



介词一、介词概说介词也叫前置词,是一种虚词,是表示它后面的名词,代词,短语,从句等与句子其它成分的关系的词。在句中不重读,不能单独作句子成分。只能与名词、代词、数词、动名词等构成介词短语。二、介词分类介词可分为简单介词、复合介词、双重介词、短语介词和分词介词五种类型。1 简单介词:above, after, among, at ,as, below, behind , beside, besides, before, between, but, by , for , from, in , on , of, outside, over, under, to, with , like, until , till2 复合介词:as for , as to , out of , within , without, into, onto, such as ,throughout, all over3 双重介词:from behind(从后面), from under(从下面) until after(直至之后), from among(从当中)4 短语介词:according to(根据), at the beginning of(在的开始), at the end of(在末端), because of(因为), for fear of(惟恐), instead of(代替), in front of(在前面), in the front of(在的前部), in favour of(赞成), in place of(代替), in fear of(担忧), in danger of(处于的危险中), in need of(急切需要), in time of(在的时候), in the face of(面对), in the course of(在的过程中), in spite of(尽管),三、 分词介词:following(在之后) regarding(关于) considering(考虑到) including(包括) concerning(关于) 三、常用介词的用法(1) in 在(某范围或空间)内 My bag is in my desk. /The children are in the classroom.在(某段时间)内 We get up early in the morning. / People plant trees in March./ The writer wrote a novel in 1995.在(多久)之后Tom will be back in three days./ In ten years time, many trees will be planted over there.穿,戴Mr Green is in a black coat./ The girl in a black hat is Lucy.在上 Many birds are in the tree. / There is a window in the wall.用(某种语言、材料) Can you tell us in English? /We write in ink.(2) on在上There is a picture on the wall./Did you see basket on the table?We are watching some programs on TV. / What you see on the Internet is not true.表示时间We don t go to school on Sunday./Jim was born on February 12th.Children enjoy themselves on Children s Day.关于 This is a book on science./ I d like some information on computer.在状态中 Who is on duty today? / The man on watch is sleeping.(3) at在点钟,在时候We go to school at 7:00 oclock./They have lunch at noon./Kate doesnt go out at night.在某地 They met at the airport. / We had a quarrel at the school gate.朝,向Please look at the blackboard./ Don t shout at me./ Are you angry at the result ?/ We were amazed at what we saw. / Don t laugh at us.(4) of 的David is a friend of mine. / The leg of the chair is broken./ This is a map of China.关于She told me the news of success. /Please show us the fact of the accident .用于表示计量、时间、年龄等a bag of rice / a cup of tea / a glass of water / a bottle of milk / a can of food / a piece of paper / a pair of shoes / a pile of rubbish / a basket of flowers表示构成的材料The desk is made of wood. / The glass is made of glass. /The bridge is made of stones.(5) To向,朝,往We are flying to Nanjing. / The Blacks left the village to London.离,差 It s five to ten. 给Give it to me. / I lent my mobile phone to Jack.(6) from 从,从起,离;来自,出自,源于;由制成How far is your school from here? / The library is open from 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. I come from Japan . / She is from Australia.The wine is made from rice. / Paper is made of wood.(7) by 用在被动语态中接动作的执行者The cake is made by mother. / The room was washed by Tom./The machine has been used by them.在旁边The twins are walking by the sea. / The old couple like walking by the lake.在时间之前My task had been finished by 9:00 last night.表示原因The young man died by violence.依靠方式He makes a living by hunting.通过 We learn English by listening to the tape. 乘坐Lets go there by taxi.(8) about大约关于与what / how连用,表示“怎么样”The old man is about 70 years old.Its a question about history.What about going camping? / How about having a picnic?(9) for 表示一段时间 You can keep the VCD for a week. / I have been here for a month.用于,作为 The machine is used for washing clohes./What did you have for supper?以为代价 She bought the watch for 120 yuan. 因为,由于They put on the raincoats for it s raining.往,向He left for Lanzhou yesterday.为 Mother cooks three meals for us every day.(10) With和,跟Come with me ./ We went to the park with David.具有,带有 I want a cup of coffee with sugar. / The teacher came into the classroom with a book.伴随With the development of Chinese economic , people have improved their lives .用(工具)We all write with a pen now./ They cut the pears with a knife.对 Don t be angry with me./ Are you pleased with yourself? / He s strict with his son.在下 With the help of Computer , people can work more quickly.(11) near 在附近I live near the supermarket.接近 My birthday is very near Christmas.(12) across/ through穿过across表示从表面、横向穿过,也可表示“在的另一边”,through表示从内部、竖向穿过。He swam across the river. / My house is across the street./ There is a sandstorm across Beijing.The soldiers went through the forest./ The mouse run through the hole./ The sunshine shines brightly in through the window.(13) between / among 在之间between表示在两者之间,among表示在两者以上之间I sit between Tom and David. / It s far between the stars./Jim is the tallest among the boys.(14)behind / in front of / in the front ofbehind表示在(某个位置)之后,There is a broom behind the door./ Don t fall behind others.in front of表示在前面,in the front of表示在前部分(内部)Can you see a tall tree in front of my home? There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.