2019年三年级英语上册 unit 2 Lesson 14 6 7 8 9 10教案 冀教版.doc_第1页
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2019年三年级英语上册 unit 2 Lesson 14 6 7 8 9 10教案 冀教版一、 版本说明:冀教版小学英语第一册第14课二、 教学目标:1、知识目标:a、通过本课学习,使学生掌握(正确地说、读、写、用)下列数字单词: six seven eight nine tenb、掌握句型How many ?及其回答。2、能力目标:a、根据所学句型进行简单的问答。b、能演唱本课歌曲。3、情感态度价值观:通过游戏、歌曲等多种活动,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,训练听、说、读、写能力,调动学生学习的积极性,让学生充分体验成功的快乐,增强学好英语的自信心。通过创设情境,教育学生做事要认真。三、 教材分析:教学重点:数字单词six seven eight nine ten和句型How many ?及其回答。教学难点:根据歌曲节奏表演唱本课歌曲。四、 学情分析:学生已经掌握了15的数字,在此基础上学习610的数字单词应该没有太大的问题。学完后要通过多种形式进行巩固练习,检查理解、掌握情况。五、 设计理念:通过创设情境,使学生自然地融入到英语学习中。设计不同难度的活动,使不同层次的学生都能得到提高。六、 教具准备:装有不同数量学具的大书包,单词卡片110,教学光盘,录音机,磁带,奖品统计表,听力练习卡。七、 教学流程:Step 1 Review1、GreetingT : Hello, boys and girls .Ss: Hello, Miss Song.T : How are you today?Ss: Im fine, thanks. How are you?T : Im very well, thank you. Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.(通过课前师生的亲切交流,使学生集中注意力,尽快参与到课堂活动中来。)2、Review(1) 儿歌学生表演第5课所学儿歌。(设计意图:通过儿歌的复习,增强学生的兴趣并复习15的数字和名词的单复数用法。)(2) 创设情境,复习15教师拿出事先准备好的“百宝箱”森林学校要开运动会了,他们请老师去当裁判,并送给老师一只神奇的“百宝箱”,你们想不想知道“百宝箱”里有什么?想!(设计意图:激起学生的好奇心,吸引学生的注意力。)T : OK, lets look.(从“百宝箱”中拿出一个苹果)Whats this?Ss: Apple./Its an apple.T : How many apples?Ss: One.教师依次从“百宝箱”中拿出4本书,3只铅笔,2把钥匙和5块橡皮。(设计意图:复习1-5数字和book / pencil / key / apple等为本课学习做准备)Step 2 New Concepts1、 介绍six seven eight nine ten sixT : 我们看看“百宝箱”里还有什么?(拿出3支铅笔)Whats this?Ss: Pencil.T : How many pencils?Ss: Three.T : (加上原来的3支,用左右手各拿3支相互贴近问学生)How many pencils do I have?Ss: Six./ Six pencils.(设计意图:使学生直观形象地看出老师手中的铅笔是6支。有了1-5的基础,通过预习很多学生己知道6是 six )出示 six 卡片,贴到黑板上,领学生读几遍six,然后让学生以自读,小组读,分行读,男女生读等形式让学生练习,适时鼓励。T reeT : (出示剪好的tree图片)Whats this?Ss: 树。T : This is a tree. Tree , say it , please.Ss: tree.(学生自读单词数次)T : (将小树图片贴到5棵树的旁边)How many trees?Ss: Six/ Six trees.然后用7本书、9把钥匙、8个苹果的图片和数字10的卡片讲授8、9、10。(请学生到“百宝箱”中取东西)(设计意图:从直观逐渐到抽象,在掌握单词的同时锻炼学生的思维能力。让学生取东西调动其积极性。)2、 播放第一部分录音,让学生跟读。(设计意图:让学生真实模仿欧美人的发音)Step3、巩固练习1、Practice in pairs看完了“百宝箱”中的东西,咱们也认识了数字6-10 ,下面请大家2个同学结成一个小组,用自己带的东西进行问答练习。(先请两个同学作示范,然后自由结组练习)S1:How many ?S2:Six/ Seven/ Eight/ Nine/ Ten (设计意图:让学生练习句型How many ?及其回答,培养学生的交际能力。)2、完成统计表森林学校让小猪哆哆统计运动会需要的奖品数量,然后照单去买奖品可粗心的小猪哆哆却把这件事给忘了,这可怎么办呢?你愿意做小记录员,帮小猪哆哆统计一下要买的奖品的数量吗?(提醒学生要用数字单词,认真写。请一名自告奋勇的学生到前面做,其他同学自己做,做完后订正,请前面的同学说出每种奖品的数量。)(设计意图:锻炼学生的读写能力)3、 听音标号奖品买来了,运动会马上就开始了,可运动员们号码布上还没有号码呢,请你听音,用阿拉伯数字帮他们写上号码好吗?(提醒学生要把号码写在小动物胸前的方格内)(设计意图:锻炼学生的听力,培养认真听的好习惯)Step4 欣赏歌曲,做动作。运动会开始前,运动员们要做一些准备活动,咱们跟他们一起做好不好?播放光盘上的歌曲,请学生边听边做动作。(提醒学生注意安全)(设计意图:初步感知歌曲,为下节课的学习做准备)通过大家帮忙,相信森林学校的运动会一定可以顺利进行了,不过,大家可不要像小猪哆哆那么粗心,做事一定要仔细。(设计意图:教育学生要养成做事认真的好习惯)Step5 Class Closing 1、 请学生说一说这节课学到了什么。(设计意图:让学生明确每堂课学了什么,学会了多少,以调整自己的学习计划)2、家庭作业搜集亲朋的电话或手机号码(至少3个,多则不限)读给家长或同学听,遇到零可用字母o代替。(设计意图:将英语学习延伸到课堂外)附送:2019年三年级英语上册 Unit 2 My Body(lesson7-9)教案 新人教版Teaching contents:1利用妖怪学习身体部位词。2用以前学习过的形容词描述身体部位。