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英语选词填空专练选词填空的考点:1动词 (2-3题):a. 作为谓语动词:考查动词的各种时态和语态,现在分词,过去分词,和动词词组。 b. 作为非谓语动词:考查动名词,动词不定式等。2.名词 (2题左右):考查名词的单数与复数,名词所有格及词缀变形等。3.形容词 (2题左右):考查形容词的比较级与最高级,词形转换等。4.副词 (1题):考查形容词转变为副词, 副词的比较级与最高级等。5.代词 (1题): 考查人称代词的主格与宾格,物主代词的形容词性与名词性,反身代词,关系代词等。6.数词 (1题): 考查基数词,序数词倍数的表达等。7.词缀的变化(1题):考查前缀与后缀中考例题:(2008年中考题)one her climb be bring far Australia medicine agree university1. We friends , so we should help each other.2. Are you Canadian ? No, I am . 3.Daming is the in the 100-metre race.4.Look ! Its going to rain . Dont forget your umbrella.5.I think Miss Li is a good teacher. Yes, I with you .6.Some well-known are open to visitors this year.7.This is my bike , is over there.8.Who lives from the school, Sam ,Amy or Linda? Linda.9.Guangxi organized some teams to leave for Wenchuan to help the people there.10.That famouse mountain reached the top of Mount Qomolangma at last.(2009年中考题)two ticket busy anut wash possible wind quiet write tour1.Do you often the dishes after meal? Yes, I do.2.My birthday is coming. Ill buy her a nice gift.3.Nanning welcomes every from all over the world.4.Its . Lets ao and fly a kite.5.Wed like ten for the music show.6.Mr.Green has been to Sydney . That is why he knows well ahout it.7.Liu Yong keeps all the time . Many readers like his articles.8.After the baby fell asleep. Mom closed the door behind her.9.Pudong Airport is one of the international airports.10.Humans walkingin space tells us that nothing is .实战演练:(一)tell happy your vegetable else interest careful sun be thousand1.There are few in the fridge.2.Help to some food.3.There are of trees on the hill.4.Doyou have anything to say?5.If I see him , I him to give you a call.6. “I have got an A for my history .” Judy said .7.The teacher told the students that the earth round, not flat.8.I couldnt understand why he was so in the invitation.9.He did the work very . Everybody said he had done a good job.10.We hope it will be tomorrow, for our picnic.(二)sixteen slow come Germany leave cross her health danger tall1.There are two in our school.2.The little girl can dress alone.3.Whats the date today ? June the .4.Of the two American students , Masha is the one . I think you can find her easily.5.Please speak English as as he .6.Well wait until he back.7.He turned off the light and then the classroom.8.Although SARS is a disease , we prevent it.9.The doctor told the patient how to keep .10.Dont go the street . The bus is coming.(三)wide teach European open him chicken beautiful be China twenty-one1.Help yourself to some . Thank you .2.You cant leave your baby by .3.We all think that the century will bring us more hopes.4.That picture is less than this one.5.Mobile phones are used in most of the citied in China.6.He has worked in the factory since it in 1990.7.There a sports meeting in our school next month.8.My father is a at Beijing International School.9.Today we have a lesson at eight o clock.10.There is a wolf from in the zoo.(四)good come nation dress see call Asia nine teacher other1.Today is September 10th. Its Day.2.Her are 10 apples. Five of them are mine, the are yours.3.September is the month of the year.4.Labour Day is a holiday.5.Which do you like ,tea, milk or juice?6.Its one year since I last you 7.I dont know if his uncle .8.This is an elephant.9.People arent getting up, washing or getting at this time in Los Angeles.10.We usually eat a kind of rice dumpling yuanxiao.(五)hundred good that month sleep America come happy tradition fly1. After three study , the scientist worked out the physics problem.2. The price of meat is higher than of rice.3.There are four teachers in our school.4.John looks so today because he has got an “A” in her maths class.5.Mary does her homework of all.6.I didnt go to bed until my granny back home .7.Never trouble me while I in my room.8.Lantern Festival is a festival in China.9.Im going to learn English because I want to make some friends.10.In the future, planes will be very large so will be cheap.(六)heavy fly machine brother ten happy comfortable be it come1.Tom is a friend of my .2.We found necessary to protect the environment.3.The lesson is quite easy.4.This box is than that one.5.The old man is looking at his granddaughter . He has not seen her for a long time.6.I think he if it doesnt rain .7.A doctor with four nurses going to help the farmers in the village.8.Hurry up, or well be late for our .9. will do the dull jobs on farms , so people will be free.10.He felt because the food he ate went bad.