intimate partner their lifetimes, according to one of the few studies to look_ 1_domestic violence and health among men. Many men actually do experience domestic violence, although we dont hear about it_ 2 _ , Dr. Robert J. Reid of the University of Washington in Seattle, one of the authors, told Reuters Health. They often dont tell_3 _we dont ask. We want to message out to men who_4 _experience domestic violence that they are not alone and there are resources available to_5_ The researchers asked study participants about physical abuse and non-physical_6_such as threats that made them_7_for their safety, controlling behavior (for example, being told who they could associate with and where they could go), and constant name-calling. Among men 18 to 54 years old, 14.2 percent said they had experienced intimate partner_8_in the past five years, while 6. 1 percent reported domestic violence in the previous year. Rates were lower for men 55 and_9_,with 5.3 percent reporting violence in the past five years and 2.4 percent having experienced it in the past 12 months. Overall, 30.5 percent of men younger than 55 and 26.5 percent of older men said they had been victims of_10_ violence at some point in their lives. About half of the violet men_11_was physical. However, the physical violence men reported wasnt as harsh as_12_ stuff, women in a previous study; 20 percent to 40 percent of the men rated it as severe, compare to 61 percent of_13_ Men who reported experiencing domestic violence had more emotional and mental problems_14_those who had not, especially older men, the _15_ found. (1).A by B at C on D for (2).A never B often C ever D now (3).A and B but C yet D unless (4).A to B no C do D go (5).A us B him C you D them (6).A strength B labor C abuse D exercise (7).A hope B fear C wait D look (8).A violence B attitude C friendship D stress (9).A younger B junior C senior D older (10).A normal B necessary C domestic D foreign (11).A enjoyed B experienced C performed D committed (12).A this B those C that D one (13).A women B people C adults D children (14).A from B than C except D despite (15).A victims B participants C researchers D partners 男性也可能是家庭暴力的受害者 一些研究家庭暴力与男性健康的研究显示,有十分之三的男性都遭受过亲密伴侣的暴力虐待。 该研究的作者之一,华盛顿大学西雅图分校的罗伯特 J.雷德博士对路透社健康新闻的记者说: “ 其实许多男性都经历过家庭暴力,只是我们不经常听说而已。我们不问他们也就往往不说。我们必须让那些遭受家庭暴力的男性知道,他们并不孤单,而且他们有资源可利用 ” 。 研究者向被调查对象询问了有关生理虐待和非生理 虐待的问题,如对其生命安全的恐吓,控制行为 (比如告诉他们能与谁交往,不能与谁交往,哪些地方能去,哪些地方不能去 ),以及经常性的谩骂与中伤。 年龄在 18 到 54 岁的男性中,有 14.2%的人坦言,在过去五年间经历过亲密伴侣的暴力行为,而在过去一年就经历过的人占 6.1%。 而年龄在 55 岁及以上的男性,这一百分比有所下降。分别为 5.3%和 2.4%。 总体而言, 55 岁以下的男性中有 30.5%称自己曾是家庭暴力的受害者,而在 55 岁及以上的男性中,这一比例为 26.5%。他们经历的家庭暴力约有一半为生理虐待。 然而早前的研究表明,男性所受的生理虐待不如女性所受的严重, 40%的男性称自己受到了严重的生理虐待,而女性比例则为 61%。 研究人员发现,遭受过家庭暴力的男性与没有遭受过的男性相比,有更多的情感和精神方面的问题,这一问题在老年人中尤其明显。 答案: BBACD CBADC BCABC 阅读下面的短文。短文中有 15 个空白,在文章的后面,每一个空白都列出了四个备选答案。请根据文章的内容选择合适的词或短语填在空白处。 第六篇 Once daily pill could simplify HIV treatment Myers Squibb and Gilead Sciences have combined many H I V drugs into a single pill Sometimes the best medicine is more than one kind of medicine Malaria,tuberculosis and H I V /AIDS, 2 for example, are all treated with of drugs But that can mean a lot of pills to take It would be_if drug companies combined all the medicines into a single pill, taken just once a day Now, two companies say they have done that for people just_treatment for H I V, the virus that canses AIDS The companies are Bristol-Myers Squibb and Gilead Sciences They haye_a single pill that combines three drugs currently 0/1the market 3 Bristol Myers Squibb sells one of them_the name of Sustiva 4 Gilead combined the_, Emtfiva and Viread, into a single pill in two thousand four Combining drugs involves more than_issues It also involves issues of competition_the drugs are made by different companies The new once daily pill is the result of_is escribed as the