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更多内容尽在 /susuh15 2011 年职称英语完型填空新增文章译文 -综合类 上世纪人类平均寿命的变化 综 A 一百年以前,发达国家的人均寿命大约是 47岁;到 21世纪初,美英两国的男性平均寿命约为 74岁,女性则约为 80岁,人们的平均寿命一直在延长。是什么造 成了这样的变化呢?在研究一百年前的人们寿命的时候,我们有必要注意当时一些不治之症。早在 20世纪初,这些不治之症经常是像天花之类的急性的高传染病。 许多儿童因此夭折(也有其他原因),年迈题弱的人也总是面临着它们的威胁。 如今,这些疾病在发达国家已远不能致命,有一些都能被治愈 。这一变化归于许多因素,比如:环境及个人卫生的改善,抗生素的发现及使用,(抗生素大大降低了 细菌病的危险)以及常见疾病预防疫苗的接种。除此之外,更洁净的空气、更好的食物保鲜方法、更舒适温暖的屋子还有对营养的进一步认识,这些总的环境的改善 也促进了人们的整体健康。 从基因角度看,人都都能活到 85岁,但尽管现在人们寿命确实比以前长了,仍然有一些疾病使得我们不能都活到那个岁数。现在困扰人们的是像心脏病和中风那种更为慢性的疾病,还有像流行性感冒和 AIDS 那些通过病毒传染的疾病。当然,癌症也是一大杀手。上述疾病大多影 响着老年人,但是令人担忧的问题在发达国家日趋明显,如:肥胖,产生更多心脏病和糖尿病等其他疾病患者群渐呈年轻化。 人们如今把这些疾病归为 “生活方式疾病 ”,这意味着人们生活方式的改善有可能更多内容尽在 /susuh15 阻止它们的进一步发展。 竞技还是表演? 综 B Muhammad Ali 极有可能是世界上最负盛名的体坛人物:全世界不分老少都熟知拳王 Ali。退役后, Ali 被诊断患有帕金森综合症,这激起了社会上对拳击运动危险性的争论和诟病。另外,由于 Ali 曾坦白反对女性拳击运动,所以当他的一个女儿 Laila 决定跨入拳坛时,人们十分 好奇 Ali 对此会作何回应。然而,在 Laila首场职业争霸赛上, Ali 的露面似乎高调宣布了他对女儿的支持。父亲当然会想看自己女儿的比赛。介绍时,入场播报员称 Ali 为 “最伟大的拳击手 ”,当他在台边坐下时全场欢呼。 21岁的 Laila 在她的首场比赛中取得了巨大成功,如她父亲当年一样,被受媒体关注。可惜对手实在太弱,仅 31秒比赛就结束了。此后,在大多数比赛中, Laila都是一拳取胜。一个裁判在谈及 Laila 时说: “她完全知道她在做什么,她深谙步法,从她身上你能看到她父亲的影子。 ” 比之总被拿来与自己父亲作 比较, Laila 更希望闯出自己。她的父亲支持她踏入拳坛的决定,可是没有细致告诉她可能发生的一切。 Laila 明白她父亲想让 她自己品味最苦的后果,自己决定要不要在这条路上走下去。她也明白她将时不时受到重击,甚至可能断了鼻子肿了脸,但是至少,她做好了准备。 尽管父亲深受帕金森综合症的困扰, Laila 仍决定走上拳坛道路,这一举动引起的争论和诟病不断。但 Laila 生性好强、意志坚决,这样的性格连同她那响 当当的姓氏,使她颇受世界媒体的关注。当然,在她承载着 Ali 家族的历史出现在女性拳击赛台上的时候,更多的人对此 表示疑问:这究竟是一场竞技比赛,还是 一场做秀表演? 更多内容尽在 /susuh15 为什么人们用假名 综 C 我们没法选择出生时的名字,但是在很多国家人们可以在成年后改名。当然,绝大多数人即使不喜欢自己的名字也不会改。然而,有的人却付诸行动 尤其是艺术家!为什么艺术家想改名呢?有时仅源于单纯的私人原因。比如诺贝尔奖得主,智利诗人 Neftali Reyes,因为不想让父亲知道自己写诗,就在年轻时改名为Pablo Neruda。有时改名的理由也很奇怪,就拿葡萄牙诗人 Fernando Pessoa 来说吧,他的笔名多达 75个。为什么?他解 释说: “每用一个不同的名字,我就写不同的诗。 ”然而,改名大多数是由于社会、历史、政治或文化因素。以下是一些最常见的情况: 也许是因为真名太长太难记。老实说, Madonna Louise Ciccone 的确不如Madonna 来得好记。简短的名字记起来容易得多,比如 William Bradley 改名为 Brad Pitt, Edson Arantes doNasaimento 改名为 Nascimento Pele。 有时改名是出于市场要求。比如,假使名字听起来太 “外国 ”,就可能被换成在市场更容易认的名字。 所以电影圈里的 Ramon Estevez 重起一个名字 Martin Sheen。或者因为艺人的真名听上去没什么吸引力 Chad Everett 确实比 Raymond Cramton 好听多了。 有时艺术家改名时会选择他们崇拜的人的名字。出于对威尔士诗人 Dylan Thomas 的崇敬, Robert Zimmerman 把他的名字改成了 Boo Dylan。 另一个原因可归结为现实考虑。过去,女人出书很难。为了避免这一局面,他们有时起男人的名字,英国作家 Mary Anna Evans 把她的名字改为 George Eliot,最后果真出版了自己的书! 更多内容尽在 /susuh15 2011 年职称英语综合类类阅读理解 新增文章篇目 第八篇 The State of Marriage Today *第三十八篇 Excessive Demands on Young People +第四十七篇 Spoilt for Choice 注: 1、 +表示 A 级文章; *表示 B 即文章;其他为 C 级文章; 2、 2011 年词汇部分与 2010 年教材相比未作任何变化。 更多内容尽在 /susuh15 更多内容尽在 /susuh15 第八篇 The State of Marriage Today Is there something seriously wrong with marriage today? During the past 50 years, the rate of divorce in the United States has exploded: almost 50 of marriages end in divorce now, and the evidence suggests it is going to get worse If this trend continues it will lead to the breakup of the family , according to a spokesperson for the National Family Association Some futurists predict that in l 00 years the average American will marry at least four times and extramarital affairs will be even more common than they are now But what are the reasons for this, and is the picture really so gloomy? The answer to the first question is really quite simple: marriage is no longer the necessity it once was The institution of marriage has been based for years partly on economic need Women used to be economically dependent on their husbands as they usually didnt have jobs outside the home But with the rising number of women in well paying jobs, this is no longer the case, so they dont