介词专练1. She was late class because the heavy traffic.2. The new bag belongs Kate.3. Smoking is harmful peoples health.4. I lose myself the beautiful scenery.5. English is popular people the world.6. He arrived Shanghai the morning January 5th7. There is a clock the wall and a nail it.8. We have no school Sunday.9. She goes to the station a bus. She doesnt like to go there taxi.10. My answer is different yours.11. I m interested telling stories, but don t laugh me when I am telling stories.12. Tom s very fond the sea.13. The bus arrived exactly time.14. her surprise, she found herself a different world.15. We can not live water.16. Doing morning exercises is good our health and Tom s good running.17. Are you looking forward the summer holiday ?18. I spend much money stamps and I spend much time collecting them.19. There is something wrong the machine.20. How do you get on your aunt ?21. They were invited an important hall the first time their life.22. What did you have breakfast ?23. I quite agree you that John does better drawing than Jack.24. the money , she bought a new coat her father.25. The table is covered a piece of cloth Lily.26. The woman a blue dress is my aunt.27. Let me show you our factory.28. Be careful electricity . It s dangerous.29. These coats are different sizes.30. Who will be duty today?31. We must learn some skills the experienced workers.32. The chairman praised the spaceman their cotribution our space industry.33. People bulit the bridge memory of the great leader.34. You neednt wait us any onger.35. my way home, I happened to meet one my friends Tom.36. Everything grows spring.37. Please pay attention what I said.38. Did you get used the hard life there ?39. Have you ever heard the story Xu Xian ?40. West Lake is famous the Dragon Well Tea and its known a tourist attraction.41. I have nothing to do the car accidents.42. Are you tired staying the countryside? I am not fed up the life in cities.43. Lets meet at half eight.44. Its ten nine .We have only ten minutes left . The movie starts 9:00.45. We keep in touch our relative telephone.46. Go the street and take the second turning the left.47. Turn left the third crossing.48. I can translate the sentence Chinese.49. I usually get up 6:30 the morning.50. Are you busy the farmwork?51. We should be strict ourselves our study.52. If you can t go to work time , your boss will be angry you53. Shes really angry the old computer .54. We take an active part outdoor activities.55. We must insist studying oral English.56. The room is full smoke.57. Please fill the bottle tea.58. Are you pleased your son ?59. Dont take the risk running away.60. The teacher provides us comfortable places nd environment to study.61. Let s talk the problem face face.62. The pear is divided four parts .63. The population is growing fast day day.64. Everyone passed the exam me. How sad I am.65. There s nothing a card in the box.66. general , people must obey some natural rules.67. He pointed the trees far away and think his childhood.68. I will share my opinion all of you.69. Please fill the table and hand it .70. This cat is so similar that one.71. Don t forget to thank Lily her help.72. We prefer summer winter.73. We have dicided the date a trip.74. Shall we go out a walk?75. They make a contribution protecting the environment.76. Ann moved Hangzhou September ,1992.77. Are you ready the quiz ?78. We had learned about ten English songs the end of last term.79. Will you lend your dictionary me ?80. Jack borrows a few CDs his uncle.81. Don t look down your classmates who fall you.82. His mother is ill . We d better send a doctor.83. Ill catch up others if I study hard.84. They have been in Sydney last week.85. I havent bought any books half a year.86. The bottle was made glass and it was used filling milk.87. The wine is made grapes.88. People in Sichuan are great deal food.89. Are you short money ?/ Do you lack time ?90. Please tell us the fact detail.91. Newton discovered the natural rule mistake.92. -How soon will Daivd ruturn? - a couple of days.93. Jack doesn t look his father , he takes his mother.94. I have looked my purse everywhere , but I couldnt find it anywhere.95. It s bad your eyes to read the sun.96. Its very kind her to treat the old that.97. Hunan lies the south of China and the north of Hainan98. Can you look my baby ? I can t take care her the moment.99. Every night I do my homework very late.100.The doctor looked the patient carefully and would operated him the other day.101.If you don t understand the words in a passage ,try to guess the meaning looking them up a dictionary .102.The official said sorry the old man public.103.The river runs the fore


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