八年级英语上册 Module2 Unit1Have you ever entered a competition教学设计 外研版.doc_第1页
八年级英语上册 Module2 Unit1Have you ever entered a competition教学设计 外研版.doc_第2页
八年级英语上册 Module2 Unit1Have you ever entered a competition教学设计 外研版.doc_第3页
八年级英语上册 Module2 Unit1Have you ever entered a competition教学设计 外研版.doc_第4页
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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册 Module2 Unit1Have you ever entered a competition教学设计 外研版撰写人:_时 间:_:本模块的语法为现在完成时,内容主要涉及经历。经历是同学们感兴趣的一个话题,谈论自己经历过的趣事、有意义事和值得回忆的事也一定为同学们所喜欢。话题的展开很自然地引入了现在完成时。教学目标:一、 知识目标2、能够听懂并运用现代完成时询问和表达经历。3、能够准确朗读含有现在完成时的疑问句及其答语。4、掌握的语言目标:(1) Have you ever wanted to travel around the world? Yes, I have .Ive always wanted to travel around the world.(2) nt. I haven(3) Have you ever visited New York? No, I havent. Ive never visited USA.二、 情感态度1、 讨论经历是能够注意他人的情感,不因别人未能周游各地而藐视,邀表现关怀与平等。2、 人学生在课堂中体会学习英语的乐趣,增添学习英语的信心和参与课堂的勇气;学会关爱他人,热爱生活;学会反思计划落实的情况,并能加以调整。 三、 学习策略 1、Brainstorm 2、 Memorizing 3、 Study in a group 4、 Role-playing 6、 Summarizing 7、Self-evaluating教学流程环节一 Warming up用“brainstorm”的形式让学生说出去旅游的交通方式,引出乘飞机旅行,学习有关飞机方面的单词。Teachers activity:1.Help students to talk about the important transportations to travel.2.Lead the students to say. When they talk about “by plane”, Help them to say the parts of the plane .Whats in the plane.Students activity:1.Work in pairs to talk about the kinds of the transportation.2.Try to name the parts of the plane; and whats in the plane .(Pay attention to the pronunciation of each word.) ( 设计意图: 度假旅行方式是关心的话题,这个话题必然会引起学生开口说英语的兴趣,也为后面的环节作了一个铺垫。学生不仅扩展了这方面的词汇,而且复习了提问表达方式的句型。)环节二 Presentation看课本图片,从图片中找出本单元所学的单词。Teachers activity:Show the picture in Activity 2,let students say the words in the picture as many as possible.Students activity:Try to find the words in the picture.( 设计意图:通过图片识单词,目的是为下面的听力活动解决语言上可能出现的困难。)环节三 ListeningTeachers activity:1. Read through the words in box with the whole class and have them repeat chorally and individually.2. Play the tape through once for them to listen and focus.3. Play it again and ask them to number the words in order .Students activity:1.Listen to the tape and repeat the words in the box. 2. Listen to the tape again, and then check the answers with a partner. (设计意图:此活动为单词变音活动,目的是让学生学会如何读这些单词。)环节四 Listen and readTeachers activity:1.Ask the students to read through the conversation individually.2.Then have them read and follow while you play the tape.3.After reading the conversation , let students check the things Lingling and Sally have done. LinglingSallyVisit ChinaWatch a VCD about ChinaEnjoy messages about life in BeijingWant to travel about the worldWant to go to the USA and Europe Invite someone to stayLook at todays newspaperStudents activity:1. Read through the conversation individually first. Then follow the tape to repeat.2. Read the conversation again , fill in the chart below and check with a partner ( check the things Lingling and Sally have done.) Answer:LinglingSallyVisit ChinaWatch a VCD about ChinaEnjoy messages about life in BeijingWant to travel about the worldWant to go to the USA and Europe Invite someone to stayLook at todays newspaper( 设计意图:此活动为细节理解题,主要是训练学生获取细节的能力,培养他们记笔记的能力。)环节五 Work in pairs: Teachers activity:1. Ask the students to work in pairs to do Activity 5.Ask and say what Lingling and Sally have or havent done.2. Play the tape and let students listen and check the answers.3. Let students answer the questions about the words in the box.(Activity 6 ) Students activity:1. Work in pairs. e.g. SA:-Has Sally visited China?SB:-No, she hasnt.2. Now listen to the tape again and check the answers.3. Answer the questions about the words in the box.(Activity 6 )( 设计意图:此活动是上一活动的继续,练习现在完成时的一般疑问句及其回答形式。此语法是新的,这种机械训练很有必要。)环节六 Pronunciation (Activity 7 )Teachers activity:1. Ask the students to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.2. Play the tape through while they just listen and follow, and then pause for them to repeat chorally and individually.Students activity:1. Work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.2. Listen and follow to the tape and repeat it. correct your pronunciation.