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Unit 2 Learning English: Some Advice and SuggestionsSection A: If You Dont Make Mistakes, You Wont Learn!I. Warming up1. When did you start learning English?2. How did you feel when you made mistakes?3. What did you do when you have difficulties in learning English?Ask students to work in pairs and discuss the question cards on page 20.II. Background InformationFour basic factors of learning English well:The first is the ability to develop an active learning strategy. In other words, good language learners have the ability to set goals.Secondly, good language learners are able to see the language as a formal system, with its own rules and relationships between forms and meanings.The third is to develop a social strategy for learning. This means that good learners know they will make mistakes. However, they will try to talk with native speakers of the language and overcome difficulties in their language learning. Eventually, they become fluent in the language.The final factor is emotional. All language learners will have emotional problems while they are learning. In spite of this, a good learner will cope effectively, and will cultivate positive attitudes towards themselves, towards language learning in general, and towards the target language, society and culture.III. Text StructureIntroduction: Who is Kim and whats her present level of English (Paras.1-2)Body: Learning experience & the lesson:1) Her book.(Para.3&Para.5)2) Her interview.(Para.4)3) Her lesson: you have to be brave.(Para.6)Conclusion: Call on to learn from Kim. (Para.7)IV. Detailed study of Text A1. If You Dont Make Mistakes, You Wont Learn!Meaning: It is impossible for you to learn the language well unless you make mistakes.2. Within four years, though, she has managed to become so fluent in English that she doesnt even have a foreign accent!. (Para. 2)Meaning: After four years of practice, she is now successful in speaking English in as easy and smooth a manner as a native English speaker!within: prep. & adv. 1) not beyond; not more than 在之内;不超过People judge others within the first seven seconds of seeing them.2) inside 在里面The anger was still deep within him.3. She has won many awards, and has even written a book about her experience in learning English (Para. 2)Meaning: She has obtained a lot of prizes and has also written a book about the difficulties that she had been through in learning English.award: n. something, especially a prize or money, given as the result of an official decision 奖金,奖品I worked very hard as an English teacher, and won many teaching awards.vt. give, especially as the result of an official decision(尤指官方决定)给予;授予The board chairman decided to award him a gold cup for his creative achievements in the development of the new product.4. Kim first saw the need for the book when she began helping Korean students at her school after they had just arrived in the country.(Para. 3)Meaning: When Kim started helping Korean students at her school after they had just come to America, she noticed for the first time that they needed a book like that.5. “I want others to know that its OK to make mistakes,” she said, “that nothing can be gained without risk(Para. 4)Meaning: I want to show others that it doesnt matter if you make mistakes because you can obtain nothing if you dont take risks.risk: danger, possibility that something harmful or undesirable may happen 危险,风险. If you drive carefully, you will have no risk of getting a ticket from the police.6. These experiences taught Kim an important lesson about learning English well:you have to be brave. (Para. 6)Meaning: Kim learnt many important things from all the difficulties she had been through: if you want to learn English well, you have to be courageous and fearless.teach someone a lesson: (a warning example or experience)give someone good sense(一个警示性的例子或经历)给某人一个教训His failure in the exam has taught him a lesson.7. Never be afraid of making mistakes.be afraid of: be unwilling to do something, especially because of worry about possible results(担心可能发生的后果而)不敢(害怕)做某事的He kept the bad news from his father, as he was afraid of upsetting him. 8. You have to dare to learn the language-you cant just sit in your own room and only study grammar. (Para. 6)Meaning: You have to be brave enough to make your own efforts in learning the language. It is not enough for you to just sit in your room and study the rules of English.dare to do something: be brave enough 胆敢,敢于The little boy would never dare to say no to his father.grammar: n.1) U (the study or use of) the rules by which words change their forms and are combined into sentences 语(文)法;语法(文法)学If you want to pass the TOEFL, you should have a solid knowledge of English grammar.2) C a book that describes or teaches these rules 语法书Mary bought an English grammar last Sunday. 