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2011年GMDSS理论考试英语阅读综合练习1.Utopia asked for tug assistance because she ( ) running agroundC.was aground答案:C2.Maritime safety Information( )MSI.A.short forB.abbreviated toC.referred asD.shorten to答案:B3.Warnings are transmitted at specified times and remain in force( )the information is long long asC.untilD.unless答案:B4.The present INMARSAT system( ) geostationary satellites positioned above the Atlantic Ocean.A.useB.ignoresC.considersD.utilizes答案:D5.Distress and safety communication( ) DSC calling will be performed by radiotelephony by or narrowband direct-printing or be followed答案:C6.To overcome problem of bills( ) in many different currencies, the billing process uses special “nominal” currencies.A.being issued or settledB.issued or settledC.issuing or be issued or settled答案:A7.Im looking for Captain John( ) I want him on sign on this B/L.A.becauseB.due toC.thatD.since答案:A8.The vessel is asking for short-based radar assistance( ) because her radar damagedB.because of her radar is being repairedC.due to her radar is out of orderD.because her radar is not working答案:D9.We( ) a sharp lookout while we were sailing in the icy water.A.keepB.keptC.are keepingD.have kept答案:A10.The chief officer( ) on board for seven years.A.had been workingB.has working答案:B11.MSI is received by ships on a designated channel “designated” means( ).A.allocatedB.appointedC.designedD.specialized答案:D12.ALL ships which, ( )the present convention, are required to carry radio installation shall carry out the International Code of according accordance with答案:C13.When hearing a distress call, all station shall immediately cease any transmission capable of ( ) with the distress traffic.A.interfereB.interferingC.being interferedD.interference答案:B14.( ) we stand away from church bell, it takes longer period of time for the sound waves to each us.A.IfB.WheneverC.BecauseD.Where答案:A15.The captain asked me ( )A.whether the pilot was on boardB.if was the pilot on boardC.was the pilot on boardD.when would the pilot on board答案:A16.Some words in English have meaning ( ) the context in which they appear.A.depended onB.which depend onC.which depends which depends on答案:B17.The vessel was drifting because she ( ) the rudder.A.lostB.loseC.had lostD.has lost答案:C18.The fishing boat ( ) into danger because there is a fog bank runningB.runsC.ranD.run答案:A19.Traditional and terrestrial techniques ( )A.can help the radio system to overcome its drawbacksB.are unable to perfect the existing systemC.are out of dateD.are useless to the radio system答案:B20.The first communication satellite was used for the purpose of ( )A.taking the place of the radio systemB.introducing a new life-saving systemC.saving the vessel in distressD.improving the communication on land答案:D21.Tradition radio system has so many principle problems which( )A.can be tackled by traditional and terrestrial techniquesB.can be solved by satellite communicationsC.can be tackled by some other techniques except satellitesD.can hardly solved by other techniques答案:B22.According to the basic concept GMDSS, ( ) can be rapidly altered to a distress incidentA.only SAR authorities on landB.all ships in a very large sea areaC.the nearest coast stations and port radiosD.the SAR authorities ashore as well as ships navigating vicinity of the casualty答案:D23.Ships equipped with INMARSAT SES send distress alters both ( )A.quick and goodB.convenient and certainC.easily and simplyD.important and difficult答案:C24.Ships in areas A3 and A4 will transmit ( ) as appropriateA.a ship to alter on MF/VHFB.a ship to shore alter by SES/HF DSCC.a ship to shore alter by satellite EPIRBD.all of A B C答案:D25.The GMDSS has ( ) main functionsA.4B.9C.8D.5答案:B26.with the help of GMDSS ( ) will rapidly altered to the distress incidentA.the SAR authorities ashoreB.the ships in the vicinity to the casualtyC.the nearest coast stations and port radiosD.A and B答案:D27.When receiving a distress alter,the SAR authorities ashore and the ships in the vicinity of the ship in distress will ( ) soonestA.reach the distress areaB.conduct a sector searchC.send rescue vesselsD.assist coordinately in SAR operations答案:D28.Every MSI message ( ) owing to their nature of importanceA.can suppressB.can be suppressedC.can not be suppressedD.are to suppressed答案:C29.In addition to meeting the requirement of Sea area A1,every ship engaged on voyage in Sea area A2 shall be provided with ( )A.MF radio installation with DSCB.SESC.MF/HF radio-telephony installationD.2187.5KHz watch receive答案:A30.The GMDSS defines four sea areas based on the( )A.location and capacity of the facilities located on board shipsB.position and type of a ship stationC.capacity and location of shore based communication facilitiesD.position and capacity of mobile communication stations.答案:C31.An area within the coverage of at least one VHF shore station in which continuous DSC distress alerting is available is( )A.sea area A1B.sea area A2C.distress areaD.GMDSS areas答案:A32.An area within the coverage of at least one MF shore station in which continuous DSC distress alerting in available is( )A.Sea area A1B.sea area AC.distress areaD.GMDSS area答案:B33.