



Cause and Effect(因果关系)I. 学习目标:了解因果关系的写作方法II. 概述:在日常生活中,当我们需要就某一主题发表见解时,就需要用因果关系的方法来解释原因或告知结果(好/坏)。这种写作方法称为因果关系(Cause and Effect)。因果关系写作方法也是大学英语四、六级考试写作部分的主要段落发展模式中的一种。因果关系一般分为两种:一种是讨论事情发生的原因,称为Cause Essay;另一种是讨论特定的事物发生后会产生什么结果,称为Effect Essay。其结构是:(1) Cause Essay Cause Essay重点主题句和支撑句之间的关系段落发展模式 Cause 1 Effect Cause 2Cause 3常用连接词 One reason, In addition, another reason, Finally First of all, Second, In addition, Finally实例Example 1:1 It is difficult for workers to find employment this years. (主题句)2 One reason is that many industries are not hiring new workers . (支撑句1)2 In addition, industries are reducing their current staff levels because of a decline in national economic conditions. (支撑句2)2 Another reason is that workers who once might have considered early retirement are now staying at their jobs . (支撑句3)2 Finally, other workers who once view their job as optional now must keep their positions in order to meet their minimum financial responsibilities. (支撑句4)Example 2: 1 Bag-packing traveling is enjoying a higher and higher popularity among young people in China. (主题句)2 First of all, for poor financial condition, young people prefer this economic traveling. (支撑句1)2 Second, compared with under-guide tourists in a package-tour, bag-packers enjoy more freedom in planning the whole traveling. (支撑句2)2 In addition, it brings more fun with chances of visiting long-desired place as long as they like and experiencing diverse folklores as many as they can .(支撑句3)2 Finally, it rewards them with a fit built and a persevere character. (支撑句4)(2) Effect Essay Effect Essay重点主题句和支撑句之间的关系段落发展模式 Effect 1 Cause Effect 2Effect 3常用连接词As a result, Next, In addition, Finally实例Example 1:1 It is difficult for workers to find employment this years. (主题句)2 As a result, many recent college graduates are unemployed or taking part-time jobs to meet expenses. (支撑句1)2 Unemployment among high school graduates has meant that large numbers of teenagers are seeking unemployment benefits. (支撑句2) 2 The unemployment figures are the highest in decades. (支撑句3)2 Finally, the federal government must contribute large amounts of money to support the growing numbers of people who are receiving welfare assistance. (支撑句4)Example 2: 1 Bag-packing traveling is enjoying a higher and higher popularity among young people in china. (主题句)2 As a result, more and more young people comprehend the beauty and magic of nature and further, fall in love with it. (支撑句1)2 After experiencing the amazing magnificence of high mountains and long rivers and the charming folklores of diverse peoples, they cannot help developing a feeling of patriotism. (支撑句2)2 Finally, the constant coming and going of visitors results in the development of local tourism and in consequence, that of local economy as a whole. (支撑句3) (3) 其他过渡词:表原因:because, as, since, for, owing to, due to, as a result of, on account of表结果:thus, so, hence, consequently, therefore, accordingly, for this reason, as a consequence(4) Other ExpressionsCause: (1) There are several reasons why/for (2) The reasons for are (3) is the result of (4) is caused by/due to/because ofEffect: (1) The result/effect/consequence of is (2) (will) result in (3) Thus/Therefore/In view of , we (4) may/can draw the following conclusions III. 范文分析The Joys of an Old Car(1) Some of my friends cant believe that my car still runs. (2) Others laugh when they see it parked outside the house and ask if its an antique. (3) But they arent being fair to my twenty-year-old Toyota Corolla(丰田卡罗拉). (4) In fact, my antique has opened my eyes to the rewards of owning an old car.(1) First obvious reward of owning my old Toyota is economy. (2) Twenty years ago, when my husband and I were newly married and nearly broke, we bought the car a shiny red year-old leftover for a mere $4,200. (3) Today it would cost four times as much. (4) We save money on insurance, since its no longer worthwhile for us to have collision coverage. (5) Old age has even been kind to the Toyotas engine, which has required only three major repairs in the last several years. (6) And it still delivers twenty-eight miles per gallon in the city and forty-one on the highway not bad for a senior citizen.(1) Ive heard that when a Toyota passes the twenty-thousand-mile mark with no problems, it will probably go on forever. (2) I wouldnt disagree. (3) Our Toyota breezed(轻松自信地走)past that mark many years ago. (4) Since then, Ive been able to count on it to sputter to life and make its way down the driveway on the coldest, snowiest mornings. (5) When my boss got stuck with his brand-new BMW in the worst snowstorm of the year, I sauntered (闲逛, 漫步)into work on time. (6) The single time my Toyota didnt start, unfortunately, was the day I had a final exam. (7) The Toyota may have the body of an old car, but beneath its elderly hood hums the engine of a teenager.