( 设计意图:主要训练学生能正确朗读含有现在完成时的句子。)环节七 Speaking (Activity 8)Teachers activity: Ask the students to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.Students activity: Work in pairs to ask and answer the questions. SA: Have you ever wanted to travel around the world? SB: Yes I have. Ive always wanted to travel around the world.SB: No, I havent. I( 设计意图:此活动是在上一活动的基础上开展说得活动,通过让学生两两对话的口语练习,来掌握现在完成时的表达方式。)环节八 Summary 学生在老师的指导下总结现在完成时的构成,以及它的一般疑问句及回答形式。教学反思 本模块通过词汇学习和听力练习,围绕“经历”这一主题,让学生进行一次有趣的、有意义的和值得回忆的经历。不仅学习了新的语法内容,更练习各种听、说能力。达标测试一、单项选择( )1.-_does it take? -It takes half an hour. A. How soon B. How long C. How far D. How often( )2.Have you heard the news_? -No, not _ A. already, already B. yet , yet C. yet , already D. already , yet ( )3.How do you like Suzhou,Mr. Green? -Oh, I_ such a beautiful city before. A. dont visit B. havent visited C. hadnt visited D. didnt visit ( ) 4.Hes never been abroad,_? A. has he B. isnt he C. hasnt he D. is he ( ) 5.Tina has ever eaten roast duck, hasnt she?-_,She had it the other day. A. Yes, she has B. No, she hasnt C. Yes, she did D. No, she didnt二、句型转换1. They have won the game.( 改为否定句)They _ _ the game.( 作否定回答)2. Have you ever visited New York?No, I _ _.3. He has already had his breakfast.( 改为一般疑问句)_he _his breakfast_?4. My uncle has been to Disneyland twice._ _ _has your uncle been to Disneyland? (对划线部分提问)5. Jim finished his homework. (改为现在完成时)Jim_ _ his homework.(keys:一、1.B 2.B 3. B 4. A 5.A 二、1.havent won 2.have not 3.Has had yet 4.How many times 5. has finished)第一单元检测题一、短语互译。1. take off 2. 售完,卖光 3. travel around the world 4. 参加比赛 5. the price of the ticket 6. 和呆在一起7. sound brilliant8. 看今天的报纸9. invite sb. to do sth.10. 一次精彩的经历二、 根据汉语提示或首字母完成单词 11. He is a man of much e . He knows many things. 12. This dress is too big for me. World you like to show us a one? 13. Whats the p of a plane ticket to the USA? 14. John has ever d of seeing the Great Wall. 15. Its hot in our classroom. Youd better t your coat off. 16. What (比赛) are there on TV, in newspapers or at your school? 17. Do you prefer to live in a city or in the c ? 18. The plane (起飞) on time last Monday. 19. He sat just (前面) me. 20. Let me know if you have any (难题).三、 单项选择 21. My father had to work Sunday morning.A. at B. on C. to D. in 22. Bob, its getting cold. take a jacket with you?- All right, Daddy.A. Would you like B. What about C. Why not D. Youd better 23. What are you going to do this weekend?- I yet.A. didnt B. havent decided C. wont decided D. have decided 24. The girl was born May, 1991 and came to Tianjin October 10, 20xx.A. on, on B. in, on C. in, in D. on, in 25. I hope my dream of swimming across the English Channel will . 26. How often does the boy go to see his granny? - .A. Two times a month B. One time a weekC. Twice a month D. Three time a month 27. Who read the new book? Please tell me something about it.A. has just B. already has C. has yet D. just has 28. What do you our new car? - I think it is beautiful.A. find B. like C. think D. think of 29. Have you heard the news ?- No, not .A. already, already B. yet, yet C. yet, already D. already, yet 30. - does it take? - It takes half an hour.A. How soon B. How long C. How far D. How often四、 根据汉语完成句子 31. 你最喜欢哪一种肥皂What soap do you like best? 32. 你曾经参加过比赛吗?_ you ever 33. 玲玲从来没有想过去环球旅行。Lingling never to travel around the world. 34. 头等奖是你梦想的到英国度假。The first is the holiday your dreams in England. 35. 他曾经在中国各地举办音乐会,音乐会的票总是销售一空。Hes concerts all over China and the tickets have always out五、 阅读理解“Certainly”, the man answered, then he pushed a button on his watch and a voice rang out, “Eight fifteen”. Then he pushed another button on his watch and a tiny TV screen appeared(出现) with morning news. Another button produced music.“Ill have the watch”., said the passenger, “Ill give you 500 dollars for it.” The man agreed and handed over the watch . Just then a voice came from the speaker on the wall .“The train for London is arriving. Please go through Gate 4.”As the passenger started to leave, the man called after him, “Dont you want extra batteries(额外电池)?”“Sure where are they?”“In t


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