feel that they need to stay in a failing marriage In answer to the second question, the outlook may not be as pessimistic as it seems While the rate of divorce has risen, the rate of couples marrying has never actually fallen very much, so marriage is still quite popular In addition to this many couples now cohabit and dont bother to marry These couples are effectively married, but they do not appear in either the 更多内容尽在 /susuh15 marriage or divorce statistics In fact more than 50 Of first marriages survive The statistics are deceptive because there is a higher number of divorces in second and third marriages than in first marriages So is marriage really an outdated institution? The fact that most people still get married indicates that it isnt And it is also true that married couples have a healthier life than single people: they suffer less from stress and its consequences, such as heart problems, and married men generally consider themselves more contented than their single counterparts Perhaps the key is to find out what makes a successful marriage and apply it to all of our relationships! 词汇: Divorce n离婚 Evidence n证据,迹象 Futurist n未来主义者 Explode v激增,迅速扩大 Predict v预言,预料,预报 Extramarital adj婚外的 Gloomy adj阴暗的;令人沮丧的 Institution n制度,习俗 Outlook n展 望,前景 Pessimistic adj悲观的 更多内容尽在 /susuh15 Cohabit v 同居 Effectively ad实际上 Statistics n统计,统计资料 Deceptive adj迷惑的,骗人的 Outdated adj旧式的,过时的 Indicate v表明,暗示 Consequence n结果,后果 Contented adj满足的,满意的 Counterpart n对应的人 (或物 ) 注释: National Family Association:美国国家家庭联合会 练习: 1 Which is true about the problem of marriage in the United States today? A) Divorce leads to the breakup of the family B) Half of the married couples get divorced: C) American people marry more than four times D) More and more people are getting divorced 2 What does “ this is no longer the case” in paragraph two mean? A) It is not necessary to get married any more B) Women do not need a husband any longer 更多内容尽在 /susuh15 C) Women are not economically dependant any more D) Many wives do well-paying jobs outside home now 3 Why may the outlook of marriage not be as gloomy as it appears? A) Many people still like to get married B) The rate of divorce has actually decreased C) Over 50 of the marriages continue to exist D) The statistics of divorce is not quite true。 4 How do people usually feel in their marriage life? A) They are much healthier B) They feel no longer single C) They are more satisfied D) They suffer a lot less 5 Which of the following about marriage is NOT mentioned in the passage? A) There will be more relationships outside marriage B) Many people try to get married again after divorce C) Marriage has long been partly an economical need D) It is a fact that most people choose to get married 答案与题解: 1 D 从第一段里可以了解到选项 A 与 C 都是预计将来会发生的,而不是如今的情况。 B 选项与第一段第二句 “almost 50 of the marriages end in divorce”不符。第 一 段第 二 句里的 “the rate of divorce in the United States has 更多内容尽在 /susuh15 exploded”、“ the evidence suggests it is going to get worse” 话语正好说明了 D 选项的情况。 2 C 第二段第四句、 第五句说得很清楚,妇女们如今在外工作在经济上不再依赖她们 的丈夫,因此觉得无需维持行将失败的婚姻。 3 A 从第三段里可以了解到离婚率并没有下降而是上升了,因此 B 选项不对。而C 选项与第三段里 “In fa ct, more than 50 of first marriages survive” 所说不符,该选项没有提到是第一次婚姻。同样, D 选项在文中也没有说到,文中第三段的最后一句只是说统计数据具有欺骗性,而没有说数据失实。 4 C 文中第四段第三句的后半句说得很清楚,结了婚的人比单 身的人更满足。 A,D 选项提到的是实际情况而不是婚后人们的感觉,因此不对。文中并没有提到选项B 所说的情况。 5 B A 选项在第一段最后一句里提到了, C 选项和 D 选项分别在第二段、第四段里提到了,而 B 选项却没有哪一段具体提到。 