( )are used for distress alerting as a ruleA.SES/DSC/EPIRBB.SART/radiotelephoneC.COSPAS-SARSATD.both and c答案:A34.( )means rapid and successful reporting of a distress incident to a unit which can provide or coordinate assistanceA.Distress messageB.Distress alertingC.Safety callingD.Digital Selective Calling答案:A35.the basic concept of GMDSS is( )A.Search and rescue authorities ashore will rapidly received an distress alert and acted uponB.SAR units will be rapidly alerted to a distress incident and assist in a coordinates SAR operationC.Ships navigating in the immediate vicinity of the ship in distress will rapidly to a distress to the alert and give their help accordinglyD.The RCC will rapidly alerted to a distress alert through satellite and terrestrial communication techniques and conducted a rescue operation immediately答案:B36.The GMDSS is composed of( )A.satellite and terrestrial communication systemsB.only navigation and alerting systemsC.just MSI system and locating systemD.SAR co-ordination system答案:A37.For ship-to-shore distress alert, we can use( )A.INMARSAT, EPIRB and DSCB.NBDP and R/TC.SatelliteD.DSC答案:A38.when was the GMDSS introduced into the SOLAS convention?A.1978B.1988C.1992D.1990答案:B39.In GMDSS,shore to ship distress alert is from( )to( )A.ship station ,RCCB.ship station ,shore stationC.RCC,ship stationD.ship station,ship station答案:C40.The words first communication satellite was put into orbit in( )A.1962B.1960C.1957D.1975答案:A41.We have just received a message from shore( )assistance is on the way.A.whenB.whereC.howD.that答案:D42.( )he message has been sent out or not is unknown to us.A.IfB.IsC.DoesD.whether答案:D43.The fishing vessel( ) the distress area until the assistance arrived.A.leaveB.leftC.has leftD.didnt leave答案:D44.For SAR operations it should be possible to transmit message in( )direction.A.oneB.doubleC.bothD.four答案:C45.As a matter of fact, MSI is the combination of( )important information.A.manyB.quite a fewC.lots ofD.a lot答案:C46.The equipment to be carried by ship( )the area where they proceed.A.will dependent regardless decided by答案:D47.Signal( )to assist in locating a ship ,aircraft or vehicle in distress of locating survivors will be transmitted in the 9GHZ band means of a search and rescue radar be intendedC.intendingD.intended答案:C48.We consider( )send a helicopter with medical facilities to the dirtress is necessary toD.necessary答案:C49.A person( ) in spite of being in an extremely dangerous situation is a survivor.A.whom is stillB.who is safetyC.who is healthyD.who continues to live答案:D50.A sailor on board ( )from appendicitis and required operation immediately.A.was sufferingC.has sufferedD.has been suffering答案:A1.what does ITU stand for?A.the international telephone unionB.the international telecommunication unionC.the international telecommunication unitD.the international telex unit答案:B2.the rescue co-ordination center may ( )on stations which interfere with distress traffic.A.keep silenceB.forbid transmissionC.change informationD.impose silence答案:D3.what is the abbreviation for the world meteorological organization?A.WMOB.IHOC.IMOD.WARC答案:A4.distress traffic is the communication between the station in distress and the ships,aircrafts,coast radio stations,coast earth stations and rescue centers( ) in the rescue participate答案:A5.distress and safety communications ( )DSC calling will be performed by radiotelephony or narrow-band direct-printing or be followed答案:C6.( ) a distinct humming should be heard on the loudspeaker.A.when the distress alarm is soundedB.when the emergency communication receiver is tuned onC.whenever an emergency call is transmittedD.when a distress message is received答案:A7.for SAR operations it should be possible to transmit messages in( )directions.A.oneB.doubleC.bothD.four答案:C8.the present INMARSAT system ( )geostationary satellites positioned above the Atlantic ocean.A.useB.ignoresC.considersD.utilizes答案:D9.we( ) a sharp lookout while we were sailing in the icy waterA.keepB.keptC.are keepingD.have kept答案:B10.MSI is received by ships on a designated channel “Designated” means ( ).A.allocatedB.apointedC.designedD.specialized答案:B11.the first communication satellite was used for the purpose of ( ).A.taking the place of the radio systemB.introducing a new life-saving systemC.saving the vessels in distressD.improving the communication on land答案:D12.Tradition radio system has so many principle problems which( ).A.can be tackled by traditional and terrestrial techniquesB.can be solved by satellite communicationsC.can be tackled by some other techniques except satellitesD.can hardly solved by any other techniques答案:B13.according to the basic concept of GMDSS,( )can be rapidly alerted to a distress incident.A.only SAR authorities on landB.all ships in a very large sea areaC.the nearest coast stations and port radiosD.the SAR authorities ashore as well as ships navigating in the vicinity of the casualty答案:D14.ships equipped with Inmarsat SES send distress alerts both( ).A.quick and goodB.convenient and certainC.easily and simplyD.important and difficult答案:B15.ships in sea areas A3 and


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