first joint venture agreement of its kind in the treatment of H I V In January the New England Journal of Medicine5 published a study of the new pill Researchers compared its_to6 that of the widely usetwo drugs, AZT7 and 3TC 8 The researchers say that after one year of treatment, the new pill suppressed H I V 1evels in more patients and with_side effects 9 Gilead paid for the study Professor Joel Gallant at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland, led the research He is a paid adviser to Gilead and Bristol Meyers Squibb as well as the maker of Combivir, GlaxoSmithKline Glaxo Smith Kline reacted_the findings by saying thai: a single study is of limited value It says the effectiveness of Combivir has been shown in each of more than fifty studies The price of the new once daily pill has not been announced But Gilead and Bristol Myers Squibb say they will provide it at reduced cost to developing countries They plan in the next few months to ask the United States Food and Drug Administrationlo to the new pill There are limits to who could take it because of the different drugs it contains For example, _women are told not to take Sustiva because of the risk of bish disorders 11Experts say more than forty million people around the world are living with H I V 词汇: malaria n疟疾 tuberculosis n结核 j:人免疫缺陷病毒 2 AIDS:获得性免疫缺陷综合征,艾滋病 3 on the market:出售 4 Sustiva 以及后面出现的 Emtriva、 Viread和 Combivir 都是治疗艾滋病药物的商品名 5 New England Journal of Medicine:新荚格兰医药杂志 New England 是美国东北六州的总称 6英国英语中 compare with 是 “ 与 相比较 ” 的意思, compare to 是 “ 把 比作 ”的意思,但在美国英语中 compare t0 也有 compare with 的意思,这里就是 “ 把 与 相比较 ” 的意思 7 AZT:叠氨胸苷 8 3TC:拉夫米定 9 side effect:副作用 10 United States Food and Drug Administration:美国食品与药晶管理局 11 birth disorder:先天性疾病 练习: 1 A conservation B eooperation C combinations D considerations 2 A simpler B more complex C more meaningless D more troublesome 3 A starting B stopping C ending D discontinuing 4 A analyzed B examined C expiored D devekped 5 A before B after C under D above 6 A one B ones C other D others 7 A social B technical C personal D histmqcal 8 A if B as if C though D as though 9 A that B which C what D whatever 10 A size B shape C appearance D effectiveness 11 A excludes B contains C looks like D tastes of 12 A few B fewer C many D more 13 A for B with C to D Into 14 A prove B disprove C improve D approve 15 A weak B strong C elder D pregnant 答案: CAADC DBACD BBCDD 阅读下面的短文。短文中有 15 个空白,在文章的后面,每一个空白都列出了四个备选答案。请根据文章的内容选择合适的词或短语填在空白处。 (2010 年新增 ) * 第七篇 Nurse! I Want My Mummy When a child: is ill in hospital, a parents first reaction is to be 1 them. Most hospitals now, allow parents to sleep 2 with child, providing a bed or sofa on the ward. But until the 1970s this 3 was not only frowned upon - it was actively discouraged1. Staff worried that the children were upset when their parents 4 ,10 and so there was a blanket ban. A concerned nurse, Pamela Hawthorn, disagreed and her study Nurse! want my mummy, published in 1974, 5 the face of paediatric nursing. Professor Martin Johnson, professor of nursing at the University of Salford,said that the work of 6 like Pamela had changed the face of patient care. Pamelas study was done against the 7 of a lively debate in paediatrics and psychology as to the degree women should spend with children in the outside world and the degree to which they should be allowed to visit children in 8 . The idea was that if mum came to 9 a small in hospital the child would be upset and inconsolable for hours. Yet the nurse noticed that if mum did not come at 10 the child stayed in a relatively stable state but they might be depressed. Of course we know now that they had most given 11 hope that mum was ever coming back. To avoid a little bit of pain they said that no one should visitBut children were alone and 12 , so Hawthorn said parents should be allowed to visit. Dr Peter Carter, chief executive and general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing, said her 13 had been seminal. Her research put an end to the 14 when parents handed their children over to strangers at the door of the hospital ward. As a result of her work, parents and carets are now recognized as partners in care and are 15 the opportunity to stay with, their children while they are in hospital, which has dramatically improved both parents and childrens experience of care. 