(七)tall learn popular good play I cry excite careless one1.He is one of the best in the team.2.Pass the knife , please. My pencil is broken.3.The time I saw her I knew we would be friends.4.Tom is not so as his brother, so he plans to do more sports.5.What animal do you like ? I like all kinds of animals.6.Listen! Someone in the next room.7.Its very important for us English well.8.Basketball is an game and it s popular with young people.9.Table tennis is in our class and nobody can play it.10.Everyone learns English hard because nobody wants to speak it badly and .(八)long study act celebrate tooth one watch early with I1.The little baby has two already.2.Let do this exercise myself.3.Im the in my class.4.The Yellow River is one of the rivers in China.5.I was feeling tired last night , so I went to bed than usual.6.He TV when I went to see him last night.7.Soetimes I find it hard English well.8.Christmas in Britain is a very special for many people.9. He hurried out of thr house his key, so he couldnt open the door.10.He became a successful and started writing plays.(九)slow nation sleep cry two them city go warm difference1.Dont you think Dalian is one of the most beautiful in China?2.Yesterday I saw them enjoy in the park.3.My elder brother is as old as me.4.Its even today than yesterday.5.Would you please say it ? I still cant follow you .6.Miss Gao isnt here . She to the station to meet Mr. Brown.7.Listen1 Can you hear a baby ?8.Zhan Tianyou is a hero.9.Life in London in 1600 was very from life these today.10.She walked into the bedroom and was soon in the bed.(十)laugh easy six Italy mean see west usual her translation1.The are going to fly to Beijing.2.Which is more expensive, your computer or ? Its her computer.3.The lesson has a lot of new words.4.The more you practice, the it becomes.5.Miss Zhao didnt feel well yesterday, but she came to class as .6.She said she me the next day.7.The interesting story made us .8.Whats the of the English word?9.When you read an English composition , try not to every word.10.Have you ever tried food.(十一)see two educate large sheep we music bad compose go1.Can you see nine in the picture?2.We usualyy do homework in the evening.3.The student to get here is Jim.4.Hainan is the second island in China.5.The man lay on the road . Luckily, he was not hurt.6.He went to Shanghai his grandpa last week.7.The supermarket is far from Marys house. So she shopping only once a week.8.I think Liu Huan is the greatest Chinese .9.He cant get an because his family is poor.10. Who is your favourite ? Beethoven.(十二)fifteen talk peaceful woman old him difficult heavy choose dangerous1.I know most of them are doctors.2.My watch is old, but is new.3.We can call minutes a quarter.4.Tom is five years than I.5.Put on more clothes. Its snowing outside.6.There is no difference between the words. I really dont know which .7.Listen ! Some of the girls about Harry Potter. Lets join them.8.The is to stop people killing animals, so we should try to solve it.9.The surprising thing was to hear how many animals are in .10.We need to help the animals live in .(十三)beautiful possible potato two finish them please snow old play1.Here are some for you, Sue . I know you like eating them very much.2.The boys and the girls seemed to enjoy in the park.3.I have been to Beijing .4.There is a smile on her face. I think she is with my work.5.My little brother sings .6.Doyou enjoy football? I hear there will be a football match tomorrow.7.She will have a holiday as soon as she the work next week.8.There are two boys in the family and Tom is the brother.9.I try to understand Beijing Opera , but it is almost .10.Its winter in the north and the weather is often .(十四)strong invite well her shelf leave three count please collect1.There are two in the room.2.Did she go to school when she was young? No, she taught at home.3.I have been to Beijing times.4.Who is the in your class?5. What do you think of his surfing? Oh, no one does .6.The boy lay on the ground , the stars in the sky.7.He turned off the lights and then the classroom.8.Its to visit Nanning all the time because its Green City.9.Tahnk you for your . The party was really enjoyable.10.I have a good of dolls.(十五)careful interest visitor bring profession your enjoy two few have 1.They are those bags. Please put them on the bus.2.I think you can do the job .3.The Yellow River is the longest river in China.4.The children there are in a family, the better their life will be.5.Tom does his homework as as Lucy.6.Im sorry ,sir! I forgot my paper here today.7.Oh, Mrs King, your necklace looks nice. Is it new? No, I it for two years.8.What made you so in music?9.There was a writing workshop with a writer.10.Hobbies can bring people and success.