更多内容尽在 /susuh15 *第三十八篇 Excessive Demands on Young People Being able to multitask is hailed by most people as a welcome skill, but not according to a recent study which claims that young people between the ages of eight and eighteen of the so-called Generation M1 are spending a considerable amount of their time in fruitless efforts as they multitask. It argues that, in fact, these young people are frittering away as much as half of their time again as they would if they performed the very same tasks one after the other. Some young people are juggling an ever larger number of electronic devices as they study. At the same time that they are working, young adults are also surfing on the Internet, or sending out emails to their friends, and or answering the telephone and listening to music on their iPods2 or On another computer. As some new device comes along it too is added to the list rather than replacing one of the existing devices. Other research has indicated that this multitasking is even affecting the way families themselves function as young people are too wrapped up3 in their own isolated worlds to interact with the other people around them. They can no longer greet family members when they enter the house nor can they eat at the family table. All this electronic wizardry is supposedly also seriously affecting young peoples performance at university and in the workplace. When asked about their perception of the impact of modern gadgets on their performance of tasks, the overwhelming majority 更多内容尽在 /susuh15 of young people gave a favourable response. The response from the academic and business worlds was not quite as positive. The former feel that multitasking with electronic gadgets by children affects later development of study skills, resulting in a decline in the quality of writing, for example, because of the lack of concentration on task completion. They feel that many undergraduates now urgently need remedial help with study skills. Similarly, employers feel that young people entering the workforce need to be taught all over again, as they have become deskilled. While all this may be true, it must be borne in mind4 that more and more is expected of young people nowadays; in fact, too much. Praise rather than criticism is due in respect of5 the way todays youth are able to cope despite what the older generation throw at them 词汇: excessive adj过多的,额外 interact vi交流,沟通,互动 multitask vi同时进行多个任务 wizardry n魔力,法术 supposedly adv据认为,据推测 hail vt赞扬 performance n表现,行为 claim vt声称,主张 更多内容尽在 /susuh15 perception n认识,看法,见解 considerable adj. 相当大的, 相当多的 impact n. 影响,作用 gadget n. 小巧的机械装置 fritter vt. 消费,浪费 overwhelming adj. 压倒性的 juggle vt. 耍弄,玩耍 majority n. 大多数 electronic device n. 电子装置,电子仪器 academic adj. 学术的,学校的 decline n. 下降,衰退 surf vi. (网上)冲浪,漫游,浏览 concentration n. 专心,专注 indicate vt. 表明,指出 remedial adj. 补习的,补救的 affect vt. 影响 deskilled adj. 逐渐失去技能的 isolated adj. 鼓励的,与世隔绝的 due adj. 应有的,适当的 注释: 1. Generation M: M 代表 multimedia。 Generation M 即“多媒体时代”,是指伴更多内容尽在 /susuh15 随着计算机和因特网的普及而成长起来的一代年轻人。他们多出生于 1980年之后,热衷于计算机、因特网、视频游戏、智能手机。这些新媒体和传统媒体如电视、印刷品、音响制品结合起来,使得他们的世界异常丰富多彩。“多媒 体时代”的另一特征就是可以 multitask,即多项任务同时进行,如他们可以 _边上网冲浪、一边听着音乐、一边看着电视里的 MTV、一边和朋友短信聊天、同时还做着自己的家庭作业。 2 iPod:美国苹果公司的一款音乐播放器,除了可以播放 MP3 音乐外, iPod 还可以作为高速移动硬盘使用,可以显示联系人、日历和任务,以及阅读电子书和聆听有声电子书以及播客 (Podcasts)。 