词汇 frown v. 皱眉(表示不满) inconsolable adj. 无法安慰的 blanket adj. 通用的 seminal adj.开创性的 paediatric adj. 儿科的 注释 1. But until the 1970s this practice was not only frowned upon - it was actively discouraged: 但在二十世纪七十年代之前,这一做法不仅遭至不满,而且还被积极阻止。 练习 1. A for B with C upon D against 2. A occasionally B soundly C overnight D overtime 3. A practice B exercise C thought D request 4. A stayed B cried C appeared D left 5. A lost B changed C studied D made 6. A professors B doctors C nurses D parents 7. A background B history C fact D reality 8. A school B hospital C family D world 9. A take B control C persuade D visit 10.A once B will C all D large 11. A up B off C down D away 12. A relaxed B pleased C depressed D stable 13. A work B dream C issue D doubt 14. A hours B days C weeks D months 15. A refused B created C lent D afforded 答案与题解 1. B 孩子住院了,父母的第一反应肯定是要和孩子在一起。 to be with somebody 表示“ 和谁在一起 ” 。 2. C 给父母在病房里提供床或沙发,是让他们和孩子一起过夜。 3. A 此处应指允许父母在医院里陪孩子这种做法。 4. D 医院担心父母一离开,孩子会十分不安,所以干脆不让父母和孩子见面。 5. B Pamela 的研究使儿科护理的面貌发生了改变 职称英语考试 。 6. C 前面提到 Pamela 是一位护士。 7. A 英语里表示 “ 在什么背景下 ” 用 “against the background of” 这一搭配。 8. B 此处显然指允许父母到医院探望孩子的时间。 9. D 前面已经提到去医院探望孩子。 10. C 本句意思是,如果父母干脆就不来医院探望孩子会发生的情况。 11. A 英语里表示 “ 放弃 ” 用 give up 这一搭配。 12. C 前面已提到,如果父母 干脆不来医院探望他们,生病的孩子们会感到沮丧的。 13. A 此处应指 Pamela 所作的研究工作。 14. B “the days” 表示 “ 时代 ” 15. D 此处的 “are afforded” 等于 “are given”, 表示 “ 提供 ” 阅读下面的短文。短文中有 15 个空白,在文章的后面,每一个空白都列出了四个备选答案。请根据文章的内容选择合适的词或短语填在空白处。 第八篇 Charter Schools1 American public education has changed in recent years. One change is that increasing numbers of American parents and teachers are starting independent public schools called charter schools. In 1991, there were _1_ charter schools in the United States. Today, more than 2,300 charter schools _2_ in 34 states and the District of Columbia.2 575, 000 students _3_ these schools. The students are from 5 years _4_ age through 18 or older. A charter school is created by groups of parents, teachers and community members. It is similar _5_ some ways to a traditional public school. It receives tax money to operate just as _6_ public schools do. The amount it receives depends _7_ the number of students. The charter school must prove _8_ local or state governments that its students are learning. These governments provide the school _9_ the agreement, or charter that permits it to operate. Unlike a traditional public school, _10_, the charter school does not have to obey most laws governing public schools. Local, state or federal governments cannot tell it what to teach. Each school can choose its own goals and decide the ways it wants to _11_ those goals. Class sizes usually are smaller than in many traditional public schools. Many students and parents say teachers in charter schools can be more creative. However, state education agencies3, local education-governing committees and unions often _12_ charter schools. They say these schools may receive money badly needed by traditional public schools. Experts say some charter schools are doing well while others are struggling. Congress provided 200 million dollars for establishing charter schools in the 2002 federal budget. _13_, often the schools say they lack enough money for their programs. Many also lack needed space. _14_, many of the 36 charter schools in the District of Columbia hold classes in crowded buildings. These schools have almost 11, 000 students. District officials say they have provided 14 former school buildings _15_ charter education. Yet, charter-school supporters say officials should try harder to find more space. 