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阜阳三中20182019学年第一学期小期末考试英语试题 分值150分 时间120分钟注意:本试题分第I卷和第II卷两部分,客观题答案务必涂在答题卡上,主观题务必答在答题卷上,否则视为无效。第I卷第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What time is it now?A. 7:00. B. 7:20. C. 8:00.2. How will the man help the woman?A. Tell the woman what to do.B. Go to check the computer himself.C. Send someone to help the woman.3. What is the relationship(关系)between the man and the woman?A. Doctor and patient. B. Teacher and student. C. Fatherand daughter.4. How is the mans French?A. Very good. B. Poor. C. He has never learnt it.5. Where will the man stay for the holiday?A. At home. B. At his uncles. C. On the seaside.第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What is the woman doing now?A. Waiting for the man. B. Doing shopping. C. Taking a taxi.7. Where are the two people going to meet?A. In a restaurant. B. In a shop. C. At Halonas home.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. What colour does the man like?A. Brown. B. Blue. C. Black.9. How much should the man pay?A. 230 yuan. B. 300 yuan. C. 500 yuan.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What is Mr. Smith doing?A. Answering the phone. B. Having a meeting. C. Working in the office.11. When will Mr. Smith return to the office?A. After two oclock. B. In an hour. C. At three oclock.12. What can we know from the talk?A. The man will not take a message. B. Anne will ring the office again.C. Mr. Smith may call Anne back.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What are the two people talking about?A. Plans. B. Exams. C. Dinners.14. Where did the woman plan to go at first?A. Beijing. B. Changsha. C. Shanghai.15. Why will the man stay at home for the holiday?A. Because some friends will come. B. Because he needs a good rest.C. Because he will see a movie on TV.16. Where are the man and the woman talking?A. In the hotel. B. In a travel agency(旅行社). C. At school.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Why does Eddie come to China?A. Because his grandpa is Chinese. B. Because his parents have come to China. C. Because his family are travelling in China.18. What does Eddie think of Nanjing No.1 Middle School?A. Big but dirty. B. Boring and quiet. C. Very big and beautiful.19. Where does Eddie have his breakfast?A. At home. B. In the school canteen. C. At the hotel.20. What does Eddie think of his classes?A. Lively and interesting. B. Difficult. C. Not interesting.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第1节 (共15题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B,C或D)中,选出最佳选项。ANo trip to Windsor could possibly be complete without a visit to amazing Windsor Castle, the family home to British kings and queens for over 1,000 years. The size of the Castle is breath-taking. In fact, it is the largest and oldest occupied Castle in the world and its where Her Majesty The Queen chooses to spend most of her private weekends. You might even time your visit when she is in residence(居住)! The marriage of Prince Harry and Ms Meghan Markle took place in Windsor on Saturday, 19 May, 2018.They became the sixteenth royal couple to celebrate their marriage at Windsor Castle since 1863. Windsor Castle offers something for everyone with so many areas to explore.Visit the magnificent State Apartments, furnished with some of the finest works of art from the Royal Collection, including paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens and Canaletto.Take in the splendor of St Georges Chapel,location of the wedding of Prince Harry and Ms Meghan Markle, the burial place of 10 Kings including Henry VIII and Charles I, and one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture in England.Be amazed at Queen Marys Dolls House, the largest, most beautiful and most famous dolls house in the world, created in the 1920s and filled with thousands of objects made by leading craftsmen, artists and designers of the time.Imagine being entertained by royalty in the Semi-State Rooms, the spectacular(壮观的) private apartments open to visitors from September to March each year.Richly decorated, they are used by The Queen for hosting her guests.21. What do we know about Windsor Castle?A. The Queen seldom lives in Windsor Castle.B. Tourists are not allowed to visit the Castle if The Queen is there.C. Windsor Castle has witnessed many royal weddings.D. Windsor Castle is the oldest castle in the world.22. What can we see in Windsor Castle every day?A. Famous paintings by great artists. B. Beautiful dolls created in the 19th century.C. The wedding place of 10 Kings. D. The place where The Queen entertains her guests.23. An architect is most likely to visit _.A. State Apartments B. St Georges Chapel C. Queen Marys Dolls House D. Semi-State Room.BFor the brave in the armed forces, being sent away from home for months at a time is just part of the duty. However, its never an easy one to perform especially for those with children. So, when I found out I was going to stay in South Korea for a year, I was nervous about how my five children, particularly my eldest daughter Abigail, would take the news since it meant I wouldnt be home to see her graduate from high school.To my surprise, Abigail told me not to worry and even suggested we make the news known among family members. “Weve been lucky you havent had to be sent abroad yet. Anyway, we can get connected through the Internet. See me on your phone on my spot.” Abigail said. She stepped into many of my roles when I was gone. I wanted to find a way to thank her and show her how proud I was of her. I started planning the special surprise when my request to return home a few weeks earlier