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高中英语人教新课标必修五unit5 单词讲解.ppt_第5页
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Unit 5First Aid,Part 1 Words and expressions,aid: 1) v. aid sb. to do sth. aid sb. in doing/with sth. I aided her to continue her study. =I aided her in continuing her study. =I aided her with her study. 2) n. first aid 急救 a hearing aid 助听器 with the aid of/with sbs aid 在的帮助下 in aid of 用以援助.; 作为援助.之用 eg. collect money in aid of the poor come /go to sb.s aid 前来/去援助某人 give/ offer aid to sb. 给予帮助,2.injury (c./u.)n( 身体;感情;名誉) injure( v.) injurious(to) (adj) Smoking is injurious to health, especially to the lungs. be an injury to 伤害., 危害., 对.有害 do sb. an injury/do an injury to sb.伤害某人 to suffer injuries to the head 头部受伤 He suffered severe injury to his leg. a leg injury一处腿伤 add insult to injury 落井下石 an injury to ones reputation损毁 的名誉 I take it as a personal injury.,sprain n. 扭伤 vt. 扭伤, 损伤 I sprained my ankle/wrist when I fell. 我跌倒时扭伤了踝骨/手腕。 He got a foot sprain in his ankle. 他脚踝受了严重的扭伤。,choke vi. & vt. choke sb. to death 使窒息死亡,掐死 choke on a fish 鱼刺卡在喉咙里 choke with anger 气得说不出话来 choke(hold) back ones tears 忍住泪水 choke ones feelings 抑制感情 The smoke almost choked me. 烟呛得我几乎喘不出气来 The streets in the centre of the city were choked up with traffic. 市中心的街道被车辆 堵塞了.,Give blood blood pressure He lost a lot of blood in the accident. Of noble blood They are of the same blood. He is of mixed blood. Blood for blood. Bad blood between A and B ones own flesh and blood give sb. A bloody nose,Burn to the ground He is burning to tell us the news. He takes his exam next week, so hes burning the midnight oil now. Money burns a hole in sbs pocket. 有钱就花,大手大脚 Have money to burn有的是钱 Feel ones ears burning 觉得耳朵发烧(认为有人在说自己) Burn the candle at both ends 操劳过度,essential adj. basic, necessary essentials n. (pl.) 必需品; 要素,要点 Food is essential to life. 食物是维持生命不可或缺的 Personal space is essential for healthy living. (拥有)个人空间是健康生活所必需的。 the essentials of grammar 语法要点 essentials/necessities of life,organ n. 器官 The eyes are the organs of sight. 眼睛是视觉器官. The liver is an organ and so is the heart. 肝脏是一个器官,心脏也是。 state organs 国家机构 organic adj. 器官的, 有机的, 组织的 organic vegetables 有机肥料灌溉的蔬菜,layer: a depth or level 深度或层次 a poem with several layers of meaning. 有多层含义的诗歌 a layer of dust on the windowsill 窗台上的一层灰尘 a cake with four layers 四层蛋糕,heal vt., vi. 治愈(伤口);使复原 The wound soon healed up / over. Time is a great healer.(谚) heal sb. Of sth He was healed of his sickness.他病已痊愈。 Time heals all sorrows. 时间会治愈一切忧伤。 treat “治疗”,着重强调过程,不涉及结果,不一定治愈。 heal 多用于治疗外伤。 cure “治愈”,强调结果。,swell vi.&vt. (swelled ,swelled/swollen) Her leg has swollen badly The wind swelled the sails.风鼓起了帆。 The heavy rain swelled the river 大雨使河水上涨了。 swollen 可作形容词,表示“ 肿胀的” Her eyes were red and swollen with weeping. Have a swelled/swollen head (指因突然成功)冲昏头脑,nerve n. 神经, 勇气;魄力;胆量 a man of nerve 勇敢的人,有勇气的人 (pl) 神经质;神经过敏 She gets nerves before every examination. 每次考试前她都很紧张。 Get on sbs nerves刺激或烦扰某人 Stop whistling! Its/Youre getting on my nerves.,jewellery 和jewel 的辨析: 两者均有“ 珍宝首饰” 之意,jewellery 为集体 名词, 不可数;jewel 为可数名词 She appeared at the party wearing some of her finest_. A. jewels B. jewelleries C. jewel D. jewellers I want to buy _ as a birthday gift for my daughter. A.some jewel B. a piece of jewel C. a jewellery D. a piece of jewellery,squeeze out 榨出, 挤出 他们被年轻人挤出了就业市场。 They have been squeezed out of the job market by young people. squeeze money from sb 向某人勒索钱财 squeeze money out of sb 那个年轻人经常向那个小学生勒索钱财。 The young man often squeezes money from/ out of the pupil.,In place 在适当的位置, 适当 out of place 不在适当的位置, 不适当 in place of 代替 take the place of 代替 She likes everything _ before she starts work. Her criticisms were quite_. ( 她的批评太不相宜了) Let me go _your _.,to be in place,out of place,in,place,给予,赠送 present + sb. + with + sth. 授予某人 He presented her with a gold medal. present + sth. + to + sb. 颁发给某人 He presented a gold medal to her. He presented(赠送) a sum of money to our school in aid of some poor students. (2) 提出,呈现 present reasons 提出理由 3)上演 present a new play,20. stab v. He stabbed the woman with a knife and she died. 他用小刀把这位妇女刺死了 a stab (stab sb.) in the back 暗箭伤人,背后中伤 21. bruise 擦伤;打伤;使成瘀伤 She bruised her knee. 她的膝盖擦伤了。 擦伤(水果、植物等);碰损 Soft fruit bruises easily.细嫩的水果容易碰损 22. authentic authentic news 可靠的消息 an authentic painting by Piccaso毕加索的真迹,-Was his father very strict with him when he was at school? - Yes. He had never praised him _ he became one of the top students in his


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