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Lesson Six Another School YearWhat For?又是一个新学年-上大学为了什么?John Ciardi Learning Guide 大学的宗旨是什么?上大学的目的又是什么?诚然,大学是培养专门人才的摇篮,但是人们往往忽视了它的另一个重要的作用用人类历史上一切先进的思想、灿烂的文化陶冶学生,使他们不仅成为各个行业、领域里的专家,还成为文明社会中教养良好、情操高尚的成员。教育不光是教人要掌握一技之长,而且还要教人如何做人。本文作者希望所有的大学生把眼光放宽、放远,明确自己大学期间的双重任务。 一、Word List 1.disaster n.不幸;灾难2.career n.职业,事业,生涯 (不可数名词)3.job 指具体的工作(可数名词)4.damn v.诅咒;骂5.hip n. 臀部6.pharmacist n. 药剂师;药商7.pharmacy n. 药剂学;药学;制药8.stuff n. 作品等的内容;题材;素材9.as conj. (引出让步从句)尽管,即使10.faculty n. 大学的系、科、院(的全体教员)11.put v. 表达;表述12.working day n. 工作日13.usefully adv. 有用地14.engineering n. 工程(学)15.professional adj.具有专门知识的,专业的,职业的 /amateur 业余的16.cyanide n. sanad 氰化物17.aspirin n. 阿斯匹林(一种镇痛解热药)18.bull n. (未阉割的)公牛 19.client n. (律师的)当事人;(医生的)患者20.incompetence n. 不胜任,不称职21.involve v. 包含,需要,涉及22.rear v. (美)养育(女子等)23.sufficient adj. 足够的,充足的24.raise v. (美)养育(孩子等)25.expose v. 使接触,使处于某种作用或影响之下26.profound adj. 深刻的,深奥的27.civilization n.文明社会;文明28.civilized adj. 文明的,开化的29.intellectually adv. 与智力(或思维)有关地;理智地30.intellect n. 智力,思维能力31.head n. 头目,领导,首脑32.contact n. 接触;联系33.continuity n. 连续(状态),连续性34.business n. 职责;工作;生意35.philosophy n. 哲学36.fine arts n. 美术(如绘画、雕刻等)37.mechanized adj.机械的;呆板的38.savage n. 野蛮人;野人39.push-button adj. 用按纽操纵的 40.unaided adj. 无助的42.invent v. 创造,发明43.essentially adv. 本质上,基本上44.spiritual adj. 精神的,心灵的45.resource n. 资源;财源46.store v. 储存,储备47.acquire v. 获得,学到,得到48.fragment n. 部分,片断;碎片49.necessarily adv. 必定,必然50.literal adj. 实际的;字面的;直译的51.limitation n. 局限(性)52.humanity n. 人性;人类53.developed adj. 成熟的54.existence n. 存在55.specialist n. 专家;专业人员二、TextPage 139 Para. 11 Let me tell you one of the earliest disasters in my career as a teacher. It was January of 1940 and I was fresh out of graduate school starting my first semester at a university. 我来告诉你一件我的教师生涯中最早的一次令我啼笑皆非的经历。那是我刚刚从研究 生院毕业,开始了在一所大学的第一个学期的教学工作。A disaster 本意:灾难,彻底的失败;不幸;祸患,这里作者用夸张的手法讲述他和学生之间沟通的不愉快的事情B career 职业生涯C fresh 新鲜的;淡水的;新的;无经验的D out of = fromE. graduate school 研究所,研究生院 school 指大学里面的研究生院2. A tall boy came into my class, sat down, folded his arms, and looked at me as if to say: All right, damn you, teach me something. 一个高个子的男生来到我的课堂,坐了下来,两臂交叉往胸前一放,看了我一眼好像在说:好吧,哥们儿,教点什么吧。A. fold 折叠;合拢;抱住;笼罩e.g. Fold the letter and put it in an envelope. 将信折好放进信封。B as if 似乎,此处后面接不定式3.Two weeks later we started Hamlet. 两个星期后我们开始上哈姆雷特4.Three weeks later he came into my office with his hands on his hips. Look, he said, I came here to be a pharmacist. Why do I have to read this stuff? He pointed to the book which was lying on the desk.三周后他叼儿郎当的来到我的办公室。您瞧他指着在我的桌子上的书说,我到这来是想当一个药剂师,为什么我要学这些东西呢? A with his hands on his hips , with复合结构,表示伴随情况。即:把双手放在臀部上,双手叉腰 B to be a pharmacist 想成为一名药剂师 不定式表示目的 C point to 朝.方向指着Page 139 Para. 25. New as I was to the faculty, I could have told this boy that he had enrolled, not in a technical training school, but in a university, and that in a university students enroll for both training and education. 虽然我是一名新教师,我也完全可以告诉这名学生。他现在上的是大学而不是技术 培训学校,在大学里学生接受的是教育而不仅仅是培训。A new as I was 虽然我是个新来的(新手)此处是由 as 引导的表示让步的状语从句。其一般搭配为:adj.adv. |+as +主语+谓语, +主句nve.g. Tired as he is , he continues to work( old as he is, , young as he is .)