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MEANINGS 义项1.MOVE TOWARDS SB/STH 朝某人/某物移动来;来到;来临Let me know when they come. 他们来了就告诉我。+ in/into/out of etcThere was a knock on the door and a young woman came into the room. 有人敲了一下门,然后一个年轻女人进了房间。+ to/towardsI could see a figure coming towards me. 我看到有个人影向我走来。+ across/down/up etcAs they came down the track, the car skidded. 他们的汽车在小路上行驶时打滑了。come to do sthIve come to see Philip. 我来看看菲利普。come and do sthIll come and help you move the rest of the boxes. 我会来帮你搬其余的箱子。come running/flying/speeding etcJess came flying round the corner and banged straight into me. 杰斯从拐角处飞跑过来,和我撞了个满怀。come to dinner/lunchWhat day are your folks coming to dinner? 你爸妈哪天过来吃饭?here comes sb/sth (=used to say that someone or something is coming towards you)某人/某物来了Ah, here comes the bus at last! 啊,公共汽车终于来了!2.GO WITH SB 与某人同行Were going for a drink this evening. Would you like to come? 今晚我们打算去喝酒,你愿意一起去吗?+ withI asked Rosie if shed like to come with us. 我问了罗茜是否愿意和我们一起去。+ alongIt should be good fun. Why dont you come along? 应该很好玩。你也一起去怎么样?3.TRAVEL TO A PLACE 行至某地Which way did you come? 你从哪条路来的?Have you come far (= travelled a long way ) today? 今天你走了很长的路吗?Ive come a long way to see you. 我赶了很远的路来看你。+ through/across/by way of etcThey came over the mountains in the north. 他们翻过北边的山来的。+ fromLegend has it that the tribe came from across the Pacific Ocean. 传说这个部落是从太平洋的那一边过来的。come by car/train/bus etcWill you be coming by train? 你打算乘火车来吗?come 50/100 etc miles/kilometresSome of the birds have come thousands of miles to winter here. 一些鸟飞了数千英里来这里过冬。4.POST 邮寄A letter came for you this morning. 今天早晨有寄给你的一封信。The phone bill hasnt come yet. 电话费账单还没寄到。5.时间或事件到来;发生At last the day came for us to set off. 我们出发的日子终于来到了。The moment had come for me to break the news to her. 是时候了,我应该把这消息告诉她了。be/have yet to come (=used when something has not happened yet but will happen)还没到来The most exciting part is yet to come. 最激动人心的一刻还没到来。6.always + adv/prep to reach a particular level or place够到,达到某一高度或位置+ up/downShe had blonde hair which came down to her waist. 她留着齐腰长的金发。7.BE PRODUCED/SOLD 制造出/售出always + adv/prep 备有货,可提供+ inThis particular sofa comes in four different colours. 这种沙发有四种不同的颜色。Cats come in many shapes and sizes. 猫科动物体形各异,大小也不一样。+ withThe computer comes complete with software and games. 这台电脑配有软件和游戏。8.always + adv/prep 位于,处于某一位置+ before/afterP comes before Q in the alphabet. 字母表中P在Q之前。come first/second etcShe came first in the 200 metres. 她在200米比赛中名列第一。9.come open/undone/loose etc松开,解开His shoelace had come undone. 他的鞋带松了。The rope came loose. 绳子松开了。10.come to do sth 开始感觉到某事;开始有某意见;偶然地做某事He came to think of Italy as his home. 他开始把意大利看成自己的家了。I came to believe that he was innocent after all. 我开始相信他还是清白的。Can you tell me how the body came to be discovered? 你能告诉我这具尸体是怎么发现的吗?come to be doing sth I often wondered how I came to be living in such a place. 我常常在想,我怎么会住到这种地方来。11.come and go来去自由,来去随便The students can come and go as they please. 学生可以来去自由。断断续续,时断时续The pain comes and goes. 疼痛时断时续。12.take sth as it comes对某事随遇而安,对某事听天由命We just take each year as it comes. 我们每年都是随遇而安。He takes life as it comes. 他对待生活的态度是听天由命。13.have sth coming (to you)(你)活该承受某惩罚恶果,(你)咎由自取I do feel sorry for him, but Im afraid he had it coming. 我的确为他感到难过,但恐怕他也是罪有应得。14.as nice/as stupid etc as they come极好的/极蠢的等My uncle Walter is as obstinate as they come. 我的叔叔沃尔特非常固执。