3 be wrapped up in注意力完全集中于 4 bear in mind 记住 5 in respect of 关于,就 而言 练习: 1 According to a recent study, what is probably true about the multitasking Generation M? A)They are highly commended for being so effective and efficient B)They waste more time than they should save, contrary to common assumptions C)They should prioritize and focus on the most important tasks on hand D)They need to improve their organizational skills SO as to complete all their tasks 2 With the advent of new gadgets, what will happen to Generation Ms present 更多内容尽在 /susuh15 e-devices? A)They make way for the latest and greatest and are retired by the young people B)They are put away temporarily but stay in rotation for their owners to choose from C)They become part of the ever increasing collection of novelties D)They are either sold or traded so that their owners can update their toys and hobbies 3 How will multitasking affect Generation M adversely? A) It makes them feel lonely and pitiful. B) It makes them aloof and elusive to family and friends. C) It makes them selfish and possessive D) It makes them impolite and ungrateful 4 What is the biggest problem for multitasking undergraduates in universities? A) They should adjust their academic attitudes seriously. B) They should seek psychological professionals for assistance. C) They should take some crash courses to catch up with their classmates. D) They should try harder to focus on one task before moving on to the next. 5 In dealing with todays youth, what approach should parents take? A) Be supportive and understanding. B) Be realistic and lower their expectations. C) Be encouraging and let their children stick to their old habits. D) Be patient and hope everything will work out just fine eventually. 更多内容尽在 /susuh15 答案与题解: 1 B 从第一段第一句话中的 a considerable amount of their timefruitless efforts以及该段最后一句话中的 frittering away as much as 可以进行同义替换,waste 就是 fruitless 和 fritter 的同义词。 2 C 从第二段的最后一句话中的 added to the list rather than replacing可以判断出,这些年轻人的电子设备是越来越多,而不是 A 被取而代之、 8 被轮流使用、 D 被出售或交换以便买更新的产品。 3 B 答案 A 是文字游戏,原文 中 isolated worlds应该理解为孤立的世界,即独自“ alone”,而不是孤独“ lonely”。答案 C 说他们变得自私和占有欲强,想买更多电子产品,显然不对。答案 D 说他们变得不懂礼貌和不知感恩,均是对第三段最后一句话中的“ no longer greet”和“ nor can they eat at the family table”的字面理解。答案 B 是两个近义词,重点在性格变化上,变得“若即若离,难以捉摸”。 4 D 答案 A 认为是态度问题,把客观问题主观化。答案 B 是遇到选项,试图用“ remedial help”误导大家联想到 remedy 一词,故引出 psychological professional 的曲解。答案 C 把第五段第一句中的“ later development”和“ decline in the quality of ”表象化,认为应该抓紧赶上同学( catch up)。答案 D 才是正确答案,问题症结在于 multitasking 难以让人集中注意力,造成浪费时间、影响表现等后果,这些前文均已提过。 5 A 答案 A 把 praise 替换成了相对隐性的近义词。答案 B 只针对最后一段的第一句话,断章取义。答 案 C 前半部分 encouraging 还算接近正确答案,后半部更多内容尽在 /susuh15 分则成了鼓励“将错就错”。答案 D 认为应采取 听之任之,“顺其自然”的态度。 更多内容尽在 /susuh15 +第四十七篇 Spoilt for Choice Choice, we are given to1 believe, is a right. In daily life, people have come to expect endless situations about which they are required to make decisions one way or another. In the main2, these are just irksome moments at work which demand some extra energy or brainpower, or during lunch breaks like choosing which type of coffee to order or indeed which coffee shop to go to. But sometimes selecting one option as opposed to another can have serious or lifelong repercussions. More complex decision-making is then either avoided, postponed, or put into the hands of the army of professionals, lifestyle coaches, lawyers, advisors, and the like, waiting to lighten the emotional burden for a fee2 But for a good many4 people in the world, in rich and poor countries, choice is a luxury, not a right. And for those who think they are exercising their right to make choices, the whole system is merely an illusion, created by companies and advertisers wanting to sell their wares5 The main impact