(形容词)e.g. Hard as he worked , he could not finish the work in time(副词)e.g. Child as he is, he knows a lot(名词)e.g. Try as he might, he could not succeed. (动词) B faculty 全体教职员C. could, must, might, +完成形式 :表示虚拟,即原本可以的 D. technical training school 技术培训学院6. I tried to put it this way. For the rest of your life, I said, your days are going to average out to about twenty-four hours. 我试着这样的向他解释。我说:在你剩下的日子平均每天大致24小时。A. put 表达,表述B. the rest 其余的,剩余的C. your days are going to : 此处的be going to 表示推测,D. average out to v 平均达到e.g. Meals at school average out to about 20 Yuan per day. 在学校伙食平均每天大致20元。 e.g. . Gains and losses average out to a large profit each month. 每月得失相抵仍有许多赚头。7. For eight of these hours, more or less, you will be asleep, and I suppose you need neither education nor training to get you through that third of your life.在24小时中,大约有八个小时要睡觉,我想安然度过你生命中的这三分之一的时间, 你既不需要培训也不必受教育。A: more or less: imprecise but fairly close to correct差不多, 几乎;大约;多少不等;多多少少e.g. It took more or less a whole day to paint the ceiling. 粉刷天花板用了将近一整天的时间。 来自简明英汉词典e.g. The content of the two articles is more or less the same. 两篇文章内容雷同。 来自现代汉英综合大词典B neither.nor.既不.也不.C get through : spend or pass, as with boredom or in a pleasant manner; of time完成;读完;穿过;用完,度过e.g. It is hard to see how people will get through the winter.难以想象人们将怎样熬过这个冬天。e.g. We couldnt get through a day without arguing.我们没有一天不拌嘴的。.Page 140 Para. 3 8. Then for about eight hours of each working day you will, I hope, be usefully employed. 每个工作日的大约八个小时里,我希望你能从事有用的职业。A employ雇用;使用,利用 e.g. She has to employ two gardeners to look after that huge garden. 她要雇两个园丁来照料这个大花园9. Suppose you have gone through pharmacy school or engineering, or law school, or whatever during those eight hours you will be using your professional skills. 假设你读完了药学院,或是工学院、法学院或是别的什么学院,在工作的八个小时你就可以应用你的专业知识。A go through完成;读完;穿过;用完,度过B you will be using your professional skills 将来进行时 指将来某个时候正在进行的动作(即:毕业之后)10. You will see to it during this third of your life that the cyanide stays out of the aspirin, that the bull doesnt jump the fence, or that your client doesnt go to the electric chair as a result of your incompetence. 在你生命的这三分之一的时间里,当药剂师你的责任就是不把氰化物弄到阿司匹林里 去,当工程你就不能让工程失控,当律师就要做到你的当事人不因你不称职而上电椅。A see to it that 简化为 see to 负责,注意,照料,务必,确保it 为形式宾语,that 引导的从句为真正的宾语e.g. Leave it up to me. Ill see to it. 交给我吧,我会负责的。e.g. See to it that you are here punctually tomorrow. 明天你务必要准时到这里。e.g. The teacher said the monitor would see to it that all the students got the message. 老师说班长务必把这一信息通知到所有的学生。e.g. Well see to it that the three languages are used on the labels. 我们一定保证在标签上使用这三种文字B stay out of不参与,不插手,置身于之外e.g. I had just as soon stay out of the quarrel. 我宁可置身争论之外。C the bull doesnt jump the fence 本意是“公牛不跳栅栏”这里指事情不失控,不出乱子D go to the electric chair (坐在电椅上,让电流通过身体,是一种死刑方式)E as a result of 由于F incompetence 不胜任,不称职11. These involve skills every man must respect, and they can all bring you good basic satisfactions. 这些事情牵扯到每一个人都要重视的专业技能,可以让你具有满足感。 A involve 涉及,牵涉, B every man must respect 定语从句,修饰前面的skills12. Along with everything else, they will probably be what provides food for your table, supports your wife, and rears your children. They will be your income, and may it always be sufficient.除了满足其他的需求之外,你所从事的这些职业将是你养家糊口的经济来源。这些职业是你的收入的来源。祝愿你的收入永远够用!A. along with和一起一道,随着;除以外(还);以及;连同e.g. Tobacco is taxed in most countries, along with alcohol. 除酒以外,烟草在多数国家都要征税。 来自简明英汉词典e.g. Im sending you the book along with the material concerned. 书和有关资料一并寄上。 