15.for years/weeks/days etc to come在未来的很多年/周/天等里This is a moment that will be remembered and celebrated for years to come. 这一时刻将永远被缅怀和纪念。16.in years/days to come将来,未来In years to come, some of the practices we take for granted now will seem quite barbaric. 到了将来,我们现在的一些被认为理所当然的做法会显得相当野蛮。17.have come a long way有长足进步,有极大发展Computer technology has come a long way since the 1970s. 电脑技术自20世纪70年代以来已经取得了长足的进步。18.come as a surprise/relief/blow etc (to sb)使(某人)惊奇/松一口气/受到打击等The decision came as a great relief to us all. 这个决定让我们大家都松了一大口气。The news will come as no surprise to his colleagues. 他的同事对这个消息一点都不会感到惊奇。19.come easily/naturally (to sb)(对某人而言)很容易/自然Public speaking does not come easily to most people. 对大多数人来讲,公开演讲不是件容易的事。20.come of age 成年,达到法定年龄Hell inherit the money when he comes of age. 他到了法定年龄就可以继承这笔钱。发展到高级阶段,发展到成功的形式Space technology didnt really come of age until the 1950s. 空间技术直到20世纪50年代才真正趋于成熟。21.come right out with sth/come right out and say sth坦言某事,直截了当地说出某事常指出人意料地You came right out and told him? I dont know how you dared! 你直截了当地对他说了?我不懂你怎么敢这样!22.come clean老实交代,全盘招供+ aboutI think you should come clean about where you were last night. 我觉得你应该老实交代昨晚去了哪儿。23.因事情过多而不知所措,毫无头绪I dont know whether Im coming or going this week. 这个星期我脑子乱得一团糟。24. come good/right圆满结束Dont worry, itll all come right in the end. 别担心,最后一切都会好起来的。25.come to pass一段时间以后发生It came to pass that they had a son. 后来,他们生了一个儿子。26.SEX 性informal to have an orgasm达到性高潮SPOKEN PHRASES 口语短语1.come in!进来!对敲门人说2.how come?怎么会?3.come to think of it/come to that刚意识到或想起还有,说起来4.come July/next year/the next day etc到了七月/明年/明天等Come spring, youll have plenty of colour in the garden. 到了春天,花园里就会五彩缤纷。5.come again?再说一遍好吗?6.dont come the innocent/victim/helpless male etc with me【英】别在我面前装无辜/受害者/无助的男人等Dont come the poor struggling artist with me. Youre just lazy! 别在我面前装成个可怜巴巴勉强过活的艺术家。 你就是懒!7.come (now)【过时】好了,行了用于安慰或鼓励8.come,come!/come now【过时】行了,得了表示不赞同别人说的话或做的事PHRVB 短语动词come about1.尤指未经计划而发生,产生The opportunity to get into computing came about quite by accident. 进入计算机行业是一个很偶然的机会。How did this situation come about? 这种情况是怎么发生的?2.船只改变航向come e across sb/sth 偶遇某人/某物;偶然发现某人/某物I came across an old diary in her desk. 我在她的书桌里发现了一本旧日记。2.被理解Your point really came across at the meeting. 会上你的观点大家都非常明白了。3.给人的印象是I dont think I came across very well (= seemed to have good qualities ) in the interview. 我想我在那次面试中表现不太好。come across with sth1.给予所需钱财;提供所需资料I hoped he might come across with a few facts. 我希望他或许能提供一些实情。come after sb1.为了加以伤害、惩罚或取得某物查找,追查某人She was terrified that Trevor would come after her. 她很害怕特雷弗会找上门来。come along1.进步,进展He opened the oven door to see how the food was coming along. 他打开烤炉门看看食物烤得怎样了。Your English is coming along really well. 你的英语进步很快。2.出现;来到A bus should come along any minute now. 公共汽车现在随时都可能会来。Take any job opportunity that comes along. 抓住出现的每个就业机会。3.和某人一起去Were going into town do you want to come along?to go somewhere after someone跟随某人去You go on ahead Ill come along e along!快点!赶快!;加油!加把劲!Come along! Were all waiting for you!Come along! Dont give up yet!come apart1.破裂,破碎I picked the magazine up and it came apart in my hands. 我拿起杂志它就散了。2.崩溃,垮掉The whole basis of the agreement was coming apart. 该协议的整个基础在崩溃。come around1.拜访,探访Ill come around later and see how you are. 我稍后过来,看看你的情况如何。Why dont you come round for lunch? 你过来吃午饭怎么样?2.改变观点认可对方或不再生气Dont worry shell come round eventually. 