



男 1987.9.8毕业时间:2012.6蒋魁强 电话:151-4043-9340 邮箱:地址:辽宁省大连市大连理工大学三束实验室新楼401 邮编:116023求职意向 教育背景 2009.92012.6 大连理工大学 等离子体物理 硕士 平均绩点:3.35/4 (TOP 15%)2005.92009.6 中国计量学院 应用物理 学士 平均绩点:3.42/4 (TOP 10%)主修课程 本科:高等数学,大学物理,量子力学,计算方法,程序设计(C语言),结构与物性,工程图学,普通化学,材料物理,半导体器件,金工实习(实习),企业管理概论。硕士:低温等离子体,计算机模拟,光谱理论,等离子体诊断,等离子体与固体相互作用。实习兼职经历 2009.22009.3 浙江升华强磁材料有限公司 主任助理 于生产车间学习生产工艺流程,协助车间主任负责日常生产的安排及检验 2010.32011.6 大连理工大学 大学物理实验讲师 主讲大学物理实验,题目“低气压直流击穿特性”、“杨氏模量的测量”,累计3学期科研经历 2009.92009.12 基于Labview的光谱仪驱动软件编译 主负责人在Labview环境下编译CCD传感器的windows驱动程序,将CCD与单色仪组合,使其组合实现光谱仪功能。2009.92010.3 大气压介质阻挡放电自相似性研究 主负责人 通过实验验证了大气压介质阻挡放电自相似性,实验结果拟发表至中国物理学报。论文题目大气压介质阻挡射流等离子体放电的自相似性2010.3至今 低气压下碘甲烷的解离 项目组成员该项目系大连理工大学三束材料改性教育部重点实验室与中国科学院大连化学物理研究所合作项目,实验结果将为制造高能碘激光器提供数据依据社团经历 2006.92007.6 中国计量学院理学院外联部 部长 创立理学院外联部,两学期外联部共拉商业赞助折合人民币约10,000元,共招聘干事40人次,培养学生会部门部长6名2005.62008.7 中国计量学院暑期社会实践小分队 队长 连续3次任中国计量学院社会实践小分队队长,分别赴企业、社区、新农村社会实践2009.62010.9 大连理工大学物理学院美宣部 部长共制作各类宣传海报30余张,活动开场PPT及开场视频十余次2010.42010.6 大连理工大学物理学院“小家讲坛” 主讲人主讲PowerPoint制作及Photoshop的应用,听众150人左右获奖情况 2010.8 第十五届等离子体科学与技术会议口头报告,获优秀研究生奖2009.11 大连理工大学第一届office技能大赛 团体二等奖(物理学院代表队)2009.92012.6大连理工大学优秀研究生二等奖学金2006.32009.3 校优秀学生二等奖学金(10%)2次;校优秀学生三等奖(30%)5次个人技能及爱好 英语:CET 6 ;TOEIF 635 ;口语 流利 ;读写 熟练计算机:证书 二级(C语言);三级(网络技术) 编程 VC,VB,Fortran,Labview,Matlab精通 M.S Office,Photoshop;熟练 AutoCAD,Dreamweaver,Origin,会声会影爱好:乒乓球,游泳,桌球,摄影KuiQiang Jiang Mobile:+86-151-4043-9340 E-mail:Address:Room 401,Key Lab of Materials Modification by Beams ,Dalian University of Technology, Liaoning, China. 116023Objective Education Background 2009.92012.6 Dalian University of Technology (DUT) Dalian, ChinaMaster of Plasma Physics GPA :3.35/4 (TOP 20%)2005.92009.6 China Jiliang University Hangzhou, ChinaBachelor of Applied Physics GPA:3.42/4 (TOP 10%)Working and Project Experience 2010.32011.6 Dalian University of Technology Teacher of experiment Gave lectures about physical experiment, and corrected the experimental reports2009.22009.3 Zhejiang Shenghua Magnetic Materials Co., Ltd. Director assistant Learnt every procedures of workmanship, assisted the director of workshop to arrange and checked daily production 2007.92008.7 China Jiliang University Head TeacherTook charge of organizing and managing all the activities in the first semesterItem Experience 2010.3Now The dissociation of methyl iodide Member of item This work was supported by Key Lab of Materials Modification Dalian University ofTechnology and Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences2009.92010.3 The research of DBD at atmospheric pressure Principal The result was intended to publish on China Physics Letters(CPL)named 2009.92009.12 Compilation of spectrograph drivers software Principal Compiled windows drivers of sensor CCD under the condition of Labview, and combined it with monochromator to function out spectrographActivities of Student Union 2010.42010.6 Little instructor on platform InstructorGave lectures about the application of PowerPoint and Photoshop2009.62010.9 Publicity Department of Physical college MinisterDesigned about 30 pieces of posters, PPT at the opening for 10 times2006.92007.6 Public Relations Department MinisterFounded the Public Relations Department in College of Science in China Jiliang University, solicited 10,000 in total sponsorship in two semesters, and instructed 6 ministers in other school students union2007.62008.7 Vocation social practice Team leader Acted as team leader of social practice, separately to cooperation, community and a New VillageHonors and Scholarships 2010.8 Made a presentation on the 15th plasma science and technology meeting, and awarded outstanding postgraduate2009.11 The first office skill competition second prize of group(Physics Group)2009.92012.6 Outstanding postgraduates second prize scholarship (30%)2006.32009.3 The Second Prize Excellent Student (10%) twice; The Third Prize Excellent Student(30%) five times ,self-improvement scholarship(5%) onceCertificates and Skills English: CET- 6 ;TOEIF 635 ;Oral English: Fluent ;Reading and Writing: ProficientIT: Computer leve


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