来自现代汉英综合大词典B. what provides for your table, supports your wife, and rears your children 作will probable be 的表语, 此处的what 即你的职业所能提供的那个东西C. rear children=raise children 抚养孩子 养育儿女D. sufficient 充足的adequate, enough, sufficient这些形容词均含“足够的,充足的”之意。adequate:指数量上足够,质量上适当。够数,不欠缺enough:最普通用词,口语、书面语可用,较侧重分量或数量的足够,多指希望的满足。绰绰有余sufficient:正式用词,侧重数目或数量或程度达到某一特定要求或需要。Page 140 Para. 413.But having finished the days work, what do you do with those other eight hours with the other third of your life? Lets say you go home to your family. 但是你完成了工作,那么还有另外八个小时时间,也就是说你生命中的另外三分之一的时间你怎么渡过?让我们假设你回到家和你的家人在一起。A having finished the days work, 现在分词的完成形式,其主语是 you, 即:你先完成工作,然后怎么处理剩下的时间, 如果分词表示的动作发生在句子位于动词所表示的动作之前,就用其完成形式。e.g. Having worked for a whole day, the secretary looked very tired. 那秘书工作了整整一天,看上去十分疲倦。(先工作,后显得疲倦)14. What sort of family are you raising? Will the children ever be exposed to a profound idea at home? 你要把你的子女培养成什么样的人?孩子们能够接触到高深思想吗? A raise 抚养,养育 B family =family members C be exposed to(to 为介词) 本意 暴露在 ,即接触,体验, e.g. To learn more about the world we live in, we should be exposed to different cultures. 为了更多地了解我们所居住的这个世界,我们应该接触不同的文化。 D profound idea 高深的理论,15.We all think of ourselves as citizens of a great civilization. Civilizations can exist, however, only as long as they remain intellectually alive. 我们都认为是一个伟大文明社会的成员。文明社会只有保持其创造性,才能存在。 A . think ofas. 把.当成. 认为.是 类似的表达方式还有: treat.as regard.as. look upon /on.as. refer to.as. seeas. view.as. identify.as. consider.(to be ).B citizen 公民 civilization 文明C as /so long as 只要 e.g. You will do all right so long as you follow my advice. 只要你听我的建议,你一定会做好的D intellectually 与智力有关的,理智的E remain alive 仍然活着16. Will you be head of a family that maintains some basic contact with the great continuity of civilized intellect? Or is your family life going to be merely beer on ice? 将来你成为一家之主的时候,你的家庭是否对整个人类文明思想有起码的了解?或者你家庭生活的内容只有冰镇啤酒?A head of a family 此处的head 为家庭独一无二的 “头” 前面不放冠词B maintain/keep contact with 与.接触,与.联系C intellect 智力,理解力;有才智的人D 冰镇啤酒 beer on ice, cold beer, iced beer 17. Will there be a book in the house? Will there be a painting? Will your family be able to speak English and to talk about an idea? Will the kids ever get to hear Bach? 你的家里有没有书?有没有欣赏的画?你的家人能不能用英语表达自己的意思,能不能就一个有意义的话题发表意见?你的孩子能不能有机会听到巴赫的音乐?Page 141 Para. 518. That is about what I said, but this boy was not interested. Look, he said, you professors raise your kids your way; Ill take care of my own. Me, Im out to make money. 我说的大致是这些,可是那个学生根本就不感兴趣。您瞧他说你们这些教授有你们教育孩子的办法,我也有我自己的一套。至于我嘛,我要挣大钱。A what I said 我说的话(内容)B your way = in your way 有你的方法C take care of 照顾,关心D my own = my own childrenE I am out to make money be out to (口语)= be trying to do 努力想做某事,企图做某事F make money=earn money 挣钱 Page 141 Para. 619. I hope you make a lot of it, I told him, because youre going to be badly in need of something to do when youre not signing checks.我愿你赚好多钱, 我对他说因为你不赚钱去买东西就难受。A be badly in need of 急需e.g. We are developing new product, so we are badly in need of technical know-how. 我们想开发新产品,所以急需技术诀窍B sign checks 开支票 (付账)Page 141 Para. 720. Fourteen years later, I am still teaching, and I am here to tell you that the business of the college is not only to train you, but to put you in touch with what the best human minds have thought. 14年过去了,我仍然在教说,今天我可以告诉你大学的任务不仅是对你进行培训,还要向你介绍人类最伟大人物的思想。A not only .but (also).不仅.