别担心,她最后总会消气的。It took him a while to come around to the idea.他过了一会儿才改变观点,接受这个主意。3.如往常一样发生;降临By the time the summer came around, Kelly was feeling much better. 夏天来到时,凯莉感觉好多了。4.苏醒,恢复知觉When she came around her mother was sitting by her bed. 她恢复知觉醒来时,母亲坐在她的床边。You might feel a little sick when you come around from the anesthetic.麻醉醒来时可能会感到有一点不舒服。come at sb/sth1.扑向,向逼近Suddenly, he came at me with a knife. 突然他持刀向我扑过来。2.大量图像、问题、事实等涌向,涌至Questions were coming at me from all directions. 问题从四面八方向我涌来。3.考虑,处理问题We need to come at the problem from a different angle. 我们需要换个角度来考虑这个问题。come away1.脱落,脱离One of the wires in the plug had come away. 插头上有一根电线脱落了。I turned some of the pages and they came away in my hand. 我翻了几页,它们就掉下来了。2.带着某感觉或想法离开某地We came away thinking that we had done quite well. 我们离开时感觉我们做得很不错。come back1.回来My mother was scared that if I left home Id never come back. 我母亲担心如果我离开家就再也不会回来了。2.再度流行Whod have thought hippy gear would ever come back! 谁能想到嬉皮士风格的服装还会重新流行起来呢!3.重新出现;恢复The pain in her arm came back again. 她的手臂又开始痛起来了。4.恢复记忆,回想起来As I walked the city streets, the memories came flooding back. 我走在城市的街道上,那些记忆又涌上心头。5.回嘴,反驳,驳斥He came back at me immediately, accusing me of being a liar.他立刻对我反唇相讥,骂我是骗子。come before sb/sth1.被带到掌权者,尤指法官面前;被提交讨论处置When you come before the judge, its best to tell the truth. 在法官面前最好是讲真话。come between 1.离间,挑拨Nothing will ever come between us now. 我们之间现在再也没有什么障碍了。2.妨碍,打扰She never let anything come between her and her work. 她从来都不让任何事情妨碍她的工作。come by1.弄到某物,获得某物指稀有或不容易得到的东西How did you come by these pictures? 这些画你是怎么弄到手的?2.顺路到访(某地)He said hed come by later. 他说晚些时候他会来的。come down1.价格、水平等下降,降低It looks as if interest rates will come down again this month.to accept a lower price接受较低的价格2.南下Why dont you come down for the weekend sometime? 你为什么不找个时间来度周末?3.倒下;落到地上A lot of trees came down in the storm. 许多树在这场暴风雨中给刮倒了。4.come down on the side of sb/sth 决定支持某人/某事The committee came down in favour of making the information public. 委员会决定支持将消息公开的做法。5.情绪平复下来,恢复平静He was on a real high all last week and hes only just come down. 上周他兴奋异常,现在才平静了一点。6.在毒品药性过后清醒过来When I came down, I remembered with horror some of the things Id said. 我清醒过来后想起我说过的那些话,心里很害怕。7.完成学业后从大学毕业come down on sb1.严惩;痛斥We need to come down hard on young offenders. 我们对少年犯要严加惩罚。come down to sb/sth1.归结为It all comes down to money in the end. 归根到底还是钱的问题。2.旧的东西传到手里,传下来给The text which has come down to us is only a fragment of the original. 课本到我们手里的时候已经残缺不全了。come down with sth1.染上,患病I think Im coming down with a cold. 我想我得了感冒了。come for sb/sth1.来接;来拿Ill come for you at about eight oclock. 我8点左右来接你。2.为强行带走而来Members of the secret police came for him in the middle of the night. 半夜里秘密警察来抓他。come forward1.毛遂自荐,自告奋勇,主动争取So far, only one candidate has come forward. 迄今为止仅有一名候选人毛遂自荐。come from sb/sth1.来自;出生于I come from London originally. 我原来是伦敦人。2.来自;产自;由制成A lot of drugs come from quite common plants. 许多药物都是从很普通的植物中提取出来的。3.源自于,产生于come from doing sthMost of her problems come from expecting too much of people.她的大多数问题都是因为对别人要求过高而产生的。4.coming from him/her/you etc 他/她/你自己等也一样,还配说别人You think Im too selfish? Thats rich coming from you! 你觉得我太自私?你也配说这话!5.某人的基本态度观点I see where youre coming from now. 现在我知道你的基本想法了。come in1.到达What time does your train come in? 你的火车什么时候到达?2.钱或信息被收到Reports are coming in of a massive earthquake in Mexico. 陆续收到了墨西哥发生大地震的报告。3.卷入,参与We need some financial advice thats where Kate comes in. 