



七年级新目标下Unit11单元检测一、单选题(10分) ( )1.What do you think this question?A. off B. of C. at( )2. What does everyone think of Anna?_A. I dont know.B.I dont, either. C. They like her. D. She is unfriendly.( )3.Thanks for us .A. joining B. joins C. joined( )4.Tonight were about a thirteen-year-old boy.A. telling B. saying C. talking( )5.How do you your summer vacation?Its great. I love it.A. like B. know C. think of( )6. I enjoy _ your “Whats Cool?” article in the school magazine.A. to readB. readingC. to look D. looking( )7.Linda likes scarf her sister likes hair clip.A. when B. and C. while( )8.Would you mind _ me the book?A. passB. past C. passingD. passed( )9.What do you think of Marys hat?A.I love it.B. Who can stand it?C. She got it this morning.D. Its cool.( )10.Do you like my new scarf?A. Yes, I do.B.I dont mind.C .Its beautiful.D. Its fine.二、按要求填空。A. 组句。(请注意大小写和标点符号)(10分)1.do,think of, what, you, soap operas 2.mind,dont,sports shows, I 3.you,for,joining us, thank 4.at all, not, she, does, like, sitcom 5.magazine,you,can,put,in,my opinion, the B. 根据表格完成短文(8分)Modern EnglishSports worldCulture BeijingChinese cookingBobLindaBob is from Australia. He Modern English. He Sports World. He Culture Beijing. He Chinese Cooking. His sister Linda is different. She Culture Beijing. She Chinese cooking. She Modern English. She Sports World.C.单词拼写(单词的第一个字母已给出)(5分)1.Wash your hands carefully with the s_ _.They are too dirty.2.He will come to see you t_ _,not tomorrow.3.I asked them what they t_ about the movie.4.She loves cats, w_ _ her sister loves dogs.5.The reporter i_ _ us yesterday. He asked us a lot of interesting questions.D根据汉语提示翻译下列句子(8分)1.我认为最酷的东西就是太阳镜。I think the thing is 2.我可以问你一些问题吗?May I you questions?3.我不能忍受老人不能打扮漂亮的观念。I cant the idea that old people cant beautiful.4.我们的教室是多彩的。My classroom .E.用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分) 1.They put their _(watch) on.2.This morning I _(show) my friend a new wallet.3.They think that old people have no right to be _(beauty).4.I enjoy _(watch) TV on Saturday evenings.5.How about _(listen) to the radio tonight?三、完形填空:(10分)Li Lei is a student 1 Class Two, Grade One. He likes football very 2 .He often plays it after school. And he often goes home 3 .His home is 4 the school. His mother doesnt worry 5 him.One Sunday morning, Li Lei goes to a shop 6 his mother. The shop is very 7 .There are many things 8 it. They get some things. Then his mother says to Li Lei,“What do you 9 ?” “I want to get a red blouse,” says Li Lei.“A red blouse?” asks his mother.“You are a 10 .You cant wear a red blouse.”Li Lei smiles(笑了).“OK, please get me football clothes.”( )1.A.in B. ofC. from ( )2.A.good B. muchC. well( )3.A.earlyB. soonC. late ( )4.A.nearB. inC. on( )5.A. forB. withC. about ( )6.A. withB. fromC. on( )7.A.smallB. bigC. nice( )8.A.on B. inC. at( )9.A.wantB. getC. take ( )10.A.girlB. studentC. boy四、选词填空。(6分)cant stand, loves, dont like, think of, dont mind, surprised, magazine1.My grandfather likes wearing fashion clothes. He what young people _ him.2.The old men rock music. They think its noisy.3.The boys answer me.4.Her sister soap opera. Thats her favorite.5.I to go shopping with Mother. Its crowded in the store.6.I want to be a reporter in the school .五、排列对话(5分)(Harry, Jordan and William are talking about something.)H: Hi, Jordan! .J: I m looking at these things. What do you think of them?A. Theyre my favorite.B. Theyre really cool.C. What are you doing?D. I cant stand them.E. I love sunglasses.H: WellHm .I think theyre cool.W: I dont like sunglasses. I love scarves .H: Girls always like scarves. .J: What do you think of them?H: ErI like belt and wallet. .六、补全对话(6分)Xie Kai: What do you of Sports World?Lei Hao: I dont mind it. I love Animal World best.Xie Kai: I do, too. What do you think of the ,Zhao Zhongxiang?Lei Hao: I like ,especially his voice.Xie Kai: about your parents?Lei Hao: They both like Law Today. And we all love the host, Sa Beining.Xie Kai: What he like?Lei Hao: Hes kind and cute.Xie Kai: What else do they like?Lei Hao: Oh, my mother likes soap operas, but my father cant them. He loves World News.六、阅读理解(19分) 读下面电视节目预告, TV ProgramsChannel 1Channel 218:00 Around China18:30Childrens program19:00 News19:30 Weather Report19:40 Around the World20:10 TV play: Sisters21:00 English for Today21:15 Popular Music2l:55 Talk Show17:45 Computers Today18:10 Foreign Arts18:30 English Classroom19:00 Animal World19:25 Chinas 200320:20 Sports21:00TV play: Guo Lanying21:45 English News22:05 On TV Next Week( )1.If you want to watch a football game, the best program for you would be Sports ( )2.The program of Around China will let you know much about western countries. ( )3.If you want to know something about tigers, elephants and monkeys, the best program for you is Animal World ( )4.English classroom is a program that teaches you English ( )5.If you want to know something about Japan, which of the following program would be the best one? Animal world.( )6 The program at the end of Channel 2 means news on TV next week.( )7.You are a basketball fan. You may watch TV at .20:20 on Channel 2( )8.The TV play “Sisters” probably lasts(持续) 50 minutes( )9.You can watch the English for todayprograms if you want to learn English on TV.(A) 下面的电视节目时间表会给你提供帮助。TV ProgramChannel 1Channel 218:30Childrens program17:45Computers today19:00Chinese news18:30English classroom20:10TV play: Sisters20:20Sports21:00English for today2


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