而且.B in touch with 与.接触(联系)C what the best human minds have thought 伟大人物所想的(即思想).21.If you have no time for Shakespeare, for a basic look at philosophy, for the fine arts, for that lesson of mans development we call history then you have no business being in college. 如果你不愿抽时间读莎士比亚的作品,学点最基础的哲学、学点艺术,学点我们称为历史的人类发展过程,那么你就不该上大学 A fine arts 美术 B词组:have no business doing 不应该做无权做 e.g. You have no business telling me what to do. 用不着你告诉我应该做什么。22.You are on your way to being the mechanized savage, the push-button savage.你就会成为一个使用机器的野蛮人,一个会按电钮的野蛮人。 A on the way to doing 正要快要e.g. She is on the way to becoming a full professor.她就要成为一名正教授了。B mechanized 机械的,呆板的Page 141 Para. 823. No one becomes a human being unaided. There is not time enough in a single lifetime to invent for oneself everything one needs to know in order to be a civilized human.谁也不可能没有人帮助就成为一个人。自己去创造成为文明人应有的一切知识,一辈子的时间也是不够用的。A there is not time enough 此处enough 修饰名词enough 修饰形容词时,必须位于被修饰的词之后,修饰名词时可前可后。e.g. I have hardly enough strength left to move my feet.(修饰名词,位于名词之后) 我连移动双脚的力气都几乎没有了。 e.g. That ought to be enough food for all of us.(修饰名词,位于名词之前) 那些该够我们大家吃的了e.g. It is cold enough for us to go skating.(修饰形容词,位于形容词之后) 天气够冷的,可以滑冰了。B for oneself 为自己e.g. One should not live for oneself alone. 一个人不应只是为自已活着。 亲自 独自一人 e.g. One cannot do such a thing for oneself.这样的事情独自一个人是做不起来的。 Page 141 Para. 924. Any of you who managed to stay awake through part of a high school course in physics knows more about physics than did many of the great scientists of the past. 你们今天的年轻人,只要在中学的物理课上没有完全睡觉,就比过去那些大科学家的物理知识强。A manage to =succeed in 成功做某事B stay awake 醒着(没睡着)C than did many of the great scientists of the past. 就比过去那些大科学家的物理知识强。 此句 比较状语中,主语是 many of the great scientists 位于为:did (did 此处为代动词,代替前面的knew about physics) 而且倒装了。25. You know more because they left you what they knew. 你之所以比他们知道的多是因为他们把他们的知识留给了你。 A leave (过去式 left) 留下 B what they knew 他们知道的(知识)26.The first course in any science is essentially a history course. You have to begin learning what the past learned for you.任何一门学科的第一门课都是极其重要的历史课。你必须从前人学到并 且留给你的知识开始学习。(你学到的知识是前人学到并且留传给你的知识。) A the past 过去的人 the + adj. =这类人 Page 142 Para. 1027. This is true of the techniques of mankind. It is also true of mankinds spiritual resources. Most of these resources, both technical and spiritual, are stored in books.人类技术的发展是如此,人类精神财富的积累也是如此,技术、精神等资源会储存在书中。A be true of .也是如此,也适用于.对.也适用e.g. The same is true of touch screens. 对于触摸屏也是如此。e.g. This is true of management as well as of workers. 很多管理人员和工人都是这种情况。B store v 储存28. When you have read a book, you have added to your human experience. 当你对这些书,你会增加人生的经验。 A add to 把.添加在 增加29. Read Homer and your mind includes a piece of Homers mind. 读一读荷马的史诗,你的头脑就有了荷马的一些思想。30. Through books you can acquire at least fragments of the mind and experience of Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare the list is endless. 通过书,你至少能获得维吉尔、但丁、莎士比亚等无数从前人的一点点思想的火花。A acquire 获得B fragment 部分,片段,碎片C. Virgil v:dil 维吉尔(古罗马诗人,公元前70-公元前19)D. Dante dnti 但丁(意大利诗人,1265-1321)E Shakespeare 莎士比亚(1564-1616,英国诗人、剧作家)F endless无尽的,无边的;没完没了的;永久的;环形的,无端的31.For a great book is necessarily a gift; it offers you a life you have not time to live yourself, and it takes you into a world you have not the time to travel in literal time. 因为一部伟大的著作就是一份厚礼,他使你经历一生中你没有时间亲身经历的生活,它把你带到一个现实中你没有时间去游历的世界。