



新视界大学英语综合教程第四单元课文翻译及练习答案Active Reading跨种族婚姻 “路易斯安那州的一位治安法官刚刚辞职了。此法官拒绝批准一对情侣结婚,因为女方是白人,而男方是黑人。几个星期以来,他拒绝离开职位,但最终还是辞职了,而且并未给出原因。路易斯安那州州长接受了他的辞职。这位白人治安法官声称,他一直避免批准不同种族间的婚姻,原因是他认为其子女会因此受罪。他说:对婚姻双方的任一种族来说, 接纳这样家庭的孩子都是有难度的。我认为这些孩子会因此受罪,我不想让这种事情发生。”你认为这篇报道是什么时候发表的?也许是20 世纪50 年代吧?那个时候黑白种族隔离是有法可依的。也许是20 世纪60 年代吧?那个时候有马丁路德金领导的民权运动。事实上,这篇报道发表于2009 年10 月。 这个国家是著名的“大熔炉”,有着悠久的种族冲突的历史,也有一些成功融合的例子。这位法官今日仍然持有这种观点,我们是否应当感到耻辱?或者,他认识到了自己的错误并辞去职务,我们是否应当为此高兴?经济全球化运动使得全世界范围内商品共享、服务共享、技术共享,这促进了跨种族婚姻。经济全球化运动同样对社会和文化产生影响,这也许会带来不同种族间的友谊、爱情和婚姻。但是,在美国的某些地区,“一滴血原则”似乎仍然有很大的影响。这一原则的内容是:只要你有一滴非裔的血,你就是黑人。那么,现如今,对于跨种族婚姻双方和美国大众来说,这样的婚姻有什么样的挑战和机遇呢?在美国的某些政治和社交圈子里,人们认为跨种族婚姻只不过是为了让身为移民的一方得到绿卡,以便在此居留和工作。也有人声称,跨种族婚姻的动机在于较穷困的一方渴望获得经济保障,尽管这意味着他们也许不得不背井离乡。幸运的是,还有很多其他人明白人类的基本价值(如相互吸引)在跨种族婚姻中起着最重要的作用。无论结婚的真正动机是什么,所有这些情侣都会面对不同金钱观与不同传统价值观的挑战,这些传统价值观包括对伴侣的尊重、传统的宗教观、被社区接受、男女分工以及传统的语言观等。但是,他们面临的机遇也同样吸引人。一代又一代地更替,我们越发能够接受不同的种族与文化了。不同种族的人们之间的恋爱关系越发常见。事实上,如今有91% 的青少年认为和其他种族的人约会是完全正常的。如果某个孩子的父母分属两种文化或两个种族,这个孩子就被称为“第三文化儿童”,他们在成长过程中学习两种不同的文化,与任何曾在多个国家或多种文化下生活的人都能相处融洽。不仅如此,他们也经常与不同背景的人结婚。最后一点:我们已经了解全球化以及在个人层面和实际层面上分享观念、传统、习俗和态度的益处。那么,我们怎么看待那些不赞成跨种族婚姻的人呢?这是他们的问题,不是我们的问题,这样说当然很简单。但有时候,我们很难抵御世俗的残酷和无情。 “他们是跨种族婚姻。她是阿肯色州人,而他来自肯塔基,但他们似乎过得不错。”这是一句众所周知的话,但在任何婚姻或情侣关系中,无论对方是相同种族的人还是不同种族的人,你都必须调整自己,以使双方幸福地生活在一起。对于跨种族婚姻的双方来说,要面对所有的挑战、抓住所有的机会,关键是什么呢? 是爱。为了享受地球村带来的各种好处,挑战不信任陌生人的群体偏见,我们只需记住罗马诗人维吉尔的著名诗句: 爱能征服一切。Dealing with Unfamiliar Words Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.1. quit 2.resign3. challenge 4. adjust 5. mutual 6. claim 7. Justice Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.1. motive 2. influential 3. opportunity 4. attractive financial5. Furthermore benefits Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in the box.1. approve 2. harshly 3. Civil 4. conquered 5. attitude6. Prejudice 7. racial 8. integrate 9. conflictReading and Interpreting 1. a 2. a 3. a Language in Use Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.1. to have 2. going 3. to see 4. spending 5. to get6. to avoid making Now rewrite the sentences using Its believed / claimed / said / thought that 1. Its said that love makes the world go round.2. Its believed that its easy to get a green card.3. Its thought that the civil rights movement began a long time before Martin Luther King.4. Its claimed that Louisiana is the most conservative state in the US.5. Its said that the first love story was written five thousand years ago. Now rewrite the sentences using in order (for someone) to do something.1. I came here in order to have a better life.2. He spoke to her after the lesson in order to clarify a few things.3. You must complete this form in order to apply for the job.4. He took his girlfriend to New Zealand in order for her to meet his parents.5. In order to get a new passport, you now have to apply online.Collocation Complete the sentences with the correct preposition or