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Sunday 周日 Monday 周一 Tuesday周二 Wednesday周三 Thursday 周四 Friday周五 Saturday周六,January 一月 February 二月 March 三月 April 四月 May五月 June 六月 July 七月 August 八月 September九月 October 十月 November十一月 December 十二月,对sorry 的回答 =Thats OK =Thats all right. = It doesnt matter =Never mind没关系 不用谢. =Thats OK =Thats all right. =Not at all.= Dont mention it. = Youre welcome = Its a / my pleasure.(事情发生之后) 我乐意效劳 With pleasure. =My pleasure=I am glad to . (事情发生之前),afford to do 或 +n 买得起,担负得起 常和can could 或 be able to 连用。 He can afford the watch. We cant afford to buy a car,like as 区别 1 as +句子。 like +名词或代词。 He drinks like a fish. 他像鱼一样地喝水。 He beat the ball hard as his father did. 他击球像他父亲一样地狠。 Do as the teacher told you.按照老师告诉你的做 2 like像一样(实际上不是) as作为,以身份(实际上是) He talked to me like my father. 他像父亲那样跟我谈话。(他不是我父亲) He talked to me as my father. 他以父亲的身份跟我谈话。(他是我父亲),believe sb / sth/ that+句子 相信(人说的话) believe in sb 相信,信任某人 I dont believe what he said . work / study hard 努力学习 hard-working adj 勤奋的 掉e, 加-ly的副词, terrible-terribly; true-truly; gentle-gently probableprobably share the joy and pain / sadness with each other 彼此分享 快乐和痛苦,十二 (一)so 与的such区别 这么 so + adj. /adv sothat “如此以至于” such+ n.(短语) such that ”如此以至于” eg.1 so nice a picture=a very nice picture =such/quite a nice picture 2 such bad nice weather u 3 such nice pictures pl. 注意: so many / much / few / little等表示数量的,一律用sothat,不用such that We have so much homework to do that We dont have enough time to sleep. 我们有这么多的作业要做以至于没有足够的时间去睡觉 (二)The number of the students is 50. 的数量 A number of students are very poor.许多,(六) neither of 两个都不是 neithernor 反义词 both of 两个都是both.and none of 3个都不是 反义词 all of 3个都是 either (1)两者之一 either ofeitheror (2) “也”否定句的句尾,作用相当于 肯定句的too each of 中的每一个 不能说 every/ no one of,四许多 an amount of +u = much +u a number of +c =many+ c plenty of +cu=a lot of / lots of+cu 一些 some +cu a few +c a little +u Tony is 10 years old this year. Tony is a 10-year-old boy.,.,mostly =-mainly adv. 主要地 mostly 大部分 ,主要地 thought 想法,看法, idea 主意 life c 生命 lose / take his life 失去/夺走 u 生活in my life/ in our daily life build 建立,建造 build up our body 增强我们的体质,情态动词 1 can could may might must need + V 不与will would连用 shall should will would + V 2 cant不可能,不能 mustnt 千万不能,表示禁止 3 情态动词的过去式与原形相比, 语气更为委婉。 可能性更低,有时候并不表示过去时,4 情态动词在一般疑问句中的回答: Can you sing? May I come in? Must I hand in the book now?,5 can和may都能表示“可能性”时的区别 在肯定句中用may不用can; He may be right. 他可能对。 He may know. 他也许知道。 (2) 在否定句和疑问句中用can不用may Can it be true? No, it cant be true. (3)祝福wish sb sth= may sb do=hope that May you succeed (v).=Wish you success.(n) =I hope you will succeed. 祝你成功 6 ought to 否定为ought not to应该 ought to do = be supposed to do =should do,代词 1 it, one, that those的区别 it指上文提到过的事物。 one泛指上下文提及的同类事物中的一个。 