3A部分文字要求学生初步认读4学习字母y, q, w, r的音形义。Teaching difficulties:1学生能说一段描述自己身体的放2字母的读音。Teaching focus:1利用妖怪学习身体部位词。2用以前学习过的形容词描述身体部位3学习字母的音形义。Teaching props:1pictures of part A 2pictures and word cards and the 4 letterscards.Teaching procedure:一、Part A1 review one or two songs about the body and the adj. words 2teacher puts the pieces of the picture of the monster on the board3listen to the tape of part A (two times)4talk about our bodies.5listen again and invite pupils to pick up the right pictures of the part of body.6listen and read after it according to the pictures on the board.7open the books and do the exercisematch.8learn the chant together.9learn the chant in groups.二、Part B1teacher and her students count their every part of their bodies together.2teacher gives an example. I have.Let students make sentences themselves.They can work in pairs.3open their books and plete the exercise of part B.and check in pairs.三、Part C1show them the picture of yellow. And then show them the word: yellow.Let them read out every letters in this word.Teacher tells them the pronounce of the fist letter-y/j/Y/j/yellow. Q/kw/queen; W/w/water, R/r/rabbit2 read the 4 letters according to the cards and to know the capital letter, little letter, handwriting letter, and typewiting.Lesson 8Teaching contents:1学习身体部位受伤的表达。2学习字母l, m , n, f, x, z, s的音形义Teaching focus:同上Teaching difficulties:1 hurt 的发音Teaching props:1. the picture of doctor2. the picture, the word card and the letter card of part CTeaching procedure:1. reiew the chant of lesson?2. describe about the body3. listen and show the pictures of the parts of body一、part A1. teacher breaks her arm by the desk and say: “Oh! My arm hurts.”2. and breads the foot carelessly and say: “Oh1 My foot hurts.”3. listen to the recorder and know the chant.4. listen again and teacher shows them the parts and acts5. read after the tape.6. open their books and number the pictures.7. learn the chant together.8. review the chant in groups.二、Part B1role play teacher and a student give an example:Whats the mater? My finger hurts.Lets go to the doctor.(teacher puts the picture of doctor on the board)2A to B. B to C. C to D3ask and answer freely.三、Part C1the way to learn is same to last lesson.Lesson 9Teaching aims:1学习一首身体歌曲,注意复数变化。2描述自己身体一,并画一幅画。3复习前一课知识4书写字母Teaching focus:1the pictures of the parts of the body2tape and recorderTeaching procedure:一、Part A1Listen to the song and put the correct picture on their desks.2Listen to the song and point to the correct parts.3Listen an sing with the tape.4Change the words and make another song by themselves二、Part B1think about and describe about the parts of the body of selt.2talk about in pairs.3draw themselves on their text books. And then tell others.三、Par


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