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Unit 3 Celebration.单句语法填空1.There were many occasions _ the team could win,but they were not so lucky.2.Right now,the government should take _(power)measures to push the states economy forward.3.Her husband is said to _(go)to study abroad.Do you know when he left?4.The quick action of the firemen prevented the building from _(burn) down.5.We offer our _(congratulate) to you on your passing the College Entrance Examination.6.The construction of a highway will contribute _ the growth of the suburbs.7.Great attention must be paid to _(link) theory with practice.8.I like getting up early in summer.The morning air is so good _(breathe).9.In the middle of the forest _(lie)a deep lake,in which we often went fishing when I was a little child.10.Australia _(believe) to have been connected to South America millions of years ago.11.You may depend on _ that they will support you.12.Since I am busy,would you attend _ the matter for me?答案1.when2.powerful3.have gone4.being burned5.congratulations6.to7.linking8.to breathe9.lies10.is believed11.it12.to.单句改错1.He served the army two years ago.2.And the same method can be applied for the other cases.3.You may depend on that they will support you.4.We hope your suggestion would contribute to solve the problem.5.It was believed any village that did not give food would have bad luck.6.Great changes have taken place since the new government came into the power.7.The entrance of the parking place was too small and often got blocked.8.He has learnt enough German to carry out a conversation.9.Whats that unpleasant noise?Oh,the road before the main gate is repaired.10.The machine is easy to operate on.Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes.答案1.served后加in2.forto3.on后加it 4.solvesolving5.在believed后加that6.去掉第二个the7.ofto8.outon9.第二个is后加being10.去掉on.课文缩写语法填空The MidAutumn Festival is in September or October,which 1._(celebrate) traditionally by the Chinese people all over the world.On this special occasion for Chinese families,people like 2._ (meet) in the evening and watch the moon,and eat mooncakes 3._ all kinds,even till midnight.The Lantern Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month,4._(mark) the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations,on 5._ people light lanterns decorated with pictures to celebrate the power of light over 6._ (dark),and eat the special food,sweet dumplings 7._ (serve) in hot water.The Dragon Boat Festival falls 8._ the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar year.As it is in early summer,it marks the beginning of the 9._ (hot) season of the year.People take part in 10._ (variety) dragon boat races and enjoy the fun.The special food for the festival is called zongzi,which is sticky rice in fresh bamboo leaves.答案1.is celebrated2.to meet3.of4.marking5.which6.darkness7.served8.on9.hottest 10.various.单元考点作文串记一、根据提示翻译句子1.据说不久前我们村发生了一场火灾,许多房子被毁了。(It is said that.;destroy)_2.不幸的是,李明家的房子也被烧毁了。(as well)_3.面对这种情况,许多人给这些村民捐款。(faced with;contribute to)_4.李明家建了一所新房子。(put up)_5.李明的生活恢复了正常,又能够在学校继续学习了。(carry on)_答案1.It is said that a big fire broke out in our village not long ago.Many houses were destroyed.2.Li Mings house was burnt down as well.3.Faced with this situation,many people contributed to these villagers.4.A new house was put up for Li Mings family.5.Li Mings life has returned to normal and he can carry on with his study in his school.二、加入适当过渡词,连句成篇【参考范文】It is said that a big fire broke out in our village not long ago,and many houses were destroyed.Unfortunately,Li Mings house was burnt down as well.Faced with this situation,many people contributed to these villagers.Then a new house was put up for Li Mings family.Now Li Mings life has returned to normal and he can carry on with his study in his school.课下作业A卷阅读提速练(限时20).