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2019年新起点英语二年级下册Unit9Lesson49教案教材分析本单元主要是以季节为话题,让学生学习和季节有关的单词和表达1、重点学习词汇和表达法spring, summer, fall, winter, bright, golden,plant, swim, climb, make, snowmanfly, kite, sleepWhats your favourite season?Do you like ?2、一般学习词汇和表达法plant trees climb hills make a snowman fly a kite学情分析 本班的学生是没有英语基础的,从二下的知识学起对他们还是非常有难度的,所以的单词对于他们都是新的,教师必须一个个的教学生读清楚并解释中文意思。课本中有些句子难度太大,对才接触英语的他们并不要求每一句都会读,但是要知道意思,初步认知单词,为以后的学习做好准备。在教学过程中教师要特别注重课堂的气氛,培养学生学英语的兴趣是非常重要的。教学目标1、 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下听懂并说出与季节有关的15个单词 2、能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下初步使用本单元所学的句型。3、能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下用英语日常用语表示对季节的喜好4、能够听懂常用的表示对季节的喜好的英语日常用语并做出相应的反应5、通过歌曲和游戏学会用英语表达对不同季节的喜好及其原因6、能够观察到四季的不同并且用所学语言予以表达7、能够初步了解字母组成单词的过程教学重点1、单词的听说读:spring, summer, fall, winter, bright, golden,plant, swim, climb, make, snowman,favourite , fly, kite, sleep, plant trees , climb hills, make a snowman, fly a kite2、句子表达的流畅性3、A-G的正确书写教学难点1、字母书写的笔顺、在四线三格中的位置2、favourite, spring,的正确发音3、词组的表达plant trees climb hills make a snowman fly a kiteLesson 49教学目标1、能听说认读与季节有关的单词:season, spring, summer, fall, winter, bright, golden, green, white2、能灵活运用Do you like ? 句型来询问他人是否喜欢某个季节。3、通过本课的学习,学生能够对大自然产生强烈的热爱之情教学重点1、有关季节单词:season, spring, summer, fall, winter, bright, golden,green, white2、学生能够在适当的情景下用英语日常用语表示对季节的喜好及原因教学难点1、 句子的流畅度:Whats your favourite season? I can wear my favourite coat.2、单词favourite 的发音教学准备单词卡片、课件、磁扣教学过程一、课前热身 (1) 打招呼T:Hello, everybody. Im Eileen.我是Eileen老师,现在我们一起来打个招呼吧!当我说Hello, everyone.你们就说Hello, Eileen. Ok? (2) 大家都有英文名字吗? 那老师今天给大家每个人都取一个英文名字好不好? (3) 那么既然大家都有英文名字了,我们一起来打个招呼吧! 2、 课前预习1、让学生说说四季是什么颜色的,再让学生观察PPT上的四幅图片,区分出春夏秋冬;三、新课呈现1、在PPT上放映四季的图片,当看到春天的图片时出示单词卡片spring 大小声方法学习新单词;反复操练后将单词卡片贴在黑板上;summer, fall, winter的教法同上;2、单词操练结束后给学生看春天的图片,让学生说出春天的颜色,教师拿出green的单词卡片,先解释中文意思“绿色的”;先让学生听老师读,再让学生一起跟读,齐读结束后用touch and say 的方法操练green ,每个学生在读的时候教师要纠正其发音;green读熟后将单词卡片置于黑板上,学习新句子Spring is green. 用1 2 3 标记句子,当老师说数字的时候学生读和数字对应的单词,当老师读单词的时候学生读对应的数字,反复操练;句子熟悉后加上动作后再操练句子,后面两句:Summer is bright. Fall is golden. Winter is white. 学习和操练方法同上;3、四个句子学完后教师随便选一个季节,比如spring ,要求学生说出对应的句子Spring is green. 4、教师播放录音,让学生先听一遍A部分的chant;5、学生听第二遍录音,点学生复述听到的内容;6、学生在教师的领唱下学习A部分的chant,会唱之后带上之前学过的动作一边读一边做动作,教师请人上台表演;7、句子反复操练结束后老师提问T:Do you like spring/ winter/ summer/ fall ? 解释中文意思,引导学生回答 Ss: Yes.解释like 的意思为喜欢,先由学生跟着老师读,熟悉对话后师生对话,生生对话;8、对话完成后教师继续问T: Why ? 为什么?先让学生回答他们喜欢这个季节的原因,听完学生的想法后再由教师说“我们喜欢冬天,是不是也可以说因为它是白色的,我们可以穿我们最喜欢的大衣,所以我们都喜欢啊! ” 学习句子:Its green/ white/bright/ golden. I can wear my favourite coat . 强调wear 和favourite的发音,引导学生用此句型对话;9、学习B部分时,引导学生仔细观察本课的四个贴片,让学生回忆并说出4个小孩子的衣服,将贴片放在A部分中。巩固延伸1、学生分小组互相对话B部分的对话2、复习PEP教材上的单词:pen pencil eraser pencil-case ruler crayon book bag sharpener school hello hi Im= I am my name bye goodbye 这部分主要是老师说汉语学生说英语,在PPT上展示单词;接着当老师说Show me your pen.时学生举起对应的物品,进一步巩固单词;3、复习对话:Hello. Im . Whats your name ? My name is .主要是两人对话的形式 4、做练习题课堂小结1、本堂课我们主要学习了关于季节的单词season, spring, summer, fall, winter, bright, green, golden, white; 学会了A部分的歌谣:Spring is green. Summer is bright. Fall is golden. Winter is white. 以及熟悉了B部分的对话:Do you like spring/ winter/ summer/ fall ? Yes. Why ? Its green/ white/bright/ golden. I can .2、复习了PEP教材上Unit 1中的单词和询问人姓名的方式布置作业朗读A部分的对话3遍;读单词从season 到golden 每个3遍教学方法游戏法、小组合作法、问答法、情景交际法 板书设计 Seasons Spring is green. Summer is bright. Fall is golden. Winter is white.教学反思本节课是本学期的第一课,我主要是通过歌谣的形式让孩子们做动作,音乐中把四个季节的词汇初步掌握。