that , those常用于比较结构中,代替前面提到的名词,单数用 that 复数用 those避免重复. (1) I have many books. Which_ do you like? (2) The book is mine. _ is very interesting. (3)The weather in Beijing is much colder than_ in Hainan. (4) The pants in this shop are better than those in that shop.,one,It,that,2.it 的几种特殊用法 作形式宾语或形式主语时 Its easy to climb the hill. I found it interesting to learn English 不知姓别或是谁时用it ,或代替天气 Who is it at the door? Its Jim. .,it works = it does.起作用,奏效 deal with =do with 对付,处理 How to deal with this problem What to do with this problem 怎样处理这个问题,除了什么只能做什么. can do nothing but do have nothing to do but do have no choice but to do 只要前面出现了do后面就不用加to Eg I can do nothing but do the homework. 无可选择不得不做什么. He had no choice but to join the party. 除了做什么没事可做. She had nothing to do but go on working,how often 隔多久一次 how long 多长时间 how far 多远距离 how many +【c】多少 how much +【u】多少(钱) how soon将来的多久之后 how old 几岁 happy adj happily adv eat healthily happiness n,反身代词有以下常见搭配: enjoy oneself 玩的开心 help oneself to 随便吃 teach oneself =learn by oneself 自学 by oneself 单独,靠自己 5 kill oneself 自杀 6 make oneself at home随便点,别拘束 7 lose oneself in 沉浸在中 8 dress oneself 给自己穿衣服,(四)prefer 的用法 1 prefer doing/to do 更喜欢 prefer (doing) A to (doing) B 比起(做) B更喜欢 (做)A 3 prefer to do rather than (to) do 比起做更喜欢 做 treat vt. 对待,治疗,款待 treatas 把看作 treat sb. to sth. 用款待某人,(二) in the field 在田野里 on the farm 在农场 in the tree 外来物在树上 on the tree 水果等长在树上 (三) other adj. (形容词) + 名词 “其余的” others pron.(代词) 不加名词 “其余的人或物,别人” each other 2个彼此,互相 one another 3个之间彼此 the other + 名词 “其余全部的” the others 不加名词 “其余全部的人或物” one the other .(2个中的)一个另一个 another +单数名词, “另一个” Please give me another ten minutes 请再给我十分钟 ten more minutes,1 Its kind of you to help me. =You are kind to help me . 你来帮助我真是太好了 (形容人的性格,品质等,用of ) 2. Its difficult for you to finish it。 对于你来说完成它太难了。 5年后 5 years later =after 5 years in 5 years (将来时 提问用how soon) 5年前 5 years ago,例如 such as 后面不能有逗号,举多个例子 可以加doing for example 后面有逗号,举一个例子 look after = take care of = care for 照顾 care about 关心,介意,时间介词 1 in (a)用于长的时间段前 世纪,年,季节,周, in a century / year / week (b) 泛指的上下午 in the morning / evening 2 on 用于具体的某一天,或某一天上下午 on May the first on Sunday (afternoon) 3 at 用于几点钟前 at half past four,4 前面不用介词的时间 (a)today(今天) tomorrow (morning) 明天(早上) yesterday (evening) 昨天(晚上) the day after tomorrow (后天), the day before yesterday(前天) this , next ,last , that ,every 等开头的时间短语 Eg. this / that year 今年/ 那年 next / last Sunday (morning) 下/上周日(上午),5 希望: hope +that 从句 hope to do hope for sth (名词) wish (sb) to do wish sb sth(名词) 表示祝愿 We wish you a happy New Year . 6 建议 advise sb to do sth suggest doing sth suggest (sth) to sb 把某物建议给某人 suggest that (should) + V原,更多 many more + pl. much more + u 或 多音节 adj.和adv. eg. many more students. much more rice . much more expensive,1 look for寻找 find 找到具体事物 find out 发现,找出来抽象的事物 2 look at 看 see 看见 3 listen to 听 hear 听见 4 put on 穿上 wear / be (dressed) in穿着 dress sb/ oneself,Who 与whom的区别 如果whom在从句中作动词的宾语,两者皆可用; 如果whom在从句中作介词的宾语,放在介词后时 只能用whom,不能与who通用 Eg .刚才和你说话的那个女孩子是谁? 1 Whos the girl whom / who you talked to just now ? 2 Whos the girl to whom you talked just now ?,在上面 1 above“在.之上”, 表示位置之高 , 反义词为below. The plane is above the river. 