1. A) notB) little C) no D) none 2. A) work B) operate C) carry on D) open 3. A) study B) learn C) attend D) are educated 4. A) of B) at C) on D) about 5. A) to B) in C) on D) by 6. A) another B) else C) other D) others 7. A) of B) in C) for D) on 8. A) for B) to C) with D) by 9. A) for B) by C) with D) on 10. A) moreover B) however C) besides D) consequently 11. A) arrive B) hold C) take D) reach 12. A) approve B) oppose C) praise D) object 13. A) And B) Besides C) Again D) But 14. A) As example B) As an example C) For example D) For an example 15. A) for B) with C) to D) on 答案: CBCAB CDBCB DBDCA 阅读下面的短文。短文中有 15 个空白,在文章的后面,每一个空白都列出了四个备选答案。请根据文章的内容选择合适的词或短语填在空白处。 第九篇 Many Women Who Beat Cancer Dont Change Habits Many women who battle breast cancer will tell you its a life-changing experience. However, a new study shows that for many 1 , the changes arent always positive or permanent1. Beth Snoke has watched her mother and both grandmothers battle and survive breast 2 .So when she was diagnosed, there was no doubt in her mind 3 she had to do. I do exactly what the doctors say as far as the medicine that Im on, as 4 as the vitamins, the diet, and the fitness. And I cant stress enough 5 important that is, says Beth Snoke. But a surprising new study shows that 6 every woman who beats breast cancer is getting that message. In fact, nearly 40% of them say even 7 surviving breast cancer, they havent made significant changes in the 8 they eat or how much they exercise. Not all survivors are taking advantage of this teachable moment and making positive health changes in 9 life, says Electra Paskett, PhD, at Ohio State Universitys Comprehensive Cancer Center. Paskett says diet and exercise have been proven to not only help women feel better during and after treatment, they may 10 play a role in preventing some cancers from coming back. 11 growing evidence, some women just arent listening. Colon cancer survivors 12 exercise have actually been shown to have improved survival rates. So, yes, it is true that perhaps by making some of these healthy choices we can actually increase their health, says Paskett. As a breast cancer survivor 13 , Paskett knows first hand how much difference diet and exercise can 14 The challenge, she says, is to get more survivors to be more like Beth, during and after treatment. Experts say exercising more and eating a healthier diet can also cut 15 on2 stress and help women overcome depression. There are more than 2 million breast cancer survivors living in the U.S. Of those, nearly a million have yet to change their diet or exercise routines. 词汇: Colon n结肠 注释: 1 the changes arent always positive or permanent:这些变化并非总是正面的或者是持久的。 2 cut down on:减少 练习: 1. A women B people C persons D men 2. A death B ache C cancer D feeding 3. A which B that C what D those 4. A far B soon C fast D early 5. A what B so C very D how 6. A not B no C neither D nor 7. A before B after C without D since 8. A place B kind C way D much 9. A their B his C her D our 10. A too B do C further D also 11. A Despite B Although C Accepting D Regardless 12. A who B whose C which D what 13. A myself B itself C herself D yourself 14. A take B make C offer D decide 15. A up B off C in D down 答案与题解: 1 A 根据短文的题目和第一段的 头一句话可以得知,全篇谈的主要是患癌妇女的生活、运动等习惯是否改变问题。 2 C 之前已经两次出现 breast cancer。 3 C 此处应选关系代词 what 作后面 do 的宾语。 4 A as far as 表示程度、范围,前面刚刚出现过。 5 D 表示 “多么重要 ”应说 how important。 6 A 从上下文可以得知,本句话的意思是:然而,一项令人吃惊的新研究显示,并非每一位战胜乳腺癌的妇女都知晓这一点。 7 B 从上下文可以判断,空格处应选 after,表示 “即使在得了乳腺癌而 幸存下来之后 ”。 8 C 表示 “她们的饮食方式 ”应用 the way they eat。 9 A 对应前面的 survivors,应用人称代词的第三人称复数形式。 10 D 前面出现了 not only,因此这里应用 also。 