to attend Abigails graduation ceremony was approved.When my time in South Korea finally came to an end, I flew home, rented a car, and stayed in a hotel. And on Abigails graduation day, I hid in an office behind the stage waiting until I heard my daughters name called. I just kept thinking “Dont cry. Dont trip in your heels. Dont fall over.” At last! Abigail was up on stage. I slipped up behind her, whispered in her ear, and around she turned! “I was just thinking, like, You arent supposed to be here. What? What? How? It was the biggest shock Im pretty sure my dad made people he didnt even know cry. Emotional for everyone.” Abigail cried.You know what followed: embraces, kisses, tears, laughs, flowers, wishes; arent they what a family have in store?24. What worried the author most?A. His duty in South Korea. B. His five childrens safety.C. His eldest daughters study. D. His absence from a big event.25. What can we learn about Abigail from the story?A. She took good care of the other four kids when her father was away from home.B. She reacted angrily to her father leaving home.C. She was the smartest kid in her family.D. She gave a speech to express her gratitude(感激)to her father on graduation day.26. How did Abigail feel when meeting her father?A. Embarrassed. B. Overjoyed. C. Nervous. D. Satisfied.27. What does the author mainly intend to express by telling the story?A. A soldiers personal sacrifice. B. A fathers contribution to a family.C. The meaning of family tie. D. The way to plan a big surprise.CThat China will not play in the Football World Cup has not prevented Chinese soccer fans from taking part in the exhilaration of the sports gala in Russia. Reports say Chinese fans have bought over 40,000 tickets, more than Spanish and English fans. They have also booked 16 percent of the hotel rooms in the host cities in Russia. Except for actually playing, China will take part in almost every other aspect of the World Cup. Chinese companies have made the balls to be used in the World Cup and the official mascot(吉祥物) Zabivaka. And the air-conditioning system in the newly built Mordovia Stadium in Saransk has been provided by Chinese companies as well. Fans can also get World Cup special coins that are made in Nanjing.“It is no secret that China has a key role in our plan to develop football around the globe. It must play.” said FIFA secretary-general Fatma Samoura during her visit to Beijing last year. FIFA has set a target of making 60 percent of the worlds population take part in soccer by 2026. And China, thanks to its huge population, will play an important role in realizing that goal. Although China is ranked between 80 to 90 in the world soccer standing, it has more than 200 million soccer fans. Moreover, ten Chinese super league players are making Chinese fans proud by shouldering national duty for their countries in the World Cup.China has almost all the conditions needed for the healthy development of soccer. Hopefully, the World Cup will encourage the decision-makers to focus on ordinary people to develop the sport. In the 1950s, the government at various levels built a large number of ping-pong tables in urban residential(住宅的) communities, which attracted a large number of people to play ping-pong. The result is that China remains the best in the sport. But even in Beijing, where public sports facilities(设备)are the most developed in the country, children find it hard to get a chance to play in the limited number of soccer fields. If the government wants to raise the level of soccer in China, they should first improve the soccer facilities in the country.28. Which of the following can best explain the underlined word ?A. Disappointment. B. Embarrassment. C. Thrill. D. Regret.29. What can we infer from the second paragraph?A. China will contribute a lot to the development of football.B. Chinese football fans are the most influential in the world.C. Chinas football teams will improve greatly by 2026.D. Chinas Super League will attract the best football players in the world.30. Why is ping-pong mentioned in the last paragraph?A. To show how well the Chinese can play ping-pong.B. To set an example of how to develop a sport among ordinary people.C. To attract more people to play ping-pong.D. To indicate that soccer is less popular than ping-pong.31. From which is the text probably taken?A. An advertisement. B. A travel guidebook. C. A research paper. D. A daily newspaper. DThe possibility of self-driving robot cars has often seemed like a futurists dream, years away from coming into reality in the real world. Well, the future is apparently now. The California Department of Motor Vehicles began giving permits in April for companies to test truly self-driving cars on public roads. The state also cleared the way for companies to sell or rent out self-driving cars, and for companies to operate driverless taxi services. California, which should be noted, isnt leading the way here. Companies have been testing their cars in cities across the country. Its hard to predict when driverless cars will be everywhere on our roads. But however long it takes, the technology may change our transportation systems and our cities, for better or for worse, depending on how the transformation is managed.While much of the debate so far has been focused on the safety of driverless cars, policymakers should be talking more about how self-driving cars can help reduce traffic jams, cut emissions(排放)and offer more convenient and affordable choices to move around. The arrival of driverless cars is a chance to make sure that those cars are environmentally friendly and more shared.Do we want to copy