(1) Last of all, having the same car for many years offers the advantage of familiarity. (2) When I open the door and slide into the drivers seat, the soft vinyl(聚乙烯基薄膜) surrounds me like a well-worn glove. (3) I know to the millimeter exactly how much room I have when I turn a corner or back into a curbside(路边)parking space. (4) When my gas gauge(量表)points to empty, I know that 1.3 gallons are still in reserve, and I can plan accordingly. (5) The front wheels invariably begin to shake when I go more than fifty-five miles an hour, reminding me that I am exceeding the speed limit. (6) With the Toyota, the only surprises I face come from other drivers.(1) I prize my twenty-year-old Toyotas economy and dependability, and most of all, its familiarity. (2) It is faded, predictable, and comfortable, like a well-worn pair of jeans. (3) And, like a well-worn pair of jeans, it will be difficult to throw away.Questions1. About Unity(1) Which developmental pattern does it belong? A. effect essayB. cause essay(2) Which sentence in Paragraph 1 is the topic sentence?(3) Which supporting paragraph in The Joys of an Old Car lacks a topic sentence?A. 2B. 3C. 4(4) Which sentence in paragraph 3 of The Joys of an Old Car should be omitted in the interest of paragraph unity?2. About Support(5) In paragraph 2 of “The Joys of an Old Car”, the author supports the idea that “One obvious reward of owning my old Toyota is economy.” with _.A. statistics and exampleB an explanation.C. a quotation by an expert3. About Coherent(6) Which topic sentence in “The Joys of an Old car” functions as a linking sentence between paragraphs?(7) What are the two transition words or phrases in “The Joys of an Old Car” that signal two major points of support for the thesis?4. About the Introduction and Conclusion(8) Which method is used in the conclusion of The Joys of an Old Car?A. Summary and final thoughtB. Thought-provoking questionC. Recommendation范文一:Effect Essay Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on the Negative Effects of Some Advertisements. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:1) 广告随处可见;2) 广告的消极影响;3) 我的看法模版1第一段:_.(铺垫,提出问题)However, _.(转折,引出主题)第二段:The bad effects are listed as follows: _.(列举消极影响)Firstly, _.(消极影响一)Secondly, _.(消极影响二)Take _ for example, _.(举例说明)What is worse, _.(消极影响三)In my opinion, _.(提出我的看法)On the one hand, _.(办法一)On the other hand, _. (办法二)第三段:In a word, _.(总结全文)My View on the Negative Effects of Some Advertisements(1) Currently, advertisements appear everywhere in modern society, and they inform us of lots of useful information. (2) However, many advertisements are subjective rather than objective, persuasive rather than informative. (3) Such ads have brought more side effects. (1) The bad effects are listed as follows: (2) Firstly, people waste a lot of money on some fake goods. (3) Secondly, commercials make things so beautiful and attractive, people often end up buying things that they dont really need or will never use. (4) Take children for example, they often buy some advertised food or candy which lead to their tooth decay and poor nutrition. (5) What is worse, quite a large number of adults fall victims to false or deceptive advertisement. (6) In my opinion, advertisements are good things if they are under proper control and supervision. (7) On the one hand, consumers must be careful in making a decision to buy something. (8) On the other hand, the government has the duty to take actions to ban the false and deceptive advertisements. (1) In a word, a joint effort from both the consumer and the government is needed to fulfill their important roles in our life and get rid of their defects as well. 范文二:Cause Essay Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Is It Necessary to Attend Training Classes. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:1) 以下是某省有关报考硕士研究生的人数及录取人数的图表,请简略叙述词表;2) 说明造成这种现象的原因和可能的结果;3) 你的观点。模版2第一段:According to the chart, _.(引出对于图表的描述)On the one hand, _. (描述一)On the other hand, _. (描述二)第二段:There are three reasons for the change.(引出原因)Firstly, _.(原因一)Secondly, _.(原因二)Thirdly, _.(原因三)第三段:As for me, I think _.(引出我的看法)For one thing, _.(我的看法原因一)For another, _.(我的看法原因二)Is It Necessary to Attend Training ClassesAccording to the chart, great changes have taken place in the number of training classes in the past twenty years. On the one hand, in the last century, the increase of training classes was not so obvious. On the other hand, ther


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