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_Unit 1 Hello!Lesson 1 (Period 1)Teaching contents: A Lets learn Lets chantTeaching aims:1. Let the students master the words: ruler, pencil, eraser, crayon. 2. When they see the objects, they can recognize and read them.Important and difficult points:Let the students master the words: ruler, pencil, eraser, crayon.Teaching methods: TPR, the Situational ApproachTeaching steps :Step 1 GreetingsT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, teacher.T: Welcome back to school.Step 2 Warm-upT: How are you?Ss: Im fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too. Thank you.Step 3 Presentation1. T: I have a pencil box. Do you have a pencil box?Ss: Yes, I do.T: Great! Boys and girls, guess. Whats in my pencil box?S1: Ruler. (Maybe in Chinese.)T: Yes, ruler. Follow me! Ruler, ruler, I have a ruler. (Learn the word “ruler”.)2. Learn the words like that: ruler, pencil, eraser, crayon in English one by one. 3. Read the words together.Step4 Practice1.Game: Say what is it in your pencil-box. - I have a pen. 2.Teddy Bear asks: Whats this in English? Pupils say: eraser. Do as this. 3.Lets chant a. Listen to the tape, teacher do it first. b. Let pupils follow teacher to do it and read Lets chant. c. Do it after tape like: -I have a ruler. Me too.Step 5 Homework1. Ask the student to copy and remember the new words. 2. Listen to the tape after class.Bb Design: Unit1 Hello!A Lets learn Lets chant I have a ruler. a pencil. a crayon. an eraser.Unit 1 Hello!Lesson 2 (Period 2)Teaching contents: A Lets talk Lets playTeaching aims: 1. Try to make a self-introduction with the pattern “ Im”.2. Learn to use Hello, Hi to communicate with others.3. Learn to sing a song: Hello.Teaching methods: TPR, the Situational ApproachTeaching steps :Step 1 Greetings1.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, teacher.T: Welcome back to school.2. Listen to the song: Hello.Step 2 Warm-upT: How are you?Ss: Im fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too. Thank you.Step 3 Presentation1. Teacher shows and introduces a new friend: a bear. “Hello. Im Zoom. You can call me Zoom. ” Goes to the pupils seat and greets to them, shake the hands.2. Ask pupils to practice this dialogue and later ask some pairs come to the front to act. 3. Listen and read after the tape, imitate the tape.4. Find a group of friends to make the conversation.Step4 Practice1.Listen to the song: Hello and pass a box. If a child get the box when the song is stopping, he(she) say: Hello(Hi)! Im2.Some children who havent got the box stand up and introduce himself(herself): Hello(Hi)! ImStep 5 Homework1. Ask the student to copy and remember the new sentences. 2. Listen to the tape after class.Bb design: Unit1 Hello!A Lets talk Lets play 1.Hello, Im2.Hi, ImUnit1 HelloLesson threeTeaching contents: Lets sing, Lets find out, start to readTeaching aims:1. After learning the letter song, the students know the pronunciations of 26 letters and know how to write them;2. Be able to say 26 letters in order and can find out the letters in “Lets find out” and can circle the same letters in“Start to read”.Important and difficult points:1. Be able to say 26 letters in order; 2. After learning the letter song, the students know the pronunciations of 26 letters and know how to write them;Teaching methods: TPR, Teaching process :Step one :Listen to the letter song, let the students have initial perception.Step two: Listen again, Try to sing the song together if you can sing it.Step three: Sing the song together and then sing it with a variety ways.Step four: Read the letters in “Start to read” and circle the same letters.Step five: Finish the exercises in “Lets find out”Step six: Homework:Try to sing the letter songs.Bb decign: Unit 1 Hello 26 lettersTeaching Reflection:这首ABC歌学生以前有接触过,再加上反复播放并操练,学生基本都掌握了歌曲和26歌字母的读音,但较为薄弱的是,个别字母的读音记得不够牢固,如个别学生会把Gg和Jj 混淆。所以还需在以后的课堂不断强化。Unit1 Hello Lesson fourTeaching contents: Lets talk, Lets play, Lets checkTeaching aims:1.Be able to use the sentence “ Whats your name?” to ask others names and use sentence “My names” to introduce themselves.2. Be able to use “Goodbye” or “Bye” to say googbye.3.Can finish the exercise in “Lets check”.Important and difficult points:1.Be able to use the sentence “ Whats your name?” to ask others names and use sentence “My names” to introduce themselves.2. Be able to use “Goodbye” or “Bye” to say googbye.Teaching methods: TPR, the Situational ApproachTeaching process :Step one ( Review): Ask several students to introduce themselves.Step two: ( Warm-up): Ask and answer( ask some of the rest students “Whats your name?” and lead them to answer “ My name is ”Step three(Presentation): 1) Listen to the tape and answer the questions: “What are their names?” and “ What do they say to Miss White?”2) Read the dialogue after the tape.Step four (Practice):1) Remember names: Ask five students to the lectern and use the sentence “ Hello, my names .” to introduce themselves one by one and then ask one of the rest to come and say “ Hello.” If he/she say right, each of that five students say “Hello!” or say “No”. and the game continue .2) Say “Goodbye to your friends”: Each friend say “Goodbye” to you in the PPT and you say “Bye,” to your friends as quickly as you can.3) Finish the exercise in“ Lets check”.Step five (expansion): make a survey about your classmates English names: Go around and introduce yourself (Hello, My name is ) and try to know more about your classmates English names ( Hello, whats your name?) in one minute.Step six(Homework):1) Try to act out the dialogue with your partner;3) Make a survery to know some of your friends English name.Bb decign: Unit1 Hello ( B Lets talk) Hello, Im Whats your name?