阅读理解AEarlier this year, my family experienced an unexpected tragedy.The kind of tragedy which knocks you out of yourself and turns your whole world upside down.A tragedy which also caused me to be out of work for three months.It was completely unforeseen and I had no time to put together an outofoffice plan.Ive worked at previous companies where this kind of tragedy would have been handled professionally; I would have been given the legallyrequired money and asked to leave.But at SAS Institute (an American developer of analytics software), my team stepped in and filled in with no questions or hesitations.My work was not left undone.My clients (客户) were patient when those picking up the pieces of projects unrelated to them needed some time to get familiar with the work.My management and colleagues checked on my family regularly.At last, my manager, my entire team and Human Resources Department helped me back to work at my own pace.They even changed my workspace over a weekend to better suit my personal needs before I even came back to work.You see, SAS_creates_a_family.The special attention to employee happiness and work/life balance makes that family possible.The flexible work environment enables most employees to create a schedule that best suits their personal needswhether its attending a school play or taking an aging parent to the doctor.The Work/Life Office has a wealth of resources for college planning, anger management, sorrow, etc.But, as you can see, it doesnt stop there.Most employees believe that SAS is their family.We rely on each other.We help each other succeed.We celebrate team successes.We hang out after work.Our kids play together.We laugh together and cry together.Sure, we have a lot of convenience benefits at SAS.But, what really makes a difference to me is the SAS culture that the outside world doesnt always see: The balance.The companionship.The management support.The family it allows me to have.Im so eager for others to see the side of SAS that I see every day.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文,作者是一名SAS的员工,在他遇到困难时,公司的“家”文化让他受益匪浅。1.After the tragedy, the author_.A.changed his jobB.felt very hopelessC.was sick for three monthsD.turned to his colleagues for help答案B推理判断题。根据第一段中的The kind of tragedy which knocks you out of yourself and turns your whole world upside down.It was completely unforeseen and I had no time to put together an outofoffice plan可知,作者遭受的悲剧足以让他的整个世界崩塌,而这一切又让他措手不及。由此可推测,作者当时应该是感到很绝望。2.What did the authors colleagues do for him during his absence?A.They raised money to help him.B.They visited his family every weekend.C.They asked his clients to wait for him to return.D.They moved his office desk to a convenient place.答案D细节理解题。根据第二段末的They even changed my workspace over a weekend to better suit my personal needs before I even came back to work可知答案。3.By saying the underlined words “SAS creates a family” in Paragraph 3, the author means_.A.the employees feel at home at SASB.SAS often organizes family gettogethersC.many SAS employees have become couplesD.the offices at SAS are decorated like families答案A推理判断题。根据第三段内容可知,SAS关注员工的幸福、工作时间灵活、工作环境愉快,而且还有专门的部门帮助员工解决在工作和生活中遇到的问题。除此之外,大部分SAS的员工都视公司为家,并且员工之间也建立了深厚的感情。这些都说明,在SAS,员工们感觉亲切、舒服,就像在家一样。4.The author writes the text mainly to_.A.tell his life experienceB.introduce SAS cultureC.encourage people to join SASD.explain the importance of family答案B写作目的题。通读全文可知,作者在遇到困难时,SAS的“家”文化让他受益匪浅,所以作者想给其他人介绍SAS的公司文化。最后一段点出了本文的写作目的。BI think adults are affected by media, songs, and the Internet, and that is hard enough.After looking in all of the magazines and at models, my friends and I agree that our least favorite day of the year is when we wear swimsuits! It affects your whole mood and selfimage for the day.Think about how hard it is for young girls if they believe “how hot you look” is how valuable you are.Here are some ways parents can be proactive in encouraging a healthy selfimage in their children.First, teach what real value is.I think kids sometimes are confused about values.How valuable you are is not measured by how pretty you are on the outside and success is not measured by how famous you are.We were watching the Oscars and my 6yearold son said “She is so pretty,” and then quickly looked at me and said “You are prettier, Mom.” And I