我们需要一些理财建议那正是用得着凯特的地方。4.加入谈话或讨论Can I come in here and add something to what youre saying? 我能在这里插一句,对你的话作个补充吗?5.流行起来Trainers really became popular in the 1980s, when casual sportswear came in. 运动鞋真正热起来是在20世纪80年代,那个时候开始流行穿运动便装。6.to finish a race在比赛中取得名次come in first/second etcHis horse came in second to last.他的马跑了倒数第二名。7.潮涨come in for e in for criticism/blame/scrutiny 受到批评/责备/彻底的审查The government has come in for fierce criticism over its handling of this affair. 政府处理这一事件的方法招致了猛烈的批评。come into sth1.继承遗产Shell come into quite a lot of money when her father dies. 她爸爸死后,她将继承很大一笔钱。2.卷入某事Josie doesnt come into the movie until quite near the end. 乔西是电影快要结束的时候才登场的。3.come into view/sight 开始看到,进入眼帘The mountains were just coming into view. 群山映入了眼帘。4.come into leaf/flower/blossom 开始长叶/开花/盛开The roses are just coming into flower. 玫瑰花刚开始绽放。5.某事无关紧要Money doesnt really come into it. 钱其实是不重要的。6.在某一特殊情况下显示出用处重要性,显出本色On icy roads, a four-wheel drive vehicle really comes into its own. 在结冰的路面上,四轮驱动车尽显本色。come of sth1.由于而产生,是的结果I did ask a few questions, but nothing came of it. 我的确问了几个问题,但问不出任何结果。come off1.(从某物上)脱落,掉落,分开The label had come off, so there was no way of knowing what was on the disk. 标签已脱落,所以无法知道磁盘上有什么内容。2.(从某物上)掉下,落下,摔倒Dyson came off his bike as he rounded the last corner, but wasnt badly hurt. 戴森在最后一个弯道转弯时从自行车上摔下来,但伤得不重。3.计划中的事发生In the end the trip never came off. 结果那次旅行一直没有成行。4.达到预期效果;成功It was a good idea, but it didnt quite come off. 这个主意不错,但不是很奏效。5.停止某事指服药、吸毒It wasnt until I tried to come off the pills that I realized I was addicted. 直到我想停止服药时才发觉自己上瘾了。6.come off best/better/worst 得益最多/获益更多/得益最少等As far as pensions go, its still women who come off worst. 说到养老金,仍然是妇女得益最少。7.come off it! 得了吧!别撒谎了!别说蠢话!Oh come off it! You cant seriously be saying you knew nothing about this. 得了吧!你总不至于说你对此一无所知吧。come e on!快点!Come on, well be late!表示鼓励来吧! 干吧! 加油!Come on, you can do it!,Come on, cheer up!别逗了!算了吧! 得了吧!Oh come on, dont lie!用于挑衅对方来呀来吧Come on, then, hit me!2.通常以友好的语气说进来呀/过来呀/上来吧等Come on in Ive made some coffee. 进来吧,我煮了点咖啡。3.灯或机器打开;开动A dog started barking and lights came on in the house. 一条狗开始吠叫,屋里的灯亮了起来。4.疾病开始侵袭I can feel a headache coming on. 我觉得头开始痛了。5.电视或广播节目开始,开播Just at that moment, the news came on. 就在那时候,开始播新闻了。6.雨或雪开始下The rain came on just before lunchtime. 就在午饭前开始下雨了。7.在戏剧表演中上台,登台;在体育比赛中上场,出场He scored only two minutes after hed come on. 他上场仅两分钟就进球得分了。8.提高,进步The children are really coming on now. 孩子们现在进步很大。9.come on sb/sth 偶然找到发现某人/某物We came on a group of students having a picnic. 我们碰到一群学生在野餐。10.come on strong to make it very clear to someone that you think they are sexually attractive对异性大献殷勤,表示强烈好感come on to sb/sth1.转到新话题Ill come on to this question in a few moments. 待会儿我会谈到这个问题。2.勾搭,对献殷勤表示想与某人发生性关系The way she was coming on to Jack, Im amazed he managed to get out alive! 瞧她勾搭杰克的那个模样,他能设法摆脱她也真让我佩服!come out1.从某处移掉,去掉These stains will never come out! 这些污迹永远也去不掉了!2.尤指被保密的信息被人所知,泄露No doubt the truth will come out one day. 毫无疑问总有一天会真相大白。3.照片清楚地冲洗出来I took some photographs, but they didnt come out. 我拍了一些照片,但冲洗出来效果不好。4.书、唱片等推出,发行When is the new edition coming out? 新版什么时候出版?5.结果为,制造成某种样子Ive made a cake, but it hasnt come out very well. 我做了个蛋糕,但做得不是很好。The cover has come out a bit too big. 罩子做得太大了一点。6.以某种方式被说出;被理解成His words came out as little more than a whisper. 他的话就像是耳语。That didnt come out the way I meant it to. 