A you have not time to live 定语从句,修饰前面的life 你没有时间去经历B yourself 你自己,亲自C you have not the time to travel 定语从句,修饰前面的worldD literal time 真实可用的时间,区别于想象中的时间。32. A civilized mind is one that contains many such lives and many such worlds. 一个文明人的头脑里包含许许多多这样的生活经历和这样的世界。 A contain v (整体里面) 有 B such 位于下列词之后: many ,any, no, several, one, little, few e.g. no such things 没有这样的事 many such people 33.If you are too much in a hurry, or too proud of your own limitations, to accept as a gift to your humanity some pieces of the minds of Aristotle or Einstein, then you are neither a developed human nor a useful citizen of a civilization.如果你急着去赚钱,或是对自己的无知甚为得意,从而把亚历士多德或爱因斯坦的思想这个提高你的品德修养的礼物拒之门外,那么你既不是一个发展到成熟阶段的人,也不是一个文明社会有用的成员。A 句子结构:(条件从句) if you are too. to, + 主句 then you are neither.nor.B in a hurry 匆匆忙忙,火急火燎(急于挣钱)C be proud of 对.感到自豪,引以为荣D too (much in a hurry, or too proud of ) to 太.而不能.E a gift to your humanity 品德修养的礼物 此处做宾补F pieces of the minds of Aristotle or Einstein, 亚历士多德或爱因斯坦的思想 的一部分-此处作accept的宾语 G neither.nor.既不.也不 Page 142 Para. 11 ( the last paragraph .)34. I say that a university has no real existence and no real purpose except as it succeeds in putting you in touch, both as specialists and as humans, with those human minds your human mind needs to include.我认为,要是一所大学不能使你们学生不论作为专门人才还是普通人,去接触哪些你们的头脑应该有的那些大师的思想,那么,这所大学没有真正的办学宗旨,也就没有存在的必要了。A has no real existence 没有必要存在 has no real purpose没有真正的办学目标(宗旨)B except 除了 (后面接从句)C as 当.时候D put you in touch with 使你和.接触E both as specialists and as both 不论作为专门人才还是普通人F your human mind needs to include.定语从句,修饰前面的先行词 those human minds(那些大师的思想)三、Useful Expressions 1.go through 经历;经过2.as a result of 由于3.be exposed to 接触到,暴露于4.think oneself as 自认为是5.maintain contact with 与保持联系6.have no business doing 无权或不应该做7.be (badly) in need of (特别)需要8.succeed in doing 成功地做某事9.be true of 适用于10.get (sb.) through sth. 帮助某人度过e.g. How can we get through the winter without the heating system? 11.see (to it) that 务必,负责 e.g. See that everyone is there at 8 oclock. 12.do with 怎么处理;怎么(用于有what的疑问句) e.g. What did you do with my pen?四、Verb Patten22 (Page 145)主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语(that从句)I warned Dennis that the paint was wet.He promised me that he would study harder this semester.注意:作宾语从句的连词that 可以省略五、 Questions on the Text ( Page 159)Oral WorkAnswer the questions on the text1. Q: What do you learn about the author from the text? What did he teach? A: From 1940 to 1954, he was a university teacher. He taught English literature.2. Q: What did the tall boy major in (主修)? How did the boy behave in the authors literature class? Why did he go to the authors office a week later? What was the problem? A: He was majoring in pharmacy. / He was a pharmacy major (主修药学的大学生). Im afraid he didnt behave well in the class. He showed neither interest in the course nor any respect for the teacher. He wanted to have a talk with the teacher. He told his teacher that he had come to the university to study pharmacy and that he didnt understand why he should read literature. The problem with him was that he didnt know that a university produces specialists who are at the same time civilized human beings. The tall boy had come to university to train in a skill so that he would make money.3. Q: What
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