让学生们体会到各个季节的不同。个别学生对spring发音欠准确,今后课中还要多纠正,巩固。附送:2019年新起点英语四年级下册录音材料Lesson 49 Look! You can see many buildings in my munity, This is the post office, its between the grocery store and the bankThere is a drugstoreIts across from the libraryThe bookstore is next to the drugstoreThe coffee shop is next to the hotelThe police station is across from the grocery storeThe gas station is between the library and the hotelLesson 50 A. Look, listen and trace.A: Excuse me. How can I get to the hospital?B : Go straight. Turn left at the first crossing. It s on your right. It s between the drugstore and the hairdresser s.A: Thank you.B: Youre wele.Lesson 51 Dialogue lA:Excuse meWhere is the police station?B:Go straightTurn left at the second crossingIts on your rightA:Thank youB:You are weleDialogue 2A:Where is the grocery store?B:Go straightTurn right at the first crossingIts next to the bookstoreA:Thank youB:You are weleDialogue 3 A:Excuse meWhere is the cinema?B:Go straightTurn right at the second crossingIts across from the bookstoreIts on your leftA:Thank youB:You are weleDialogue 4A:Excuse meWhere is the gas station?B:Go straightTurn left at the first crossingIts between the drugstore and the schoolIts on your rightA:Thank youB:You are weleLesson 54 1. A: Where is the bakery? B: Its between the bank and the school.2. A: Excuse me. Where is the bookstore? B: It s next to the newspaper stand.3. A: Excuse me. Where is the supermarket? B: Go straight. It s across from the drugstore.4. A: Excuse me. How can I get to the cinema? B: Go straight. Turn right at the first crossing. Its across from the library.Lesson 55 This is a map of my cityThe museum is between the bookstore and the stadiumDongfang Square is next to the parkThe department store is across from the bankThe subway station is next to the department storeThe gallery is on Apple Street,next to the bankThe university is next to the hospitalLesson 56 Im LilyMy classmates and I have many plans for the weekendIm going to the museumI want to see dinosaurs there. Bills going to the stadiumHe wants to watch a soccer matchAndys going to Guangming SquareHe wants to fly a kiteJoys going to the galleryShe wants to see an art show thereYaoyaos going to the universityShe wants to visit the libraryBinbins going to the department storeHe wants to buy a skateboardLesson 57 Im going to the museum this weekend. I want to see dinosaurs there.Im going to the gallery this weekend. I want to see an art show there.Im going to the stadium this weekend. I want to watch a soccer match there.Im going to the zoo this weekend. I want to see animals there.Im going to the park this weekend. I want to row a boat.Im going to the square this weekend. I want to fly a kite there.Lesson 60 Bill is going to the museum todayHe wants to see dinosaurs thereBinbin is going to the stadiumHe wants to watch a soccer match. Joy is going to the department storeShe wants to buy a dressLily is going to the square. She wants to fly a kiteLesson 62 HelloMy name is EdwardI e from CanadaI live in TorontoIts famous the CN Tower. Tom es from the United KingdomHe lives in LondonIts famous for Big BenIsuzu es from JapanShe lives in TokyoIts famous for cherry blossomsDave es from AustraliaHe lives in SydneyIts famous for the Opera HouseNick es from the United StatesHe lives in Los AngelesIts famous for DisneylandSimone es from FranceShe lives in ParisIts famous for the Eiffel TowerLesson 