said, “Its okay.There are many people prettier than me on the outside.I know thats not why you love me.”It is important to teach children this from an early age.Second, tell your kids about “the grass is always greener syndrome.” It is very easy for all of us to see the glamour (魅力), whether it be in a famous singer or the most popular girl in the school.Do not dehumanize and judge famous people.Talk about what problems they might have that are different from the problems your child has and maybe some of the same struggles, like maybe wanting acceptance from peers (同龄人).At last, use your mouth.Dont be afraid to have conversations with your child about how theyre feeling about ads, songs, etc.Boys too! You are the parent! Kids of all ages want and need boundaries whether they admit it or not.Take a stand and have confidence enough not to be followers and not to purchase clothing, music, or magazines that you dont believe sends the right message to your children!【语篇解读】本文是议论文。文章主要阐述了家长们应如何帮助孩子们树立正确的价值观。5.What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 1 refer to?A.Singing with friends.B.Learning swimming skills.C.Showing imperfect figures.D.Reading fashion magazines.答案C词义猜测题。由上文的all of the magazines and at models.when we wear swimsuits及下文的how hot you look可推断,画线词指代“穿上泳衣后展示出不完美的身材”。6.The authors son said “You are prettier, Mom” probably_.A.to praise his motherB.to comfort his motherC.because he didnt like starsD.because he really thought so答案B推理判断题。由上文的We were watching the Oscars and my 6yearold son said “She is so pretty,” and then quickly looked at me and said及下文作者的话Its okay.There are many people prettier than me on the outside可推断,作者的儿子那样说很可能只是为了安慰自己的妈妈。7.What syndrome is mentioned in Paragraph 4?A.Lots of people like judging others.B.Kids want to be popular in school.C.People tend to like famous singers.D.People always think others life is better.答案D推理判断题。由第四段中的the grass is always greener syndrome及It is very easy for all of us to see the glamour.Talk about what problems they might have可知,作者认为人们通常更容易看到别人好的地方,而忽视别人不如意的地方,即“这山望着那山高”。故D项正确。8.In the last paragraph, the author advises parents to_.A.set limits for their kidsB.make friends with their kidsC.teach their kids how to be confidentD.encourage their kids to be themselves答案A细节理解题。由最后一段中的You are the parent!Kids of all ages want and need boundaries whether they admit it or not可知,作者建议家长们适当限制孩子们接触的东西。.阅读七选五On Thanksgiving, Scott Macaulay is preparing a full turkey dinner for a whole bunch of people hes never met.His 70 or so guestselderly people, lowincome people, atrisk teens, and othershave one detail in common:_1_“What I do isnt a big deal, really,”the 52yearold said.“I just cook some food.”Macaulays unconventional Thanksgiving tradition began in 1985, right around the time his parents decided to get divorced.The holidays got messy that year, and Macaulay, who was 24 at the time, sensed hed be spending Thanksgiving alone._2_“Thanksgiving isnt about fireworks or band concerts,” he said.“ _3_ Its not fun to do that by yourself.”Macaulay placed an ad in his local paper with a simple message: If people thought they might be alone on Thanksgiving, they could give Macaulay a call._4_It was nice.So he placed another ad the following year, and the year after that.In recent years, Macaulay has been hosting his Thanksgiving dinners at local churches with lots of space.He still buys and prepares all the food himself and spends about 40 hours putting the whole affair together._5_He said its important to him that he not seek out volunteers or donations because “thats not what this is about.”Macaulay said hed love to see other people hold similar dinners all over the country.“I think someone in every town should do this,” he said, “so nobody has to be alone.”A.It was a terrible feeling.B.Its a celebration around a table with food.C.Without Macaulay, theyd be alone on Thanksgiving.D.A few people showed up at Macaulays place that first year.E.On Thanksgiving Day, he runs around nonstop from about 5 am to 8 pm.F.I dont like the thought of cooking a Thanksgiving meal for only one person.G.He likes it that most of the people he feeds each Thanksgiving don t know his name.