八年级英语上册 Lesson Plan Presentation教案 人教新课标版.doc_第1页
八年级英语上册 Lesson Plan Presentation教案 人教新课标版.doc_第2页
八年级英语上册 Lesson Plan Presentation教案 人教新课标版.doc_第3页




教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册 Lesson Plan Presentation教案 人教新课标版撰写人:_时 间:_Hello! Everyone, Im glad to present my lesson plan here. The lesson Im going to talk about is the reading part in the self check of unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf, from PEP Go for it Grade 8 BookB. Id like to explain it in the following aspects. First, my analysis of the teaching material. The passage talks about Chinese learn English by singing English songs and introduces some other ways to improve English. And this class aims to cultivate Ss reading strategy, that is, Ss learn to “summarize” by answering “who, what, where, why” questions. Since the setting of this passage is out of date, I change 20xx Olympics into World Expo 20xx Shanghai China3c writing a summary into oral production. Next, my teaching important points.The junior middle school students are familiar with the topic - English learning and interested in singing English songs, which will help them understand the passage. They have learnt the strategy of skimming and scanning but they cant summarize the main idea in their own words at the first time. So they may have the difficulty in answering teachers questions and be unfamiliar with the reading strategy-summarizing, for this reason, group work will be designed to lessen the difficulty. Then my teaching goals. According to the analysis above, I set the following learning objectives:1. Language skillssummarize the passage by answering wh-questions.get the general idea of the passage by skimming.find out some specific information to understand the passage by scanning.2. Language knowledgemaster new words and expression after the class, such as winner, encourage, take an interest in and so on.know some ways to improve their English.3. Affectsknow that learning English songs is helpful to our English; take more interests in learning English.4. Cultural awarenesslearn the knowledge of World Expo 20xx Shanghai China.5. Learning strategytheir ability of individual and cooperative learning by doing some activities will be developed.Finally, my teaching procedure.Based on the understanding of reading as an interactive process, I divide the teaching procedures into basically three stages in which bottom-up and top-down techniques are integrated to help students develop their reading strategies and increase their language efficiency in general. These three stages are pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading.First, in pre-reading stage, it takes 7minutes doing two activities. First, students will watch a video clip about the song You and Me sung by Liu Huan and Sara Brightman for the 20xx Olympics to warm up. Then some Ss will be asked to report their results based on the discussion of the effect of English songs on English learning. This group discussion can help activate Ss previous knowledge and get Ss familiar with the topic. Whats more, this activity can cultivate Ss ability of cooperative learning.Then, the while-reading stage, it is the most important part which will cost 29 minutes in my teaching procedure. There are three steps here. First is skimming to know the general idea of the passage. A multiple choices is designed in this step to lessen the difficulty of summarizing the main idea. The second step is scanning to do the true or false questions.After reading the first paragraph carefully, Ss will answer teachers wh-questions at first. Then I try to summarize the main ideas according to Ss answers of wh-questions. It can set an example for Ss about how to summarize the main ideas with wh-questions. Then Ss fill in a table in group of 4 and ask themselves the wh-questions. Thus Ss can summarize the main idea through group work. After reading the third paragraph carefully, Ss will be asked to summarize the main idea individually. It also helps me to know if students have got the ability to summarize. Then Ss read the last paragraph and summarize the main idea by asking themselves the wh-questions. And some students will report it. At last, it is students who find the strategy by themselves during this procedure.After knowing the new strategy, the key point is how to use it. In post-reading stage, there is a role-play activity for 8 minutes. Ss are supposed to be the volunteers in World Expo 20xx Shanghai ChinaMaking a good use of the blackboard can help Ss learn bette


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