11 A 根据上下文可以得知,本句话的意思是:尽管有越来越多的证据,但有些妇女就是听不进去。在意思上, despite 和 regardless 均可,但 despite 是介词,符合; regardless 是形容词,后无 of,不符合。 12 A 用表示人的关系代词 who 指代前面的 survivors。 13 C 表示 Paskett 她本人,应用 herself。 14 B make difference 是固定搭配,表示 “起作甩;有影响 ”。 15 D cut down on 是固定搭配,表示 “减少 ”。 阅读下面的短文。短文中有 15 个空白,在文章的后面,每一个空白都列出了四个备选答案。请根据文章的内容选择合适的词或短语填在空白处。 第十篇 Hospital Mistreatment According to a study, most medical interns report experiencing mistreatment, including humiliation by senior doctors, _1_ threatened, or physical abuse in their first year out of medical school. The findings come from analysis of the _2_ a 13-page survey mailed in January 1991 to 1, 733 second-year residents. The survey 和 _3_ appear in the April 15th issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. Overall, out of the 1,277 residents_4_ completed surveys, 1,185 said that they had experienced at least one incident of mistreatment in their intern year. _5_ reporting incidents where they were abused, more than 45% of the residents said they had witnessed at least one incident where other persons _6_ false medical records. Moreover, nearly three quarters of the residents said they had witnessed mistreatment of patients by other residents, attending physicians, or nurses. Almost 40% said patient mistreatment was a frequent _7_. More than 10% of the residents said they were _8_ to have enough sleep, 和 the average number of hours _9_ sleep was 37.6. The average on-call hours during a _10_ week was 56.9 hours, but about 25% of the residents said their on-call assignments were more than 80 hours some weeks. _11_ 30% of the residents said they experienced some type of sexual harassment or discrimination, verbal abuse was the most common problem cited. When abusive incidents were limited to events occurring three or more times, 53% of the respondents reported that they _12_ belittled or humiliated by more senior residents, while just over 21% reported someone taking credit for their work. Being “_13_ tasks for punishment,” “being pushed, kicked or hit,” 和 _14_ someone “threatening your reputation or career,” were reported as a more _15_ occurrence by over 10% of the responding residents. 1. A) be B) been C) were D) being 2. A) responsive B) responses to C) respond toD) responding 3. A) analyze B) analysisC) having analyzed D) be analyzed 4. A) whoB) which C) whom D) whose 5. A) In spite ofB) In addition to C) Because D) Although 6. A) had made B) have made C) has made D) make 7. A) events B) happensC) event D) happen 8. A) allowed not B) not allowedC) allow not D) not allow 9. A) without B) onC) withD) because of 10. A) unusual B) typical C) easy D) difficult 11. A) In spite ofB) Therefore C) Although D) So 12. A) are B) be C) must be D) were 13. A) give B) giving C) gave D) given 14. A) had B) have C) having D) has 15. A) frequent B) frequency C) dependent D) independent D B B A B A C B A B C D D C A 阅读下面的短文,文中有 15 处空白,每处空白给出了 4 个选项,请根据短文的内容从4 个选项中选择 1 个最佳答案,涂在答题卡相应的位置上。 第十一篇 Migrant(移民的 )Workers In the past twenty years, there has been an increasing tendency for workers to move from one country to another, _1_ some newly independent countries have understandably restricted most jobs to local people, others have attracted and welcomed migrant workers. This is particularly the case in Middle East, 1 _2_ increased oil incomes have enabled may countries to _3_ outsiders to improve local facilities. _4_ the Middle East has attracted oil workers from the U.S.A. and Europe. It has brought in construction workers and technicians from many countries, _5_South Korea and Japan. In view of the difficult living and working conditions in Middle East, 2 it is not _6_ that the pay is high to attract suitable workers. Many engineers and technicians can earn at least _7_ money in the Middle East as they can in their own country, and