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人教版八年级上册英语词组A1. be able to speak English 能够说英语2. Add A to B A 加入B3. Agree with sb 赞同某人观点4. Disagree with sb 不赞同某人观点 5. All kinds of vegetables 各种蔬菜6. Angry at +名词 对生气 7. Angry with sb 生某人的气8. Appear in someplaces 出现在某处、9. As a reporter 作为一名记者10. As long as 只要 既然11. At least 至少,不少于,起码12. At the beginning of the new year 新年的开始13. In autumm /spring /summer/winter在秋季、春季、夏季、冬季14. Ask Bob to play soccer 让Bob 去踢足球15. Ask Bob about summer holidays问Bob 关于暑假的问题16. Another 10 minutes =10 more minutes 格外、另外的10分钟B1. be able to do =can 能做某事2. Will be 将来怎么样3. Be different from 与不同4. Be ready to 准备做某事5. Be similar to 与-相似6. Be sure about 确信7. Be up to sb 是sb 的职责8. Because of doing /名词 因为9. Be difficult to do 做某事很困难10. become rich and successful变得富有和成功11. Believe in sb 相信某人12. Save these people below the buildings救了那些在建筑物底下的人13. Do better 做的更好14. By bicycle 骑自行车15. Break my arm胳膊坏了16. Bring out 是显现出 表示出 出版 带出来 使明显17. A teaspoon of butter/cheese/suger/salt一勺黄油奶酪糖盐18. Be more outgoing/hard-working/serious/ 更外向、努力工作、严肃认真、大声的、必要的、完美奇妙的loud/necessary/fantastic19. Buy my mommy a gift =buy a gift to for my mommy 给我妈买件礼物20. Be full for sb 某人的时间排满了21. be both /both do sth 22. Be good at speaking English 擅长说英语23. Be good with the old 和老人相处的好24. Be similar to sb/sth 与某人、某物相似25. Be glad to 26. Bring sth to sp、sb 把某物拿给某人、某地 C1. care for /about sth /sb 在意关心某人某事2. Be careful to do sth 认真做某事 、做某事是认真的3. Learn carefully 认真学习4. Careful反义词careless 5. Catch up with 赶上6. Celebrate the traditional festival by having a big meal at home with their family通过和家人在家一起吃大餐的形式来庆祝这个传统节日7. Buy /sell cheaply/expensively买、卖的便宜、贵8. Choose Lucy to clean the classroom 选露丝去清扫教室9. Close to =near the school 离学校近 close to home 10. Go to college/university上大学11. Lay on the bed comfortably 舒服地躺在床上12. Have one thing in common 有一个共同之处13. Have nothing in common 没有共同之处14. Win the competition about computer program赢得了计算机编程的比赛15. Cook the eggs ,lettuce in the pot of hot soup 16. Cover your eyes with your left hand用你的手把你的眼睛盖住17. Be creative =be talented in playing the violin 有创造力的、在拉小提琴方面有天分 18. Be crowded =There are more people 拥挤的19. Cup it up 把它切碎20. Cup the turkey into thin pieces把火鸡切成碎片D1. Be dangerous to do 做某事是危险的2. In great danger 处在巨大的危险之中3. Decide to study harder 决定去更努力学习4. Dig a hole like a mouse像老鼠一样打个洞5. Make a discussion 讨论6. Dislike playing the piano /to play the piano 7. Do a good job 干得漂亮8. Dress up herself 打扮自己9. During two years在两年期间10. Do not at all11. Dress up like a boy 打扮的像个男孩E1. on the earth /the moon在地球 、月球2. Have a meaningful education拥有有意义的教育3. What else 还有什么4. Want to be an engineer想要成为一名工程师5. Have enough money to do sth拥有足够的钱去做某事6. Run fast enough 跑的足够快7. Polluted environment 被污染了的环境8. For example =such as举例9. Expect to do /expect to be a doctor期望做某事、期望成为一名医生10. Have experience about cooking a turkey 对于做火鸡 这道菜有经验 F1. in fact 事实上2. Do such simple jobs In the robot factory在机器人工厂中做如此简单的工作3. Fall down滑到4. Be famous as a actor 作为一个演员而出名5. Be famous for doing 应为做某事 而出名6. Feel like walking 想散步7. Feel like +名词 觉得好像8. Be filled with fresh air =be full of fresh air 充满新鲜空气9. Find out 查明弄清10. Have a flu 感冒11. Study foreign culture学习外国文化12. Look forward to 盼望期待13. In the near future在不远的未来14. Forget to close the window 忘记去关窗户了15. Forget writing the homeword 已经忘记了写家庭作业G1. Give my girlfriend a dress=give a dress to my girlfriend2. Be glad to meet you 很高兴见到你3. Say goodbye to sb 对某人说再见4. Have a good grade 有一个好成绩5. Cover the bread piece with gravy 用肉汤把面包片全盖上6. Grow up 长大7. Go back home 回到家8. Go with my friend 和我朋友一起走9. Go somewhere interesting 去有意思的地方10. Get more and more popular 变得越来越流行 H1.On halfway to school 在去学校的半路上2.Hang on 坚持 、握住不放3.Hang out with my friend 