2 over 表示垂直向上。比较精确, 反义词为under The bridge is over the river. 3 on“在.之上”, 两个物体表面相接触, 反义词beneath,问天气 Whats the weather like ? How is the weather ? 问星期几 What day is it today? 问几号 Whats the date today? 概数 millions of 确数 5 million,1 too to do 太以至于不能 so that + 句子 如此以至于 We were too tired to walk. We were so tired that we couldnt walk. 2 be famous / known for由于而出名 be famous / known as(职业)作为出名 3 (1)what do you like (about China )? ( I like ) The Great Wall.你喜欢中国的什么 How do you like China? 你觉得中国如何? = what do you think of China? Its great . I like it very much.,Vt 及物动词 , 有被动,后面要加宾语 Vi 不及物动词,没有被动,后面不能加宾语 vt = vi + prep (介词) reach = get to = arrive at / in 到达 没有被动的词 1 “发生” take place 非偶然发生(vi) happen to do / to sb 偶然发生(vi) 2 last vi 持续 (The meeting lasted two hours. ) 3 “出版 ” publish 及物动词(vt),有被动 come out 不及物动词(vi),没有被动,1 in 范围之内 on 范围之外,相邻或接壤 to 范围之外,不相邻 2 do exercise 做锻炼= do/have sports u do morning/ eye exercises 做早操/做眼保健操 c pl. 3参观visit =pay a visit to =be on a vsit to v n. n. 4 like to do / doing 喜欢干(v.) be /look like 像/看起来像(prep介词) 5 well adj. 身体好 good adj. 好 adv 好,修饰动词,would rather +V than +V“宁愿而不愿 ” rather than “而不是”连接两个平行结构 allow doing sth. 允许干某事 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人干某事 sb. be allowed to do sth. 某人被允许干某事 mind doing 介意干 Do you mind if.?(一般现在时)请求对方的许可,含双宾语的动词(pass, give, send, show, buy, teach等)主动变为被动时,将物变为主语, 人前要有介 (for或to)。,He gave me a book. I was given a book by him. The book was given to me by him.,I heard him sing in the next school. he was heard to sing in the next school.,在主动语态中,动词make, let, see, hear, feel, watch, find, notice 等后加V原 ,变成被动时,后面要加to .,1. Her friend sent her a gift yesterday. A gift _ _ _her yesterday by her friend. She_ _ a gift yesterday by her friend.,was sent to,was sent,2. My father bought me a new bike. A new bike _ _ _me by my father. I _ _a new bike by my father.,was bought for,was bought,1 in the corner (of): 在里面的拐角处,三角行内的角 eg屋面的拐角处有一张桌子 There is a table in the corner of the house 2 on the corner(of): 在拐角之上。 eg在桌子角上放着个杯子 There is a cup on the corner of the table 3 at he corner(of): 在拐角外面,三角行的外角 Eg 请在前面的拐角处左拐 Please turn left at the corner of the house. in the corner at the corner,1 cost 主语是物,花费钱 The book cost me ten yuan. 2 spend 主语是人 ,花费钱或时间 spend (in) doing spend on sth. take 主语是it ,花费时间 It takes sb. some time to do sth 4 pay 主语是人,付钱 pay for ,除了之外 accept (不包括在内) in addition to (包括在内),1 “许多” a lot of = lots of + 名词,两可修 “许多” many +c much u “一些” some (肯定句) any(否定句和疑问句) “ 非常,经常” a lot = very much 放在V 动词后 “很,非常” very = quite + adj. / adv. I like it very much. Its very big. 2 a bit of = a little + u “一些” a few + c “一些” a bit = a little =kind of + adj / adv “有点” not at all 一点也不 3 so /too much +u 这么多/太多 so / too many +c 这么多/太多 much too + adj. 实在太,介词 除了 1 besides 除了以外还有,包括在内 Besides Mr. Wang,we also went to see the film. (王先生也去了) 2 except 只有除外, 不包括在内 We all went to see the film except Mr. Wang. (王先生没去) 3 except for 除了(美中不足) The composition is great except the writing 1 beside prep. 