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。Macaulay连续多年宴请独自过感恩节的人。1.C根据下文内容可知,Macaulay认为感恩节不应该独自度过,所以他宴请的客人都有一个共同点:“要不是Macaulay,他们都会独自度过感恩节”。2.A结合全文内容及本空前的hed be spending Thanksgiving alone不难推测,Macaulay认为独自过感恩节“感觉很糟糕”。3.B根据本空前的Thanksgiving isnt about fireworks or band concerts及Macaulay连续多年请独自过感恩节的人吃饭可知,Macaulay认为感恩节不应该是放放烟火、看看演唱会,而应该是“围着桌子、吃着食物庆祝”。4.D根据本空后的It was nice和another ad the following year.可知,“第一年有几个人现身Macaulay的宴会”,因此他随后年年坚持做这件事。5.E根据本空前的He still buys and prepares all the food himself and spends about 40 hours putting the whole affair together可知,为了感恩节的宴请,Macaulay劳心劳力,故E项“在感恩节那天,他从凌晨五点忙到晚上八点”符合此处语境。B卷语言知识运用提能练(限时30).完形填空Every December 24, we used to head to my parents house and spend the night, along with my brothers family, and my sisters family.Wed eat lots of foods such as candies and my moms _1_ chocolate cookies.Wed play a card game for hours until one team proved _2_ over all other sides._3_, my sister Martie and I won, and when we had beaten every other _4_, wed sing and even dance.Yes, we were_5_.The kids always put out cookies and milk for Santa, and my dad would sit down and color a picture with his grandchildren to _6_it for Santa Claus.And then wed _7_every person in the family to open just one _8_.After everything settled down, my father would read the story of Christmas, _9_ us all of the true meaning of Christmas.Our Christmas Eves are a little _10_ now as my parents have moved to heaven and my girls are in college, but December 24 is still_11_.Candies and my moms favorite chocolate cookies are _12_ our favorite foods.Martie and I still control card games,_13_my daughter Ally and her boyfriend, Wesley, actually_14_us easily.We still open one gift that night.And, Marties husband, Jan, has _15_ the duty to read the Christmas story.I can hardly wait for the _16_ to come! Its my favorite time of a year because were all _17_.Ill bet your family has wonderful holiday _18_, too.Whatever your traditions are, I hope one of them is reading the story of Christmas.Why not teach your children the _19_ meaning of Christmas this year?Because thats the _20_ gift you could ever give them!【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。每年的平安夜,作者和兄弟姐妹几家人都聚在父母家一起度过,并且重温圣诞节的意义。1.A.special B.homemadeC.favorite D.fresh答案C下文中的my moms favorite chocolate cookies提示了本题答案。2.A.helpful B.creative C.strong D.victorious答案D根据下句中的won,beaten可知,直到一队“胜了(victorious)”其他所有队,游戏才结束。3.A.Usually B.RecentlyC.Immediately D.Hurriedly答案A根据下文中的Martie and I still control card games可推测,“通常(Usually)”都是Martie和作者赢。4.A.sister B.brother C.team D.family答案C根据上句中的one team可知,游戏是以“组(team)”为单位进行的。5.A.funny B.happy C.free D.normal答案B根据上一句作者和妹妹又唱歌又跳舞可知,他们是“快乐的(happy)”。6.A.open B.provide C.leave D.save答案C根据本句中的The kids always put out cookies and milk for Santa可推测,父亲跟孩子们一起涂图画也是为了“留给(leave)”圣诞老人。7.A.allow B.order C.beg D.force答案A8.A.box B.window C.case D.gift答案D根据下文中的We still open one gift that night可知,我们“允许(allow)”家里的每一个人打开一份“礼物(gift)”。9.A.convincing B.informingC.reminding D.warning答案C父亲给大家读圣诞节的故事是为了“提醒(reminding)”大家记着圣诞节的真正意义。10.A.simple B.differentC.meaningless D.strange答案B根据本空后的as my parents have moved to heaven and my girls are in college可知,家里的人少了,所以现在的平安夜有点“不同了(different)”。11.A.wonderful B.reasonableC.comfortable D.powerful答案A根据下文作者描述的欢乐情景可知,作者的平安夜仍然是很“精彩的(wonderful)”。12.A.even B.rather C.already D.still答案D本空前后多处出现的still提示了本题答案。13.A.and B.or C.but D.as答案C14.A.find B.reach C.cheat D.beat答案D根据本句中的actually可推测,尽管作者和妹妹仍然控制扑克游戏,“但是(but)”她的女儿和她女儿的男朋友实际上很轻松就能“战胜(beat)”她们。15.A.taken over B.thought aboutC.dealt with D.applied for答案A作者的父亲去世了,所以作者的妹夫“接管了(taken over)”父亲读圣诞节故事的任务。16.A.game B.night C.dinner D.day答案B根据文中出现的night可知,作者迫不及待等着平安“夜(night)”的到来。17.A.alive B.healthy C.around D.together答案D根据上文内容可知,作者一大家子“一起(together)”过平安夜。18.A.traditions B.songsC.foods D.plans答案A本空后的Whatever your traditions are提示了本题答案。19.A.clear B.only C.true D.hidden答案C上段中的the true meaning of Chri


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