(十六)Invite friend boy learn person one far usually lucky our1.Henry runs fast. He won the 8000-metre race yesterday.2.Their English teacher is from American , but is from England.3.How often do you write to your parents? a month.4.This match made them more to each other.5.Lin Tao jumped in the long jump in the school sports meeting.6.I will try my best English.7.Both Lily and Lucy to the party yesterday.8.May I ask you some questions?9.I wish you good with the coming exams.10.I went to school at 7:00 as but I found it was Sunday finally.(十七)difficult one wash week it be live gentleman sister easy1.An old friend of my always helps my brother and I with our English.2.This cat is washing face. Isnt it funny?3.Lesson is the beginning of the book.4.Which language is the , English, French or Chinese?5.The more you learn , the more you can find a job.6.Your coat needs .7.In the past few years, there great changes in our city.8.Friendship makes me feel happy , and warm.9.We prepared the programmes , articles about music.10.Ladies and , please welcome our guests.(十八)careful medicine city who large do enjoy twenty-three turn believe1.Tokyo is larger than any in India.2.Mothere wants to know English is the best in my class.3.Lucy is very excited because today is her birthday.4.India bas the second population in the world.5.He did the work as as most of us .6.You should pay more attention to your homework carefully.7.The radio is too loud. Please it down.8.The famous film stars both act well in this film and make their characters .9.Its an film , although in my opinion theres too much fighting.10.He invited new treatments to help soldiers, and tools to use outside hospital.(十九)easy operate make party popular you safe proper get hundred1.Tom will hold a dance party. He always like .2.This is my dictionary . Where is ?3.Our summer holiday is coming. Two students in our school will go to the beach.4.Miss Zhao is one of the in our school.5.Paper catches fire .6.The nice sweater is of wool.7.What time does he up every morning?8.The doctor has performed an on the patient for a hours.9.His thoughts werent about his personal , but helping others.10.Its formal meeting , Please dress yourselves .(二十)quietly think die hard piece get month two they live1.My chair is in .2.There are lots of rivers in China , and the longest of is the Changjiang River.3.Iwas in Grade last year.4.The baby is sleeping, would you please keep .5.Everyone knows that if Tom works , he will do much better.6.My mother often asks me up early.7.Her grandma has for three years.8.I like a article called “Great Books” and I read it every month.9.Confucius is known as a great .10.People are very pleased to see him .(二十一)our behave advise cook easy eat quiet south we edit1.Im going to give you some .2.Here are some presents for you and .3.Li Hong is a student of Class .4. Is this physics problem easy? Yes, I can work it out .5.Mr, Zhu , youd better not too much meat.6.Mum this time yesterday.7.He will be punished for his bad .8.He works so that nobody knew he was there.9.Twain wrote the book in the everyday English of the states of America.10.Before printing books , the will read them and suggest changes.(二十二)twelve compare wonderful breathe do leave she begin far careful1.If you are shy to give a speech, before you begin , you can take a deep .2.The girl put on her new dress and went to the mirror to look at .3.My uncle lives on the floor.4.Remember this , children . The you are , the fewer mistakes you will make.5.He lives from the school, so he has the longest journey.6.Dont always make Michael this or that.7.Our teachers for Shanghai in three days.8. with Chinese, English is more wildly used.9.Printing was developed greatly at the of the 11th century.10.The Great Wall is Man- kind in the world.(二十三)main environment they today twenty-five recycle mend cheap waste be1.Have you read newspaper? Is there any news?2.The twins are old enough to look after .3.December the is Christmas.4.The second-hand camera is much than new one.5.Pandas live on bamboo.6.I;m sorry . I really dont know how the clock.7.There a meeting tonight.8.He will write about education to help stop pollution.9.Its to throw away glass, paper and metal.10.We should collect reusable waste , sell it for .(二十四)careful hope you wash sandwich careful pollute different none read1.I dont like or ice cream. They are rubbish food.2.Help to these cakes, children.3.The beautiful skirts are on show in the shop. Jane like the .4.Either of them can take this job, but what Im interested in is who is .5.I looked over the rocks , but it was still too dark to see anything.6.Doyou often do some at home?7.Every boy and girl in Britain the book already.8.If we dont stop pollution, the future is .9.Even the simplest everyday activities can make a real to the enviro


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