在旁边 besides prep. 除了 2 include v 包括 including prep 包括,put up 张贴,挂起 put it up on the wall put on 穿上 put away 收拾好 put it up on the wall of my bedroom 把它贴在我卧室的墙上 in the childhood在 童年时期,一 The same to you. 给你同样的祝福 the same with sb. 和某人情况相同(两个人) the same as 和一样(两件东西) Thank you all the same 还是要谢谢你 all the time 一直 二a third time = a second time 再一次,又一次, 用于将来时,事情没有做 the third time 第三次,用于过去时 三认为是,把看作 regard as= see as =consider+n./ adj consider doing sth 考虑干,look for 寻找 (动作) find 找到,发现具体的东西(结果)如 bag find out 经过调查等发现抽象的东西, 如result,truth Students should do everything they can (do) to improve their study. 学生们应该做他们能做的一切 去提高他们的学习成绩,五 expect sb to do sth 期待某人干某事 be expected to 某人有希望干,期待 1 She is expected to be a good doctor. 她有希望成为一名好医生 2 We expected him to arrive yesterday. 我们原以为他昨天能到. be supposed to do 应该= should do,六 bring带来,拿来 bring to , bring here, take 带去,拿去 take to , take there, 某人随身带某物 take sth. with sb. carry运载,携带,没有方向carry a basket fetch 去拿来 (来回) not just but =not onlybut (also)不但而且 notbut不是而是 Its just what I need .它正是我需要的。,七 tall和high的区别 人,动物,树木等有生命的东西,用tall, 风筝,飞机等用high, 建筑物、山时要tall或high都可以, 不过high的程度比tall高。 high可作副词,tall不能。 tall的反义词为short, high的反义词为low.,1 纸 paper u a piece of paper 一张纸 报纸 newspapers c 试卷 test/ exam papers c 2 三天的假期 a 3-day holiday a 3 days holiday 请三天假 ask for 3 days off,3 hope to do 希望干 hope for sth 希望得到 hope that + 句子 4 wish (sb) to do 祝人干 wish sb sth 祝愿 We wish you a happy New Year.我们祝你新年快乐 5 advise sb to do 建议某人干某事 suggest doing sth 建议干 suggest sth to sb 把建议给人 suggest that (should) + V原,6 in her sixties 在她六十多岁的时候 in the 1960s 在20世纪60年代 in 1960 在1960年 on her sixtieth birthday在她60岁生日的时候 7 far adj 远的 be far from away adv 表示距离 或者离开 Jinhua is far from Beijing.金华离北京很远 Jinhua is 500 kilometres away from Beijing。 金华离北京有500公里距离远。 He is away from school for 5 days. 他离开学校有5天了。,8 尽管although 与though的区别 1 although放在句首,though句首和句尾都可以 2 though可以单独放在句尾作副词 3 even though 可以连用 9 The weather in BJ is colder than that in HK (单数用that ) BJ is colder than HK. The students in our class study harder than those in theirs. (复数用those),点滴语法 1 in front of 在外部的前面 in/ at the front of 在内部的前面 at the back of . 在内部的后面 2 noise 噪音 make noise 发出噪音 voice 嗓音 in a low voice 用一种低低的声音 sound 泛指各种声音 noisy adj 嘈杂的 3 sometime 某时 some time 一段时间 sometimes 有时 some times 几次 4 以-ed结尾的adj 修饰人 以-ing结尾的adj 修饰物 I am interested in the interesting news.,1 这么大的一棵树 2 fun n 快乐的事 so big a tree funny adj 快乐的 such / quite a big tree a very big tree 3 rain n v(下)雨 rainy adj 有雨的 4 late 迟到 later 稍后,后来 latest 最新的 5different adj 不同的 6 difficult adj.困难的 difference n 不同之处 difficulty n.困难之处,7 interest n v (使某人对产生)兴趣 take / have an interest in sth interest sb interested adj 修饰人be interested in interesting adj 修饰物 8 enough可以放在名词前或后, 要放在adj ,adv 的后面 enough books books enough big enough,1 health n. 健康 healthy adj.健康的=be in good health healthily adv.健康地 k


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