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静教院附校2015学年第一学期九年级期中考试 英语试卷(满分:150分,考试时长:100分钟) Part1 ListeningI. Listening comprehension.A. Listen and choose the right picture: (6分)1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5 _ 6 _ B Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear: (8分) 7. A)$400 B)$500 C.$300 D) $4508. A) English. B) French. C) Chinese. D) Canadian.9. A) Jimmy-s. B) Gretas. C) Bettys. D) Jimmy and Bettys.10. A) She should stay at home. B) She should tell her parents. C) She should go to hospital. D) She should forget about it.11. A) The train has left. B) The train will leave in a minute. C) The train hasnt arrived. D) The train wont leave today. 12. A) To the dentists. B) To the post office, C) To the bookstore. D) Home. 13. A) Because she didnt feel well. B) Because she was disturbed by the noise of the traffic. C) Because she was too tired. D) Because she worked too much.14. A) To repair the door and drive carefully. B) To fill the gas tank (汽油箱) up, drive carefully, and get home by 7:30. C) To repair the door, fill the gas tank and get home by 7:30. D) To drive carefully and get home by.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false. (6分) 15. Because of the smartphone, many people cant remember the eleven phone numbers of their close relative.16. Smartphones kill face-to-face communication and weaken (削弱) our skills at giving directions as well.17. The report by an American company said Chinese people spend about 170 minutes on their phones weekly.18. The American company also found being addicted (上瘾的) to using smartphones does no good to students study.19. A new app called Forest can help smartphone users to control the time spent on their phones. 20. The writer of the passage gives three examples to show how people are trying to break the habit of using smartphones too much. D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences. (10分)21. Mrs. Jones, an _ lady, was always nicely _ every day. 22. After _ of _ for her room to be ready, she still smiled sweetly. 23. Mrs. Jones said before she saw her room, shed _ _ to love it. 24. She thought each day was a gift and she would enjoy all the _ _. 25. To her life is a gift and she can _ _ what shes put in. Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary II. Choose the best answer, (20分) 26. If mum says no, ask grandma! Which of the following sounds matches the underlined word? A)/sez/ B)/saiz/ C)/si:z/ D)/s s/27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others*? A) Her conclusion was that the childs English would never improve: B) Roberts collection of paintings has been bought over the years. C) Congratulations to all of you and thanks for your efforts. D) Children quickly get bored by adult conversation.28. I couldnt recognize _ soft voice on the phone.A) a B)an C)/ D) the29. They say its a beautiful place, but l _ have never been there. A) me B) myself C) mine D) my30. We really need a new car but _the time being well have to continue using the old one. A) over B) in C) for D) during31. The rain stopped us _ continuing the argument. A) to B) at C) of D) from32 Would you like milk or sugar or _? A) all B) both C) either D) any 33. The building of the Kings palace cost many_ dollars. A) millions B) mullions of C) million D) millionth34. Youll have to be _. The flight leaves in about three hours* A) slow B)slowly C) quick D)quickly35. The schoolwork _ to be done alone. A) must B)ought C)may D)should36. Tidy up your room, _ dont forget to make your bed! A) and B) but C) so D) for37. I called the office but I dont remember_ I spoke to. A) that B)whether C)when D) who38. Explain why you _. A) dont telephone B) arent telephoning C) hadnt telephoned D) didnt telephone 39. I saw Noriko in town yesterday. She _ a pink dress and an orange hat!A) wore B) was wearing C) would wear D)wears40. If you type in the right way, you will learn _ well. A) typing B) type C) to type D) typed 41. Some students seemed to walk on air after they succeeded in _ the college entrance examination.A) pass B) passed C) passing D) to pass 42. _ fresh air these plants are producing! A)How B)What C) What a D) What an 43. -You rarely wear raincoats, do you?-_, because I spend most of my time in a car.A) No B)Yes C)Sure D) Exactly 44. Im so sorry I forgot your birthday, Oliver! -_A) All right. B) Youre welcome. C) No, thanks. D) It doesnt matter. 