adverb.1. in 2. on/about 3. to 4. of 5. from 6. to Complete the sentences with the correct form of suitable expressions from the box. Sometimes more than one collocation is possible.1. enjoy - benefits / advantages 2. hold - opinions / views 3. face problems4. play - role 5. welcomes - announcementTranslation Translate the sentences into Chinese.1. This is the country of the famous “melting pot” with a long history both of conflict between races as well as some success in integrating them.这个国家是著名的“大熔炉”,有着悠久的种族冲突的历史,也有一些成功融合的例子。2. In certain political and social circles in the US, its believed that mixed-race couples marry in order for the immigrant partner to get a green card, to stay and work here.在美国的某些政治和社交圈子里,人们认为跨种族婚姻只不过是为了让身为移民的一方得到绿卡,以便在此居留和工作。3. Fortunately, there are many others who understand that basic human values, such as mutual attraction, play the most important role in a mixed marriage.幸运的是,还有很多其他人明白人类的基本价值(如相互吸引)在跨种族婚姻中起着最重要的作用。4. Whatever the real motives for marriage, all of these couples face the challenges of differences in their opinions towards money, towards traditional values of respect towards their partner, of religion, of being accepted by the community where they live, of the roles of men and women, and even of language.无论结婚的真正动机是什么,所有这些情侣都会面对不同金钱观与不同传统价值观的挑战,这些传统价值观包括对伴侣的尊重、传统的宗教观、被社区接受、男女分工以及传统的语言观等。5. Children born to parents of two cultures or two races are now known as Third Culture Kids, who grow up learning two different cultures, and feel at home with anyone who has lived in more than one country or culture.如果某个孩子的父母分属两种文化或两个种族,这个孩子就被称为“第三文化儿童”,他们在成长过程中学习两种不同的文化,与任何曾在多个国家或多种文化下生活的人都能相处融洽。 Translate the sentences into English.1 那些不赞成跨国婚姻的人认为,种族、宗教、文化的不同会引起很多家庭冲突。 (approve of; conflict)Those who dont approve of mixed marriages believe that differences in race, religion and culture may lead to many family conflicts.2 随着全球化的发展,人们对跨国婚姻的偏见也正日益消除。(globalization; prejudice; remove)With globalization, the prejudices against mixed marriages are being removed from peoples minds.3 要想使婚姻成功,夫妻双方都应学会在适当的时候做出让步。 (in order for)In order for a marriage to succeed, both husband and wife should learn to compromise at the right time.4 有的人认为最浪漫的爱情是一见钟情。(It is believed that ) It is believed by some people that the most romantic love is love at first sight.5 如今,网络提供了更多的交友机会,一些人通过网络找到了真爱。(opportunity) Today, the Internet provides more opportunities to make friends, and some find their true love through the Internet.Further Reading漫步回忆尼古拉斯斯帕克斯的小说漫步回忆以及同名电影常常被看作是爱情故事。事实上,它更是一个描述青少年成长的故事。主人公在经历冒险或某种内心冲突之后,越发认清自己。这个故事不仅吸引曾经坠入爱河的人,也吸引所有在青少年时代经历过困境的人。 故事的叙述者是57岁的兰登卡特,他描述了自己17岁时候的事,那一年改变了他的一生。“首先,你会笑;然后,你会哭别怪我没有提前告诉你。” 在学校,兰登的人缘不错,但他根本不在乎上课或毕业。他对未来毫无雄心壮志,能偷懒就偷懒,还取笑一切在他看来与他不同的人。有一次,他开另外一个男生的玩笑,结果玩笑过了头,他遭到了学校的惩罚被强制在放学之后做社区服务。 兰登的任务之一是在学校的戏剧中扮演角色,但他根本不会演戏,于是很不情愿地向珍米沙利文求助。珍米是当地一个牧师的女儿,她认真、娴静,无论走到哪里都带着一本圣经。她有很强的宗教信仰,常常自问人生及其意义。