this is a major attraction. An allied benefit is the low taxationorcomplete lack of it.3 This increases the net amount of pay received by visiting workers and is very popular with them. Sometimes a disadvantage has a compensating advantage. _8_, the difficult living conditions often lead to increased friendship when workers have to depend on each other _9_ safety and comfort. _10_, many migrant workers can save large sums of money partly _11_ the lack of entertainment facilities. The work is often complex and full of problems but this merely presents greater challenge to engineers who prefer to find solutions _12_ problems rather than do routine work in their home country. One major problem which _13_ migrant workers in the Middle East is that their jobs are temporary ones. They are nearly always on contract, so it is not easy for them to plan ahead with great confidence. This is to be expected since no country welcomes a large number of foreign workers as permanent residents. _14_, migrant workers accept this disadvantage, along with others, because of the _15_ financial benefits which they receive. 1. A) As B) Since C) While D) Although 2. A) which B) where C) when D) there 3. A) call in B) call off C) call up D) call on 4. A) But B) Moreover C) Besides D) Thus 5. A) include B) includes C) including D) included 6. A) surprised B) surprisingly C) surprise D) surprising 7. A) twice as much B) twice as many C) as much as twice D) as many as twice 8. A) Similarly B) As a result C) For example D) Anyway 9. A) with B) for C) about D) in 10.A) On the contrary B) In a similar way C) On the other hand D) Consequently 11. A) because of B) on C) because D) with 12. A) in B) about C) for D) to 13. A) effects B) affects C) detects D) reflects 14. A) In case B) In all cases C) In a case D) In any case 15. A) considerable B) considerate C) considered D) considering 答案: CBADC DACBB ADBDA 阅读下面的 短文。短文中有 15 个空白,在文章的后面,每一个空白都列出了四个备选答案。请根据文章的内容选择合适的词或短语填在空白处。 第十二篇 Skin Cancer Now Top Cancer among Young Women in UK Melanoma, the deadliest kind of skin cancer, is now the most common cancer in young 1 women, the countrys leading cancer organization said Wednesday. Skin cancer has 2 cervical cancer as the top cancer striking women in their 20s, according to the latest data from Cancer Research United Kingdom. The trend is particularly 3 since younger people are not generally those most susceptible to melanoma. Rates of skin cancer are 4 highest in people over age 75. But experts worry that increasing numbers of younger people being diagnosed with skin cancer could be the 5 of a dangerous trend. Women 6 their 20s make up a small percentage of all patients diagnosed with melanoma in 12 Britain, but nearly a third of all eases occur in people younger than 50. Based on current numbers, Cancer Research UK predicts that melanoma will become the fourth most common cancer for men and women of all 7 by 2024, and that eases will jump from about 9,000 cases a year to more than 15,500. Cancer experts 8 the rising number of skin cancer cases largely to the surge in people using tanning salons. Spending time on sunbeds1 is just 9 dangerous as staying out too long in the sun, said Caroline Cerny of Cancer Research UK. The organization is starting a SunSmart campaign to warn Britons of the 10 of being too bronzed. The intensity of UV rays2 in some sunbeds can be more than 10 times 11 than the midday sun, Cerny said. In the United States, several states require parental approval 12 minors can use tanning salons. Wisconsin bans people 16 and 13 from using tanning beds, and others ban children under 14. At least 29 states have regulations governing minors use of tanning salons. In the U.K., Scottish politicians passed legislation banning those under 18 from using tanning beds, though it hasnt yet been implemented. There are no plans for 14 in the rest of the U.K. The World Health Organization has previously recommended that tanning beds be regulated because of their potential to damage DNA3 in the skin. Experts said most deadly skin cancers could be 15 if people took the proper precautions when in the sun and avoided tanning beds. 