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,Composition Guidance,一优秀(2629) 要点全面紧扣主题,观点表达充分,能有效使 用连接成分,具备较强的书面表达能力。语言 小错,不超过四个,不能有一处大错。 二良好(22-25) 要点全面紧扣主题,观点表达较充分,语言有 少量错误(大错不超过三个),但基本不影 响意思表达。 三一般(1821) 要点全面,紧扣主题。语言表达基本充分,语 言错误影响部分意思的表达,但多数句子基本 正确。,小错:单词拼写, 冠词, 大小写,标点符号错误。 大错: 句法结构错误;内容 要点或次要点遗漏; 搭配错误; 词语用错(介词,名词,动词, 副词,形容词,主谓一致,非谓语动词); 汉语式英语. 只要出现了一个大错,就与优秀档即26-29分彻底无缘了。,Students sleep less than 7 hours. Because they are burdened with lots of homework. Students sleep less than 7 hours, because they are burdened with lots of homework.,一、 Sentences without subjects,二 、Only clauses are presented,80% of the students think should be given less homework. 80% of the students think they should be given less homework.,1. Most students burdened with too much homework. Most students are burdened with too much homework. 2. Paying too much attention to students grades will of great harm to their health. Paying too much attention to students grades will be of great harm to their health. 3. Some students against the idea. Some students are against the idea.,三、Sentences without verbs,Students should be not given too much homework. Students should not be given too much homework.,四 、Verbs with the wrong objects,We cant eat too much sugar and fat. We cant eat too much food with much sugar and fat. We cant eat too much food rich in sugar and fat. We cant eat too much food which is rich in sugar and fat. We cant eat too much food containing lots of sugar and fat. We should avoid eating too much food which contains much sugar and fat.,五 、“Not” in the wrong position,Some of the money collected should be paid to the gardeners for their work, and the rest of the money can buy some new trees and flowers. ,and the rest of the money can be used to buy some new trees and flowers ,and we can use the rest of the money to buy some new trees and flowers. ,and we can buy some new trees and flowers with the rest of the money”,六 、Right use at one place but wrong use at another,1. Dormitories are places which students can rest and relax themselves. Dormitories are places where students can rest and relax themselves. 2. Dormitories are places where students can rest and relax themselves in. Dormitories are places which students can rest and relax themselves in.,七、 Misuse of connections in the Attributive Clause,Recently we have had a discussion about whether students studying in universities should get a part-time job. Opinions are divided on the question. Some students in my class believed there were many advantages in working part time. - Some students in my class believe there are many advantages in working part time.,八 、Incorrect use of Verb Tenses,九、“语态别扭”句。(Misuse of Verb Voice),采取措施改善学生的健康。 Measures should be taken to improve students health.,There are many students think they should be given more time to sleep. Many students think they should be given more time to sleep. 2. China has taken place many changes. Great changes have taken place in China.,十、 Chinglish,学生习作1 Health It is widely accepted that among all the things in our life, health ranks as the most precious one. Nothing can compare with the importance of good health. Everyone is eager for a way of healthy life. In order to keep physically healthy, we should acquaint ourselves with some methods. First , a healthy diet is of vital importance. Doctors always suggest that we should eat more fruit and vegetables. On the other hand, we are supposed to avoid eating food with too much sugar or fat. Second, there is no doubt that taking exercise can benefit our health both physically and mentally. Third , we need to make up our minds to get rid of some bad habits like smoking and drinking . As is said above, we can easily conclude that a good habit should be formed. Only when we are aware of the importance of health can we live a healthy life.,29 /30分,To be healthy Health is one of the thing that people are always concentrating on. As the development of our society, keep healthy is vitally important in our life. The following are some suggestions. For one thing, its better to take some more fruit and vegetables to keep our diet balanced and keep away from the food which has much fat and suger. For another, youd better take some exercises to keep healthy. Meanwhile, you must get rid of all the bad habits. In my opinion, having a regular lifestyle is also the important thing we should do and try to make all the day happy around you. Then youll live a really healthy life.,21分,things,With,keeping,sugar,exercise,期中考试作文: With the reform and opening-up, great changes have taken place in our country. There are so many things that I can take pride in, but the first to come on my list is the success of Beijing Olympic Games. After seven years preparation, China brought the world a feast for eyes and ears in August, 2008. Beijing perfectly performed its promise to show the world a green, science and human Olympic Games during the unforgettable sixteen days, with millions of volunteers kind help. As a result, the whole world witnessed Chinas great development, and China, in turn, raised its international status. To me, the pride and happiness are beyond description. However, theres no way to achieve such a great achievement without China s development. Therefore, we should study hard and make contributions to our nation in the near future.,22 分,Follow the tips when writing: 1. Think before you leap. You should write what you are required to. (审题) 2. Use advanced vocabulary and complex sentence structures you are familiar with . 3. Try to avoid the mistakes mentioned above.,某校师生就在校大学生是否应该找一份兼职工作展开讨论下表是师生的不同观点,请据此写一篇120-150个字的英语短文。,词汇: be independent of 独立 Recently we have had a discussion about whether students studying in universities should get a part-time job,Opinions are divided on the question. Some students in my class believe there are many advantages in working part time, it actually can offer them a chance to put


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