那不是我原先想说的意思。7.结果,结局The more experienced team came out on top. 经验更丰富的球队排名最高。She came out of the divorce quite well.她顺利地挺过了离婚这一关。8.显现,显出His right-wing opinions come out quite strongly in his later writings. 他的右翼观点在他后来的文章里非常明显。9.公开表示赞同或反对的观点At least hes got the courage to come out and say what he thinks. 至少他有勇气公开说出自己的想法。The board of directors has come out in favour of a merger.董事会已经表示支持合并。Teachers have come out against the proposed changes.教师对于提议的这些变革表示反对。10.太阳、月亮或星辰出现,显现The sky cleared and the sun came out. 天空放晴,太阳出来了。11.花朵开放The snowdrops were just starting to come out. 雪花莲刚开始开放。12.承认自己是同性恋That summer, I decided to come out to my parents.那年夏天,我决定向父母坦白我是同性恋。13.罢工Nurses have threatened to come out in support of their pay claim. 护士们威胁说要以罢工来支持她们的加薪要求。14.旧时的少女通过舞会正式进入上流社会社交界come out at sth1.总数为,总计为The whole trip, including fares, comes out at 900. 整个旅程包括交通费在内总共是900美元。come out in e out in spots/a rash etc出疹子If I eat eggs, I come out in a rash. 我一吃鸡蛋身上就出疹子。come out of sth1.从不良局面中走出There are signs that the country is coming out of recession. 有迹象表明国家正在从经济衰退中走出来。2.是的结果One or two excellent ideas came out of the meeting. 这次会议产生了一两个很好的想法。3.come out of yourself to start to behave in a more confident way变得自信,不再羞怯Pennys really come out of herself since she started that course. 彭妮自从开始上那门课程后真的变得自信了。come out with sthphr v1.to say something, especially something unusual or unexpected说出,提出尤指异乎寻常或出人意料的话The things he comes out with are so funny! 他说的话真有趣!come overphr v1.if someone comes over, they visit you at your house来访,拜访Do you want to come over on Friday evening?if someone comes over, they come to the country where you are从别国来到2.come over sb if a strong feeling comes over you, you suddenly experience it某种强烈的感觉使某人突然感觉到A wave of sleepiness came over me. 一阵睡意向我袭来。Im sorry about that I dont know what came over me (= I do not know why I behaved in that way ) . 对不起我不知道自己是怎么了。3.if an idea comes over well, people can understand it easily观点被理解I thought that the points he was making came over quite clearly. 我认为他提出的论点很容易理解。4.if someone comes over in a particular way, they seem to have particular qualities表现为;显得He didnt come over very well (= seem to have good qualities ) in the interview. 他在面试中的表现不是很好。She comes over as a very efficient businesswoman.她看上去像个很精干的女商人。5.come over (all) shy/nervous etc to suddenly become very shy, nervous etc突然变得害羞/紧张等come roundphr vBrE1.to come around拜访;改变观点;发生come throughphr v1.if a piece of information, news etc comes through, it arrives somewhere信息、消息等收到,传来Were still waiting for our exam results to come through. 我们仍在等待考试成绩公布。There is news just coming through of an explosion in a chemical factory. 刚传来消息说一家化工厂发生了爆炸。2.to be made official, especially by having the correct documents officially approved获批准尤指收到正式的文件Im still waiting for my divorce to come through. 我还在等待离婚获批准。3.come through (sth) to continue to live, be strong, or succeed after a difficult or dangerous time安然渡过难关等If he comes through the operation OK he should be back to normal within a month. 如果他能顺利挺过手术这一关的话,一个月内应该可以恢复。Its been a tough time, but Im sure youll come through and be all the wiser for it. 这确实是个困难的时刻,但我相信你能够挺过去并从中吸取教训。come through with sthphr v1.to give someone something they need, especially when they have been worried that you would not produce it in time交出;交付;提供所需之物,
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