- My names. Goodbye!-Bye,Teaching Reflection:开始拥有自己的英文名,学生很兴奋,迫不及待想自我介绍,同时也对同学的英文名感到好奇,特别想知道,所以在教学活动中,学生都比较积极投入,对本节课的两个对话内容也掌握的比较好,但个别同学对个别句子的整个结构理解比较含糊,如My names 个别学生会把s这细节漏掉,说出“My name.” 所以还需在以后的课堂不断强化练习。 Unit1 Hello Lesson fiveTeaching contents: Lets learn, Lets do, Read and count, Look and matchTeaching aims:1.Be able to listen to, read and recognize these four words:(bag pen pencil box book).Important and difficult points:1.Be able to listen to, read and recognize these four words:(bag pen pencil box book).Teaching methods: TPR, the Situational ApproachTeaching process :Step one ( Review): Ask several students to introduce the things in their pencil box.Step two(Presentation): 1) Show the teaching picture and ask the students to find out “What does Zoom have?”2) Lead in the new words one by one and teach them to read.Step three1) Bomb Game2) Sharp eyes: What does Zip have? Look and say it as quickly as you can.3) Look or listen, and try to match ( I say words and you show me the pictures quickly or I show you pictures and you say the right words.)4) Lets do ( What stationeries can you hear? Listen and show me; Listen and do the action together; Read and do the action together)5) Finish the exercise in “Read and count” and “ Look and match”.Step four(Expansion): Introduce your bag ( Whats in your bag?)Step five ( Homework) : 1) Finish the exercise about B Lets learn;2) Make a survey and find out what are in your classmates bags.Bb decign: Unit 1 Hello (B Lets learn) bag ( tip the picture of bag) pen ( tip the picture of bag) pencil box ( tip the picture of bag) book( tip the picture of bag)Teaching Reflection:本节课的个别单词,学生以为有接触过,所以学起来比较轻快,一节课过后,学生基本掌握了本节课的单词,个别学生对box 掌握不够好,会把它读成boss. 往后的课堂要不断强化。Unit1 Hello Lesson SixTeaching contents: Main Scene, Story timeTeaching aims:1. Catch the main dialogue in main scene.2. Know the main meaning of “Story time” and can answer some questions about “Story time”.Important and difficult points:1.Catch the main dialogue in main scene.2. Know the main meaning of “Story time” and can answer some questions about “Story time”.Teaching methods: TPR, the Situational ApproachTeaching process :Step one: GreetingStep two (Warm-up):Ask and Answer “Hello,Whats your name?” “My name is ”Step three( Presentation):1) Look at the pictures in page 11 and answer the question“Who are they?”2) Listen to the tape and answer the question“Is it Tutu?” and “Whos there?”3) Read after the tape 4) Watch the video and act out the dialogue.5) Watch the video about main scene and review the main sentences in this unit. Step four( Homework) : Try to act out the story with your partner.Bb decign Unit 1 Hello! Hello/Hi! Im . Whats your name?- Im/ My names Good bye!- Bye,Teaching Reflection: Unit2 ColoursLesson oneTeaching contents: A Lets talk, Draw and sayTeaching aims:1. Know the main meaning of dialogue, and can read the dialogue with the correct pronunciation.2. Be able to use “Good morning!” to greet people in the real situation .3. Be able to use the sentence “This is ” to introduce others.4. Can differentiate “Miss” and “Mr” and use them correctly.Important and difficult points:1. Know the main meaning of dialogue, and can read the dialogue with the correct pronunciation.2. Be able to use “Good morning!” to greet people in the real situation .3. Be able to use the sentence “This is ” to introduce others.4. Can differentiate “Miss” and “Mr” and use them correctly.Teaching methods: TPR, the Situational ApproachTeaching process :Step one: Greeting Step two (lead in):1. Show the picture of the morning sun, and lead the students to greet teacher and classmates. 2. Then show the pictures of their familiar teachers and lead them to say “Good morning, Miss/Mr” and help them to differentiate “Miss” and “Mr”.3. Show the pictures of the characters appear before and lead the students to use the sentence“ This is” to introduce them. Step three( Presentation):1. Show the pictures of Miss Green, Miss White and Mr Jones, Then ask them to find out each of them in the book of P14.2. Listen to the tape and the sentence in order.3. Read after the tape and act out it.Step four (Expansion):1. Draw and say ( take out the pictures you draw before and introduce the character.Step five (Homework): 1) Act out the dialogue with your partner.2) Introduce your families or friends to your classmates. Bb decign: Unit2 Colours Mr/Miss This is - Good morning, Mr/Miss- Good morning!Teaching Refection: Unit2 ColoursLesson twoTeaching contents: A Lets learn, Lets doTeaching aims:1. Be able to read and recognize the colour words.Import


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