词汇 melanoma n. (恶性 )黑素瘤 cervical adj. 子宫颈的 tan v. 使变褐色 susceptible adj.易患(某种疾病) precaution n. 预防措施 注释 1. sunbeds: 日光浴(或太阳灯浴)浴床 2. UV rays: 紫外线 3. DNA: 脱氧核糖核酸 练习 1. A American B British C world D black 2. A overtaken B overlooked C oversee D overwhelmed 3. A satisfying B encouraging C relaxing D worrying 4. A typically B strangely C occasionally D hopefully 5. A end B start C turn D line 6. A at B on C of D in 7. A kinds B ages C colors D sizes 8. A assign B attribute C contribute D allocate 9. A more B so C as D like 10.A points B benefits C steps D dangers 11. A stronger B nicer C darker D deeper 12. A before B after C until D while 13. A below B low C under D beneath 14. A warning B legislation C approval D debate 15. A predicted B treated C avoided D diagnosed 答案与题解 1. B 从文章的题目中得知,英国年轻女性癌症发病人数最多的是皮肤癌。 2. A 20 来岁的女性过去罹患子宫颈癌的人数最多,而现在皮肤癌却超过了子宫颈癌。 3. D 这一趋势尤其令人担心是因为通常年轻人是最不易患黑素瘤的人群。 4. A 从上下文得知,通常皮肤癌高发人群应为 75 岁以上的老人。 5. B 从上下文得知,专家们担心越来越多的年轻女子被诊断患有皮肤癌可能是一种危险趋势的开始。 6. D 表示 “ 年龄在 20 多岁 ” 英语里用 “in ones 20s” 。 7. B 前面一直在谈年龄与皮 肤癌的关系,因此此处应选年龄。 8. B 表示 “ 把 归结于 ” 英语里用 “attributeto” 。 9. C 表示 “ 与 同样危险呢 ” 英语里用 “as dangerous as” 。 10. D 该项活动的目的是要警告英国人小心晒得过褐的危险。 11. A 有些日光浴浴床的紫外线强度是正午太阳紫外线强度的 10 倍还多。 12. A 在美国,只有苏格兰已经通过立法禁止 18 岁以下的人使用日光浴浴床,而在其他地区则还没有这种立法计划。 13. C 从上下文可知,如果人们在太阳光下采取适当的预防措施并避开使用日光浴浴床 ,那么最致命的皮肤癌是可以避免的。 14.B 在英国,只有苏格兰已经通过立法禁止 18 岁经下的人使用日光浴浴床,而在其他地区则还没有这种立法的计划。 15 C 从上下文可知,如果人们在太阳光下采取适当的预防措施并避免使用日光浴浴床,那么最致命的皮肤癌是可以避免的。 阅读下面的短文,文中有 15 处空白,每处空白给出了 4 个选项,请根据短文的内容从 4 个选项中选择 1 个最佳答案,并涂在答题卡相应的位置上。 第十三篇 Scientists develop ways of detecting heart attack German researchers have l a new generation of defibrillators and early warning software aimed at offering heart patients greater protection 2 sudden death from cardiac arrest In Germany alone around 100,000 people die annually as a result of cardiac arrest and many of these cases 3 by disruption to the hearts rhythm Those most at risk are Patients who have 4 suffered a heart attack and for years the use of defibrillators has proved useful in diagnosing 5 disruptions to heart rhythms and correcting them automatically by intervening within seconds These devices 6 a range of functions such as that of pacemaker Heart specialists at Freiburgs University Clinic have now achieved a breakthrough with all implanted defibrillator 7 of generating a six channel electrocardiogram(ECG) within the body This integrated system allows early diagnosis of 8 blood-flow problems and a pending heart attack It will be implanted in patients for the first time this year Meanwhile, researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Mathematics in Kaiserslautern have developed new computer software that renders the evaluation of ECG data 9 The overwhelming 10 of patients at risk will not have an implanted defibrillator and must for this reason undergo regular ECGs “Many of the current programs only 11 into account a linear correlation of the data We are,however, making use 12 a non-linear process that reveals the chaotic patterns of heart beats as an open and complex system。 ”Hagen Knaf says 。“ 13 changes in the heart beats over time can be monitored and individual variations in patients taken into account ” 。 