45. -Please mum, may I use the computer? -_ Its time to go to bed. A) No problem. B) Yes, please do. C) Im afraid you cant. D) Thats OK. III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can be usedy6nly once: (8分) A. outside B. nowhere C. in a different way D. chosen E. in this way It is believed in some ways that the daughter is fathers lover. But my experience has taught me _46_. For a long time, my father has been a very vague (模糊的) figure to me. He was a man of few words, tall but slim and nothing else. When I was in primary school, my father was never there to pick me up, and he never, came to any of my parent-teacher meetings. He was always busy doing projects. I remember when I was in middle school and my head was badly hurt in a PE class. During my operation, my father was _47_ to be found. This hurt me most. At that moment, I considered my father as a cold-blooded man who did not care about me at all. But thing seemed different at my high school graduation ceremony(仪式) where I was _48_ to represent(代表) my class and give a speech. My father, once again, told me he had a business trip in a place _49_ the city and would be unable to show up(露面). Dont come. I will be very nervous if l see you. I told him. A fact B no C familiar D some E get back I remember my speech went smoothly. After the ceremony was over and I was going to leave, I suddenly noticed a _50_ looking man sitting in a comer of the hall. It was my father! I was so surprised that I rushed to him with tears running down my face. Well done, he said. His eyes were also filled with tears. Later, I found out that my father had managed to finish his work by staying up late, and he drove for eight hours to _51_. He had been sitting in the comer because he didnt want me to see him. My father remembered every word in my speech. For much of my life. I described my father was a cold-blooded man who only cared about his work. But when I thought deeply about this, it was obviously(明显地)not true. At my graduation ceremony I could feel my fathers deep love. The _52_ in that seeing is not believing, and seeing may not be the fact if we dont perceive(感知)the world with our hearts and minds. Theres _53_ doubt (怀疑) that life doesnt lack(缺少) love, but sometimes our eyes have trouble seeing it. IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms: (8分)54. For many Americans in the nineteen _, societys hero was the person who helped himself. (eighty )55. You shouldnt expect _ to do your work for you. (other)56. He looked at Liz and Mark, who had _ to greet him. (rise) 57. Would someone take _ for bringing Paul home? (responsible) 58. Grandmas very _ and does all her own shopping and cooking. (depend) 59. They had no _ but to destroy the animal. (choose) 60. Its one of the _ times Ive ever spent. (happiness) 61. I cant found my keys anywhere-theyre completely _. (appear) V. Complete the following sentences as required. (14分) 62. Fishermen require nets or fishing rods to catch fish. (改为一般疑问句)_ fishermen _ nets or fishing rods to catch fish? 63. Most people in modem cities live in flats. (改为反意疑问句)Most people in modem cities live in flats, _ _? 64.A small number of paintings have been sold. (划线部分提问)_ _ paintings have been sold?65. Soon DVD-ROMS will be more popular than books.(保持原句意思基本不变)Soon books _ be as popular _ DVD-ROMS. 66. He checked all his figures again. The report might be as accurate as possible.(合并成一句) He checked all his figures again _ _ accurate as possible. 67. Have you kept the secret?(改为被动语态)_ the secret _ kept by you? 68. according to, in, students, their ability, are put, different groups (连词成句) _ Part 3 Reading and WritingVI. Reading comprehension.A Choose the best answer: (12分) While traveling, you might have stayed at a hotel or a family members house. But have you ever thought about staying in a strangers home? This might sound weird(不可思议的),but its actually a trend(潮流)becoming popular around the world, including China. Lodging rental(租房)companies like Airbnb are helping people look for cheap ways to travel. This website allows people to rent out their spare(空余的)rooms or apartments (flats) as an alternative(可替代的事物)to hotels in over 190 countries. Created by three young American men Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia and Nathan Blecharczyk Airbnb is a good example of a sharing economy. Through the Internet, people share resources such as cars, apartments and even their expertise(专业技能). Hosts post information about the location() like prices, descriptions and pictures. Guests can go to the website and find their favourite place to stay. Users post their opinions on their stay, so people know whether a place is good or not. A man in New York named Jonathan Powley even rents out his taxi for $22 per night through Airbnb. This is no ordinary can Powley took out the car seats and changed the inside to look more welcoming. He keeps it clean and puts flowers in it every day. He provides snacks and tells travelers where they can go to shower. But Airbnb does have some problems. Sometimes you end up living with a stranger or it is not as nice as it looked like online. Also, hosts sometimes get mad when they return home, and its a complete mess. In China, Airbnb has five locations including Beijing and Shanghai. The country has seen(经历) a large increase in Airbnb users in the past year. Local home-rental companies such as have also joined the competition. 