



教学资料参考范本中考英语真题题型分类汇编专项训练十三词汇运用练习撰写人:_时 间:_题型1:根据所给提示完成单词。1. (20xx安徽)For a w_(明智的) man, a mistake is a lesson.s_(形状). 3. (20xx广西)Its necessary for us to _(等待) in line in public.4. (20xx安徽)An old man began to collect rubbish along the river b_(岸) years ago.5. (20xx安徽)Please follow the rules. Dont t_(触碰) the photos in the museum.6. (20xx南充) I read English aloud every morning to improve my _ (发音). 7. (20xx南充)September is the _(第九)month of a year.8. (20xx南充)We shouldnt take these game shows too _(严肃地)while watching them.9. (20xx南充)Tom and Peter are good friends. They can talk about and _(分享)everything.10. (20xx威海) Johns family came back to the USA last _ (九月). 11. (20xx威海) Those _ (德国人) wanted to have fish for dinner.12. 13. (20xx苏州)In Switzerland, some of the old clothes are_(卖) in charity shops.14. (20xx苏州)Life is like a race. Im ready to take on new _(挑战) any time.15. (20xx苏州)Everyone, you need to have a dream. The future of China_(依靠) on you!16. (20xx苏州)My grandma always tells me_(没有什么)is more important than health.17. (20xx苏州)It took him much longerhundreds of_(额外的)hours to improve his skills.18. (20xx青岛)Her ways of solving problems are different from_(我的). 19. (20xx青岛)The hotel is_(在的后面) the police station.20. (20xx青岛)People in some countries eat many_(土豆) as their main food.21. (20xx青岛)After doing sports for a long time, Tina is_(瘦的) than before.22. (20xx泰安)The traditional Chinese culture will be _(有帮助的)for our future if we can learn more.23. (20xx泰安)WeChats popularity grows quickly because its convenient for people to _(交流)with each other.24. (20xx南充)Tu Youyou has won the Nobel Prize. We are very _(自豪的)of her.25. (20xx聊城)That means we have a better _(机会)of winning.26. (20xx聊城)I can_ (几乎不) believe were in the city centre.27. (20xx聊城)Goldilocks _ (注意到) a little house, so she hurried towards it.28. (20xx聊城)Alice_(跟随) the white rabbit and fell down a hole in the ground.29. (20xx泰安)The last bus has already gone. Im afraid we have no c_ but to take a taxi.30. (20xx泰安)Wow! Youve got so many skirts.But n_ of them are in fashion now.31. (20xx泰安)As a translator, u_ the true meaning that people want to express is very important.32. (20xx荆州) The air pollution is still terrible in North China.It will be even worse if we dont take action to protect the e_ around us.33. (20xx荆州)Have you heard Tianzhou1, the first cargo spaceship(货运飞船) was sent up into space on April 20, 20xx in Hainan?Yes, were proud that its independently d_ by China.题型2:用括号中单词适当形式填空。34. (20xx武威)Its difficult to be _(friend) with everyone.35. (20xx武威)Be quiet! The patients _(sleep). 363738. (20xx武威)I promise I _(send) you an email to explain all of these tomorrow.39. (20xx武威) He was driving as _(fast) as possible.40. (20xx武威)The red umbrella doesnt belong to meit s_(she). 41. (20xx武威) English _(speak) all over the world.42. (20xx武威)You_(grow) since the last time I saw you.43. (20xx龙区)When we walk _ (cross) the road, we should follow the traffic rules.44. (20xx龙区)Though the little boy is only three years old, he can dress _ (he). 45. (20xx鄂州)The doctor did what he could _ (save) the patients life.46. (20xx鄂州) _ (luck), the man hurt badly in the accident.47. (20xx鄂州) Sandys grandparents _ (marry) for 50 years.48. (20xx广西)We are sad about the_(pollute) of our environment.49. (20xx鄂州) Tom has invented a treeplanting machine.I think no one is _ (create) than him. Hes a boy full of strange ideas.50. (20xx鄂州) Teenagers should _ (encourage) to solve their problems by themselves.51. (20xx鄂州)Where did you find Miss Gao just now?In the office. She _ (talk) with other teachers at that time.题型3 选词填空(20xx武汉)选择词与短语填空。(有一项多余)proud / kept out / set up / attend / help / thirsty 52. The teacher can see in our eyes that we are_ for knowledge. She tells us that knowledge will give us wings to fly.53. Jessica Wong sells her bags in a small shop, but she has also_ an online business to sell them.54. Our teachers and parents will be_ of us because we have grown up and can be responsible for ourselves.55. Although you may not like to do chores, you should _your parents around the house.56. We will_ the junior high graduation ceremony tomorrow. It is a very special time for us.题型4 语法填空(20xx聊城)阅读下面材料, 在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。每空1个单词。Dream House in California is not a house for only one or two children. Its a house for many(57)_(kid). Its a family. Its the future.Imagine(58)_(live) in a hospital for many years because of illness. Imagine that one stays in a cold street (59)_(连词) there is no other place to stay. These children need help.(60)_(代词)need Dream House.Many years ago, a little girl named Collin Rose (61)_(decide) that when she grew up, she would offer a warm home (62)_(介词) those sick and homeless children. When she grew up, she became (63 Collin Roses efforts have (64)_(encourage) many people to help sick and homeless children.“Every child should have a happy childhood. We may help make these childrens lives (65)_(good) than before. Your small help may (66)_(great) change their lives. No help is too small, ” Collin Rose said.专项训练十三词汇运用题型11wise2.shape3.wait4.bank5.touch6pronunciation7.ninth8.seriously9.share10.September11Germans12.Finally13.sold14.challenge 15depends16.nothing17.extra18.mine19.behind 20potatoes21.thinner22.helpful 24proud25.chance/opportunity26.hardly27.noticed 28followed29.choice30.none31use32.environment33.developed题型234friends35.are sleeping 36.first3738will send/am going to send 39.fast40.


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