of endless choice in peoples lives is anxiety. Buying something as basic as a coffee pot is not exactly simple. Easy access to a wide range of consumer goods induces a sense of powerlessness, even paralysis, in many people, ending in the shopper giving up and walking away6 or just buying an unsuitable item that is not really wanted in order to 更多内容尽在 /susuh15 solve the problem and reduce the unease Recent surveys in the United Kingdom have shown that a sizeable proportion of electrical goods bought per household are not really needed The advertisers and the shareholders of the manufacturers are, nonetheless, satisfied. It is not just their availability that is the problem, but the speed with which new versions of products come on the market. Advances in design and production mean that new items are almost ready by the time that goods hit the shelves7 Products also need to have a short lifespan so that the public can be persuaded to replace them within a short time. The classic example is computers, which are almost obsolete once they are bought. At first, there were only one or two available from a limited number of manufacturers, but now there are many companies all with not only their own products but different versions of the same machine This makes selection a problem Gone are the days when one could just walk with ease into a shop and buy one thing8: no choice, no anxiety. The plethora of choice is. not limited to consumer items. With the greater mobilitv of people around the world, people have more choice about where they want to live and work-a fairly recent phenomenon. In the past, nations migrated across huge swathes of the earth in search of food, adventure, and more hospitable environments. Whole nations crossed continents and changed the face of history. So the mobility of people is nothing new. The creation of nation states and borders9 effectively slowed 更多内容尽在 /susuh15 this process down. but what is different now is the speed at which migration is happening. 词汇: spoil vt使某人扫兴 irksome aaj令人心烦的 brainpower n智能 option n选择 repercussions n (常指意料之外的 )影响,后果 complex adj复杂的 postpone vt &vi延迟,延缓 professional n专业人士 adj内行的 coach n教练员,指导 luxury n难得的享受 illusion n幻觉,想象 ware n商品,货物 impact n影响 anxiety n焦虑,不安 consumer n消费者 induce vt引起,导致 paralysis n麻痹 unsuitable adj不恰当的,不适宜的 更多内容尽在 /susuh15 unease n焦虑,不安 sizeable adj相当大的,颇大的 proportion n部分,比例 shareholder n股东 manufacturer n制造商,厂家 nonetheless adv然而,不过 availability n可获得性,可 使用性 version n版本 obsolete adj过时的,被淘汰的 plethora n过多,过剩 phenomenon n现象 migrate vi迁徙 swathe n大片土地 hospitable 有利的,适宜的 skip v跳过 obese adj肥胖的 metabolic adj新陈代谢的 psychiatric adj精神病的 abnormal adj异常的 注释: 1 be given t0:倾向于 更多内容尽在 /susuh15 2 in the main-大体上,基本上 3 More complex decision-making is then either avoided, postponed,or put into the hands of the army of professionals, lifestyle coaches,lawyers, advisors, and the like, waiting to lighten the emotional burden for a fee对于情况更复杂的决策,人们或者回避、拖延,或者求助于各式各样的专业人士 -生活 方式指导人员、律师、咨询师等等,而他们也正等着你付费来缓解心理重负呢。 put A in the hands of B 由 B 为 A 做决策。 the like 等等,诸如此类的 (人或物 )。 4 a good many:也可说 a great many, (用来强调所指数量 )非常多的。 5 And for those who think they are exercising their right to make choices,the whole system is merely an illusion, created by companies and advertisers wanting to sell their wares对那些自认为行使选择权的人来说,这整个体制不过是销售商和广告商为了卖货而制造出的人来说,这整个体制不过是销售商和广告商为了卖货而造出的一种幻觉而已。 exercise one s right 行使权力。 6. Easy access to a wide rang
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