69. _ is a trend becoming more popular around the world, including China. A) Staying in a strangers home while travelling B) Staying in a family members home while travelling C) Staying at a hotel while travelling D) Creating lodge rental companies 70. Through Airbnb, people share _. A)economy B) apartments C)hotels D)money71. Powley took out the car seats and changed the inside to _. A) look more beautiful B) look cooler C) look more pleasant and make you feel relaxed D) look bigger and make you feel special 72. According to the passage, the number of _ has increased a lot in the past year. A) Airbnb users B) home-rental companies C) problems with Airbnb D) the locations of Airbnb in China 73. Which of the following is FALSE according to the passage? A) Airbnb was created by three young American people. B) Users opinions can help guests know whether the hosts home is good or not. C) X is a Chinese home-rental company. D) Powly tells guests where to have meals. 74. The best title of the passage is _. A) Sharing apartments B) A new travel trend Where to stay while travelling D) Airbnb, a lodging rental company B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage: (12分) A Greek king once had a beautiful wife called Helen. One day, a prince from Troy, called Paris, stole Helen away and brought her to Troy with him. The Greeks sent thousands of ships to attack Troy. _75 _, Troy was powerful and well protected. The war lasted for many years. The Greeks had a soldier called Achilles. He was the greatest fighter in the world. When he was born, his mother put him in a _76_ river. Every part of his body that touched the water became immoral(不朽的). But she had to hold his heel (后跟), so that part became his great weakness. Achilles killed many enemies. He was strong and cruel. He killed the greatest prince in Troy, called Hector. He then dragged Hectors body _77_ the city to mock (嘲笑) the Trojan people. The Greeks had still not won, though. They made a plan. They decided to give a gift to the city of Troy: a giant wooden horse. Late one evening, the Greeks pushed the wooden horse to the gates of Troy. The Trojans, seeing the gift, thought the Greeks had _78_ . Unluckily, they took in the gift. That night, they celebrated and drank wine. But as they slept, the horse opened up and ropes came down. It was a trick- a horse was _79_ Greek soldiers. They opened the gates, burnt the city and killed most of the Trojans as they slept. . The Greeks won the war. Achilles, though, was hit by an arrow (箭) in the final _ 80_ . It hit his heel, the weak part of his body and he died. 75. Actually B) However C) Certainly D)Perhaps 76. A) big B) narrow C) magic D) deep77 A) around B) outside C) into D) near78 A) given up B) gone home C) gone ahead D) changed their mind 79 A) familiar to B) covered with C) debate D) interested in 80. A) race B) battle C) debate D) competitionC. Fill in the blanks with proper words. (14分) Years ago, a very rich man and his young son shared an interest in collecting art. They traveled around the world, collecting priceless works of art by famous a_81_ like Picasso, Van Gogh and Monet. When war broke out, the son left to serve his country. After a few weeks, the old man had died while taking another soldier to a hospital. The man became very l_82_ and sad. One day, a soldier visited the old man and gave him a painting- it was a portrait (肖像) of his son. T_83_ the world would never consider it a great work, the painting was important to the man. The painting of his son became the old mans most valuable item. He told his neighbors it was the greatest gift he had ever received. The following spring, the old man became ill and passed away. All of the old mans paintings would be sold at an auction (拍卖). The auction b_84_with a painting that was not on any of the buyers lists. it was the painting of the old mans son. Who will open the price at $100? the auctioneer asked. Moments passed and no one spoke or raised their hand. Someone said, Who cares about that painting? Lets get on to the good ones. More voices f _85_in agreement. No, we must sell this one first, replied the auctioneer. Now, who will take the portrait of the son? Finally, one of the old mans good friends spoke, Will you take $10 for the painting? Thats all I have. Will anyone go higher? called the auctioneer. After more s_86_ he said, Going once. going twice. sold! The auctioneer looked at the crowd and announced (宣布) that the auction was over. According to the fathers will(遗嘱), whoever takes the sons portrait gets the w_87_collection, the auctioneer said. Because of the fathers love, whoever took the son got it all. D. Answer the questions: (12分) . He has millions of students from all around the world. They listen to his classes online but never see his face on the screen. Salman Khan, 39, from the US, is the founder(创建者) of the learning website Khan Academy. Unlike other online courses that film (录制) teachers giving classes, Khans videos only use his voice and a digital (数字的) balckboard for writing. He says he d


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