An old study of ECG data,based 14 600 Patients who had suffered a subsequent heart attack,enabled the researchers to compare risks and to show 15 the new software evaluates the data considerably better 1. A)come up B)come up with C)come up to D)come up against 2. A)to B)for C)with D)from 3. A)are caused B)caused C)are to cause D)have been causing 4. A)easily B)readily C)frequently D)already 5. A)disease-producing B)health-improving C)1ire-threatening D)error-correcting 6. A)take in B)take after C)take on D)take from 7. A)capable B)able C)skillful D)skilled 8. A)chronic B)acute C)recurrent D)persistent 9. A)precisely B)more precisely C)precision D)more precise 10. A)maximum B)minimum C)majority D)minority 11. A)get B)take C)bring D)fetch 12. A)of B)with C)for D)in 13. A)Similarly B)In this manner C)Otherwise D)In this way 14. A)in B)for C)upon D)with 15. A)what B)where C)that D)when 1.B come up with 的意思是 “提出 ”,符合上下文意思。 A 项是 “走近 ”, C 项是 “到达 ”, “符合 ”, D 项是 “遇到 (困难 )”,均不合 适。 2.D protection 与它的动词 protect 一样,后面跟介词 froth 或 against,意为 “起保护作用免于 ” ,其他介词均不合适。 3.A 此处的谓语动词必须使用被动语态,因为主语 many of these cases 指的是 病人 ”, ”病例 ”,那就应该是 “由 引起的 ”,故其他选项使用主动语态都不合适,况且后面 by 的介词短语已是一个明显的提示。 4.D 此处要填的副词应该表示 “已经 ”的意思,完成时态的谓语已经起了提示作用, A项、 B 项都是 “容易 ”的意思, C 项是 “经常 ”的意思, 均不合适。 5.C 从上下文看,只有 C 项 “威胁生命的 ”合适,其他三项分别为 “致病的 ”, “促进健康的 ”, “纠错的 ”,均不对。 6.C take 0n 表示 “承担 ”,符合上下文意思,其他三项分别为 “接受、接收 ”(A)、 “仿效 ”(B)、“削减 ”(D),均不对。, 7.A A 项和 B 项均有 “能够 ”的意思,但用法不同, capable of(doing)sth,而 able to do sth故 A 项才是答案。 C、 D 均是 “熟练的,有技能的 ”,但后面都要用介词 in,且在此处词义也不合适。 8.B 上下文 的意思是 “早期诊断 的血流问题和即将到来的心脏病 (突然 )发作 ”,后面这一部分为前面这个空白暗示了必须填 acute,因为其他三个选项 “慢性的 ”, “复发性的 ”, “持久性的 ”,都与这个语境不协调。 9.D 填这个空时要注意前面谓语动词在这里的用法,它在这里的意思相当于 make,后面要求复合宾语,这里缺一个宾语补足语,显然副词 (A、 B)和名词 (C)均不适合在这里充当宾语补足语,故只有 D 项合适。 10.C A 和 B 分别是指最大量、最小量或最高值、最低值,而 C 和 D 则指多数和少数 (例如人 )。由于前面已有 overwhelming(压倒的 )提示,故只能用 majority。 11.B take sth into account 是固定词组,意为 “考虑,重视 ”,其他几个动词都与 into account不搭配。 12.A make use of 是固定词组,意为 “利用 ”,其他介词都与其不搭配。 13.D 四个选项中 A、 B 项均是 “同样地 ”的意思, C 项放旬首时,一般是 “否则的话 ”的意思,这些与上下文所要表达的意思均不吻合,因为前面并没有提到什么方法可做比较,故只有 D 项 “用这种方法 ”比较合适。 14.C base sth on upon 是固定词组,表示 “把 建立在 基础上 ”,此处用过去分词短语作为 old stud;的定语,除了 on upon 以外,其他介词都与其不搭配。 15.C 此处空白需要填上一个能引导宾语从旬的连接词。从宾语从句的结构看,它的句子是完整的,所以只须填 that 作为纯粹连接词就行了,其他三项均要充当从句中的句子成分,且有一定意义,故不合适。 阅读下面的短文。短文中有 15 个空白,在文章的后面,每一个空白都列出了四个备选答案。请根据文章的内容选择合适的词或短语填在空白处。 第十四篇 Homosexuals Many homosexuals prefer to be called gay or, for women, lesbian. Most of them live quiet lives just _B_1_ anyone else. Some gay people have always raised children, _D_2_ or with partners, and the use of artificial insemination is increasing among lesbians. Gay persons are in every kind of job. Some are very open about their homosexuality, and some are more private1. Some _D_3_ their sexual orientation as a biological given2 and others as a choice. For those women who see it as a choice, one reason often given is the inequality in most heterosexual relationships.3 Homosexuality has been common in most cultures throughout history and generally _A_4_. As a result, homosexual activity became a crime, _C_5_ which the penalty in early courts was death. Homosexual behavior is still _B_6_ in many countries and U.S. states. Homosexuality later came to be viewed widely as less a sin than a sickness4, but now no mental-health profession any longer _B_7_ homosexuality an illness. More recent theories to _A_8_ for homosexuality have included those based on biological and sociological factors. To date5, _C_9_, there is no conclusive general theory that can explain the cause of homosexuality. Attitudes _D_10_ homosexuality began to change in the second half of the 20th century. Gays attribute this, in part, to their own struggle for their rights and pride in their orientation.6 Some large companies now _C_11_ health-care benefits to the life partners of their gay employees. Many cities also have officially appointed lesbian and gay advisory committees. _B_12_ some attitudes have changed, however, prejudice still exists, and in the late 1980s and early 1990s there were considerable shouts against homosexuals, with attempts to _13_A_ laws forbidding the granting of


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