9. Take a leaf out of Kims book! (Para. 7)take a leaf out of someones book: follow someones example 学某人的样;以某人为榜样The President of the company called on all his men to take a leaf out of Mike Greens book. Marys father asked his youngest daughter to take a leaf out of Marys book and work hard.V. Homework 1. Preview text B 2. Do the exercises after text ASection B: Listening to a radio program in EnglishI. Background Information1. VOAVoice of America (VOA) is the official external radio and television broadcasting service of the United States federal government. Its oversight entity is the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG). VOA provides a wide range of programming for broadcast on radio, TV and the Internet around the world in forty-four languages, promoting a positive view of the United States. Its day-to-day operations are supported by the International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB).VOA broadcasts by satellite and on FM, AM, and shortwave radio frequencies. It is also available through the Internet in both streaming media and downloadable formats at VOAN. VOA has affiliate and contract agreements with many radio and television stations and cable networks worldwide.2. BBCBritish Broadcasting Corporation The UK state-owned broadcasting network. It operates television and national and local radio stations, and is financed by the sale of television (originally radio) licenses. It is not permitted to carry advertisements but it has an additional source of income through its publishing interests and the sales of its programs. The BBC is controlled by a board of governors, each appointed by the government for five years. The BBC was converted from a private company (established in 1922) to a public corporation under royal charter in 1927. Under the charter, news programs were required to be politically impartial. The first director-general was John Reith from 1922 to 1938.II. Detailed Study of Text B1. Listening to a radio program in a foreign language is difficult for many of us. (Para. 1)Meaning: It is difficult for many of us to listen to and understand a radio program in a foreign language.2. However, listening to a foreign language calls for different skills.(Para 1)Meaning: Nevertheless, different skills are necessary for listening to a foreign language.however: adv.1) in spite of this; nevertheless 然而,不过Its raining hard. However, we still have to go.2) to whatever degreeHowever funny the story was, you should not have laughed in that kind of situation.call for: need or deserve 需要,值得This trouble calls for quick action by the government.skill: n.C;U (a) special ability to do something well, especially as gained by learning and practice 技能,技巧She handled the dispute with great skill.Some students ignore spelling and see it as an unimportant skill.3. We know what to expect in almost any situation because we have learned similar conversations many times before. (Para. 2)Meaning: We know what will come from our conversation in almost any situation as we have heard talks of the same kind many times before.expect.1) think or believe 预料,预期The teacher expected that most of his students would fail the mid-term exam.2) think or consider something is likely to come or happen 认为某人会来,某事会发生similar: adj. like or alike; of the same kind The two little girls look so similar that I can hardly tell them apart.conversation: n. C;U (an) informal talk in which people exchange news, feelings and thoughts(非正式的)谈话,交谈I saw him in conversation with a friend.We ended our conversation with laughter.4. Unfortunately, this is not true with a foreign language. (Para. 2)Meaning: It is a bad thing that this is not the case with a foreign language.unfortunately: adv. It is/was a bad thing that; I am afraid that令人遗憾地;可惜;Unfortunately, these terrible accidents still happen from time to time.be true with: be suitable and applicable to 符合于, 对适用On formal occasions, Chinese people show respect for others by bowing. It is true with the Japanese people.5. Evening programs are usually quite long and detailed. (Para.3)Meaning: Evening programs are generally long and give a lot of details.detailed: adj. characterized by abundant use of detail or thoroughness of treatment 详细的The man gave the police a detailed description of the thief.The students handed in a detailed report of the experiment.detail: n. C a single point or fact about something 细节,小事Dont bother yourself about all these details. Just give me an outline of the plan.I described the accident in great detail.6. But sometimes, it may not! (Para. 4)Meaning: However, sometimes we cant get anything from the name of the program!It may not=the name of the program may not tell us what the subject is7. Another suggestion is to try listening to the news headlines in a foreign language every day, and then compare them with the Chinese ones. (Para.5)Meaning: Here is another suggestion: listen to the news summaries in a foreign language every day and then compare them with the Chinese ones.suggestion: n.1) C something suggested 提议,建议I felt very sorry that they treated my suggestion as a joke.2) a slight sign; trace 暗示,细微的迹象There is a suggestion of a storm. I sensed that there was a suggestion of trouble coming.suggest: vt. mention as a possibility; state as an idea for considerationI suggest that we have a meeting to solve the problem.headline: n.1) (plural) a main point of the news, as read on radio or television(广播或电视的)新闻提要I turned on the radio to get the headlines.2) C the


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