63 Boy:Are you Mrs Brown?Woman:Yes,I am Girl:Where are you from?Woman:I e from FranceBoy:Where do you live?Woman:I live in ParisGirl:What is it famous for?Woman:Its famous for the Eiffel TowerLesson 66 Girl: Hi. Im Sandy. My city is famous for the CN Tower. Guess. Where am I from?Girl: Hello. Im Linda. My city is famous for Disneyland. Where am I from?Boy: Hello. Im Chen Shan. My city is famous for Tian anmen Square. Where am I from?Girl: Hello. Im Ann. My city is famous for Big Ben. Where am I from?Boy: Hello. Im Takuya. My country is famous for cherry blossoms. Where am I from?Lesson 67 1HelloI am MaryI e from CanadaI live in TorontoYou can see the CN Tower in TorontoI like China very much,and I want to see Tiananmen Square2I am JunkoI e from JapanYou can see cherry blossoms in JapanI live in TokyoI want to see the Great Wall in China3HiIm KevinI e from AustraliaI live in SydneyIts famous for the Opera HouseI want to make new friends in China4HelloMy name is LucyI e from the United StatesI live in Los AngelesIts famous for DisneylandYou can see Mickey Mouse thereI want to see pandas in ChinaLesson 68 Nancy is going to the zoo this weekendShe wants to see tigers thereSam is going to the stadiumHe wants to watch a soccer matchJulia is going to the bookstoreShe wants to buy some booksLesson 69 This is a map of my munityThe grocery store is across from the restaurantThe drugstore is across from the cinemaThe bookstore is next to the supermarketThe newspaper stand is across from the supermarketLesson 72 1HelloMy names JohnWele to my home pageIm from AustraliaI live in SydneyIts famous for the Opera HouseMy favourite animal is the kangarooIt runs really fast2HelloMy names Zhao FangWele to my home pageIm from ChinaI live in BeijingIts famous for the Summer PalaceMy favourite animal is the pandaIt is lovely,isnt it?Lesson 73 Hello. I am Bill. I am happy. Summer vacation is ing. My friends and I are thinking about our plans. I want to go to the beach with my parents. We want to swim. Yaoyao wants to go to the safari park with her friends. They want to see wild animals. Binbin wants to go to the West Lake with his grandma. They want to take some pictures. Lily wants to go to Mount Tai with her aunt. They want to see the sunrise. Joy wants to go to Shaolin Temple with her father. They want to learn Wushu. Everyone wants to have a good time in the summer vacation.Lesson 74 Mary and her friends want to visit some places this summer vacation. Mary wants to go to Kunming with her parents by train. They want to see a flower show. Tom wants to go to Xishuangbanna with his uncle by plane. They want to see elephants. Jack wants to go to Tibet with his aunt by car. They want to see the Buddha Palace. They want to enjoy themselves in the summer vacation.Lesson 78 Hello. Im Andy. My friends and I want to visit some places this summer vacation. I want to go to Tibet with my parents by car. Bill and his aunt want to go to Australia by plane. Yaoyao and her grandparents want to go to the safari park by bus. Joy and her uncle want to go to Shaolin Temple by train.Lesson 79 Different people have different hobbies. Lilys hobby is reading stories. Bills hobby is playing puter games. Lucky s hobby is painting pictures. Joy s hobby is collecting dolls. Yaoyaos hobby is keeping a diary. Binbins hobby is collecting stamps. Whats Angels hobby? Her hobby is collecting stickers. What s Andy s