在学校,兰登及其朋友们只有在平时开她玩笑的时候才会注意到她。 尽管如此,珍米仍然同意帮助兰登,但有一个条件:“你必须答应我,你不会爱上我。”“这不成问题。”兰登听到这个条件后大笑起来,认为这是非常不可能的事。 阴差阳错碰到一起的这两个人开始共度时光了,放学之后,兰登就到珍米家练习台词。兰登的演技不断进步,而且他也在珍米身上看到了自己缺乏的性情。他们的友谊渐渐加深,尽管兰登想保守这个秘密。有一天,珍米在学校里碰到兰登,问他是不是还愿意和她一起练习台词。他非常不友好地回答:“做你的梦吧”,因为他怕自己的朋友会嘲弄自己。大家哄堂大笑,珍米生气地离开了。兰登的笑容凝固了,他意识到自己深深地伤害了她。 此后,兰登决定要认真起来,最终靠自己的努力记住了台词。在演出的时候,珍米的美貌和嗓音使兰登感到震惊。在演出结尾的时候,他吻了珍米,而这并不是剧本里安排的。 对于两个人来说,这场演出都非常地成功,珍米也看到兰登在改变。他的朋友继续开珍米的玩笑,而兰登挺身而出维护珍米,并和朋友决裂。 他们对彼此的爱渐渐加深了。珍米说出了自己的“心愿清单”,包括和自己不喜欢的人交朋友、同时出现在两个地方、在父母结婚的教堂里结婚。于是,兰登努力让她梦想成真。有一次,在他们约会的时候,他带她到两州交界处,让她两脚分别站在州界的两侧。她意识到他是在帮助自己同时出现在两个地方。另一次约会的时候,他请她用望远镜为他寻找一颗星星。当她问为什么的时候,他说他以她的名字为这颗星命了名。 最终,珍米告诉兰登,她身患绝症。生活给这对年轻的情侣开了一个痛苦的玩笑,摧毁了他们对未来的希望。很快,他们就会因为死亡而分开。于是,兰登着手要使珍米的其他梦想得到实现。他们一同更深刻地领悟了爱的涵义。最后,兰登向珍米求婚,她接受了。在即将去世之前,珍米与兰登在她父母结婚的教堂里结婚,而那场婚礼漫步就成了永远的回忆。 几年之后,兰登拜访了珍米的父亲,告诉他自己已经被医学院录取了。这是珍米为他带来的生活目标。兰登告诉珍米的父亲,他没有能够使珍米“见证奇迹”的心愿成为现实,因而感到很难过。珍米的父亲回答说:“那个奇迹就是你。” Reading and Understanding. Match the statements with the characters.Landon: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.Jamie: 3, 5, 7, 9. a, c, b, b, aDealing with Unfamiliar Words 1. a miracle 2. astonished; attributes 3. outstanding 4. favourable 5. witnessed 6. rejected 7. reluctant 1. punishment 2. tricks 3. odd 4. intend 5. performance 6. fulfil 7. reveals8. proposesGuided Writing1. Today 2. In the old days 3. too 4. would 5. while 6. or 5, 2, 6, 3, 1, 4 Traditional ways of dating in China In the old days, it was the custom for the young mans family to look for a young woman who would be a suitable wife for him. Once they had found one, they would contact the young womans family by means of a go-between. They would send gifts and if the girls family liked the proposal they would exchange horoscopes () and arrange the meeting to further discuss things. If the two families agreed, an engagement would be made and plans for the wedding take place. Today, young people in China usually meet at college or work or at informal dinners arranged by friends and relatives.Extra writingDirections:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a essay entitled Free admission to museums. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:1越来越多的博物馆免费对外开放的目的是什么?2也会带来一些问题;3你的看法? (Jun. 2009, CET-4, Writing)【写作提示】这是一篇明显的解释说明型论说文,说明免费开放博物馆的目的和带来的问题,并提出自己的观点。文章可以分为三段:第一段,提出这种现象;第二段,虽然提纲中只提到一种观点,但也可以扩展一下从双方不同的观点去阐述;第三段,用自己的看法结束全文。Free Admission To MuseumsNowadays, more and more museums open freely to visitors both home and abroad. The purpose of this practice obviously is to educate the public, to provide more opportunities for citizens to get easy access to the world of history, culture and knowledge.Although free admission to museums enjoys distinct advantages, there are still arguments that it may also bring harmful effects. Firstly, those valuable cultural relics conserved in th


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