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,写作指导,英语写作中的句式选择,结合平时练习和所学短语及语法运用,总结如下,与大家共同探讨: 一 改变时态 例: The bell is ringing now. 一般 There goes the bell. 特殊 二 改变语态 例: People suggest that the conference be put off.一般 It is suggested that the conference be put off.特殊 三 使用不定式 例: He is so kind that he can help me.一般 He is so kind as to help me. 特殊,四 使用过去分词 例: 1 She walked out of the lab and many students followed her.一般 Followed by many students, she walked out of the lab 特殊. 2 Once it is seen, it can never be forgotten.一般 Once seen, it can never be forgotten. 特殊 五 使用 v- ing 1 When he arrives,please give me an e-mail一般 On arriving /his arrival ,please give me an e-mail.特殊 2 If the weather permits ,I will come tomorrow.一般 I will come tomorrow, weather permitting. .特殊 .,六 使用名词性从句 1 It disappointed everybody that he didnt turn up.一般 The fact that he did n t turn up disappointed everybody.特殊 2 I happened to have met him.一般 It happened that I had met him. 特殊 3To his surprise, the little girl knows so many things.一般 What surprises him is that the little girl knows so many things. 特殊,七 使用定语从句 例; The girl is spoken highly of. Her composition was well written.一般 The girl whose composition was well written is spoken highly of. 特殊 八 使用状语从句 1 I wont believe what he says.一般 No matter what he says, I wont believe.特殊 2 If you come back before six oclock, you can go out.一般 You can go out on condition that you come back before six oclock. .特殊 3 If she doesnt agree, what shall we do? 一般 Supposing that she doesnt agree, what shell we do ?特殊,九 使用虚拟语气 例: The ship didnt sink with all on board because there were the efforts of the captain.一般 But for the efforts of the captain ,the ship would have sunk with all on board.特殊 十 使用倒装句型 例:Though Im weak Ill make the effort.一般 Weak as I am, Ill make the effort. .特殊,Describe the following pictures,1.他是一个八岁的男孩,A. He is a boy and he is eight years old B. He is a boy ,who is eight C. He is a boy of eight,1,2.那女子笑着说“此事很奇怪,A “It is very strange” the woman said and smiled,C“It is very strange”said the woman ,smiling,B“It is very strange” the woman said, with a smile,3.我们发现河水太脏无法钓鱼,A.We found the water was too dirty and we could not catch fish in it.,B.We found the water was so dirty that we could not catch fish in it.,C.We found the water was so dirty that we could hardly catch fish in it.,4.当他从车上摔下时,有人正经过。,A.Some one was passing by when he fell off B. Some one happened to be passing by when he fell off his bike,5.哥哥骑车带着我,A.My brother was riding a bike and I sat at the back of it,B.My brother was riding with me sitting on the seat back,6.许多老师给学生留过多的课外作业。,A.Many teachers leave so much homework after class that trouble the students,B.Many teachers leave too much homework after class which troubles the students,7.我将尽全力帮助你。,A. Ill do my best to help you. B. Ill do what I can to help you.,台湾日月潭,8.大家都知道:台湾是中国的一部分,A.Its known that Taiwan is a part of China. B. As we know, Taiwan is a part of China C. As is known to us, Taiwan is a part of China.,9.这是一个有着20万人口的城市。,This is a city which has a population of 200,000. B. This is a city whose population is 200,00


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