or even worsen the traffic of today with driverless cars? Imagine a future where most adults own their self-driving cars. They accept long, slow journeys to and from work on crowded highways because they can work, entertain themselves or sleep on the ride. They take their driverless car to a date and set the empty car to circle the building to avoid paying for parking. Instead of walking a few blocks to pick up a child or the dry cleaning, they send the self-driving minibus. The convenience even leads fewer people to take public transport an unwelcome side effect researchers have already found in ride-hailing(网约车)services. Policymakers should start thinking now about how to make sure the appearance of driverless cars doesnt worsen the transportation system we have today. The coming technological development presents a chance for cities and states to develop transportation systems designed to move more people, and more affordably. The car of the future is coming. We just have to plan for it.32. What can we learn from the first paragraph?A. Self-driving cars are not allowed in the real world.B. Driverless taxies will be seen everywhere on the road in a short term.C. California is not alone in testing driverless cars.D. Self-driving technology will definitely benefit transportation system.33. According to the author, policymakers should pay more attention to _.A. how driverless cars can move more peopleB. how driverless cars can travel safelyC. how driverless cars can travel fasterD. how driverless cars can help deal with transportation-related problems34. What is a possible side effect of self-driving cars?A. Journeys to and from work become longer.B. More and more people abandon(抛弃)public transportation.C. There is no place to park them.D. They may result in traffic jams.35. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Preparing Cities for Robot Cars B. Future Technology UnderwayC. Transportation System in the Future D. Robot Cars on the Road第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Smog is a form of air pollution that is produced in the atmosphere when sunlight reacts with at least one volatile organic compound (VOC有机挥发物). When this reaction occurs, particles (微粒)are formed in the atmosphere, and oxygen at the ground level takes in harmful chemicals, thus creating what we consider smog. Recent years have seen an increase in campaigns(宣传活动)for the reduction of smog due to its harmful effects towards both humans and the environment. 36 Avoid high VOC products. VOCs are chemicals that easily escape into the atmosphere through common use around the house. Check the household products to determine if they contain VOCs. 37 If you must store some, do so in a tightly covered, original container so that VOCs cant get out.Avoid gas-powered yard(院子)equipment. Gasoline emissions are one of the major causes of smog whether from cars or lawn equipment. Try environment-friendly lawn(草坪)equipment that can be powered electrically. You can also change the material in your yard. 38 39 When you choose products that are made in the place where you live, it cuts down on the cost of transport which reduces emissions. Local farmers markets and grocery stores(杂货店) can help you determine where items were produced. There are even many restaurants that are joining the movement towards supporting locally grown items.Be energy efficient in your home. The less energy you use at home, the fewer pollutants that go into the atmosphere. There are many ways to reduce energy use including through lighting, heating and cooling. 40 A. Buy local products.B. Shop for green products.C. It is high time that we changed our habits to make a difference.D. There are alternatives(替代物)that look real, but require less care and attention.E. If you must use them, buy in small quantities that can be used quickly.F. Make a community garden. Grow vegetables and fruit for your community.G. For example, try equipment that resets temperatures on its own while youre away.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从41-60各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Anns neighbor Tracy found a lost dog walking around the local elementary(初级的)school. She asked Ann if she could keep an eye on it. Ann said that she could 41 it only for the day.Tracy took photos of the 42 and copied off 400 FOUND fliers(传单)and put them in mailboxes. 43 , Ann bought some pet foods in the dollar store nearby, and 44 her two sons not to fall in love with it. At the time, Anns son Thomas was 10 years old, and Jack, who was 45 from a heart operation, was 21 years old.Four days later Ann was still 46 the dog, whom they had started to 47 Riley. When she arrived home from work, the dog 48 itself against the screen door and barked 49 at her. As soon as she opened the door, Riley 50 into the boys room where Ann 51 that Jack was suffering a heart attack caused by the operation. Riley ran over to Jack, and as soon as Ann bent over to help him, the dog went 52 .“If it hadnt come to get me, the 53 said Jack would have died,” Ann reported to a local newspaper. 54 , no one had called to claim the dog, so Ann decided to 55 it.The next morning Tracy got a 56 . A man named Peter 57 his lost dog and called the number on the flier. Tracy started 58 , and told him, “That dog 59 my friends son.”Peter drove to Anns house to pick up his dog and saw Thomas and Jack crying in the window. After a few moments Peter said, “Maybe Odie was supposed to 60 you; maybe you should keep it.”41. A. accept B. assist C. watch D. train42. A. dog B. neighborC. schoolD. house43. A. However B. Therefor


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