hobby? His hobby is making models. What s your hobby?Lesson 80 Dialogue 1: Lily: Hi, Mary. What s your hobby? Mary : My hobbies are sewing and knitting.Lily : What do you think of them?Mary :I think theyre fun. Dialogue 2:Bill: Hi, Tom. What s your hobby?Tom: My hobbies are collecting coins and playing chess.Bill: What do you think of them?Tom: I think theyre interesting.Dialogue 3:Joy: Hi, Jack. What s your hobby?Jack: My hobbies are travelling and hiking. Joy: What do you think of them? Jack: I think they are exciting.Lesson 81 This is Zhang Qian. Her hobby is making models. She thinks its fun. This is Simon. His hobby is collecting stickers. He thinks its interesting. Angela s hobby is dancing. She likes it very much. She thinks it s exciting. This is Qi Qiang. His hobby is taking pictures. He likes it very much. He thinks it s interesting.Lesson 84 Hello. My name is John. My friends and I have different hobbies. My hobby is making models. Jack s hobby is painting pictures. He thinks its fun. Helen s hobby is collecting coins. She thinks it s exciting. Mary s hobby is sewing. She thinks it s interesting.Lesson 85 Tomorrow is Bill s birthday. His friends want to say Happy birthday to Bill. Andy wants to make a phone call to him. Joy wants to send an e-mail to him. Binbin wants to send a short message to him. Lily wants to mail a postcard to him. Yaoyao wants to write a letter to him.Lesson 86 Dialogue 1: A: Hello. This is Bill speaking. May I speak to Binbin,please? B: This is Binbin. A: Are you free this afternoon? B: Sure. A: Would you like to play basketball with me? B: Sure. Dialogue 2: A: Hello. May I speak to Yaoyao, please? B: Hold on, please. Yaoyao, its for you.C: Hello. This is Yaoyao. Who s this?A: This is Andy speaking. Let s play ping- pong now.C: Sure.Dialogue 3:A: Hello. May I speak to Joy, please?B: This is Joy speaking. Whos this?A: This is Lily.B: Would you like to sew a toy cat with me? We can make a toy cat.A: Sure.Lesson 87 A: Hello. May I speak to Yaoyao, please?B: Sorry, she is out.A: Could you please take a message?B: Sure. Who s this?A: This is Lily. I want to go to the park with Yaoyao on this Sunday afternoon. Could you please tell her to call me back this evening? My phone number is 123-4678.B: OK.A: Thank you.Lesson 90 It s Jack s birthday. His friends want to say Happy Birthday to him. Andy wants to write a letter to him. Joy wants to mail a postcard to him. Lily wants to send an e-mail to him. Bill wants to make a phone call to him. Jack is very happy. He wants to invite all of them to his birthday party.Lesson 91 John:Hi, Mary.Mary:Hi, John.John:e and look at my coins.Mary:So many coins. They are great.John:My hobby is collecting coins. What s your hobby?Mary :My hobby is painting pictures.John: Look! Tom is over there. What s his hobby?Mary:His hobby is playing football. He thinks it s exciting.Lesson 92 Hello. I m Bill. My parents and I want to go to Hainan this summer vacation. We want to swim there. I want to make a phone call to my grandparents and tell them my travel plans.Hello. I m Joy. My father and I want to go to Shaolin Temple this summer vacation. We want to learn Wushu there. I want to mail a postcard to my friend and tell him my travel plans.Hello. Im Jack. My aunt and I want to go to Tibet this summer vacation. We want to see the Buddha Palace there. I want to send a


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