和我朋友一起去逛街 4.hang up 挂断电话 拖延5.Hardly ever几乎不、6.be hard-working11. Have to do with Mid - autumn Festival关于 、与中秋节有关12. Hear from接到谁的电话13. Hope to find out the main reason 希望查询到主要原应14. Happen to meet my best friend 偶然间遇到我最好的朋友15. Hope to be a dentist希望成为一名牙医16. Hundreds of bees大量的蜜蜂 17. Two hundred people/two hundred of the people 18. Help (mommy)with housework 帮助妈妈做家务19.Have to do my homework 不得不做我的家庭作业I1. be impossible for sb to do 对某人来书做某事是没有可能的2. Surf the Internet 上网 3. Invite these guests from different countries邀请那些来自不同国家的客人 4. Improve our life 提高我们的生活质量5. In 100 years在100年之后6. Live to be 200 years old J 1. Have a joke 开个玩笑2. Jump up and down in excitement兴奋的上蹿下跳 K1. keep to oneself 保守秘密2. Keep on protecting the environment继续保护环境3. Keep a bird养一只鸟4. Keep writing the science fiction 继续写科学小说5. Keep my mommy happy 让我妈妈高兴 L1. laugh at sb 嘲笑某人2. At least 最少3. Have less time to finish this work没有多少时间去完成这项任务4. Less than 少于5. Live in London生活在伦敦6. Look for 找寻、查找7. Look at 看一看8. Look after 照顾9. Look forward to 盼望、期待10. Lose the keys丢了 钥匙11. Sing loudly唱得声大12. Love watching movies热爱看电影M1. make sure 确保2. Go to the medicine college 去药科大学 3. Make my family happy /bored/让、使我的家人高兴、厌烦4. Make these students know what will happen in the future 让那些学生知道在未来将要发生什么5. More than 大于6. Have a math mistake 犯了一个数学错误7. Most of time /people 大多数时间、大多数人8. Enjoy oneself doing sth 玩的开心过的愉快9. Mix soup with lettuce 用生菜和汤混合在一起10. Mix water into the flour把水掺和到面粉中N1. be necessary to do 做某事是必须的 2. Need to bring a pencil 需要拿来一根铅笔O1. of course 当然2. Once again 再一次3. Go shopping online 在线购物4. More outgoing than others 比其他人更外向5. Own book我的书P1. a piece of paper 一页纸2. Make a paragliding team 加入滑翔伞运动队 ( 组建滑翔伞队这是错误翻译) 3. Play a part in cleaning the classroom 参与打扫教室4. Peel apples 扒苹果皮5. 40 percent of people 百分之40的人 6. Plan to go to school at 6 am 计划在6点钟去学校7. Play a role in /play an important role in doing在某方面起到作用8. Point to 指出9. Pour water into the blender把水倒进搅拌器10. Prepare for doing对某事做好准备11. Prepare to do sth 对做某事做好准备 12. In the eastern primary school 在东面的小学 13. Get a good prize 获得了一个奖品14. Promise to do /that 许诺做某事从句15. Make promises to other people 对其他人许诺16. Place the vegetable soap on the large plate把蔬菜汤放在大盘子上 Q1.quite a few 相当多的2.as quickly as possible 尽可能的快R1. reach Beijing /arrive in Beijing /at Zhangwu 到达北京 2. Reach for your hand =help帮助你 3. Rufuse to go with me 他拒绝跟我走 4. as a result 作为结果5. Fly rockets /by rocket乘坐火箭 6. Ride bicycles to Georgetown骑自行车去 7. Remember to open the window记得去开窗户8. Remember closing the window 记住已经关上了窗户 S1. Want to be a scientist 想要成为一名科学家 2. Seem to be bored(形容词) 似乎是厌烦的 3. Seem to do sth (left my book at school) 似乎把我的书我忘到学校 4. Send sth to sb =send sb sth 把某物传递给某人5. Fly up into the sky 飞到天上6. So far 到目前为止7. Watch American soap看肥皂剧8. Sove the problem of environmental pollution 解决这个环境污染难题 9. Live in the space station 在空间站了里生活10. Stand doing nothing everyday 忍受整天无所事事 11. Step on your feet 踩了你的脚 12. Such a/an + adj. + n=so +adj.+a/an +nIt is such a funny horse .It is so funny a horse. 13. stay at home待在家 14. Start doing sth 15. Start to do 16. Be surprised that /at doing 惊讶于17. Share everything interesting with my best friend 与我最好的朋友分享所有有趣的事18. Serve as a TV reporter 当上了电视台记者19. Serve in the Army 在军队服役T1. take the math question seriously 认真地对待这道数学题2. Take a trip 去旅行 3. Take a music lesson 上了一节音乐课4. Take a train 乘坐火车 5. Take up a new hobby 开始一个新的爱好6. be talented in music 在音乐方面有天分7. At a very high temperature 在一个很高的温度8. On Thanksgiving 在感恩节9. The day after tomorrow 后天10. The day before yesterday 前天11. Be the same as 与 相同12. Watch a comedy from Hollywood In the theater在剧院13. Get together 在一起 14. On the top of the mountains 在山顶上15


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